Would You Like To Know How You Can Easily Build Your Own Tesla Power System and Save Thousands Of Dollars On Energy Costs? Our do-it-yourself conversion system is easy to follow with step-by-step instructions
For over 90 years “Big Energy” has successfully convinced the US Government to smother and bury the biggest invention of our time… They tried to keep it hidden from you forever.
Because this one, simlpe invention can produce all the natural, clean ELECTRICITY!
But now it’s time to expose the truth.
It’s time to reveal the only system that can easily produce FREE electricity.
And it’s finally time to help you – and millions of other Americans - reduce their utility bills… once and for all.
Once you read this eye-opening story, you will completely understand HOW this one, life-changing, money-saving invention could have been kept from you for all these years.
The man behind the invention was Nikola Tesla. He was a genius who worked alongside of some of the greatest inventors in American history like Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse.
Over his lifetime Tesla was awarded 11 different patents and worked with technology from electricity to x-rays.
Well, in 1901 several venture capitalists (including J.P. Morgan) began funding a project by Tesla to provide a new method of electricity for resort community in Colorado.
And these investors were right.
But once J.P. Morgan realized that this new invention to generate electricity could not be metered (which meant they could never change the public for it and never receive any profits)… he pulled his funding and had the project labeled as a “million dollar folly”.
After Tesla died, the government came in and confiscated all his files. They deemed Tesla an enemy of the US because of his Austrian heritage (even though he became a US citizen in 1891). And the invention was buried.
For over 90 years this ground-breaking invention was labeled a failure and sat collecting dust in the government’s possession.
And now a new group of scientists have discovered Tesla’s life-changing invention.
They have taken his idea and created a simple, step-by-step guide that will allow ANYONE, ANYWHERE to begin producing their own, natural, clean, FREE electricity.
Lately we constantly hear about the new, “green” energy.
We hear about people trying to “get off the grid” by using solar panels, wind power or turbines.
These are all great ideas that can help you reduce your dependency on the utility companies, but they all have major draw-backs…
If you have ever priced solar panels or wind power, then you know you are easily looking at a $10,000 investment just to get started.
Between keeping your solar panels constantly clean to worrying about the constant maintenance, it can be a much bigger job than you ever imagined!
There is a way to generate natural, clean energy that was discovered by Nikola Tesla at the turn of the century… and it is still just as impressive today as it was back then.
Tesla discovered that you could actually use the sun’s energy to produce electricity… instead of using the sun’s rays (as you do with solar panels).
The sun is constantly radiating energy – even when your skies are dark, the sun is still shining onto earth somewhere… and it is constantly radiating this energy onto earth.
And Earth just constantly absorbs this energy… the problem is that most of the energy gets rebounded back into space.
Watch this video to see how a man managed to set up a small-scale generator in his home and what you could make, followingEnergyByTesla Solution:
In fact, this machine is so simple that it can be constructed with $100 worth of materials from your local electronics store in one afternoon.
And no, you don’t have to hire an electrician or know an engineer to install it or figure it out.
In “3 Easy Steps”you can start assembling your own EnergyByTeslamachine.
I’m sure you are wondering, “just how easy is it to build?”
Well, if you can follow the directions and put together a bookshelf out of a box… then you can follow these directions and develop your own EnergyByTeslamachine.
You see, after this amazing discovered was rescued from the dark, dusty filing cabinets of the US Government… scientists came together and researched this invention.
They dissected it, they tested it and they put together a simple, step-by-step manual to assembling your own.
With your EnergyByTeslamachine you are not actually creating energy – you are simply harnessing the energy that already exists on the earth.
This technology is ground-breaking. It’s life-changing. And it is the most effective way to produce natural, clean energy.
But what’s more is that your EnergyByTeslamachine…
With one trip to your local electronics store you will have all the materials you need to run your EnergyByTeslamachine for life… for about the same cost as 1 trip to the grocery store.
