Here is the definite cure for acid reflux, heartburn, gastritis and GERD. A Home remedy which yields permanent relief
You can clear away acid reflux and heartburn, and start eating anything without problems
Suppressing stomach acid production by proton pump inhibitors (PPI), antacids, or H2 receptor blockers may help suppress acid reflux and heartburn. But, this is only a temporary relief from symptoms; but not a cure.
What Makes Acid Reflux Disease So Hard to Cure
Despite many advanced forms of medications and surgery, a high percentage of chronic acid reflux disease cases cannot be cleared up. With standard medical approaches, acid reflux and heartburn may clear for as long as you continue take your drugs. And, then, after a few weeks, or at most for a few months, it starts to come back. This is not different with homeopathic treatments.Patients lose too much time and money. Some of them also lose their hopes. If you are a chronic sufferer, you are all too familiar with this fact.
This is because these approaches to treat stomach problems are directed at lowering stomach acid level only whereas acid reflux disease, heartburn and gastritis have some hidden, underlying causes, which if not treated, render all treatments and surgery ineffective.
Acid Reflux is Not Due To High Levels of Stomach Acid
Keeping acid level low in the stomach helps suppress acid reflux and its symptoms which include heartburn. But, this is only symptom relief; not a cure.
It is the main misconception about acid reflux disease to regard it a condition which requires only reducing acid level in the stomach. This misconception leads doctors to the idea that acid reflux disease can be managed with PPIs, H2 receptor blockers, antacids and a few side drugs. We now know that it is certainly not the case; we know that despite many advanced forms of medications and surgery, a high percentage of chronic acid reflux cases cannot be cleared up.In fact, stomach acid is a key element of digestion and reducing its levels leads to poor digestion of nutrients.
There also exists another disadvantage of acid supression by prescription drugs: You'll develop both tolerance and dependence on them, so you can't stop taking them without suffering serious consequences.
* Another proof that acid supression is not the solution is the fact that patients get more relief upon use of HCl acid tablets than acid blockers. But, these tablets do not cure either. Also, in the long term they make everything worse because they aggravate gastritis and may lead to open sores as shown on the right.
Hidden Causes of Heartburn, Acid Reflux & Gastritis
The underlying causes of acid reflux disease are a bundle of stomach conditions which include hypochlorhydria (having too low acid levels* in the stomach), deficiency in digestive enzymes, chronix bile reflux, dysbiosis, and food intolerance. These are also the prime reasons of gastritis and some stomach irritations which seem to happen for no obvious reason. Each of these factors can cause indigestion and erosion of stomach lining much more than stress or NSAIDs do. This erosion inhibits healing of inflammations in the stomach, and therefore, paves the way to many many stomach conditions. These hidden conditions need to be treated for a permanent relief from acid reflux and its symptoms like heartburn.Finally a True Cure
Now Available: An easy-to-follow, clinically-proven treatment which clears away even the most persistent acid reflux and heartburn in just a few days, and never lets them return.
Galaxy OmniMedia is glad to announce that Dr. Rick Oezhalp shares his unique stomach treatment that addresses and solves all the underlying causes of acid reflux disease, heartburn and gastritis. What is Different with This Home Treatment
1. Dr. Oezhalp's home treatment focuses on the hidden, underlying causes of heartburn, acid reflux disease and gastritis.
2. solves them using few inexpensive herbal ingredients.
3. presents a natural method which clears helicobacter pylori infection faster than antibiotics.
4. The overall remedy is super fast and the results are permanent. You will not need to use your ingredients for long.
Dr. Oezhalp's simple treatment, which addresses and solves all the underlying causes of stomach conditions, is detailed in his e-book, Healthy Stomach in 5 Days.
A Solution and Reference Guide for The Whole Family:
Healthy Stomach in 5 Days
Author: Dr. Rick Oezhalp
Edited by Linneah Hunt-Stewart, former managing editor of Spidell Publishing, for a correct and easy-flowing English.
In this book, you are first presented a method which eradicates helicobacter pylori infection and heals sores in the stomach or esophagus totally in just a few days. This method has been used in some Mediterranean countries for hundreds of years. It uses few natural ingredients which are among the cheapest items sold in natural health stores.
