"Stop ALL The Traffic!"
Imagine If Today, You Put Into Motion A Few Small Actions That In Just A Few Short Weeks Delivered An Unstoppable Flood Of Traffic And Sales In Which The Only Way You Could Shut It Off Would Be To Call Your Web Host...
...And Insult His Mother!
Warning: One of The Most Startling, Confidential, and Talked About Money Making Marketing Strategies Ever Compiled In One Book May Now Be Available To You!
Your Mission: Drive more traffic to your site today, and increase your conversions. Actual Recent Results From The Author...
From: Mike Filsaime & Carl Kmetz
(Licensed Reseller)
Date: Friday 4:20 PM.
To: Any marketer with an open mind
(Licensed Reseller)
Date: Friday 4:20 PM.
To: Any marketer with an open mind
Good question...
These totals are the results of sales of the $997.00 home study course called "Butterfly Marketing." And unless you were in marketing hibernation, you would remember getting assaulted with a barrage of emails leading up to and beyond the date of January 31st, 2006
Butterfly Marketing sent shock waves through our entire industry. It changed lives for hundreds of people almost over night.
The Introductory Price: $997.00...
Now selling for $1997.00...
Soon to go as high as $2497.00? - Possibly - And Would Be Worth Every Penny, and those that have it know it.
Of course, for $997.00 people got access to the most incredible marketing related, profit spitting, website creating software ever released (as well as many other multi-media interviews with the worlds leading experts.)
for many, myself included,...
...The Pure gold of this course was the Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.
"New Version 3.0"
While the incredible power of software was what understandably drove the price up to $997 (and now $1997,)...
...it was The Manuscript that forever changed internet marketing history.
You see, with a team of 4 programmers working on the software, and 1 full 1 year fulltime commitment to future upgrades, there is no secret to why the price tag wasn't cheap. Don't get me wrong, the software is so powerful that even if it took us only 3 hours to make, just because of the results it can bring, we still would have kept the price the same.
But what good are any tools when you don't know how to use them. It truly was the Manuscript that held the magic...
After having read the Manuscript, Even the worlds top internet marketing gurus responded back to me with personal emails stating that the strategies revealed could increase their business literally overnight!
In fact, here are two well know marketers that sent me these notes after the success they had from just reading the Manuscript...
Results After Just One Read Of This Manuscript...
But, lets get back to those Million Dollar Figures again...
With all the success of the product as we approach our 2000th. customer, it reminds me of what my former Owner in the car business would say...
...Let's Not Focus on how many sales we made, I want to focus on how many sales we Did Not make!
Well let's think about it. The day the site went live we had literally thousands of visitors come to the site. Over 95% of the people would have loved the product but did not buy because they could not afford it. But let's face it. $1497.00 is not something most people can just shell out for a product, no matter how good it is.
Even today we get hundreds of visitors per day and still sell to a select fortunate few. Mainly due to the affordability factor.
How do I know it is an affordability issue?
... Well, I get contacted several times per week by people asking (and some times pleading) for me to barter or make a payment plan for them to spread over 12 months. So I know people want access to the secrets..
...It Is Simply a Matter That They Want It, However, They Just Can Not Afford It.
So that got me thinking, what about the Ten's of Thousands of people that have come to the site wanting to learn the most talked about marketing strategy in the last decade that simply could not afford it.
Remember, money wasn't always there for me either. I remember having to pay for a product on 4 credit cards because I did not have enough money limits available on my accounts.
My strategies have allowed me to build a business that grows larger and larger each month with no sign of stopping... Ever!
I could not shut down the traffic if I wanted to. It is all based on my Butterfly Marketing Principles. "The Small, seemingly insignificant, changes you make to your business today, will have a dramatic effect on your success in the the near future."
Seriously, the only way I could stop traffic coming from my site, and 570+ new opt in members each day, would be to pull the plug on my server. And if I wanted to stop making money, I would have to remove the order buttons from my sales pages.
I blew the doors off of "Conventional" List Building. I cracked the traffic code. I found out how to monetize the traffic. And to know the secrets, you had to pay a mortgage payment to learn how you, too, could do the same.
$200,000 USD per month... Strong claims I know. And as much as I would like you to believe me, for the sake of those people sending me mail that my claims are total lies, please allow me to add some proof of claims for you below...
Like any business, there are months that are better than others. But I can tell you that I do earn a steady and increasing amount of money each and every month online. The chart would look like one of those rising stock charts. Sometime a little down, but always on a climb upwards when you see the big picture.
