About Eric Jones
If you'd like to hit the ball farther ... there's help!
I've been fortunate to learn a thing or two about distance. What I learned made me a top long drive competitor for the past 9 years, and helped me bring home the World Long Drive Championship title.
I didn't start out at the top, though.
At first I was a lot like you, trying every tip and trick I could find. It was frustrating, because some of the ideas were good. But most were not. And I had no idea how all the tips fit together. My swing was worse than when I started.
Ultimately I had to teach myself how to hit the ball farther.
And it wasn't easy.
But I had a breakthrough when I realized the answer: it was all about speed.
Once I knew what to focus on, the swing started to fall into place, and in 6 weeks I increased my club head speed from 120 mph to 140 mph, winning the Championship with a 381 yard drive in the finals. What's more, the extra yardage I generated with my driver showed up in all my other clubs as well. I started hitting every club in my bag almost two clubs longer!
Now here's the interesting part.
It's not enough to know the answer is "more club head speed."
If it was that easy everybody would drive it a mile.It took me weeks and weeks of practice and dozens of different drills and countless experiments before I finally figured out the system. The "secret sauce" as one of my students says.
Here it is: There are just a few aspects of the swing that contribute the most to club head speed. If you know how to do it, you can optimize those elements of the swing to generate more club head speed with less effort.
Now here's the irony: in the end it boils down to basics.
Perhaps that shoudn't come as a surprise. But it's also not as simple as it seems.
Let me give you an example.
Balance is one of the keys to speed. It's so basic and so fundamental that we hardly even teach it. We just take it for granted. Yet it's such a crucial building block that it affects every other aspect of your swing. The better your balance, the faster you'll be able to swing and the more consistently you'll hit the ball.But even knowing about balance isn't enough. If you want to optimize your swing for distance and hit it as far as your talent will let you, you need to know about a specific kind of balance. Athletic Balance.
So I guess there is a little "secret sauce."
And that's exactly what you get with this program: The Secret Sauce (otherwise known as the 5 Keys To Distance). In fact, this program includes every technique and every drill I used to win the World Long Drive Championship.
and NOW, I'm releasing my "secret sauce" to the world ...
... so you can discover how to train your own swing for distance.
Here are Just Some of the Distance Secrets
Revealed in "The 5 Keys To Distance"
- How to use LEVERAGE to maximize your power and add distance
- How to MAINTAIN LAG to get more clubhead speed for longer drives
- Why a WIDER ARC means a much longer drive ... and how to get it with a simple drill
- Why TOO MUCH TENSION kills your drives ... and the secret to releasing it
- Step-by-step "How To" guide for building YOUR best swing for distance AND consistency
- My highly advanced practice methods based on training techniques used by our Olympic athletes.
Ask Yourself This Question: What would being 30 yards longer off the tee do for your game?
- How would it feel to shave 3 strokes, 5 strokes, or 7 strokes off your handicap?
- Would playing golf become a joy rather than misery?
- Wouldn't you like to hear that perfect "SMACK!" of dead-solid contact?
- What's it worth to earn the admiration ... and envy ... of your buddies?
How do I know?
Because every one of the techniques in this program came from my relentless pursuit to win the World Long Drive Championship.
And I did it. I increased my swing speed over 20 miles per hour in just 6 weeks. My techniques work. Period.
And I'm so confident they'll work for you I'm going to give you my personal guarantee of satisfaction. If you're not satisfied I'll return your $47.00 investment.
But don't take just my word on it ...
Here's a letter I got recently from Tom B.
(PS - all the testimonials you read below are from real people expressing their own real experience with the program. Nobody was compensated. They're just so excited with the results they achieved that they couldn't wait to share. If you'd like to see your own testimonial up here, pick up the program, use it, and then write me about your experience.)
Dear Eric,
I've played golf for 35 years and have always been a good golfer, but never real long (drives @ 245 yard avg. -- 260 if I really connected)
I followed your program and did all the drills. I did it all without hitting balls for about 3 weeks. The first time I went out to play, I used the white tees like I normally used to. First hole is a short par 5 (only 485 from the white). I had 155 left on my second shot! One the ninth hole, a little downwind, I hit a really nice high baby fade off the tee. We couldn't see where it went because it traveled so far. As we were going down the fairway the course marshal came driving up to us and said with a grin, "Okay, who's the hot-shot driving the green?" It was a 335 yard par 4, and I was on the back of the green!
