Sure, you can lose weight following a strict diet, but the stats show you’ll gain it all back (and more). Read this page and you’ll discover how you can indulge in delicious desserts like those pictured above that will help you lose weight AND keep it off better than “deprivation dieting”… Not to mention it’s a lot more yummy and fun!
From: Helen aka “The Dessert Angel”
Dear Frustrated Dieter,
Do you find it impossible to avoid all the tasty treats you love when you’re trying to lose weight?
Do you feel guilty and beat yourself up when you ‘crack’ and eat something you’re not supposed to?
Wouldn’t You Love To SATISFY Your Cravings
If you answered YES to any of these questions, I’m going to show you how I got in the best shape of my life for my “big day” while eating desserts regularly…WITHOUT SABOTAGING Your Diet?
But first, let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Helen. And I’m a chocoholic.
I’ve always had a sweet tooth…
I was never overweight. (If you’re overweight or obese, don’t worry, this will work even BETTER for you than it did for me…)
But I did carry excess belly fat and my arms jiggled more than I wanted them to.
Then, our wedding day approached…
My fiancée proposed to me on the beach while we were on vacation in Costa Rica just over a year ago. Such a romantic!
And with all of the big things to organize, like the venue, the photographer, the food (all married ladies know what I’m talking about), I’d left getting in shape to the last minute.
You’d think that it’d be easy to stick to any diet no matter how strict with such a big goal in mind…
And this is the problem:
Do You Hate Depriving Yourself Of The
Foods You Love As Much As I Do?
I think it’s no way to live your life, you know?Foods You Love As Much As I Do?
But with the wedding looming, I set a goal to get in tip-top shape. So I resigned myself to your typical “deprivation diet”.
I wanted to look absolutely stunning in my dress. It was a strapless after all.
Everything was going great… for a couple of weeks.
Then I Felt The Urge For A Sweet Treat…

I didn’t want to sabotage my diet.
So I tried to “will” the urge away.But it was too strong.
Then I decided to find something quick to make.
After I wasted a few hours searching online…
…What I Found Shocked Me – A Lot Of So-Called
“Healthy” Dessert Recipes Aren’t Healthy At All!
I found lots of “healthy” recipes that had loads of sugar!“Healthy” Dessert Recipes Aren’t Healthy At All!
I don’t care what diet you’re on, sugar isn’t going to help you lose excess tummy and arm fat.
Other recipes included white flour as a main ingredient, among other things that won’t help us lose weight. (These are all part of my SINgredients list, which you’ll learn about in a minute…)
In fact, see for yourself the difference in nutrients between a typical “healthy” dessert recipe and a Dessert Angel recipe:

“Hold on, the typical recipe has less fat! What gives?”
Here’s the thing…Foods that have lots of sugar but no fat or protein will cause you to gain fat.
But good fats: like fat from eggs, olive oil, or other “Divine Ingredients”, that you’ll learn about soon will help you to burn fat.
Here’s how…
Fat and protein keeps your insulin levels from spiking too high, as you can see in the diagram below.
If your insulin spikes too high , that’s a bad thing because it switches your body into fat-storage mode.
Lots of sugar and no fat (like the typical “healthy” brownie recipe above) will cause these spikes in your insulin and your body goes into fat storage mode.
Here are 2 diagrams illustrating the difference between a typical “healthy” dessert recipe and a Dessert Angel recipe:

Not to mention your body feels a vicious craving for something sweet to bring your insulin levels back to normal.
This is not what you want! And it’s actually one of the ways diabetes starts.
Anyway, back to our story…
After hours of searching, I finally stumbled upon a cookie recipe that looked promising and gave it a shot.
I was excited. My taste buds even more so.
But I was a bit disappointed after my first bite. I’d rate them a 6/10.
Edible. Tempered my cravings for a little while. But didn’t fully satisfy the sweet treat urge.
Eight days later, I decided to give it another try. This time, with a few little tweaks.
After I Took A Bite Of My Tweaked Healthy Cookie
Recipe, A Smile Instantly Appeared On My Face!
And I was extra happy because I’d found my go-to treat that would satisfy my cravings without sabotaging my diet!Recipe, A Smile Instantly Appeared On My Face!

