FREE Surf Training Video: Watch To Learn The Best Surf Exercises To Triple Your Wave Count & Enhance Your Surfing Performance Using the “New Science” Of Surf Fitness Training
Surf Workout –
Get Strong And Fit For Your Next Surf Trip!“I started the Total Surfing Fitness program exactly 12 weeks prior to my 1st overseas surfing trip to Bali in the hope of increasing my confidence and ability in the water.
I’m a 37y/o and been surfing for 15 years. I spend 8 hours a day at a computer and have a 3 hrs a day commuting to work in Sydney. I also have a young family, so keeping fit is a real challenge.
Ben during his trip to Bali
I found the TSF program suited my needs exactly. I was able to adopt and adapt the program with ease. I did the workouts on average 2-3 times a week and progressed through level 1, 2 and 3 gaining more and more strength and flexibility as I went. I particularly enjoyed the stretching part of the program and noticed a marked improvement flexibility and agility.My trip to Bali was awesome. I surfed 2-3 times a day for 17 days straight and was confident in 2-8′ Impossibles, Ulluwatu, Balangan, Shipwrecks, Lacerations, Airport lefts and Kuta Reef without injury. I believe this would have been inconceivable without Total Surfing Fitness. I do not hesitate to recommend this program to anyone looking to improve their surfing fitness.”
Ben Anton
Want to get surf fit like Ben?
Surfing Workout -
How To Triple Your Wave Count With Surf Specific Fitness Training
By Clayton Beatty BSc (Human Movement) Exercise Scientist
Are you tired of watching those surfers who just cruise by continuously, catching wave after wave, getting barrel after barrel… and basically making you look bad?
And are you sick of having arms like jelly after only a few minutes of paddling and then struggling to stand up because you don’t have enough strength left in your arms to push yourself up?
Or maybe you are just fed up with not being as good a surfer as you want to be, but you don’t know what to do next to improve?
If any of this describes you, then don’t stress… you aren’t the only one.
I am going to reveal a 5 step blueprint which will show you how you can triple your wave count in 30 days or less, improve your surfing style, get more barrels and get in the best shape of your life.
Step 1 – Increase your paddle fitness through energy system development
Surfing uses a combination of both your aerobic energy system (with oxygen) and your anaerobic energy system (without oxygen). In order to improve your cardiovascular fitness for surfing, you need to improve both of these energy systems simultaneously.
Doing hours of running along the beach is just not going to cut it. What you need to be doing is interval training using surf specific interval periods, and certain types of exercises which will boost both your paddle fitness and improve your overall surf conditioning.
Step 2 – Improve your core stability, strength and rotary power
First of all you need to be working on your core stability, which is using your core muscles to stabilise your torso when there are other forces acting against you. The basics of this are bridge or plank type exercises, but there are many more advanced exercises you need to master before you have excellent core stability.
You will also need to develop your core strength and rotary power. Rotary power can betrained using very specific functional exercises and is an important factor in mastering powerful turns.
Step 3 – Increase your upper body endurance, strength and power
If you are not doing functional training to improve all of the above (endurance, strength and power), you are missing part of the
You need muscle endurance in your arms, back and shoulders so you can keep up the paddling intensity throughout your entire surf session.
You need strength and power in your chest and arms so that you can pop-up fast (even when you are getting tired).
In addition you need to have the strength and power in your shoulders and back for the short bursts of paddle power you need to paddle into each wave.
Step 4 – Improve your mobility and flexibility
Most surfers are aware of the need for good flexibility, but what most don’t understand is the missing piece of the equation – mobility.
Flexibility refers to the passive range of motion as achieved through static stretching. This is important for overly active muscles, but it does not mean the surrounding joints are stable and prepared for dynamic movements.
Often an increase in passive flexibility is an injury waiting to happen. What surfers need more than passive flexibility, is mobility. Mobility refers to the ability to move your joints into flexible positions, but also have the joint stable whilst in those positions. Mobility can be increased through specific mobility drills which are generally incorporated into your dynamic warm-up.
Step 5 – Improve your balance and lower body strength & power
Balance is obviously important for surfers to help stop you from wiping out. Most surfers however, do not do any balance training. It is actually very easy to improve your balance using some simple training methods that use very little equipment.
Surfing also requires a lot of lower body strength and power.