Since then I play from the blue tees. I've actually toned it down a bit. I now know I can pull out the 300+ drive if I need it, but usually I prefer a more controlled drive and now average about 280 off the tee. I'm hitting it longer at age 48 than I did in college (played in college at Northwestern), and my handicap is down to the low singles for the first time in years.
Here's the really fun part. I have a 9 year old son who just got into golf last year. I had him do the drills together with me and this summer he cleaned up in the local junior golf program. He won his first tournament by so much they moved him up to the 10 year old division. He was intimidated at first, but once he got his confidence, he won his last two tournaments and then won the Tournament of Champions - the only 9 year old in the division. He was all grins. Last year he couldn't carry a driver more than 70-80 yards. Now he hits it 160-170 on the fly. He was still the short hitter in the 10 year old group, but at least he could keep up with them!
So I'd like to thank you. I haven't messed around with my golf swing too much over the years, but I have had to adjust a few things due to lower back problems and arthritis in the neck. The best thing your teaching did was gave me permission to turn my body and not try to do the X factor thing. That was the key for me. I haven't had a sore back after playing golf all this summer and I'm hitting it farther. Both good things.
Tom B. (and son Matt)
And another one from a Senior PGA Tour Player!
Champions Tour Veteran
(Click arrow to play Rick's audio)
- "Everybody wants to hit the ball farther. With this e-video book, that can be accomplished."
- "I'm 12 to 15 yards longer on every tee shot."
- "Eric is a Re/Max World Long Drive Champion. He knows what works."
- "If you've done it, you know what to do. If you haven't done it, you don't know what to do. Eric has done it. And he's a proven teacher in Northern California."
- "The content of the book is VERY GOOD. He's incorporated sound techniques, the drills are very easy to use, and they make it simple to follow."
- "[My swing} has more freedom through impact. Freedom of movement equals more speed, and more speed equals more distance."
- "It's not how hard you swing, it's how FAST you swing."
- "[With this multi-media e-video book] that's the beautiful part of it. You are swinging within yourself, and the ball is flying farther. What could be better than that?"
I know how frustrating it is ...
When you're not long off the tee
- Your buddies rib you mercilessly for being short
- You never quite get that "solid" feel at impact the way you know you should
- You are always the first one out of the cart after teeing off
Not fun, is it? It's a matter of pride. Sure you may have a great iron game and short game, but imagine how much lower your scores would be if you were just 20 or 30 yards longer off the tee.
How Do I Know My Techniques Will Work for YOU?
Well, simply put, I'm an average guy.Take another look at that video up there. I'm about average height, average build. I'm no muscle-bound behemoth who looks like he could tie your 7-iron into a knot.
What I'm saying is this:
Without any help ...
Using sound fundamentals ...
Applying basic concepts ...
And knowing what to focus on ...
I took on the Beasts of Long Drive and beat them all!
You may not have the goal of winning the World Long Drive Championship. But if you can read, follow the simple videos and practice what I preach, I am absolutely convinced you can learn what it takes to improve your distance, increase your accuracy, and become a much more consistent ball-striker than you are today.
And I'll give you your money back if you don't agree. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
In fact, here's a sample of one of the training videos. Watch it and see how simple my techniques are to understand and follow.The "Happy Toes" drill - WATCH THIS VIDEO!
If you are like most of my students, you will see an immediate improvement in your balance at address, which will directly impact the quality of your ball striking and your consistency. We call this drill "Happy Toes" and it will put a happy smile on your face the first time you try it.(PS -There are dozens of drills like this one in the program - each once specifically designed to help you learn how to improve your distance)
Get the Flash Player to see this video
If you're ready to get more distance off the tee, using tested and proven techniques you won't find anywhere else, order this program for just $47.00. You'll get immediate access to our fabulous online training site.
