..If you want to learn the secret to playing excellent violin like a famous soloist, and then play with orchestras until someone gives you a strad to play, you need to..
You are going to learn how to play Violin from a world renowned concert violinist. Eric Lewis is a master of the violin and one of the most incredible, successful teachers on earth.
Are you ready?
If you are looking for a complete solution to learning the violin, from start to finish, this is your answer. ViolinMasterPro is here.
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Welcome to ViolinMasterPro.com, the official site for Eric Lewis Violin instruction. Here at ViolinMasterPro, the complete Eric Lewis method is available for beginners, intermediate and advanced players, as well as young players who have never picked up the instrument before.
Learn how to play sonatas, solos, concertos and more. The Eric Lewis method is an incredibly complete solution to mastering the violin and is easy to apply. All you have to do is download the videos and mp3s in a step by step instructional sequence.
About the master himself: Eric Lewis has been teaching violin privately for over 40 years and at institutions of higher learning everywhere he goes, enabling young violin players to forfill their violinistic dreams. Prof. Lewis is the world renowned first violinist of the Prometheus Piano Quintet. He has toured the world since the 1970’s across North and South America, Europe, Russia and the far east concertizing and teaching.
Please listen below to samples of me playing Violin.
Press the play button above to hear
Sample audio (Jazz Version)
Press the play button above to hear
Sample audio (Bluegrass Version)
The course began in 1988, while Prof. Lewis was conducting youth and university orchestras. He designed a new method that would enable players of all ages to expand their horizons and play incredibly difficult pieces of music in a shorter amount of time. He accelerated the learning curve for young string players to produce concerts of Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky.
Now let me ask you, do you want to;
Woo your family and friends with a soothing, romantic solo?
Rock out with your electric fiddle?
Play condenzas, sonatas and solos?
Play violin in a symphony, string quartet or piano trio?
Play violin at your friends wedding?
Start your own violin teaching business or get jobs as a violinist?
Play the music of the great masters.
Are you a beginner who wants to learn the basics and start playing pieces of music and your favorite songs?
Are you an experienced player who wants to expand their repetoire?
You might even want to develop new talents that will allow you to hear a piece of music and play it by musical memory without music, notes or hearing the music more than once!

ViolinMasterPro is truly a "one of a kind" violin learning system, and Ill tell you why:
You can apply the Eric Lewis method to Classical, Jazz, Rock, Country, Bluegrass and more. This system is powerful and is a terrific foundation for any player at any age. Learn how to master your instrument in a logical sequence that prepares you for any musical contingency.
It is never too early, nor too late to play the violin. It is an awesome instrument, and Eric Lewis will show you exactly why. For the first time ever, Eric Lewis on video is available only through ViolinMasterPro.com.
I found that people generally wanted a system that could show you:
| ONE technique that any player can use to play ANY type of music on violin. |
 | How to read music, play any piece of music or song with just a page of written notes. (Without it taking months to learn!) |
How to improvise in any style using the right technique and application.
How to write songs, create patterns and award winning choruses.
How to play from ear, (No music needed) develop a talent that you otherwise would need to be born with.
Unlike "other" teaching systems you will find that:
It WILL NOT take you to the bank, charging you every week for "lessons" wasting your time and money.
You DO NOT want to study any other method because it could possibly damage your hands.
You DO NOT need to follow strict rules in fear of your technique disappearing.
ViolinMasterPro is THE solution for you if you are looking for a one stop teaching tool to the world of violin either for yourself, your children or a friend. It is the most versatile violin teaching tool available online.
The Eric Lewis Method is the only system online that provides full documentation, Video downloads, resources and more all taught by a world class violin master.
Here is what you will learn in ViolinMasterPro:
 | Play Violin like a pro with a cutting edge, step by step method that is easy to understand and apply. Learn the techniques used by the greatest classical, band and electronic musicians, leaving your audience blown away. |
 | Start amazing your family & friends immediately with incredible skills on Violin. |
 | Learn how to play music from memory, using the ViolinMasterPro ear training method, which is more than easy to develop. You either have this talent or you don't. Most people were not born with this talent, which the greats like Ray Charles had.