Strong and healthy legs will mean that you can perform powerful manoeuvres and not have an increased risk of injury. This doesn’t mean hitting the gym to do more leg curls and leg extensions. What you need to be doing is lower body functional training exercises – both hip and knee dominant, both single leg and double leg, and both stable and unstable exercises.
In order to increase your wave count fast, and become a better surfer, you need to have a well rounded, surf specific, functional training program. You cannot rely on traditional body building workout routines and long boring cardio to improve your surfing.
What you need is a surf fitness program that has been proven to work with hundreds of surfers from all over the globe. If you are interested in finding out more about our surfing exercises, surfing workouts and surf training programs, please read on.
Learn Why Hundreds Of Surfers Worldwide Are Using Total Surfing Fitness To Get
Fit & Strong And Enhance Their
Surfing Performance
aFit & Strong And Enhance Their
Surfing Performance
About Clayton Beatty & Total Surfing Fitness
My name is Clayton Beatty and since 2008 I have helped thousands of surf and snow sports athletes with my functional fitness training programs.
My strength and conditioning advice has been featured in Smorgasboarder surf magazine as well as many major Australian newspapers – Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Herald Sun, The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Times.
I’m a Qualified Exercise Scientist and member of Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and have a Bachelor of Science (Human Movement) and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia.
Total Surfing Fitness uses surfing exercises and surfing workouts and is your complete strength & conditioning guide to help get your body in the best physical condition to hit the surf.
I’m A Bit Of A Weekend Warrior…
Living in Perth, it can often be months between surf trips down south to get some good waves, so I need to be fit and ready to hit the waves when I go. I don’t claim to be anything special out in the water, but I know that when I get out there I am going to be able to pick up where I left it off, rather than have to build my surf fitness all over again every time I go on a surf trip.
On a recent surf trip to Margaret River, I hadn’t been in good surf for 2 months, but I had been doing my surf training exercises and surfing workouts and was ready for action. When I got out in the surf I actually felt the best I had ever been and enjoyed one of the best surfs I’ve ever had! 
It just shows how important your fitness is for surfing, whether you are a weekend warrior like myself, or you surf for a living like Mick, Taj or Kelly.
.It just shows how important your fitness is for surfing, whether you are a weekend warrior like myself, or you surf for a living like Mick, Taj or Kelly.
Surfing Has Become More Enjoyable
“I recently purchased the Total Surfing Fitness Program and started the 12 week program. In the five (5) weeks I have been following the program I have noticed a definite improvement in not only my surfing fitness but also my general fitness. Every aspect of the above has improved – Endurance – paddling, Core strength, Strength – lower and upper body and balance. I have searched high and low to find a program specific to surfing, without expending a lot of time out of the water – I’m pleased to say “I have found it!” Thanks to you and your program my surfing has not only improved but become a lot more enjoyable.Note: Been in J- Bay surfing all time waves for the last Ten (10) days – two surfs per day! No problems and that’s only after 5 weeks of program.”
Fabian Coetzer
“I recently purchased the Total Surfing Fitness Program and started the 12 week program. In the five (5) weeks I have been following the program I have noticed a definite improvement in not only my surfing fitness but also my general fitness. Every aspect of the above has improved – Endurance – paddling, Core strength, Strength – lower and upper body and balance. I have searched high and low to find a program specific to surfing, without expending a lot of time out of the water – I’m pleased to say “I have found it!” Thanks to you and your program my surfing has not only improved but become a lot more enjoyable.Note: Been in J- Bay surfing all time waves for the last Ten (10) days – two surfs per day! No problems and that’s only after 5 weeks of program.”
Fabian Coetzer
Workout For Surfing -
All The Pros Workout… Why Don’t You?
Mick Fanning, Taj Burrow, Joel Parkinson and Taylor Knox (just to name a few) all have had surf fitness trainers and do surf training and surf workouts to help them stay in peak shape and injury free for the tour. Why should you be any different?These guys understand that surfing is a highly physical sport and if you want to surf well, you need to do some surf training and surfing exercises.
But not just any old training! Going for a jog and doing a few push-ups isn’t going to cut it. You need a surf training program with surfing exercises and surfing workouts that you can do at home, on the road, or at the gym.
Have you ever experienced any of these problems when surfing..?
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What is Total Surfing Fitness?
Most fitness programs created by fitness trainers are designed for bodybuilders not athletes. Generally these programs are generic in nature and do not tailor to the specific needs of the athlete.
