Download The 4-Week Basement Ball-Handling Chronicles By Right-Clicking Here And Selecting "Save As"!
(by the way, that was Alex in the video above)..
- Why Your Handles Refuse To Get Better (And Continue To Disappear On YOU During Games)..
- How To AVOID The 5 Most-Dangerous Mistakes
Single-Handedly "Preventing" Your Dribbling Skills From Improving Today..
- My PROVEN Methods And The 24,979 Players Who Swear By Them To Develop Tight, Ball-On-A-String Handles And SICK Crossovers In TWO Weeks (or Less)..
San Diego, CA -- For ANY player who wants unstoppable handles as fast as possible, it's EXTREMELY MPORTANT that you read this unusual article extra-closely today.
Why? Because on this page you're going to learn all about the ONE thing that will make or break your basketball future..
You know what I'm talking about, it's the most important skill in basketball today, dribbling.
I still recall a conversation with an Assistant Coach at a well-known Big Ten school (for privacy reasons, I can't say which one) and he confided in me that they will STOP recruiting a player (any position) if he CAN'T dribble well enough to both:
1. Break a full-court press and
2. Get by his man off the dribble.
In today's quickly-changing game, having tight, ball-on-a-string handles isn't an "option" anymore -- it's a "must-have".
Fortunately for you, it just so happens that I'm arguably the top dribbling expert on the Internet today, if not in the world.
Also good for you: My 10+ years of teaching ball-handling and working with more than 2,601+ players have taught me the five most-dangerous mistakes single-handedly stopping players like you from getting tight, NBA-point guard handles. If you've ever tried to improve your handles but failed, this very likely includes you.

And then after that, if you still think you're ready to be "the man" on the court, I'm going to reveal to you my PROVEN, step-by-step ball-handling methods, the sames ones those 24,979+ players of all levels have already succeeded with to develop tight, ball-on-a-string handles.
Why would I be willing to share all this information with you? When you see my story below, you'll understand. Let's begin.
WARNING: The information you're about to learn here is ONLY for players who want to earn their success.
I'm honest with my players: Nothing worthwhile comes easy, including NBA point guard handles. The 2,601+ players who have succeeded with my methods over the last 3 years understood this. That's why they succeeded. If you're not ready to sweat out the weakness, please exit this page now. It's nothing personal, you're just not the kind of player I'm looking to work with.
Coaches and scouts agree there is nothing more important than having tight, confident handles in today's game.
If you don't have 'em, you can't stand a chance.
To make matters worse, when you don't have smooth dribbling skills, your confidence crumbles with it.
That starts affecting everything else..
* Shooting
* Defense
* Passing
It'll even decrease your conditioning and make you tired faster.
What makes it so frustrating for me is that getting unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers isn't a Rubik's Cube. There's a real "secret" behind it but you want to know all 5 most-dangeorus ball-handling mistakes now. Let's do it:
Dangerous Mistake #1:
Wasting Your Training Time With Useless Drills and Exercises!
Ever seen one of those ball-handling DVD's that promise "101 different drills for you to master" or something like that?
Did you ever wonder why they have to brag about having 101 different drills?
It's because they don't know which ones really work and which ones don't!
Instead of taking the time and effort to figure it all out, they lazily include every dribbling drill and exercise they can think of, put it in their DVD and wish on a star that somehow some of them end up working for you..
That ain't right.
There's no reason for you to waste any of your valuable time as you develop a tight handle. In fact, I've found that every player should be able to have at the very least, Division II point guard handles in 16 weeks or less, and in just a few 45-minute workouts a week.
That's what the Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 has repeatedly done for thousands of players, from pros to college players to "the world's best 5-year old", and everything in between. I bet it would do the same for you too. We'll get there in a sec though.
Dangerous Mistake #2:
Taking A Single-Faceted Approach To Ball-Handling.
A lot of players don't know how to train their handles. Worse, the ones who know a little bit about it usually think there's only one or two ways for them to work on their handles.
In fact, players who only train their handles using one or two different types of drills or methods are severely holding themselves back.
Instead, you must take a multi-faceted approach to your dribbling training, using all of the best methods available today (I've found a specific combination of several to work best across the board).
Dangerous Mistake #3:
Ignoring The Little-Known Secret That Guarantees Basketball Success!
For any training program to succeed, whether it's a program for the vertical jump, muscle-building or ball-handling, one thing MUST always be there: "Progressive Overload".
(That means you need to make dynamic changes to your training to keep getting better (or to keep "progressing").
A certain infomercial I won't name has become very popular with this, calling it "muscle confusion". As it so happens, the same thing applies for YOUR ball-handling training too.
Think about it: Dribbling takes a lot of muscles to work together simultaneously, just like a bench press or squat.
Plus when you start using Progressive Overload with your dribbling workouts, the results are stunning.
If you've never experienced this effect, get ready for some quick and noticeable improvements.
Dangerous Mistake #4:
You're Working Harder Than You Need To.
The days of spending 8 hours a day in the gym are over. That doesn't work in today's game anymore.
When I was younger, I'd get amused at guys who would brag they spent 8-10 hours a day in the gym. Why?
'Cause I knew something they didn't: Basketball improvements are based on the QUALITY of your training, not the quantity of it.
While they spent all day in the gym, setting their bodies up for a painful "overtraining" injury, I kept my workouts under 60 minutes and got signifcantly better results than they did over time. Just so happens my 24,979+ successful basketball players have found the same thing.
Dangerous Mistake #5:
You're Still Setting Yourself Up To SUCK In Games..
Ever known a player who was great in practice, but just couldn't do it in games?
We all have. In fact, I used to be one of those guys, long before I ever made it to college basketball.
It stayed that way for a long time too, until I stumbled upon the most obvious little dribbling trick that made EVERYTHING I did in practice transfer over to games immediately, without even trying.
It was a light switch flipped on: I was no longer another "game-time disappointment". I can show you how to do this too, if you want.
FACT: These FIVE Dangerous Mistakes are currently STOPPING you from developing tight handles and ankle-breaking crossovers.
But not to worry, this slightly embarassing story about me will show how to quickly fix your handles too, with..
When I was 14 years old and going into high school, I set a big goal for myself, one I HAD to achieve: Make my high school freshmen basketball team.
This shouldn't have been too tough a thing, but there's something pretty embarassing you should know:
I was CUT the previous year from my 8th grade basketball team.
The coach told me I had been cut because I was too small to be anything but a guard and I couldn't handle the ball well enough.
That stinging pain of embarrassment that would stick with me for a long time.