These cookies also served as handy snacks I took when running wedding errands and didn’t want to stop for something that was sure to sabotage my fat loss goals.
In fact, I looked forward to these mouth-watering cookies as much as I would a muffin from the coffee shop! Mmmmmm!
Actually even more so because I knew they were helping me lose fat.
To make a long story short, these tasty little cookies “saved the day” and helped me look great in my dress.
A few of our guests commented, “You look great, you must’ve been really strict with your diet!”
I’d just smile and say, “Thanks!”
Now, before we go any further, let me say something VERY important…

Here’s the thing…
Diet’s that deprive you of the foods you love are designed to FAIL.
Unless you’re prepared to punish yourself for the rest of your life.
I know I’m not. And now, you don’t have to either.
The only way to actually stick to any diet long-term is to be able to SATISFY your cravings WITHOUT SABOTAGING your diet.
Because then your diet won’t actually feel like a diet at all!
But don’t just take my word for it…
Recent Scientific Study PROVES That Eating
Desserts Regularly Helps You Lose Weight:
Desserts Regularly Helps You Lose Weight:

In the study, the researchers split 29 girls up into 2 groups: Group A ate a dessert of their choice once a week while Group B ate desserts 4 days/week.
At the end of 3 months, the group that ate desserts 4 days per week:
- Lost more weight
- Lowered their systolic blood pressure more (the top number)
- Had a lower fasting insulin level (the lower your fasting insulin, the more fat your body BURNS)
- Had better levels of a hormone called leptin, which suppresses appetite and is involved in fat burning
The evidence speaks for itself – eating desserts regularly is much more effective for losing weight (and keeping it off) than eating desserts only once a week.
But you can’t eat just any “healthy” dessert…
Because if you look around like I did, most of the ‘healthy’ desserts you’ll find are loaded with sugar and white flour, which will not give you the results you want.
How can they get away with calling a dessert “healthy” when it’s loaded with sugar?!?
So after our wedding and honeymoon, I decided to continue experimenting and coming up with new treats that would help me keep my new found figure…
I slaved away in the kitchen, tested dozens of recipes and tweaked them until each and every recipe met two criteria:
- Eating them would help me burn fat, and…
- They were really, really, REALLY yummy!
And when I told them the story I just told you, everyone agreed that staying on a strict diet is impossible and they wanted all of my recipes!
It was then that I decided I wanted to share this with anyone who’s ever struggled on a deprivation diet, felt guilty when falling off it, and been depressed because they kept beating themselves up for their lack of willpower and could never lose weight, no matter how hard they tried…
What started out as a personal “labor of love” to help myself stay lean has turned into…
The Dessert Angel’s
Heavenly Recipe Guide
Heavenly Recipe Guide

Inside, you’ll find delicious and healthy desserts in 7 different sections:

These Are All Actual Desserts You’ll Learn How To Make… That Help You Lose Fat!
Here’s what else you’re getting when you order today:
Component #2: The Dessert Angel’s Guide to
Losing Weight… And Keeping It Off!
Losing Weight… And Keeping It Off!

- The Dessert Angel’s 5 Tips for Delicious Dieting – After you discover my 5 Tips for Delicious Dieting, you’ll never have to suffer on a “deprivation diet” again!
- The 6 Deadly SINgredients – Every typical dessert and even most “healthy” desserts contain at least 2 of the SINgredients… SINgredients sap your energy, screw up your hormones and sabotage your diet to make it impossible to lose weight… Worst of all is that even some ‘healthy’ desserts and treats have these ingredients too! Once you’ve identified the SINgredients, you’ll never sabotage your diet or physique again.
- The Dessert Angel’s Divine Ingredients – These ingredients not only make yummy desserts but also help you slim down, contribute to hormone balance, keep you young and give you boundless energy. Each and every Dessert Angel recipe contains some of the Divine Ingredients and NONE of the SINgredients.
Component #3:The Dessert Angel’s Healthy
Kitchen Quick Start Checklist
Kitchen Quick Start Checklist