To really boost your performance you need a fitness program that is functional in nature, with surf exercises and surfing workouts that will help you surf harder and longer, decrease the risk of injury and have you landing more insane tricks every time.
Total Surfing Fitness is a surf training program that uses surfing exercises and surfing workouts to maximise your surf fitness and boost your surfing performance.a
Master’s Level Competitive Surfer uses Total Surfing Fitness
“I live on the East Coast of the USA and have been a Master’s Level Competitive Surfer for the past 3 years. I have been surfing for close to 20 years overall but have taken the past 4 years more seriously with my out-of-water training. I have used surfing materials from Mike Martin @ Surf Success for my competitive results, and materials from Martin Dunn @ Surf Coach for my overall surfing technique…but your functional training has really helped me to improve my overall fitness level which is “truly” the most important thing a surfer can acquire! Your exercises and demonstration videos are spot-on! I am not getting any younger…and as I continue to surf I need to keep my fitness level as high as possible to prevent injury and improve my surfing enjoyment and progression as a whole. Thank you for giving me another method to improve my life-fitness and skill level in surfing! Cheers!”
Frank Bellezza
a“I live on the East Coast of the USA and have been a Master’s Level Competitive Surfer for the past 3 years. I have been surfing for close to 20 years overall but have taken the past 4 years more seriously with my out-of-water training. I have used surfing materials from Mike Martin @ Surf Success for my competitive results, and materials from Martin Dunn @ Surf Coach for my overall surfing technique…but your functional training has really helped me to improve my overall fitness level which is “truly” the most important thing a surfer can acquire! Your exercises and demonstration videos are spot-on! I am not getting any younger…and as I continue to surf I need to keep my fitness level as high as possible to prevent injury and improve my surfing enjoyment and progression as a whole. Thank you for giving me another method to improve my life-fitness and skill level in surfing! Cheers!”
Frank Bellezza
Warning: This is not just a fitness system to improve your surfing…
It may also boost your energy levels, improve your overall health and even help you look ripped!
aLand bigger and better tricks
Increase your board control
Get more air
Rehabilitate previous injuries
Go professional?
Fitter, Stronger, Faster Brothers
“My Brother gave me Total Surfing Fitness, as he said “I’m sick of hearing you say how unfit you are after your surfs.” Unfortunately these days due to commitments, I have become my own worst enemy – have become the dreaded weekend surfer-you know the type where we stay out in the water for as much time as we can and try to absorb as much as we can as we don’t when the our next “fix” will be. (When I was younger these were the guys that I used to say ” ya poor bastards” after just coming in from surfing my 6 or 7 session that week. Due to my surfing “irregularity” these days you could have imagined how difficult and frustrating it was becoming, especially when the surf was pumping, where it required a high amount of endurance and strength. Thus the better the surf the more frustrated I got, until… My Brother was using your core strength and fitness techniques and introduced me to them, lets just say both of us have not looked back. It is especially good because we keep each other motivated. The exercises have paid ten fold!!! Last sunday we got some decent swell, and I noticed the difference as soon as I jumped on- (especially the paddling power,which was my weakness) but now I plow my way out there! I truly feel I have gained positive effect and feel allot more amped to charge harder. “Do it Fitter, Stronger, Faster’” This is the phrase that I say in my head now when surfing and it is definitely becoming more of a reality.”
Mike Jackson
a“My Brother gave me Total Surfing Fitness, as he said “I’m sick of hearing you say how unfit you are after your surfs.” Unfortunately these days due to commitments, I have become my own worst enemy – have become the dreaded weekend surfer-you know the type where we stay out in the water for as much time as we can and try to absorb as much as we can as we don’t when the our next “fix” will be. (When I was younger these were the guys that I used to say ” ya poor bastards” after just coming in from surfing my 6 or 7 session that week. Due to my surfing “irregularity” these days you could have imagined how difficult and frustrating it was becoming, especially when the surf was pumping, where it required a high amount of endurance and strength. Thus the better the surf the more frustrated I got, until… My Brother was using your core strength and fitness techniques and introduced me to them, lets just say both of us have not looked back. It is especially good because we keep each other motivated. The exercises have paid ten fold!!! Last sunday we got some decent swell, and I noticed the difference as soon as I jumped on- (especially the paddling power,which was my weakness) but now I plow my way out there! I truly feel I have gained positive effect and feel allot more amped to charge harder. “Do it Fitter, Stronger, Faster’” This is the phrase that I say in my head now when surfing and it is definitely becoming more of a reality.”