In fact, it ate at me so much that immediately after finding out I HADN’T made the measly 8th grade basketball team, I ran home, sprinted to my bedroom, shut the door and let my head hit the pillow.
Then I cried.
"I Didn't Want To Look Anyone In The Eyes."
But a couple minutes later, a switch flipped in me. The tears stopped. And the fire that still drives me today began.
Wiping the tears away and switching on some motivating music like a movie montage cliche, I sat down at my desk, pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down exactly what I was going to do with basketball..
In fact, I saved the note from that fateful day. Here it is:

Even though I had just been cut from the measly 8th grade basketball team, I set goals for myself to:
"No One Else Believed In Me."
So back to my first goal on the list: Freshmen Tryouts.
After getting cut from the 8th grade team, I had prepared the previous year by playing a ton of basketball and training really hard, for hours on end. Some days I'd go for as long as 8 or 10 hours.
Out of sheer effort, I had squeezed out some minor improvements and knew I had at least had a small chance to make the team.
So tryouts came around and..
I MADE the team.
Instead of running home to hide again in my room..
..I ran home, screaming like an idiot in a frenzy of EXCITEMENT and HAPPINESS.. I couldn’t wait to tell my mom and dad and brother and sister and all my friends! It was cool.
That excitement was short-lived though. I spent that year riding the bench, only getting in when we were crushing the other team, or down by 30 points. But still, I had reached that first goal of mine and once the season ended, it was time to go back to work and REALLY figure out how to make this happen.
Now, I could tell you every little detail about what happened for my final 3 years in high-school and after or instead, I can just tell you about the 2 most important events:
Now I Laugh About It 'Cause I Proved Them All Dead-Wrong..
1. By the time I was 18, I had become a DOMINANT point guard in my area.
I had crossovers that put dudes on their ass.
I had hesitation moves that made the crowd go, “Dammmmnnn.”
And I had a dirty, little spin move combination that made people stare.
I don’t mean to be cocky here (well, maybe I do), but my handles were insane.
If you didn't want the video at the top, I'll give you another chance to watch it in a second too.
2. I made it to college basketball.
I actually DID IT.
The "I-told-you-so" smile to everyone who doubted me still hasn't gone away either :-)
Why so happy?
I accomplished EVERY last one of those goals I had written down, right after getting CUT from my 8th grade basketball team.
1. Make the 9th Grade Basketball Team. Check.
2. Make the Varsity Basketball Team and star on it. Check.
3. Play college basketball. Check.
Most. Dope.
And how’d I do it? How’d I become such a sick ball-handler, moving at ANY speed on the court with the ball on a string, shaking dudes left and right..
..This Is The "Secret" To Becoming The Best Ball-Handler In Your City TODAY.
During that “transformation” time, I spent A LOT of time studying basketball training, specifically dribbling and ball-handling.
I invested my own money in all the DVD's, books and videos out there, trying to find the “real” secrets to getting unstoppable handles quickly. And while a lot of it seemed to work a little bit for me, none of it did anything special.
Discouraged and frustrated, I started testing my own ideas and drills.
At the time, I wasn’t some basketball training “guru” with 1000 success stories for every "hater", so it’s not like these drills were the “normal, typical ones” you see on all the other programs out there.
Actually, I made SURE they were nothing like the usual stuff out there, because that stuff wasn't cutting it. The nail was put in that coffin.
Instead, I let intuition take over and came up with hundreds of EXTREMELY DIFFERENT ball-handling drills and exercises, and I did something fairly extreme with them:
I tested them all out to find out how effective each one was, how quickly it worked and how the improvements transferred over to games for players.
I did this for 5 straight years, tracking everything.
I Tested Everything During That Time, From The "New" Stuff Coming Out Today To The Old-School "Maravich Methods".
You can obviously see what my methods did for myself, but I wanted to know that it could work for you and others too.. I needed additional PROOF. So I took my million-dollar list and broke each drill or move down into a step-by-step progression plan, one that any player could use to master them quickly (this was the the "Progressive Overload" we talked about before).
Then it was time for the test: I put a small group of local players through a couple weeks of progressive workouts. Within that time, each and every one of them saw significant improvements in their ball-handling, dribbling and crossover-ability (specifically in games and against pressure).
Again…that's ALL of them.
That was enough for me.. I was sold.. These weren't just any players who tried it, a lot of these guys were Pro's.
From The Pros All The Way To Fantastic 5 Year Old's, The Results Are Life-Changing!
Soon, word got out in my area about my basketball methods and some business people who had heard good things approached me about my dribbling methods/results and putting them in a program that any player could use. I was hesitant at first, but after some coaxing, I agreed.
We called it, "The Effective Ball-Handling Program" and it's worked so well for so many players, we've been the top-selling dribbling program on the Internet since our very first month (the word of mouth from players telling their friends has been huge).
And in that time, thousands of players just like you have used my EBH 2.0 dribbling program to rapidly develop unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers in as little as 2 weeks.
In fact, here's what some of those guys have to say about their experiences with "The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0":
And If That Wasn't Enough, EBH 2.0 Makes Your SPEED With (And Without) The Basketball Explode!
When you train with The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, you quickly develop unstoppable handles in as little as two weeks -- but you also quickly develop impressive speed and quickness with the basketball.
Most dribbling programs and DVD's only focus on one facet of development and do nothing for your on-court speed and quickness…the Effective Ball-Handling Program is different.
With EBH 2.0, you develop dominating speed and quickness with the ball over the first 3-4 weeks of training…the kind that coaches love to see and scouts are always looking for.
No other program in the world does what Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 can do… and the nice part is, this won't be a giant guess or unproven theory… this is a tested and proven system with 24,979+ players standing strong behind it. You can't lose.
Introducing The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0..
In my 66 page complete ball-handling manual, you'll get the exact program I used to go from "cut" to playing college basketball a few years later, delivered to you in a easy-to-read, professionally designed format.
This program works for players regardless of their current ball-handling level because there are 4 stacked programs inside EBH 2.0 (Beginner, Intermediate I, Intermediate II and Advanced) so that someone just starting out and someone with great ball handling skills will BOTH be able to start with the right program and develop tight handles with EBH 2.0.
Each of the programs are mapped out for you over a complete 16-week dribbling program too. And with each program, I not only lay out for you in plain English what to do, but you'll also get access to the EBH 2.0 Video Library, where you'll find video demonstrations of every drill/move in EBH 2.0. This'll let you walk through each drill and understand exactly how to do each one. My guys tell me going through this manual first is really exciting for them, I hope you get to experience that today too.
And that's just the beginning..