I spent 8 years studying the elements of distance. I was relentless in my pursuit. I didn't just want to be longer. I wanted to be the LONGEST. So I learned everything I could about distance.
And you know what? A lot of what I researched was useless. A lot of the conventional wisdom about distance is just bunk. Follow most of the advice out there and you'll never be as long as you want.
I read and practiced EVERYTHING. I kept the good. I threw out the bad. And I discovered LOTS of insights on my own that nobody teaches ... insights that I've put in my program just for you.
And what did my 8 years of study get me? The World Long Drive Championship!
What I spent 8 years learning and unlearning WORKS. It really works. I get testimonial letters every day from students who feel this program was like discovering the Fountain of Youth for their driver.
But it won't take YOU 8 years, or even 8 months. Let me prove it to you.
Here's what a few of my long driving students say ...
Dear Eric,
Instantly the game has became fun again. The consistency was amazing, both as to direction as well as trajectory and shot shape. Even the sound of the iron shots was much better. Thanks for an exciting round. I look forward to working through all the steps and drills. Greens in regulation are now the rule and not the exception. More distance, less effort, more accuracy, no sore muscles, more fun.
Ron G
Phoenix, AZ
Instantly the game has became fun again. The consistency was amazing, both as to direction as well as trajectory and shot shape. Even the sound of the iron shots was much better. Thanks for an exciting round. I look forward to working through all the steps and drills. Greens in regulation are now the rule and not the exception. More distance, less effort, more accuracy, no sore muscles, more fun.
Ron G
Phoenix, AZ
Here are a Few More Real World, Hard-Won Secrets I'll Reveal:
- How to develop a mental blueprint of your swing from start to finish. Trying to hit longer without this blueprint is like trying to build a home without a plan. Destined to collapse!
- You'll learn both what to do as well as why. And knowing WHY means you'll integrate the concepts quickly. You'll take them to the course right away - and absolutely KILL it.
- These ideas are so simple and so fundamental that you'll be wondering two things: why does everybody else make it so complex, and why hasn't anybody explained it like this before? (You'll learn the answer!)
- The X-Factor myth exposed ... and why it will cost you distance!
- How to use the laws of physics to fix a slice or hook.
- The secrets to a great draw - on command - even under pressure.
- How to get a powerful, tension-free swing that is the very definition of effortless power.
Dear Eric,
Sorry if I am bothering you with all these e mails - it's just I'm so passionate about the game and trying to improve and to fully UNDERSTAND what is/should be happening. The sole plant drill works fantastic! There is so much energy and flow that it is impossible to stop at impact, the momentum and sheer speed of the hips carry you right through to a full finish. Got tested on a speed monitor yesterday and the distance was back up to between 282 -288 yards compared to 244 yards being my best 8 days ago. Definite increase in distance with lots more to come!
Barry W
Northern California
Sorry if I am bothering you with all these e mails - it's just I'm so passionate about the game and trying to improve and to fully UNDERSTAND what is/should be happening. The sole plant drill works fantastic! There is so much energy and flow that it is impossible to stop at impact, the momentum and sheer speed of the hips carry you right through to a full finish. Got tested on a speed monitor yesterday and the distance was back up to between 282 -288 yards compared to 244 yards being my best 8 days ago. Definite increase in distance with lots more to come!
Barry W
Northern California
What's the Secret to Hitting Longer Drives?
The "secret" I'm about to tell you is simple, but it took me a LONG time to figure it out how to do it. This is hard-earned wisdom - from one golfer to another.When I started working on increasing my own distance I was focused on the problem itself: How to hit the ball harder. That makes sense, right?
But what I found is that when it comes to the golf swing, you can't overcome the laws of physics OR the fundamental realities of biomechanics. You have to work with them.
Taking a swing that isn't built for distance and intensifying that swing will not lead to more distance. It only leads to tension, and tension kills swing speed and accuracy.
The real "ah-ha!" moment came for me when I realized ...
The ONE SECRET that made me
a Long Drive World Champion ...