Mike Jackson
Attention Surfer: This ground-breaking new functional surf training program reveals the step by step workout system to turn your body into a surfing machine
Learn step by step how to train your body like a professional and discover the surf training secrets of the worlds leading surfers…
.The surf exercises and surfing workouts focus specifically on the critical surf fitness components needed for performance surfing…
Incredible trunk mobility for performing crazy tricks
Insane flexibility and range of motion to help prevent career stopping injuries
What Do I Get…
You get a complete 12 week, step by step, surf training program that uses surfing exercises and surfing workouts which includes the following:.
Total Surfing Fitness – Level 1
(Value $99)
(Value $99)
- 4 week surf training beginner program.
- Build a solid foundation of surf specific strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility.
- Beginner surfing workouts including core conditioning, balance, upper & lower body strength, mobility and flexibility exercises.
Total Surfing Fitness – Level 2
(Value $99)
(Value $99)
- 4 week surf training intermediate program.
- Build on your foundation with more advanced surf exercises.
- Intermediate surfing workouts including core conditioning, balance, upper & lower body strength, mobility and flexibility exercises.
Total Surfing Fitness – Level 3
(Value $99)
(Value $99)
- 4 week surf training advanced program.
- Transform your body into a fully functional performance surfing machine.
- Advanced surfing workouts including core conditioning, balance, upper & lower body strength, mobility and flexibility exercises
Plus The Following Bonuses…
Killer Cardio Training for Surfers 
(Value $49)
(Value $49)
- Cardiovascular fitness is important to make sure you can keep your wave count high. Improving your paddle fitness means more waves and more fun.
- Learn the fastest ways to increase your cardiovascular surf fitness without doing long, boring cardio.
Flexibility & Mobility for Surfers
(Value $39)
(Value $39)
- Having strong, flexible muscles is extremely important for all surfers.
- Learn the best surfing specific stretches to keep your muscles flexible and injury free.
- Also discover the best times to stretch more maximum results (it’s not when you think).
Foam Rolling for Surfers
(Value $39)
(Value $39)
- Learn the secrets of how the world’s top athletes are keeping their muscles in good condition using simple self massage techniques.
- Keep your muscles loose.
- Save hundreds of dollars with these easy, but highly effective techniques. Here is a snap-shot of what’s inside the workout manuals… The manuals contain workout programs with full exercise descriptions and pictures…
Here is a snap-shot of what’s inside the workout manuals…
The manuals contain surf workout programs with full exercise descriptions and pictures…
Core Exercise Helped Back Pain
“I will be honest. Without your program which is easy to find the time to fit into a busy lifestyle I would not be able to surf as hard as I have for years without severe back and groin pain. Not only am I surfing better, I am stronger and have greater strength to finish off manoeuvres without any pain at the time or later. I am running better to prepare, training harder recovering much faster. I am in the middle of the third level and love it, and when I have finished the third week and will start again at the first with heavier weights and challenge balance for that little bit longer. I am wrapped I have been an athlete all my life and trained very hard, but had back pain over the last 12 months. Strengthening the core has been great, the pain has gone and i am enjoying something that I always loved, my surfing. Thankyou”
Lorie Stein
.“I will be honest. Without your program which is easy to find the time to fit into a busy lifestyle I would not be able to surf as hard as I have for years without severe back and groin pain. Not only am I surfing better, I am stronger and have greater strength to finish off manoeuvres without any pain at the time or later. I am running better to prepare, training harder recovering much faster. I am in the middle of the third level and love it, and when I have finished the third week and will start again at the first with heavier weights and challenge balance for that little bit longer. I am wrapped I have been an athlete all my life and trained very hard, but had back pain over the last 12 months. Strengthening the core has been great, the pain has gone and i am enjoying something that I always loved, my surfing. Thankyou”
Lorie Stein
Do I need access to a gym or any expensive equipment?
No. All exercises in the Total Surfing Fitness 12 Week Program can be done with just your bodyweight, dumbbells and a stability ball (exercise ball). You can workout at home, in the garage, in the backyard or at the gym!.
Surfing Exercises -
How Much Time Do I Need For The Workouts?
You can start with as little as 2-3 workouts per week, with each surfing workout taking around 45 minutes.