You don’t have to waste hours and hours researching and trying out recipes that may or may not help you lose fat.
You can get all of these decadent recipes and smart strategies that are guaranteed to be yummy and help you lose fat today for only:
Special Price: Only $39.95!
Please Note: These are downloadable ebooks. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. That way – you’ll get them immediately and can start making yummy, healthy desserts right away! Plus we’re saving trees so it’s good for Mother Earth, too. This program is NOT available in stores; you can only access it through this website.
Now if you’re a culinary wizard who can create delicious recipes out of thin air, I’m guessing you can make your own healthy treats as good as those in this guide to help you lose weight or stay slim. If you’re in this group, stop reading and start cooking!But if you’re a busy person doesn’t have time to do research and shop for the right ingredients, then have to spend hours and hours slaving away in the kitchen testing and tweaking recipes until they’re ‘just right’…
AND you’ve come to the realization that:
a) You don’t have the willpower to deprive yourself for weeks and months on end to lose a few pounds
b) You like the idea of eating tasty desserts that will actually help you LOSE WEIGHT…
… the Dessert Angel’s Heavenly Recipe Guide is the gift you’ve been praying for.
Satisfy Your Cravings Without Sabotaging Your Diet!
Have your cake and lose weight too!Just click the button below and let’s get started today:
This is not another diet and not just another cookbook.
This makes your diet work for you now and later so you not only achieve your dream body, you get to keep it, too.
If you’ve ever followed a diet before and lost weight but then put it all back on, you already have a diet that works.
The Biggest Key To Losing Weight And Keeping
It Off Is Being Able To Stay On Track
Do you think you could stick to a plan that included delicious desserts daily?It Off Is Being Able To Stay On Track
If the answer is YES, The Dessert Angel’s Heavenly Recipe Guide will make staying on track a piece of cake.
Being on a weight-loss roller coaster is hard on your body, your mental well-being and maybe worst of all – makes it harder and harder to lose weight each and every time you gain it back.