Here Are Screen Shots Of My 2005 Year In Full Monthly Totals...
NOTE:, the above and below screenshots illustrates just my PayPal (and prior StormPay account.)As well, I also receive several thousands of dollars per month thru ClickBank.com and many of my affiliates choose to pay me via Check each month. I would estimate these totals to be between $10,000 to $18,000 additional per month.
Here are some Screen shots for 2006...
These results are not typical and your results will vary. Most people, in fact, will not earn a single penny.
How Adding Up The Numbers Break Down...
(If you are doing the math, you will see my average daily PayPal Income for 2006 year to date is $10,118.00 per day.)
And if your thinking if the sales of this product (the Manuscript) are included here, the answer is NO. The above figures do not represent sales of this product.
We sell this product through ClickBank.com, not PayPal. It's first 30 days alone, we have sold over 4350 copies for an additional$422,338.00 in sales NOT included in the above figures.
These results are not typical and your results will vary. Most people, in fact, will not earn a single penny.
Imagine, each and every day the feeling YOU would have if you were making as much as $5000.00 per day!
I am NOT saying you can make that much. Who I am to say? Most likely, you will not make any money - in fact, you can expect to make nothing. But what if you had just a portion of my success. Hey, don't let me put a ceiling on your income, you could go on to make more (many people do.)
But what you need to ask yourself is...
Isn't It Finally Your Turn?
Isn't it finally about time for you? Don't worry about everyone else. I am talking to you - Most people reading this letter are NOT like you. Most people will not buy this product. (Lucky for you... Less competition.)
You know when you buy this product it can and will change your life...
- You actually read it.
- You Take Massive Action
Do us both a favor and close this page now if you are the type of person that does not do both of these two things after you buy a product. I am sorry, it just drives me crazy when people allow great life changing information to gather "Digital Dust" on their computers and expect to have success. And then email me on day 55 and ask for a refund because "It did not work for them."
Great! Glad you are still here. So, that means you are qualified to earn any amount of money you want to make online.
It is only up to you.
For a second, Humor me... Think of this absurd statement...
"Internet Marketer Buys His Own Product."
Interesting Sub-Head, wouldn't you agree...
Well, as my friends Michel Fortin and John Carlton like to say, a good headline contains what is called an "Incongruent Juxtaposition" like, "boy eats his own head." But would I buy my own product?
Well, of course I would. If I had the opportunity to go back 3 Years, and talk to myself like they do in those time travel movies, I would buy my product then and save myself from all the mistakes I made.
Hey come on, would you rather have a 12 book encyclopedia of all of my mistakes, or would you like to have a no fluff concise step-by-step guide to the secrets to everything that has made me a fortune. So, Yes...I would buy my own product!
What Makes You Any Different Than Me?
Am I better than you? I doubt it. Am I smarter than you? Well most of my school teachers would answer that for us...
Do I have more Potential than you? Of course not.
So then ask yourself this...
Assuming I could go back 3 years from now to sell myself my own product because I knew it could help me find my success, what is your excuse? You have the same option as I would except, it's right now, and in this scenario...
...It Is Not a Fictional Movie.
Are you insane?
I know you are not... But is your marketing strategy insane? Maybe it is?
We have heard it before. The definition of insanity... Doing the same wrong things over and over and over and expecting different results.
So wouldn't it be insane of you to not read The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript yet expect to be in a different place in your business next year?
You already know what it can do for your future. You have seen what it has done for many that read it already.
The years will go buy, and you can continue to do what you are doing. And guess what... you may have the same mediocre results. That is insane.
And 3 years later you may wish you could go back in time to this very day and change your life.
We live in an unprecedented time. Millionaires are being made every day. Why not you? You only have to believe in your heart. We live in an abundant time period. No longer only the "Rich and Wealthy" control money and have to guard their secrets and have tons of people working in a factory.
The truth is, there is room of everyone, including YOU, that reads that manuscript to have success. It is not about "trends" that only work in a tightly-packed niche for about 7 months and die off. This manuscript can explode your success after reading it. I know... It has already for so many.
Remember, if it was me 3 years ago, I would have purchased this right now and go on to success. Again I ask, "Am I better than you?" Of course not. So why should you act any different than I would.
Well, then I need to ask you this last question?
What Is Holding You Back Today... Right Now?
There can only be four reasons why you would not order now. I have laid them out below. When you are done, it will be even more obvious why you will want to know these secrets now.
Here they are...
- Reason #1 why you have not yet already purchased...