In your second EBH 2.0 component, I'm including my basketball-flexibility training program, Stretch Your Vertical (it's called that because the stretching program in it has been designed to boost your vertical jump). Most players understand the importance of stretching, but don't know just how important it is that you do it right!
Did you know that certain types of stretching can actually decrease your vertical jump for up to 30-60 minutes after?
The Stretch Your Vertical program will teach you all about the right way to stretch for a bigger, more explosive vertical jump. And then, if that's not enough, you'll even discover the the simple 11 minute stretching-routine I used to increase one players vertical jump by 4 inches in just a few weeks.
This flexibility gained from this short stretching program will also help protect you from injury on the court.
In this bonus, you'll get my #1 product for getting the perfect mindset for basketball success.
Now most players and coaches don't think this stuff is important – fine, let them miss out, but you should know it's actually the backbone of every successful player today.
The truth is... successful athletes think much differently than every other athlete..
And the Belief Black-Box is a short mental exercise I walk you through on video. It's been designed to "re-wire your mind" for maximum confidence, as well as give you a similar type of mindset to some of the most confident basketball players in the world. Players players often report back they feel like their favorite player on the court the day after doing this 5-minute mental exercise. You get free access to it today with EBH 2.0.
As the owner of The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, you move into a higher level of basketball player. One who gets access to certain things others just don't. First on that list, when you try Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 today, is our VIP 15% OFF discount to all of the powerful products sold at the web-based JumpUSA athletic superstore.
With all kinds of vertical jump training tools and basketball training-aids, you'll be able to purchase any of these products forever at 15% OFF forever (and YES, this lifetime VIP discount even includes the infamous "dunking machine", the Squat Flex.
In this bonus, you'll hear me and world renowned coach Kelly Baggett reveal some of our best kept nutrition secrets.
Nutrition is one of the area's that most players think doesn't matter "cause you're young", but eating just a little healthier can get you a big “leg up” on the competition – not to mention the other benefits: ripped 6-pack, biceps, faster recovery, more energy.
In this mp3, Kelly and I will reveal some of our best secrets such as...
* What the big “C's” are and why you should NEVER eat them if you want to be a better athlete...
* The 4 foods that every player should eat after a workout
* The RIGHT amount of protein you should be eating for maximum vertical jump, strength and quickness...
This interview has sold for $29, and you'll get it absolutely free as part of the brand-new Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 System.
Plus when you order today, I'm going to throw in one last bonus. If you want to learn how to jump higher, you'll really like it.
In this nearly hour-long audio (in mp3 format and ready for upload to your iTunes), EBH 2.0 creator and world renowned sports trainer Alex Maroko is going to reveal to you the only info you'll ever need to know when it comes to maximizing your vertical jump.
Included in the audio are the two most crucial things every athlete should have memorized when it comes to training for the vertical jump, plus one of the biggest misconceptions that basketball players have when it comes to jumping higher (here's a hint: if you practice your jumping like most other players, you're KILLING your chances of improving your vertical jump.).
In fact, after listening to this interview, one of my basketball players went from a 25 inch vertical to a 31 inch vertical, a 6 inch improvement in just 5 weeks.
This is one of the best interviews I've ever done, and you'll get this near hour-long interview completely free when you try the EBH 2.0 today.
To celebrate our current "Best-Seller status", you can have the entire Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 System at the seriously discounted price of just
$77 -- $40 off the normal price.
And just to show you how sure I am you're going to get unstoppable handles from EBH 2.0 starting today, I'm going to do something today I've NEVER done before -- something most trainers (online or just local) would never dare do -- I'm going to give you a Lifetime Money Back Guarantee when you try The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 today.

I'm serious. If you're not satisfied with the tight, unguardable handles Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 is going to give you, you must get your entire investment back, down to the last penny.
And you can ask for that refund at ANY TIME, forever. My promise to you.
Most coaches out there might offer a 30-Day or (like I used to) a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on their programs, which is fine -- but it leaves some doubt, doesn't it?
That's why I want you to know Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 is LIFETIME-GUARANTEED.
You Have NO-Risk To Finally Try EBH 2.0 Today.
It will work for you. It'll get you the results you want. And if you're still not happy, you simply send an email to our 24-hour help desk at EffectiveBallHandling (at) and within the day, your refund will be fully processed and the money back on your credit card or bank account. It really is that simple.
So go get it. Take advantage of this massively bold offer I just put in front of you and match it with your own -- do something equally big for yourself, your handles and your life -- try Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 today:
You already know it: Your dribbling skills are your most important in all of basketball.
They're your ticket to being the absolute MAN in your school, your city and your league.
They're your ticket to watching your name show up in the newspaper on a weekly basis.
And they're going to be the reason why college coaches travel to your school, just to watch and scout you.
Sure, you could:
Task 1. Go back to college and spend 4 grueling years studying Kinesiology, Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology to fully learn about the human body and how to maximize athletic performance like I did.
Task 2. Spend 11 years with a single-minded focus on mastering every detail ALL great ball-handlers already understand so you could replicate their success, like I did.
Task 3. And finally, you could spend 3 hours a day for 5 YEARS STRAIGHT, or about 5,000 total hours, creating, crafting and perfecting a dribbling system like Effective Ball-Handling 2.0, just like I did.
And then maybe.. you too could stumble onto something that works like Effective Ball-Handling 2.0.
I mean, sure.. it could happen. But..
Would You Really Want To Leave Your Basketball Future
In Such UNCERTAIN Territory?
I can’t wait to have you join our ever-growing group of EBH 2.0 success stories. And by the way, I'll be available for email support during the week too all my EBH 2.0 players, so if you have any individual questions along the way, you'll be taken care of. Excited to see you in the Private Member's Download Area.
And like I tell the 25,200+ ultra-dedicated players who read my daily basketball newsletter, remember..
"..they can't stop you...they never could."
Your Coach,

CPT, Pro Basketball Trainer, Author
"The Effective Ball-Handling Program"
"7-Minute Crossover"
"The Explosion Academy"
P.S. Have a question about EBH 2.0? If you can't find it below, send it in to our 24-Hour Help Desk at
Q: What is The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is the revamped, remodeled and GREATLY improved/newest version of the original EBH system.
It is a 16-week, progressive program that tells players exactly what to do, on which days, for exactly how long to get the unstoppable handles they normally only dream about or see on TV.
Also included is an entire “Video Library” featuring every drill, move and combination found in The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, along with pages and pages of incredibly valuable tips and tricks never revealed or published anywhere before.
Let me repeat that… they have never been revealed or published anywhere before.
But, wait, there’s even more.