It's about Swinging FASTER, not Harder
That one simple shift in thinking - not harder, but faster - changed my focus, took me in a brand new direction, and ultimately had a major effect on my long-term success as a competitive golfer, Long Drive Professioinal, and PGA Professional.I focused on getting the clubhead through the ball a lot faster, and I learned that it's a lot easier to get what you want when you know exactly what to work on. The problem was, I had to learn the keys the hard way.
Thanks to this program, though, you don't have to learn the hard way. You get a short cut.
There's no substitute for practice. I can't sugar-coat the need to put in time on the range. That's the nature of golf, and anybody who tells you different is blowing smoke. In fact, only you know if it is possible for you to achieve results like the ones you read about from students on this page. Technically, I can't guarantee you more distance. Nobody can.
What I CAN guarantee you is knowledge.
This program contains the information you need to know to get more distance than you're getting right now, plus a systematic approach to getting it:
The detailed mechanics of the swing;
The physics of distance;
The biomechanics of movement;
The mental approach to mastery;
The practice routines to create permanent habits;
The specific distance-training drills;
And even the learning process to make your practices super-efficient.
In short, you get everything that I use myself when I gear up for the Long Drive Championships, and everything I teach my students. The lessons I've learned the hard way are now being used by my students with remarkable results. That's why I'm so confident they'll work for you, and why I put my satisfaction guarantee behind the program.
So now you know:
Screen Shot: Power SequenceBut knowing that speed is the answer is not enough. Anybody can tell you what to do (and they usually do!).
You need to know HOW to generate speed. And THAT"S the beauty of what you'll find in the book and videos, and where other golf books so often fall short.
THIS PROGRAM IS DEDICATED TO SHOWING YOU HOW TO LEARN to generate more clubhead speed AND hit the ball more squarely, at the right launch angle. With The 5 Keys to Distance you'll know exactly how to accomplish that.
Max Out Your Distance When You Discover These Keys:
- Why speed is more important than strength (It's why I keep beating all the big boys in Long Drive even though they're bigger than me - but don't tell them!)
- Finally "own" the fundamentals of a great swing in a way you've NEVER internalized them before
- How to develop "athletic balance" and use it as the basis for maximum distance
- How to use leverage to multiply your power source, regardless of your current physical strength, in less than a minute!
- How to "stack" your center of mass to develop leverage and create an efficient, effortless swing
- The crucial difference between a long swing and a wide swing. The difference is yards and yards of distance off the tee!
- How to "crack the whip" to generate effortless speed while minimizing physical stress (fantastic stuff for anyone who has ever had lower back pain)
- How to accelerate your club to the target, instead of to the ball, to hit it long AND straight
I just got your e-book and practiced several of the exercises demonstrated on your videos the night before I played golf yesterday. I've been driving the ball about 190-200 yds previously, but after practicing and focusing on a few of your principles, I was driving the ball 215 yds yesterday, so I'm already happy! So I want to say thank you again. I love the simple straightforward approach of your drills and am looking forward to the results. I'm about a 6 handicap right now and know the extra distance will help me reach scratch!
Marie D
And here's the real boon: The Systematic Training Approach (code name: BLAST) follows the natural sequence of your own swing - so you can develop the swing thoughts and mechanics to achieve that fluid, athletic swing without feeling constantly overwhelmed and frustrated.Screen shot: Tight Ankles Drill
You start in balance. You maintain your leverage. You widen your swing arc. You speed up your hips through impact. And you extend to the target. That's the way you swing. That's the way the program and drills are organized. It all works together, seamlessly, to give you the distance you want.
In this program I'll break it down step-by-step, so you can create a swing that's honed for speed, and you'll never have to think about swinging harder again. Before you know it you'll have all your buddies wondering how you did it as you keep walking down the fairway past their drives to your ball.
You don't need a perfect golf swing in order to get distance
The primary focus of this program is how you can develop an EFFECTIVE swing for SPEED and SQUARE CONTACT at the right APPROACH ANGLE, and therefore get more distance.
That means teaching you how to make maximum use of your existing athletic ability to increase your club head speed through the impact zone.
One of the things that makes the program so unique is that you get written explanations of the drills as well as videos that show you how to do them. The two media support each other.