Once you are into a good routine, you can build on that and do some extra surfing workouts, but of course that depends on how much time you have, and how much time is spent surfing!
Most people will find that in the beginning 2-3 surfing workouts per week is enough to make a significant difference to their surfing performance. a
Weekend Warrior Turns Back The Clock 10 Years
“I am a mostly a weekend warrior, now with work and family duties. I do get the occasional glass off session and luckily the wife is OK with both days on the weekend. Summer here in So Cal can be very inconsistant, flat for 3 weeks then a solid SW swell for days, flat for another week, then sporadic days of wind swell. Your exercises have helped me to maintain my strength in the flat spells and has given me more spring and jump in my turns and occasional airs. The squats, lunges, and spiderman climbs have given my knees a welcomed strength. I have had issues with MCL strains when the layback turns get too laid back and when the closeout barrels come down hard on me. My knees feel like they did 10 years ago. I am not an exercise person, my fitness is surfing and hiking. This routine gives me more motivation because the outcome will improve my surfing. Thanks for the routines Clayton.”
Andy Ventura, CA
.“I am a mostly a weekend warrior, now with work and family duties. I do get the occasional glass off session and luckily the wife is OK with both days on the weekend. Summer here in So Cal can be very inconsistant, flat for 3 weeks then a solid SW swell for days, flat for another week, then sporadic days of wind swell. Your exercises have helped me to maintain my strength in the flat spells and has given me more spring and jump in my turns and occasional airs. The squats, lunges, and spiderman climbs have given my knees a welcomed strength. I have had issues with MCL strains when the layback turns get too laid back and when the closeout barrels come down hard on me. My knees feel like they did 10 years ago. I am not an exercise person, my fitness is surfing and hiking. This routine gives me more motivation because the outcome will improve my surfing. Thanks for the routines Clayton.”
Andy Ventura, CA
Yes, I want to start on the Total Surfing Fitness program, but what if it doesn’t work for me?
I’ll give it to you absolutely FREE!
Our 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that this surf training program will help you boost your surfing fitness that I am willing to give you your money back if you are not completely satisfied.Download the program and read through all the information and use the programs and if you are not 100% satisfied you can keep the whole package.
You get 60 days to evaluate this program. If within those 60 Days you are not satisfied, you simply contact Click Bank (via the special link in your email receipt) and get a full refund. a
Junior Surfer Stronger in Bigger Surf
“I was approached by a father of a 12 yr old who is just starting out on our local Billabong Junior series here in South Africa , he wanted me to help coach his son as I was fairly successful on the local circuit. I had no idea on fitness or coaching so I went onto your site and downloaded some info. This little guy has now achieved 2 fourth places in his last 3 contests and is getting stronger in bigger surf. It has also allowed me to get fitter (I am 33 now) and I feel better. Thanks a stack.”
Ben Roberts
.“I was approached by a father of a 12 yr old who is just starting out on our local Billabong Junior series here in South Africa , he wanted me to help coach his son as I was fairly successful on the local circuit. I had no idea on fitness or coaching so I went onto your site and downloaded some info. This little guy has now achieved 2 fourth places in his last 3 contests and is getting stronger in bigger surf. It has also allowed me to get fitter (I am 33 now) and I feel better. Thanks a stack.”
Ben Roberts
How much does Total Surfing Fitness cost?
Let me ask you this… What price do you put on your surfing ability?To see me for private training would cost you hundreds of dollars… However, we think Total Surfing Fitness should be affordable to all surfers, so we have come up with some killer download options to help you boost your surfing fitness and surfing performance!
Note: We cannot guarantee these offers for long, so make sure you get your copy today!
Value $147 – Today $47
(Less than the price of a new pair of board shorts!)
The Total Surfing Fitness manuals come as downloadable PDF manuals, which can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat on PC or Mac.
No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the workout manuals onto your computer.
Yes! I definitely want Total Surfing Fitness NOW so I can explode my surfing ability. I understand the program will be delivered immediately in PDF format Click Bank. Plus, I get 60 days to evaluate this program. If within those 60 days I’m not satisfied, I’ll simply contact Click Bank and get a full refund.
.Clayton Beatty BSc (Human Movement) BComm
Exercise Scientist
Author of Total Surfing Fitness
If you have any more questions, please contact us:
Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (WAST) 0421-776-720
or email us:
Value $147 – Today $47