You also have something we call “Testing Days" inside EBH 2.0, where at the end of each 4-week cycle, you have to complete a series of special drills and moves in order to move on to the next level of progression. This tactic, found only in EBH 2.0, is the secret method that literally forces you to develop unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers.
Q: How long do results normally take with EBH 2.0?
A: Some players see results instantly, for others it might take up to a couple weeks.
But it's usually around the 3rd or 4th week where players start to enter into that "ball-handling mastery" mode, where the ball just begins to feel like it's on a string every time they dribble, no matter how fast they're going or what move they're trying to make.
Q: What makes Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 different from other programs out there?
A: Most other ball-handling programs are just a bunch of drills thrown together…
…The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is an actual "done-for-you" program.
It's a 16-week training program, that tells you exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, to make sure you're always getting better, always getting quicker, always improving.
Also inside EBH 2.0, it:
* Tells you exactly what to do in each workout
* Plans out your workouts over the course of a highly-strategic (and even more effective) 16-week program (completely "done for you")
* Includes progressions throughout the entire program, so you never plateau or stop gaining improvements EVER
* Introduces "Testing Days" every 4 weeks, where you must complete a very specific set of strategic drills and moves to advance on to the next level (this is the secret method found only inside EBH 2.0 that literally forces your handles to get better -- with Testing Days, we make sure your handles aren't just getting better, but getting better in a very specific way that always translates over to games).
Q: How is it different from the original Effective Ball-Handling Program?
A: Twenty-three months after the original release date of The Effective Ball-Handling Program, we surveyed all of our past customers and asked them “What can we do to make Effective Ball-Handling even better?”
After going through all of the surveys one-by-one, we zeroed in on 4 bonuses we could add to the system to take it from “really powerful” to “INCREDIBLY POWERFUL”.
These 4 new bonuses are:
1. “The Truth About Jumping: Confessions With Alex Maroko, CPT"
2. Stretch Your Vertical: Strategic Stretching For Jumping
3. The Belief Black-Box Online DVD
4. "Eating For a Bigger Vertical Jump" by Kelly Baggett
Together, they make up the new and drastically improved Effective Ball-Handling 2.0.
Q: What kind of training will I do in The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is broken down into 4 different types of training:
1. Stationary
2. Movement
3. Seated
4. Two-Ball
Each one is periodized properly to induce consistently noticeable ball-handling improvements in less than 45 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week.
Q: Does this program require me to buy any extra “add-ons” or have access to a full-court?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 requires you to buy nothing extra. All you need is a ball and your desire to become an unstoppable basketball player. That’s it.
And, no, you don’t need access to a full-court to complete everything in The Program (a half-court or driveway are perfectly fine).
Q: How does the Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 “Video Library” work?
A: Once you get The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, you will be given access to a private area where you can view each and every drill demonstrated by Alex.
Q: How many days a week will I have to dedicate to this program to make these “incredible” gains and improvements and how long do the workouts take?
A: Workouts are 3-4 days a week, for 40-45 minutes per workout.
Q: Will it work for me? I'm not like everyone else…I've never been able to dribble well?
A: Yes.
Because of the built-in progressions, the fact that every drill and exercise in EBH 2.0 has been tested multiple times to guarantee its effectiveness and because of the Testing Days every 4 weeks, The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 has been proven to work on all kinds of players, even ones who seem to struggle way more than others.
Q: I’m in the middle of my season…can this still help me?
A: Yes. There is a special section in the book that covers exactly how to get the most out of The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 during your own basketball season.
Obviously, the program was designed for the off-season, but it can easily be adjusted to work just as well in-season.
Q: I’m just a younger, beginner basketball player who wants to get better…will this help me?
A: Absolutely. The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is broken down into four levels:
1. Beginner
2. Intermediate I
3. Intermediate II
4. Advanced
A beginner would naturally start at the Beginner level (a more advanced ball-handler would take the specific tests inside EBH 2.0 to find out which level they should start at).
Q: I’m an older, more advanced basketball player who has been having trouble continuing to get better now…will this help me?
A: See above…but yes.
You'd just take the specific tests inside EBH 2.0 to find out which level of EBH 2.0 you should start your training at.
Q: And what if it doesn't work for me?
A: Then it’s 100% FREE.
I KNOW that The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 works – I’ve seen it happen so many times with the 2,601+ players worldwide currently using it for it not to be incredibly obvious to me that this program just WORKS for the fastest ball-handling improvements you've ever seen in the shortest amount of time possible.
But I also understand that buying something on the Internet and not knowing me personally might still leave you skeptical and to be honest, I get it.. I really do.
So, to make this the most no-brainer, risk-free opportunity possible for you, here’s what I’m willing to do: for each and every customer who orders I’m going to extend our Iron-Clad, Lifetime Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you follow EBH 2.0 exactly as outlined in the materials and components, and don’t find your ball-handling and crossovers improving faster than they ever have, just contact us and we’ll refund your money. It’s that simple.
And I'll happily respect your request forever -- not for just 30 or 60 days like other programs out there; I'm confident in my system. I guarantee results forever.
My Promise To You: A LIFETIME Money-Back Guarantee..
I stand by my program as the most effective, most cutting-edge ball-handling training system on the planet. If at any time you find yourself dissatisfied with your results, I insist you get your investment back. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt and courteous refund. Take advantage of this Special Best-Seller Discount (which will expire soon) and try Effective Ball-Handling today before the price increase comes:
Why? Because on this page you're going to learn all about the ONE thing that will make or break your basketball future..
You know what I'm talking about, it's the most important skill in basketball today, dribbling.
I still recall a conversation with an Assistant Coach at a well-known Big Ten school (for privacy reasons, I can't say which one) and he confided in me that they will STOP recruiting a player (any position) if he CAN'T dribble well enough to both:
1. Break a full-court press and
2. Get by his man off the dribble.
In today's quickly-changing game, having tight, ball-on-a-string handles isn't an "option" anymore -- it's a "must-have".
Why would I be willing to share all this information with you? When you see my story below, you'll understand. Let's begin.
WARNING: The information you're about to learn here is ONLY for players who want to earn their success.
I'm honest with my players: Nothing worthwhile comes easy, including NBA point guard handles. The 2,601+ players who have succeeded with my methods over the last 3 years understood this. That's why they succeeded. If you're not ready to sweat out the weakness, please exit this page now. It's nothing personal, you're just not the kind of player I'm looking to work with.
Coaches and scouts agree there is nothing more important than having tight, confident handles in today's game.
If you don't have 'em, you can't stand a chance.
To make matters worse, when you don't have smooth dribbling skills, your confidence crumbles with it.
That starts affecting everything else..
* Shooting
* Defense
* Passing
It'll even decrease your conditioning and make you tired faster.