Only at ViolinMasterPro we make it possible to develop this talent without being born with it. Learn how to "almost magically" be able to play whole pieces of music after hearing them only a couple times. |
 | Blow through the most difficult passages, scales and riffs with a collection of tricks and methods used by professional players. |
 | Learn to play Violin in every style imaginable: Classical, Jazz, Pop, Fusion, Latin, European, Rock, Hip Hop, Folk, Country and more! Be able to play any song imaginable. |
 | Visually stimulate your brain with the video lessons, opening up your horizons to "own" the fingerboard, no matter what level of expertise. |
 | Become a Master of Music Theory with the ViolinMasterPro performance upgrade. Use our measure combos to internalize the makings of great music. Build the talent up from beginner to advanced until it is a matter of instinct. |
 | Do you already play Violin? Chances are, (if you have never formally studied the instrument,) are positioning yourself entirely the wrong way! Most players who are not familiar with the wrist stroke are throwing their energy right out the window! Maximize your energy and hand strength in three days. |
 | Help yourself to our extensive library of every scale, chord, arpeggio and groove known to man! Every resource is written in music and provided via Video and audio as well. |
 | Discover the power of muscle memory. You will learn that your brain is not the only part of your body that remembers! Your hands will remember too! |
 | Learn how to read music! Violin music is actually fun to read! Notes will become easy to understand, just as letters are. You will soon find that it is a truly amazing feeling to be able to play any piece of music on call, with help from a written page. That is what it is all about! Learn how fast here at ViolinMasterPro. |
 | Getting your hands on the best instruments. Learn where and when to aquire the most valuable violins and other string instruments at discounted prices and sometimes even free! |
 | Master rhythm! become more of an accurate player immediately. Blaze through any time signature you need to interpret and be able to handle all feels and rhythm changes. Amaze your family and friends when you play intense grooves and fills from heart! |
 | Discover the one thing the violin teachers don't tell their students EVER. If they told you this, you would have NO reason to go back for another lesson. |
Let's take a look at the system:
For the first time ever:
The Complete ViolinMasterPro learning system:
Learn how to play Violin from beginning to professional right on your computer from the comfort of your own home. You are going to be playing violin by the end of the day as the ViolinMasterPro system comes with 11 Video lessons, Exclusive Jam tracks, exercises, scales, chords, and step by step instructions for all stages. In addition to the exclusive system, you will be given 1000+ scales and arpeggios, exclusive resources and our library jam tracks to play along with. Everything you need to learn from start to finish is here. You will be given the tools to develop an incredible skill with a violin. Its all downloadable through our members section. It's easy, quick and applicable for every player. I am so confident that you will love my program that the ViolinMasterPro.com Power Video System comes with a 56-day, iron-clad guarantee. No questions asked!
The Exclusive Violin Video Library:
Download all of the lessons and resources on video; Internalize the entire system on video right there while you play. This makes it easily accessible for anyone to learn at their own pace, and you will feel truly satisfied as a player. Individual Lessons included: How to improvise, using octaves, the job of the left and right hands, fingering and more! Styles included: Classical, Rock, Jazz, Fusion, Country, Gospel, Bluegrass, abstract and more!
The ViolinMasterPro JamTracks Collection:
In addition to the already action packed ViolinMasterPro system and membership, we also feature "Jam tracks," for you to rehearse to and play along with. These mp3s are methodically introduced throughout your training for the best possible training.
The ViolinMasterPro Membership:
Become a member of the most in depth Violin workshop online. Learn how to play, perform and write music on the violin all online with a ViolinMasterPro membership. As a member you will have unlimited access to all the ViolinMasterPro features and updates. The members section is updated regularly with instruction, tips and training on video, audio and documentation.
All of this comes with your downloadable package!
 | A long, drawnout, painful curriculum that will take months to implement. |
 | A system which you will begin but will never finish. |
A collection of outdated and boring exercises.
A bunch of videos just thrown together with no idea of what it will do for you.
Incorrect teachings that will damage your ability to play.
Bland lessons taught by players who are not very well taught
Download the entire system for only $27.00!

For a limited time, you can own ViolinMasterPro for only $27.00. Sign up, and download the entire system.
So, without further hesitation, It's time....
TO order the system, just simply click on the "Download" link below, and then enter your zip code. After that, you will be prompted to enter your billing information. All orders are taken by Clickbank, the #1 online retailer.
Own the ViolinMasterPro system today for $27.00!