When you keep spending $20-$30 on diet books that aren’t working, you might try hiring a dietition at $100 per hour and up, a crazy ‘herbal’ weight loss scheme that can cost hundreds per month or worse – surgery, which runs in the thousands.
Well let’s stop this madness right here, right now.
By finally allowing yourself to satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet, you can keep the weight you lose off for good, saving yourself hundreds and even thousands of dollars in the process.
“What Are Others Saying About These Recipes?”
I know you’ve heard it all before, so why don’t I let some of my customers share their experiences with these recipes:
“I Love Seeing My 2 1/2 Year Old Fussy Twins Eating These Treats”
Hi Helen,Of course I’m enjoying the Dessert Angel desserts for myself, but I really REALLY love seeing my 2 1/2 year old fussy eater twins chomping on brownies without realizing there are BEANS in there. They don’t like beans. They don’t like much of anything with protein in it. They do like your brownies!
“Helped Friend Overcome Emotional Eating“
I have a close friend who is a very emotional eater. We had not seen each other for a while and she contacted me a while back to start training because she worked 3 jobs and only knew 1 crazy person who exercised in abnormal hours ( Me ) lol.We started training which lifted her mood and her self confidence. I also inspired her to start eating healthier we traded recipes all the time and searching on line for healthy dessert recipes. When I came across Dessert Angel I knew I had struck jackpot. I made a few recipes for her including the Belly Fat Burning Brownies and Pumpkin Mousse Trifle. We now have cooking days once a fortnight making Dessert Angel Recipes and catching up So thank you Dessert Angel for getting our eating and friendship back on track.
Kylee Celik
Mildura, Australia
“The Brownies Were To DIE For”
Hello Helen,I tried the black bean brownies and the post workout banana muffins on Sunday and aside from a slight overflow of the muffins in my oven, (my mistake) I am so impressed with your recipes! My daughter is gluten intolerant so she has inspired me to try different approaches to food. Your recipes are amazing, the brownies were to die for and not a hint of bean taste! I frosted them with your yummy chocolate topping and I have to say, blows all those high sugar desserts out of the water. I am very pleased with my purchase and will definitely encourage my friends to check out your link. Love the fact you’re Canadian too.
Thanks for making my sweet tooth more healthy.
Hélène Bourget
Vancouver, Canada
“Surprised My Hubby And Church Group That They Were Healthy”
I made the brownies while my hubby worked hard on the yard. I did this so he would not see me putting the good ingredients in the mix. lol They were all baked and ready to try when he came in from being out working. He looked surprised that I made sweets since that was off my list for several years now. When I encouraged him to eat one he really looked surprised, baffled. He thought they were yummy and ate, I must say, two or was it three. So, they past with flying colors so I took it to our home group from church. I did tell a couple of ladies that they were made from black beans and no flour. Shocked as they continued to eat and then sheepishly took seconds. Nice! Love the book.Melinda
“Easy And Amazing”
These receipes were amazing! They were easy to make & I loved thes fact that all nutritional information was there in black & white plus as I’m gluten intokerant & lactose intolerant I had a number of receipes to choose from, thank you.Mel Caporn
“How I Helped My Fitness Model Wife Baking Dessert Angel Recipes”
It is an understatement to say that my wife has a sweet tooth. Background: She is a fitness competitor and has to be on a strict diet for her “prep to competition day” which lasts a gruelling 3 months. The last time she competed in 2010 she came off her diet and binged so bad that she gained 35 pounds in a month and half. She said she could literally feel her skin stretching like the incredible hulk! To make a long story short, after the latest competition I made her the ‘Belly Fat Burning Brownies’ and the ‘Reese’s Doughnut Holes’ and she LOVED them. It has been just over a month and she has been able to keep her weight down where it needs to be by eating your confections on her cheat days. Thank you, Dessert Angel, for saving our fitness lifestyle!Mike Wilkins
“My Clients And Puppies Love These Treats Too”
A big thank you for your delicious recipes. My clients and myself are always looking for that special treat that doesn’t undo everything we have been training for. A naughty but nice as in delicious treats that are quick and simple to make and put a smile on our families faces without knowing how healthy they are compared to the sugary rubbish out there these day that everyone is hooked on. Even my two cute puppies line up on either side of my lap hoping to score a crumb!Chaquillea Bellarouge
“I’m More Aware Of What Healthier Desserts Really Are”
I tried a lot of recipe from the book and i was amazed with the taste, so was my husband! of course, the kidos were skeptical, but they did like the heart shaped cookies and the fabulous chocolate cream pie (well the crust at least!) i am a chocoholic and i have a big sweet tooth, but with these recipe, i’m learning to set aside those sin ingredient and i’m more aware to what to look for when I want to cook healthier dessert (and i started to tweaked the recipe that i already have, and it’s working pretty well so far, unbeilivable what they call healthy and it’s really not!). it would be awesome to expand my choice of healthy dessert for the whole family! thanks dessert angel for the marvelous recipe.Melanie J
Dieppe, New Brunswick
“Choclatey Treats That Don’t Make Me Feel Guilty“
Hi Helen, my whole family love their desserts. I was sent the brownies recipe by email and thought I’d give them a go. I had to sneak into the kitchen and make them without my children seeing what was in them Because they look so chocolatey they didn’t even question what was in them. Well, they’re a hit and and at last I have a beautiful tasty, chocolatey treat that doesn’t make me feel guilty when giving it to them. I can’t wait to get stuck into your other recipes to see how my kids like them (especially your chocolate pie). I’ve been looking for sugar free recipes for muffins etc, so your recipe collection has come at a great time. Thank you!Michelle Masters