What makes it so frustrating for me is that getting unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers isn't a Rubik's Cube. There's a real "secret" behind it but you want to know all 5 most-dangeorus ball-handling mistakes now. Let's do it:
Wasting Your Training Time With Useless Drills and Exercises!
Did you ever wonder why they have to brag about having 101 different drills?
It's because they don't know which ones really work and which ones don't!
Instead of taking the time and effort to figure it all out, they lazily include every dribbling drill and exercise they can think of, put it in their DVD and wish on a star that somehow some of them end up working for you..
That ain't right.
There's no reason for you to waste any of your valuable time as you develop a tight handle. In fact, I've found that every player should be able to have at the very least, Division II point guard handles in 16 weeks or less, and in just a few 45-minute workouts a week.
That's what the Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 has repeatedly done for thousands of players, from pros to college players to "the world's best 5-year old", and everything in between. I bet it would do the same for you too. We'll get there in a sec though.
Taking A Single-Faceted Approach To Ball-Handling.
In fact, players who only train their handles using one or two different types of drills or methods are severely holding themselves back.
Instead, you must take a multi-faceted approach to your dribbling training, using all of the best methods available today (I've found a specific combination of several to work best across the board).
Ignoring The Little-Known Secret That Guarantees Basketball Success!
(That means you need to make dynamic changes to your training to keep getting better (or to keep "progressing").
A certain infomercial I won't name has become very popular with this, calling it "muscle confusion". As it so happens, the same thing applies for YOUR ball-handling training too.
Think about it: Dribbling takes a lot of muscles to work together simultaneously, just like a bench press or squat.
Plus when you start using Progressive Overload with your dribbling workouts, the results are stunning.
If you've never experienced this effect, get ready for some quick and noticeable improvements.
You're Working Harder Than You Need To.
When I was younger, I'd get amused at guys who would brag they spent 8-10 hours a day in the gym. Why?
'Cause I knew something they didn't: Basketball improvements are based on the QUALITY of your training, not the quantity of it.
While they spent all day in the gym, setting their bodies up for a painful "overtraining" injury, I kept my workouts under 60 minutes and got signifcantly better results than they did over time. Just so happens my 24,979+ successful basketball players have found the same thing.
You're Still Setting Yourself Up To SUCK In Games..
We all have. In fact, I used to be one of those guys, long before I ever made it to college basketball.
It stayed that way for a long time too, until I stumbled upon the most obvious little dribbling trick that made EVERYTHING I did in practice transfer over to games immediately, without even trying.
It was a light switch flipped on: I was no longer another "game-time disappointment". I can show you how to do this too, if you want.
FACT: These FIVE Dangerous Mistakes are currently STOPPING you from developing tight handles and ankle-breaking crossovers.
But not to worry, this slightly embarassing story about me will show how to quickly fix your handles too, with..
This shouldn't have been too tough a thing, but there's something pretty embarassing you should know:
I was CUT the previous year from my 8th grade basketball team.
The coach told me I had been cut because I was too small to be anything but a guard and I couldn't handle the ball well enough.
That stinging pain of embarrassment that would stick with me for a long time.
In fact, it ate at me so much that immediately after finding out I HADN’T made the measly 8th grade basketball team, I ran home, sprinted to my bedroom, shut the door and let my head hit the pillow.
Then I cried.
But a couple minutes later, a switch flipped in me. The tears stopped. And the fire that still drives me today began.
Wiping the tears away and switching on some motivating music like a movie montage cliche, I sat down at my desk, pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down exactly what I was going to do with basketball..
In fact, I saved the note from that fateful day. Here it is:
Even though I had just been cut from the measly 8th grade basketball team, I set goals for myself to:
- Make the 9th grade team next year
- Make the Varsity team after that (and star on that team)
- And then on top of that.. PLAY COLLEGE BASKETBALL!
After getting cut from the 8th grade team, I had prepared the previous year by playing a ton of basketball and training really hard, for hours on end. Some days I'd go for as long as 8 or 10 hours.
Out of sheer effort, I had squeezed out some minor improvements and knew I had at least had a small chance to make the team.
So tryouts came around and..
I MADE the team.
Instead of running home to hide again in my room..
..I ran home, screaming like an idiot in a frenzy of EXCITEMENT and HAPPINESS.. I couldn’t wait to tell my mom and dad and brother and sister and all my friends! It was cool.
That excitement was short-lived though. I spent that year riding the bench, only getting in when we were crushing the other team, or down by 30 points. But still, I had reached that first goal of mine and once the season ended, it was time to go back to work and REALLY figure out how to make this happen.
Now, I could tell you every little detail about what happened for my final 3 years in high-school and after or instead, I can just tell you about the 2 most important events:
I had crossovers that put dudes on their ass.
I had hesitation moves that made the crowd go, “Dammmmnnn.”
And I had a dirty, little spin move combination that made people stare.
I don’t mean to be cocky here (well, maybe I do), but my handles were insane.
If you didn't want the video at the top, I'll give you another chance to watch it in a second too.
2. I made it to college basketball.
I actually DID IT.
The "I-told-you-so" smile to everyone who doubted me still hasn't gone away either :-)
Why so happy?
I accomplished EVERY last one of those goals I had written down, right after getting CUT from my 8th grade basketball team.
1. Make the 9th Grade Basketball Team. Check.
2. Make the Varsity Basketball Team and star on it. Check.
3. Play college basketball. Check.
Most. Dope.
And how’d I do it? How’d I become such a sick ball-handler, moving at ANY speed on the court with the ball on a string, shaking dudes left and right..
I invested my own money in all the DVD's, books and videos out there, trying to find the “real” secrets to getting unstoppable handles quickly. And while a lot of it seemed to work a little bit for me, none of it did anything special.
Discouraged and frustrated, I started testing my own ideas and drills.
Instead, I let intuition take over and came up with hundreds of EXTREMELY DIFFERENT ball-handling drills and exercises, and I did something fairly extreme with them:
I tested them all out to find out how effective each one was, how quickly it worked and how the improvements transferred over to games for players.
I did this for 5 straight years, tracking everything.
It wasn't easy, but it had worked: I had my million-dollar list of the ball-handling drills and moves that worked better, faster and easier than the rest.
It was surprising too, because it turned out that all these different drills and moves came from very different corners of dribbling training (for example, a combination of Speed Work and Seated Dribbling Work works quite effectively).
Once this "light-switch" went on, all of my hard-work began to transfer over to games.
Want to know how well it worked for me?