Screen Shot: Tee-Back Drill
You'll understand clearly - and at a level of detail you have not encountered before - when you read about each of the 5 Keys. Then you'll actually see the concepts and drills in action with the video component of this program. This is a fantastic combination of tools YOU can use to improve your distance.
You'll get the best of both worlds so you can understand HOW to do the drills, WHY you're doing them and WHAT to look for in the results.
Perhaps most important, you'll learn how to practice, so you can master the drills. It's no good having drills unless you can master them in a way that helps you get the results.
I'll reveal some cutting-edge information I've taken from leaders in the fields of motor learning, cognitive processing, and human kinetics that will help you learn far faster and far more efficiently than rote practice.
These ideas (which you will find in the "Effective Practice" section of the book) are based on the latest research about how athletes learn new skills in the fastest, most effective way. The information comes straight from the people who work with our U.S. Olympic athletes and professional sports teams. More than likely you have never been taught how to practice effectively, so this section will be a huge eye-opener, and a fabulous bonus.
How to ETCH The Keys In Your Brain So You'll Never Forget Them
- You'll discover my advanced practice methods that help you learn and improve efficiently and effectively.
- Why most golfers forget everything they learn as soon as they leave the range, but how you can develop muscle memory to insure your body "remembers" everything
- How your mental approach alone can add 25 to 50 yards under pressure
- How releasing tension in a single muscle in your left leg at address can free up your whole body and substantially improve your ability to turn, swing faster, and hit it farther
- Why having a pre-shot routine for every shot under all conditions will help you hit more consistent shots more often. BUT NOT JUST ANY ROUTINE
- How to analyze your finish position to effectively diagnose your swing and immediately stop the bleeding
- How your range bucket can double as a training device to maximize the power in your legs
- Why a 3/4-swing can produce the same distance as a full swing but be deadly accurate
- How learning a simple waltz beat can help you hold lag and square up your clubface
- Power leaks? How to identify them and plug them fast
- Why you should FIRE your current instructor if they don't know how to help you practice the 5 Keys to Distance
But Wait! This Program May Not Be For You
If you're already driving the ball as long as you KNOW you can, you may not need this program.If you aren't struggling to get the extra distance you KNOW you have in you, then you may not need this program.
But I don't need to tell you whether or not you need this program. If you need distance, you already know it.
8 Reasons You'll Agree
"The 5 Keys To Distance"
is Different
From Any Golf Program You've Ever Tried
- This program is about getting real world results. I've competed in the World Long Drive Championships for each of the last 9 years. I put these concepts to the ultimate test each year, and I have been highly successful.
- This program is written by an expert on distance. It represents years of study, trial-and-error, testing, and refinement. The videos represent years of working with thousands of students to see and understand what really works for them. It has been my mission to put it all together for golfers of all levels so they can enhance their own athletic ability to hit it farther, score better, and enjoy the game more.
- This program is not about forcing you to build the perfect swing. You don't need it. With the concepts described in this program you will be able to understand and apply the fundamentals to YOUR swing in your own unique way. Instead of a perfect swing, you will learn to generate an efficient, speed-friendly swing that works for you to make a consistent, athletic, fluid strike at the ball.
- This program is organized to work in the sequence of your own swing and help you develop a single, unified swing thought to refine your club head speed and distance and keep those things on track, permanently. You will understand the concepts AND the context in a way that will make ultimate sense.
- You get real-world drills created specifically to work on the elements of the swing that will enable you to master the 5 Keys. There is no other product that has this kind of detailed approach to the entire sequence and the drills. And the drills themselves are uniquely designed to get YOU the results you want.
- This program, unlike any other, tells you how to use 5 Keys to overcome distracting mental chatter. My expertise in Sport Psychology has given me unique insights into high-performance golf. In fact, as part of my Master's degree thesis I conducted a research study to look at what really works to help people learn: the learning feedback loop and the three stages of new skill development. That mastery is built into this program.
- This program is not about a quick-fix. It's about amplifying your own natural athletic abilities to do what really matters to get distance. When you begin practicing to make the changes you in your swing, you will understand the "What, Why, and How", and how to make the changes permanent.