What are the secrets I will learn to use and make money? |
Well, perhaps you would want to know the simple money making secrets I reveal. Well, I can't share them here or they would not be secrets. But I can let you in on some things.
New Version 3.0
| ||
+ | ||
The "Butterfly Marketing Manuscript" $297 Value
- Reason #2 why you have not yet already purchased...
What proof do I have that it works? |
Or I guess you could ask, who else has had success from just reading the Manuscript? Take a look below...
- Reason #3 why you have not yet already purchased...
What is the Price, can I afford it? |
So you ask, "Mike, what is the price?" But does that really matter? Or is it the results that matter?
Let me put it to you like this... Would you pay $1000, one time, if you knew you could earn $1000 per week each and every week for life? I guess the only answer is no if you could not afford to, or if you could not get a loan for the $1000.
Otherwise, the only logical answer to this is...
Before I stated that:
"I blew the doors off of "Conventional" List Building...
I cracked the Traffic Code...
I found out how to monetize the traffic."
And to know the same secrets, before now, you had to pay a mortgage payment to learn how you, too, could do the same.
Until Now...
On the sales page at Butterfly Marketing, I stated the value of the Manuscript to be $297. Although many have said it was worth the price of the entire home study course alone.
Yes, many people have said they would have paid $997 just for the Manuscript. And talking to many friends of mine, they have insisted that if I do sell this Manuscript as a "Stand Alone", I had better not sell it for less than $297. It is just too valuable.
After long thought, and listening to the advice of my online Master Minds, I have finally come up with the final price of just $197. That's right, the final price is $197.
I know many people may think I am crazy to sell all of my secrets for $197, but I have my reasons. I just know that when people read this report, they may want to get access to more of my products. So I am willing to sacrifice profits now in the hopes of building a loyal customer base...
Now, if you are reading this page right now, you are going to consider yourself very lucky...
Instead of $197, or $97
Unlike some marketing "Jerks" that squeeze the higher price out of the market, and then when sales slow down they lower the price (in-half) and stick it to the thousands of loyal customers that paid more. (Thank you loyal customers!)
I am doing the exact opposite...
I am rewarding you (not punishing you) and all those for taking action quickly!
What I am going to do is allow you, again, for a limited time, to get this at more than half-price now compared to the near future retail price.
My strategy for this is simple and Two fold...
First-I want to get sucked up to the very top of the affiliate marketplace at ClickBank. This will allow for greater exposure and more overall success when I finally raise the low price of $47.00 that you can buy it for today to the full retail price of $197
Second- I want to gather data on the conversion between the Three prices. I actually believe the product will have a higher ROI at $197 price. The perceived value of the product is already $297, and based on my past tests for similar sales, I have seen $197 outsell $97 (notice many of my One-Time-Offers)
So now that I have spilled the beans about my intentions and reason to possibly raise the price, you need to act fast to get this incredible Manuscript for the low limited time price of only $47.00.
Those that know me, know very well in just a matter of time, this price may increase and be raised to $ 97 or $197 without warning. I did it with the home study course as I said I would. It went from $997 to $1497, and soon will go to $1997 and even $2497. - Heck, this Manuscript may even go to $297 at that time.
So act now, and get your hands on this now. You know you have had your eye on Butterfly Marketing and you get to finally know the secrets that until now, just a select few have had.
- Reason #4 why you have not yet already purchased...
Is there any risk involved for me? |
That is simple. You have No Risk! If it doesn't do for you what I say it will, you get your money back.
I assume all the risk. How can that be? Well, it is simple, you get to read the manuscript for 8 weeks, and apply the secrets to massive traffic and sales that I have used for myself and my students to make hundreds of thousands of dollars online
This makes it absolutely risk-free to try out "The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript". You can get every dime of your money back under our no-loopholes guarantee.
Now, just incase you are "on the fence," I am going to make this a no-brainer for you. For just 47.00, I know you admit this is a great price. Especially when people have paid as much as $1497 to get access to the information.
*** Exclusive One-Of-A-Kind Bonus ***
That's Over $488 In Bonuses!
Now there is nothing holding you back. It's time to finally find out the secrets that will allow you to get massive traffic, make more sales, and instantly start growing a massive money making opt-in list starting today. Get your copy now
YES Carl! - I Want To Finally Get My Hands On Mike Filsaime's The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript "Version 3.0" Right Now!
"Can You Feel The Excitement?"
You're just 30 seconds away from making the best purchase
you may ever make online.
you may ever make online.