Here's that "grainy" video of me I promised you, AFTER my big ball-handling discoveries, you can see the level my handles got to with the right training:
It was surprising too, because it turned out that all these different drills and moves came from very different corners of dribbling training (for example, a combination of Speed Work and Seated Dribbling Work works quite effectively).
Once this "light-switch" went on, all of my hard-work began to transfer over to games.
Want to know how well it worked for me?
Here's that "grainy" video of me I promised you, AFTER my big ball-handling discoveries, you can see the level my handles got to with the right training:
You can obviously see what my methods did for myself, but I wanted to know that it could work for you and others too.. I needed additional PROOF. So I took my million-dollar list and broke each drill or move down into a step-by-step progression plan, one that any player could use to master them quickly (this was the the "Progressive Overload" we talked about before).
Then it was time for the test: I put a small group of local players through a couple weeks of progressive workouts. Within that time, each and every one of them saw significant improvements in their ball-handling, dribbling and crossover-ability (specifically in games and against pressure).
Again…that's ALL of them.
That was enough for me.. I was sold.. These weren't just any players who tried it, a lot of these guys were Pro's.
We called it, "The Effective Ball-Handling Program" and it's worked so well for so many players, we've been the top-selling dribbling program on the Internet since our very first month (the word of mouth from players telling their friends has been huge).
And in that time, thousands of players just like you have used my EBH 2.0 dribbling program to rapidly develop unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers in as little as 2 weeks.
In fact, here's what some of those guys have to say about their experiences with "The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0":
“I’ve spent my whole life, living and breathing basketball. I’ve tried every product, every gimmick, every DVD.
I’ve tried doing all the drills, I’ve tried doing none of the drills. None of it did much for me and certainly none of it did for my ball-handling what Effective Ball-Handling did, and I’m a professional!
If you are at all interested in becoming a REAL ballplayer, you know you need your handles to be top-notch…that’s where The Effective Ball-Handling Program comes in.”
Professional Basketball Player (CBA and Overseas) |
"In the Beginning of the Effective Ball Handling Program, my handles were not that quick, they were all over the place, and most of all I didn't have confidence while I was playing games. After the first testing day (4 weeks later) I had no doubt in my mind that I could cross someone easily. By the second testing day I was officially known as the most improved in the neighbourhood, not only my ball handling but also my all around game improved as well. |
By the fourth and final testing day....... I was a new basketball player." Jaber Mohammed, High School Basketball Player, Seattle, Washington |
"There are a lot of products out there that proclaim to help players improve their skills. Very few, however, live up to their own hype. The Effective Ball-Handling Program is different.
It takes the guesswork out of how to develop crazy handles.The ultimate compliment I can give The Effective Ball-Handling Program is that you WILL get out of it what you put in.
If you're not afraid to work, you WILL improve."
Nick S.
High-School Basketball Player |
"By the way I've been doing the program for about a week now and my handles are already better. My hand speed is faster and I don't need large combos of moves to get past a defender. It's just one quick move and a cutoff dribble and they're dusted. I thought my handles were good but this took them to another level." Dan F. High-School Basketball Player |
"My ball-handling is so much better now and my confidence has gone through the roof! Absolutely nothing compares to the confidence of being a great ball-handler, knowing that you can get out of any situation on the court and get to the rim with ease. Now, I'm even starting for my team!" James High-School Basketball Player |
“He wore out the first copy on the courts (his son).
The drills have already paid off. His coach has told him "..he's playing the best he's ever played, and his ball-handling has greatly improved.
Thanks again!
UPDATE from Cris: My PPG is now 14.2 from 4! Thank you!
-Cris Panabianco
Parent Of Star Basketball Player |
“Dude, I know you probably get this all the time, but I'm 6'4" and my family finally convinced me to play basketball.
A month before tryouts this year, I couldn't dribble between my legs. No joke.
Now, using your ball-handling program, I'm the starting point guard on my high-school basketball team. At 6'4". And I'm getting better.
You're a genius and I thank you.
-Leveticus McDonald
High-School Starting Point Guard |
“Hey Alex, it's Saif, I just wanted to update you on what I've been doing.
I just finished my first session (Beginner) and am now on Intermediate I... I feel a big difference already! ..Much quicker and I have a smooth feel with the ball now.
I just got done with my second workout and can't wait to see more progress. One of the BEST PIECES OF MATERIAL I EVER BOUGHT.
Thanks a lot!
High-School Basketball Player |
When you train with The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, you quickly develop unstoppable handles in as little as two weeks -- but you also quickly develop impressive speed and quickness with the basketball.
Most dribbling programs and DVD's only focus on one facet of development and do nothing for your on-court speed and quickness…the Effective Ball-Handling Program is different.
With EBH 2.0, you develop dominating speed and quickness with the ball over the first 3-4 weeks of training…the kind that coaches love to see and scouts are always looking for.
No other program in the world does what Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 can do… and the nice part is, this won't be a giant guess or unproven theory… this is a tested and proven system with 24,979+ players standing strong behind it. You can't lose.
Introducing The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0..
Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 Component #1:
($149 Retail Value!)
($149 Retail Value!)
In my 66 page complete ball-handling manual, you'll get the exact program I used to go from "cut" to playing college basketball a few years later, delivered to you in a easy-to-read, professionally designed format.
This program works for players regardless of their current ball-handling level because there are 4 stacked programs inside EBH 2.0 (Beginner, Intermediate I, Intermediate II and Advanced) so that someone just starting out and someone with great ball handling skills will BOTH be able to start with the right program and develop tight handles with EBH 2.0.
Each of the programs are mapped out for you over a complete 16-week dribbling program too. And with each program, I not only lay out for you in plain English what to do, but you'll also get access to the EBH 2.0 Video Library, where you'll find video demonstrations of every drill/move in EBH 2.0. This'll let you walk through each drill and understand exactly how to do each one. My guys tell me going through this manual first is really exciting for them, I hope you get to experience that today too.
And that's just the beginning..
Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 Component #2: 
($39 Retail Value!)
($39 Retail Value!)
Did you know that certain types of stretching can actually decrease your vertical jump for up to 30-60 minutes after?
The Stretch Your Vertical program will teach you all about the right way to stretch for a bigger, more explosive vertical jump. And then, if that's not enough, you'll even discover the the simple 11 minute stretching-routine I used to increase one players vertical jump by 4 inches in just a few weeks.
This flexibility gained from this short stretching program will also help protect you from injury on the court.
Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 Component #3: 
($39 Retail Value!)
($39 Retail Value!)
Now most players and coaches don't think this stuff is important – fine, let them miss out, but you should know it's actually the backbone of every successful player today.
The truth is... successful athletes think much differently than every other athlete..