- You have my satisfaction guarantee. You can't lose. Even if you never gain a yard in distance, you'll know a lot more about the golf swing and what makes it work for you.
The price? Just $47.00 for the entire program: the eBook, the full-length training videos, and a lifetime membership in the 5 Keys To Distance online training site.
I'm so convinced that you will benefit from the information in this program that it comes with a no-risk, unconditional 60-day PERFORMANCE BASED money-back guarantee.
If you implement my techniques and do not add 20 yards to your tee shot, just send it back within 60 days. You'll get a full refund.
Can it get any better?
I'm making that guarantee because this instruction is not about approaches or gimmicks. It's about the fundamentals that really matter if you want to improve your distance.
Think about this: $47 dollars isn't even the cost of a single golf lesson. Yet you get the equivalent of 20 lessons in this program.
In fact, if you came to me for private instruction to learn the concepts in this program, you'd have to spend more than $3,500.00. Compared to what you probably spend on greens fees, range balls, and a new driver, ordering The 5 Keys to Distance is peanuts.
So I'd like to sweeten the deal and truly make it "an offer you'd be crazy to refuse."
Order Now and Get $218 in Free Bonuses!
When You Order Now, not only will you be able to instantly download the e-video book, you'll get 4 Important Bonuses, including a 45 Minute Interview with World Renowned Sport Psychologist to the Pros - Dr. Glen Albaugh - just for buying the 5 Keys to Distance.
Purchase the program and get these BONUS OFFERS
Here's how it works: If you order now and I'll include, for FREE:My Exclusive 45-minute video interview with Dr. Glen Albaugh, world renowned Sport Psychologist to PGA Tour Pros and author of the top selling book "Winning the Battle Within." Dr. Albaugh shares his top three secret insights that PGA Tour players say have made them millions of dollars and will help you take your game to the next level. Value - $97.00
My "ScoreTracker™" spreadsheet. This simple and easy to use Excel-based spreadsheet contains some powerful diagnostic tools that will enable you to track your game and help you to understand where to focus your practice time and energy. Track up to 10 rounds on any golf course. The program automatically summarizes the results for you. Value - $27.00
The "Range Discovery Planner" by PGA Professional Rick Laforet - the "personal golf coach." The Range Discovery Planner helps you to plan and focus your practice time on the range. My own research has shown that how you practice on the range is absolutely critical to your success. With this easy to use worksheet you will improve your practice effectiveness by a factor of 10. Value - $47.00
The "Personal Stimp Meter" video series. Have you ever wondered how to judge the distance on an unfamiliar green? This simple yet powerful tool will have you judging speed like a pro in no time, and it is based entirely on your current game. Value - $27.00
When you order, I will send you an email with special links to each of these bonus offers.
(** Note also that electronic pdf can be downloaded and saved to your computer. The downloadable file is a pdf document and you will need Adobe's pdf reader (version 7.0 or higher) or equivalent to view the file. The Adobe reader is free to install if you have not done so already)
(*** Note also that although you will immediately receive a link to download the e-video book, your delivery and download time may vary depending you the type and quality of your computer and your internet connection.)
I truly want to help you get the distance you want. I'm passionate about it. I get emails every day from golfers using my concepts to improve their success off the tee and on the course, and I want to help you too.
Click on the link below and place your order now.
P.S. This program with the book and videos and interactive online training site will give you to tools to quickly and completely transform yourself on the tee. You'll be amazed at just how quickly you will feel your confidence building, and as you progress, your swing is going to feel more effortless. I know that seems like an impossibility, but I guarantee that when you start getting the distance you want, you will feel as if you are actually swinging easier. Chances are this program contains EXACTY what you need to put it all together and develop a more fluid, athletic and speed-friendly swing that gets you those extra 20-25 yards. And you have my personal satisfaction guarantee.
P.P.S. As always, if you have questions about this program, I'll be available by email. I'm here to help you get the distance you KNOW you can hit.
I'll see you down the fairway. WAAAY down the fairway!
Eric Jones, MA (Sport Psychology)
World Long Drive Champion
PGA Class A Professional