With the simple directions and step-by-step guide, anyone can assemble their own machine and start producing their own free electricity. You don’t have to hire an electrician and you don’t have to know an engineer. It really is as simple as it sounds.
There are no emissions, no fumes, no coolants, and no chemicals at all. This is truly “green” power developed from natural energy.
Step 2: Follow The Step-By-Step Instructions To Build Your Own System For as Little As $100.
Step 3:Install and You're Done!
That’s it doesn’t get much easier, does it?
The worst thing you could ever do is blindly believethat the only way to power your home is through your local electrical company… because this is what they want you to believe.
Your EnergyByTeslamachine offers you a real alternative...
Your EnergyByTeslamachine offers you a real alternative...
It only takes 3 Easy Steps to get started, it costs less than $100 to build and within days you can have the machine.
Claim These Exclusive Bonuses If You Order Now...
If you order today, you will instantly receive these 2 limited-time special bonus offers that will help you power you home, save thousands each year and help the planet.Claim These Exclusive Bonuses If You Order Now...
But I Have To Warn You…
We cannot guarantee how long we can continue to offer the plans for the EnergyByTeslamachine.
For over 90 years this information was kept quiet. For over 90 years the most ground-breaking discovery in energy generation was kept from the American people because of the power that “Big Energy” holds.
Don’t think that they will just sit back and allow us to continue selling information that can have such disastrous effects on their profits and their business!
We already know that we are making ourselves a target – and we are risking a lot by stepping-up and offering this information to you today.
But it’s time that someone stood up and let people know that there is a way to save money.
It’s time that someone offered a true alternative to the expense and the trouble of solar powers and wind power.
It’s time that we decided to generate our own natural, clean power and start building a better life for ourselves and our families.
That is why we are offering the complete plans to assemble your own “EnergyByTesla” machine for INSTANT DOWNLOAD.
We don’t want to risk mailing these plans – we want to make sure we can deliver them to you as soon as you make your order.
We want these plans to reach as many people as possible and help millions of average Americans reduce their electricity bills.
We are only charging $47 for the entire guide and blueprint to assemble your own EnergyByTeslamachine.
You can make your secured payment with credit card, debit card or PayPal.
With this revolutionary invention and less than a $100 investment, you can assemble your own EnergyByTeslamachine in just a few hours’ time.
It’s time for you take the power and start saving money… and all you need is this ground-breaking EnergyByTeslaguide. You are about to receive everything you need to get started…
People everywhere are finally waking up and realizing that they can SAVE MONEY while still SAVING THE PLANET!
And you never have to worry about your purchase because you can place your order, assemble your own EnergyByTeslamachine and put it to work for you.
Today is the day to take that first step towards a greener, brighter future. It’s time for you to order EnergyByTeslaright now!
Yes! I’m Ready To Take the First Step - Today!
EnergyByTeslais available for you to download as soon as you complete your order. No shipping, no additional costs and no waiting.
Your order is 100% secure and completely risk-free. You information is always kept confidential because we never share any of your contact information with any third party – no exceptions.
The EnergyByTesla is in PDF format and can be downloaded
instantly after payment!
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instantly after payment!
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Really, the choice is clear….
It’s time for you to take the first step towards a greener, brighter future. It’s time for you to order EnergyByTeslaright now!
To Your Success,
P.S. This is your chance to make a difference, help the environment and save money!
There is no other option on the market today that even comes close to EnergyByTesla’spower, affordability or ease of use. It’s time for you to step-up once and for all!
P.P.S. You have the freedom to order the EnergyByTeslaguide and blueprints today. You get to read it, assemble it and put it to use.
There is no other option on the market today that even comes close to EnergyByTesla’spower, affordability or ease of use. It’s time for you to step-up once and for all!
P.P.S. You have the freedom to order the EnergyByTeslaguide and blueprints today. You get to read it, assemble it and put it to use.
You have the freedom to start saving money on your electrical bill and see the life-changing results for a full 60 days before you ever have to make up your mind.
Just place your order today before it’s too late!