And the Belief Black-Box is a short mental exercise I walk you through on video. It's been designed to "re-wire your mind" for maximum confidence, as well as give you a similar type of mindset to some of the most confident basketball players in the world. Players players often report back they feel like their favorite player on the court the day after doing this 5-minute mental exercise. You get free access to it today with EBH 2.0.
Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 Component #4:
With all kinds of vertical jump training tools and basketball training-aids, you'll be able to purchase any of these products forever at 15% OFF forever (and YES, this lifetime VIP discount even includes the infamous "dunking machine", the Squat Flex.
Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 Component #5: 
($29 Retail Value!)
($29 Retail Value!)
Nutrition is one of the area's that most players think doesn't matter "cause you're young", but eating just a little healthier can get you a big “leg up” on the competition – not to mention the other benefits: ripped 6-pack, biceps, faster recovery, more energy.
In this mp3, Kelly and I will reveal some of our best secrets such as...
* What the big “C's” are and why you should NEVER eat them if you want to be a better athlete...
* The 4 foods that every player should eat after a workout
* The RIGHT amount of protein you should be eating for maximum vertical jump, strength and quickness...
This interview has sold for $29, and you'll get it absolutely free as part of the brand-new Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 System.
Plus when you order today, I'm going to throw in one last bonus. If you want to learn how to jump higher, you'll really like it.
Effective Ball-Handling Component #6: 
($27 Retail Value)
($27 Retail Value)
Included in the audio are the two most crucial things every athlete should have memorized when it comes to training for the vertical jump, plus one of the biggest misconceptions that basketball players have when it comes to jumping higher (here's a hint: if you practice your jumping like most other players, you're KILLING your chances of improving your vertical jump.).
In fact, after listening to this interview, one of my basketball players went from a 25 inch vertical to a 31 inch vertical, a 6 inch improvement in just 5 weeks.
This is one of the best interviews I've ever done, and you'll get this near hour-long interview completely free when you try the EBH 2.0 today.
$77 -- $40 off the normal price.
And just to show you how sure I am you're going to get unstoppable handles from EBH 2.0 starting today, I'm going to do something today I've NEVER done before -- something most trainers (online or just local) would never dare do -- I'm going to give you a Lifetime Money Back Guarantee when you try The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 today.
I'm serious. If you're not satisfied with the tight, unguardable handles Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 is going to give you, you must get your entire investment back, down to the last penny.
And you can ask for that refund at ANY TIME, forever. My promise to you.
Most coaches out there might offer a 30-Day or (like I used to) a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on their programs, which is fine -- but it leaves some doubt, doesn't it?
That's why I want you to know Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 is LIFETIME-GUARANTEED.
It will work for you. It'll get you the results you want. And if you're still not happy, you simply send an email to our 24-hour help desk at EffectiveBallHandling (at) and within the day, your refund will be fully processed and the money back on your credit card or bank account. It really is that simple.
So go get it. Take advantage of this massively bold offer I just put in front of you and match it with your own -- do something equally big for yourself, your handles and your life -- try Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 today:
You already know it: Your dribbling skills are your most important in all of basketball.
They're your ticket to being the absolute MAN in your school, your city and your league.
They're your ticket to watching your name show up in the newspaper on a weekly basis.
And they're going to be the reason why college coaches travel to your school, just to watch and scout you.
Sure, you could:
Task 1. Go back to college and spend 4 grueling years studying Kinesiology, Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology to fully learn about the human body and how to maximize athletic performance like I did.
Task 2. Spend 11 years with a single-minded focus on mastering every detail ALL great ball-handlers already understand so you could replicate their success, like I did.
Task 3. And finally, you could spend 3 hours a day for 5 YEARS STRAIGHT, or about 5,000 total hours, creating, crafting and perfecting a dribbling system like Effective Ball-Handling 2.0, just like I did.
And then maybe.. you too could stumble onto something that works like Effective Ball-Handling 2.0.
I mean, sure.. it could happen. But..
In Such UNCERTAIN Territory?
Why leave something so important to chance, when you don't have to!
Wouldn't you rather have me do ALL the work, especially when I've already done it for you?
That way, you could get INSTANT results now, without having to wait. Plus you can take comfort knowing that you’re GUARANTEED to get unstoppable handles from EBH 2.0 (just like my 2,601+ players and counting) or you get your entire investment back, right away.
If there is one, this is it: THE ONE PERFECT TIME to click the Add to Cart Button below and get the tight, ball-on-a-string handles you want and deserve. You and I both know if you don’t try EBH 2.0 today, you'll continue to ignore the most important skill in all of basketball and nothing will change for you.
I refuse to let that happen to you -- try Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 today before another player, possibly near your age and from your area, gets it first:
Wouldn't you rather have me do ALL the work, especially when I've already done it for you?
That way, you could get INSTANT results now, without having to wait. Plus you can take comfort knowing that you’re GUARANTEED to get unstoppable handles from EBH 2.0 (just like my 2,601+ players and counting) or you get your entire investment back, right away.
If there is one, this is it: THE ONE PERFECT TIME to click the Add to Cart Button below and get the tight, ball-on-a-string handles you want and deserve. You and I both know if you don’t try EBH 2.0 today, you'll continue to ignore the most important skill in all of basketball and nothing will change for you.
I refuse to let that happen to you -- try Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 today before another player, possibly near your age and from your area, gets it first:
I can’t wait to have you join our ever-growing group of EBH 2.0 success stories. And by the way, I'll be available for email support during the week too all my EBH 2.0 players, so if you have any individual questions along the way, you'll be taken care of. Excited to see you in the Private Member's Download Area.
And like I tell the 25,200+ ultra-dedicated players who read my daily basketball newsletter, remember..
"..they can't stop you...they never could."
Your Coach,
CPT, Pro Basketball Trainer, Author
"The Effective Ball-Handling Program"
"7-Minute Crossover"
"The Explosion Academy"
P.S. Have a question about EBH 2.0? If you can't find it below, send it in to our 24-Hour Help Desk at
Q: What is The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is the revamped, remodeled and GREATLY improved/newest version of the original EBH system.
It is a 16-week, progressive program that tells players exactly what to do, on which days, for exactly how long to get the unstoppable handles they normally only dream about or see on TV.
Also included is an entire “Video Library” featuring every drill, move and combination found in The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, along with pages and pages of incredibly valuable tips and tricks never revealed or published anywhere before.
Let me repeat that… they have never been revealed or published anywhere before.
But, wait, there’s even more.