You can also buy them from online retail shops like book, then, shows you the best way to prevent stomach problems from returning.
You are going to get into the root of the problem in Healthy Stomach in 5 Days. The unique approach of the book is to heal possible sores in the stomach, esophagus and lower esophageal spincter while eradicating helicobacter pylori infection and remedying all the underlying causes of acid reflux disease at the same time. All of these have been managed in a single, easy-to-follow home treatment plan.
Dr. Oezhalp's unique approach achieves the following with few inexpensive natural ingredients:
1. Healing the sores in the stomach, esophagus and L.E.S.
2. Eradicating Helicobacter Pylori
3. Remedying Indigestion
4. Managing a Healthy Gut Flora
5. Supplements to Regulate Appetite (Killer Techniques to Stop Overeating)
6. Elements of Healthy Eating
7. Remedying Intolerance to Certain Food
These are all possible in 5-7 days.
The end result is permanent relief:
No More Heartburn or Acid Reflux
You will Enjoy Eating Anything without Problems
You will Stop Paying for Medications, Doctor Visits, and etc.
In addition to the pleasures of life without acid reflux and heartburn, Dr. Rick Oezhalp's home treatment often yields these bonus benefits:
And, here is what we would like to bring to your attention:
Instead of waiting for appointments with doctors or for endoscopic diagnosis results, worrying if the insurance company will cover all the costs, getting mega doses of antibiotics, or having surgery, you can get permanent relief from heartburn / acid reflux and gastritis in just a few days with Dr. Oezhalp's home treatment.
Healthy Stomach in 5 Days explains the science that supports its unique treatment program. Learn
The ebook also contains valuable information for the whole family. Learn:
** And much, much more ...
A Reader's Review:
"Truly a Blessing. No More Heartburn"
" Truly a blessing! Now I finally understand why I have heartburn - it isn't a deficiency of Prilosec for sure. I was off drugs the same week I started reading the book. Had I known before, I could have solved the real problem and spared myself not only a lot of expense but also have avoided the side effects of the drug. The book contains lots of helpful health and nutrition advice too. It is an easy read. One major problem faced by many---perhaps most---patients is trying to understand the jargon their doctors spout at them. But that is not the case with this truly superior book. Titled "Healthy Stomach in 5 Days," this book indeed delivers what it promises. In this book, you also have a detailed and joyful explanation of the workings of the human digestive tract, why it deteriorates with age, and what you can do to prevent. "
—Maria Shane, Georgia, USA.
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We would like to emphasize that addressing the problem at its source is the only way to find a cure for permanent relief from acid reflux. Otherwise, no medication can give lasting relief and acid reflux will return after some time. The diagnoses, treatments and surgery for treating acid reflux disease constitute a billion-dollar business worldwide. Still, they rarely provide permanent relief.
Enzyme deficiency, hypochlorhydria, dysbiosis, bile reflux, food intolerance, and other underlying causes of acid reflux disease and hertburn... These conditions are all inter-related with each other. Usually a cause-and-effect relationship is difficult to define for them. This is why it has not been easy to create one treatment that worked for all.
But, this book does the necessary job. After clearing helicobacter pylori infection and healing sores in the stomach or esophagus in a few days with a miraculous home treatment from Mediterranean, it instructs how to banish the underlying causes of acid reflux disease with few inexpensive natural supplements. This treatment gets to the heart of the problem and provides lasting relief. It is totally unique and you cannot find it anywhere else.
You can be downloading your copy in a minute! Don't put off this decision. You may regret it for the rest of your life since you will spend much more on expensive diagnoses, medications and perhaps surgery if you do not try this treatment.
Permanent Relief from Heartburn / Acid Reflux or gastritis
Yours sincerely,
Galaxy OmniMedia, Inc.
P.S. If you have any questions or comments for us, feel free to write. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page. We reply mails usually within 1 workday.
P.P.S. Tell your friends or relatives about this page so that they can get rid of acid reflux, heartburn and gastritis. They will be grateful to you.