“I Found My Picky Daughter Secretly Sneaking Your Chocolate Cake”
The biggest critic – when it comes to food- is my little daughter, who is very picky and fuzzy – quite the opposite to my lovely hubby, who always tells me how great my food taste (even if it doesnt). But the one thing they have in common: both LOVE dessert. When I started trying your recipes I didnt tell anyone about the ingredients as I just wanted to see what they have to say first. So I was making little batches of the cookies in your recipes book- they both really liked it! When I made the ice cream – they both loved it! And when I baked the chocolate cake they both were standing in front of the oven, asking every few minutes, “Is it ready yet?” When we’d finally cut the cake to try it – it was an absolute HIT! They ate the whole thing until there was only one piece left, so I put it aside for later. Unfortunately later (when I sneaked back to have it myself) it was gone! This night, when I put my daughter to bed and kissed her good night, I noticed her secretly chewing something – when I lifted her pillow up – there was the missing piece of chocolade cake! It made me laugh and very happy to see, that we all love your food and the interesting thing is, my daughter prefers your dessert then any other sweets – she would take a few bites but then put the cookies down, while she always finishes the desserts I am making from your recipe books! Thank you!Claudia Domrose
And you can have them all, right now:
“What If I Don’t Love The Desserts Like The Others?”
If, after taking a bite out of a Dessert Angel recipe, you don’t struggle to keep crumbs from spilling out of your mouth because of the involuntary smile that will occur knowing you can satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet, send me an email and you’ll receive a full, 100% percent money-back refund of every penny you paid.Like the Superfood Pudding you see on the right (recipe on page 33) >>>>
With this guarantee, you have nothing to lose, except the extra weight, guilt and miserable days following a deprivation diet…
… and everything to gain, but ONLY if you get off the weight-loss roller coaster by clicking the button below to get started today:
Here’s your choice. You can continue…
Doing what you’ve always done, trying diet after diet, only to lose some weight then put it all back (and more)…
Experiencing the feelings of guilt and shame whenever you ‘cheat’ on your diet…
And avoiding the foods that make you happy and make you say, “OMG!” when you savor the very first bite in your mouth.
You can learn the secret recipes inside the Dessert Angel’s Heavenly Recipe Guide…
… and regularly treat yourself to delicious, mouth-watering desserts that actually HELP you lose weight and make you blurt out, “I can’t believe this is good for me” as you happily dribble yummy crumbs all over yourself.
The choice is yours.
I can’t wait to help you end deprivation dieting for good and show you how to satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet!
To having your cake and losing weight too!
Helen aka “The Dessert Angel
P.S. Remember, with my 100% Money Back Guarantee, I’m giving you 60 days to try the recipes out for yourself. Once you do, you’ll never have to suffer on a boring “deprivation diet” again. Click Here To Grab It RISK-FREE Today.
P.P.S. Have a question? I’ve probably already answered it below!
Q: Can I REALLY eat these desserts and lose weight?
A: You betcha!
The key to these desserts helping you to lose weight is the fact that they contain none of the 6 Deadly SINgredients and are made only with the Dessert Angel’s Divine Ingredients that help you lose weight and keep it off.
Eating these desserts will help your weight loss efforts by ensuring you’re not depriving yourself and because of this, you’ll be able to stick to a healthy diet long-term, as opposed to going off and on a yo-yo diet.
Q: Is this for men or women?
A: The answer is that IT DOESN’T MATTER!
Men, women, young, young at heart – if you want healthy desserts that will satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet, this is for you.
Q: Are there a bunch of hard-to-find or super expensive ingredients in these recipes?
A: There are a few uncommon ingredients in Dessert Angel recipes, but you can find them in any health food store and even most grocery stores nowadays.
Since you’re reading this online, you can find them and for good prices, too if you don’t have any health food stores in your area. Inside I’ll show you where you can find some of these ingredients online for the lowest prices.
And you can stock up as well, so you don’t have to waste time going back and forth.
But most of the stuff you’ll be using you can get at any grocery store, so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.
Q: Your desserts look so yummy! Do I have to be an expert in the kitchen to make them?
A: I’m not an expert chef, and you don’t need to be either!
The fact is that I’m not an expert in the kitchen either and I know how busy you are that’s why I made sure that these desserts are all easy to make..
You don’t even need any crazy kitchen appliances, all I used to make all of the recipes is a stick hand blender and magic bullet.
Q: What if it don’t like the desserts?
A: Then you get your money-back. No questions asked. No hassles.
I love these desserts. My husband loves these desserts. Our friends love them too.
But we know that not everyone will. Everyone’s got different taste buds. So if you find that you don’t love these desserts as much as we do, email us within 60 days and we’ll give you your money back.
I’ve removed all the risk because I want to make sure you benefit from all of these yummy desserts as much as I have. I know what it’s like to be on a deprivation diet and I also know it doesn’t work for me and it probably doesn’t work for you either.
But add in the Dessert Angel recipes and you’ll finally be able to lose weight and keep it off for good.
So, are you ready to get started?
Please Note: These are downloadable ebooks. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. That way – you’ll get them immediately and can start making yummy, healthy desserts right away! Plus we’re saving trees so it’s good for Mother Earth, too. This program is NOT available in stores; you can only access it through this website.