You also have something we call “Testing Days" inside EBH 2.0, where at the end of each 4-week cycle, you have to complete a series of special drills and moves in order to move on to the next level of progression. This tactic, found only in EBH 2.0, is the secret method that literally forces you to develop unstoppable handles and ankle-breaking crossovers.
Q: How long do results normally take with EBH 2.0?
A: Some players see results instantly, for others it might take up to a couple weeks.
But it's usually around the 3rd or 4th week where players start to enter into that "ball-handling mastery" mode, where the ball just begins to feel like it's on a string every time they dribble, no matter how fast they're going or what move they're trying to make.
Q: What makes Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 different from other programs out there?
A: Most other ball-handling programs are just a bunch of drills thrown together…
…The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is an actual "done-for-you" program.
It's a 16-week training program, that tells you exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, to make sure you're always getting better, always getting quicker, always improving.
Also inside EBH 2.0, it:
* Tells you exactly what to do in each workout
* Plans out your workouts over the course of a highly-strategic (and even more effective) 16-week program (completely "done for you")
* Includes progressions throughout the entire program, so you never plateau or stop gaining improvements EVER
* Introduces "Testing Days" every 4 weeks, where you must complete a very specific set of strategic drills and moves to advance on to the next level (this is the secret method found only inside EBH 2.0 that literally forces your handles to get better -- with Testing Days, we make sure your handles aren't just getting better, but getting better in a very specific way that always translates over to games).
Q: How is it different from the original Effective Ball-Handling Program?
A: Twenty-three months after the original release date of The Effective Ball-Handling Program, we surveyed all of our past customers and asked them “What can we do to make Effective Ball-Handling even better?”
After going through all of the surveys one-by-one, we zeroed in on 4 bonuses we could add to the system to take it from “really powerful” to “INCREDIBLY POWERFUL”.
These 4 new bonuses are:
1. “The Truth About Jumping: Confessions With Alex Maroko, CPT"
2. Stretch Your Vertical: Strategic Stretching For Jumping
3. The Belief Black-Box Online DVD
4. "Eating For a Bigger Vertical Jump" by Kelly Baggett
Together, they make up the new and drastically improved Effective Ball-Handling 2.0.
Q: What kind of training will I do in The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is broken down into 4 different types of training:
1. Stationary
2. Movement
3. Seated
4. Two-Ball
Each one is periodized properly to induce consistently noticeable ball-handling improvements in less than 45 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week.
Q: Does this program require me to buy any extra “add-ons” or have access to a full-court?
A: The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 requires you to buy nothing extra. All you need is a ball and your desire to become an unstoppable basketball player. That’s it.
And, no, you don’t need access to a full-court to complete everything in The Program (a half-court or driveway are perfectly fine).
Q: How does the Effective Ball-Handling 2.0 “Video Library” work?
A: Once you get The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0, you will be given access to a private area where you can view each and every drill demonstrated by Alex.
Q: How many days a week will I have to dedicate to this program to make these “incredible” gains and improvements and how long do the workouts take?
A: Workouts are 3-4 days a week, for 40-45 minutes per workout.
Q: Will it work for me? I'm not like everyone else…I've never been able to dribble well?
A: Yes.
Because of the built-in progressions, the fact that every drill and exercise in EBH 2.0 has been tested multiple times to guarantee its effectiveness and because of the Testing Days every 4 weeks, The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 has been proven to work on all kinds of players, even ones who seem to struggle way more than others.
Q: I’m in the middle of my season…can this still help me?
A: Yes. There is a special section in the book that covers exactly how to get the most out of The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 during your own basketball season.
Obviously, the program was designed for the off-season, but it can easily be adjusted to work just as well in-season.
Q: I’m just a younger, beginner basketball player who wants to get better…will this help me?
A: Absolutely. The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 is broken down into four levels:
1. Beginner
2. Intermediate I
3. Intermediate II
4. Advanced
A beginner would naturally start at the Beginner level (a more advanced ball-handler would take the specific tests inside EBH 2.0 to find out which level they should start at).
Q: I’m an older, more advanced basketball player who has been having trouble continuing to get better now…will this help me?
A: See above…but yes.
You'd just take the specific tests inside EBH 2.0 to find out which level of EBH 2.0 you should start your training at.
Q: And what if it doesn't work for me?
A: Then it’s 100% FREE.
I KNOW that The Effective Ball-Handling Program 2.0 works – I’ve seen it happen so many times with the 2,601+ players worldwide currently using it for it not to be incredibly obvious to me that this program just WORKS for the fastest ball-handling improvements you've ever seen in the shortest amount of time possible.
But I also understand that buying something on the Internet and not knowing me personally might still leave you skeptical and to be honest, I get it.. I really do.
So, to make this the most no-brainer, risk-free opportunity possible for you, here’s what I’m willing to do: for each and every customer who orders I’m going to extend our Iron-Clad, Lifetime Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you follow EBH 2.0 exactly as outlined in the materials and components, and don’t find your ball-handling and crossovers improving faster than they ever have, just contact us and we’ll refund your money. It’s that simple.
And I'll happily respect your request forever -- not for just 30 or 60 days like other programs out there; I'm confident in my system. I guarantee results forever.
I stand by my program as the most effective, most cutting-edge ball-handling training system on the planet. If at any time you find yourself dissatisfied with your results, I insist you get your investment back. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt and courteous refund. Take advantage of this Special Best-Seller Discount (which will expire soon) and try Effective Ball-Handling today before the price increase comes:
"Young Players Also Rave
About EBH 2.0 Too!"
Hey what's up Coach Alex? I used the EBH 2.0 and I must say it works great, I made JV basketball!"
Alexandre Brown
High-School Basketball Player |
"Belief Black-Box Has Me
In The ZONE!"
"Hi my name is Johnny, i live in Florida. I am 14 years old and i have been playing basketball since i was 8.
I have never been a really good player, not good enough for my travel or school ball. I watched your video and i am confident that by the time tryouts come around next year i will be good enough.
I had begun to lose all hope i would ever become a good basket all player until a few weeks ago. EBH 2.0 is the first basketball program i have ever bought and i am verry happy about it .
I just watched the "belief black box" video and now i'm about to go start the program. The video has me in a zone right now. I imagined myself playing in a massive arena dominating anyone who tried to stop me with the excited voice of a tv announcer in the backround in my right hand.
Thank you.
Johnny Demer
High-School Basketball Player, Florida |
"I Break Ankles When They Try To Double-Team Me Now.."
"Had a league basketball game tonight, shut down the guy I was guarding because of quickness, broke one of my defender's ankles when they double-teamed me and went 8 for 10 at 3-pointers.
If people aren't buying your product...well, less competition for me I guess.
Zhareef Shariffiudin