Jump Higher - Vertical Jump

Discover How To Add 5-7 Inches
To YOUR Vertical Jump In Just WEEKS
With "Flying In Four", The Most Scientifically-Advanced Vertical Jump Program Available Today!

Mike's Before/After Vertical Jump With Flying In Four:
To anyone who wants inches fast on their vertical jump,

Let's cut to the chase:
Anyone you know who gained a truly significant amount of inches on their vertical jump in extremely short amounts of time did it by following one of the following reasons:
A) They were born to jump high and it just took a little longer past puberty for the vertical jumps to fully develop..
These are your "genetic vertical jumpers". They could spend all day sitting on the couch eating potato chips and watching TV and they'd still jump out of the gym.
B) They stumbled onto a combination of "Foundational Vertical Jump Training" strategically matched and programmed with "Short-Term Effect Training".
Although we didn't know the power of combining these methods together until recently, athletes have fallen into it before, usually by accident truthfully, and because of it, they also rapidly increased their vertical jump in a very short amount of time (even without being born with "jumping genetics").
And unless you're one of those "genetic vertical jumpers" who was just born to jump high from the first explanation, you too are going to need a solution that combines the most important parts of "Foundational Vertical Jump Training" with "Short-Term Effect Training" to add inches fast to your vertical jump.
Luckily for you, there is no other vertical jump program on the Internet today that combines both of these big-time strategies together to quickly power up and add several inches to your vertical jump than Kelly Baggett's "Flying In Four".

Don't know who Kelly Baggett is yet?
He's the undisputed vertical jump "king" of the Internet and my personal training mentor (why do you think I'm writing this whole article here on his behalf?).
And if you don't mind, I'd like to brag about him for a second before showing you Flying In Four (because he's so humble, I know he never would)..

Meet Coach Kelly Baggett: The Vertical Jump "King" Of The Internet Today..

Let me ask you a question..
Have you ever read 1,871 research papers JUST on increasing a player's vertical jump?
Have you personally trained more than 992 athletes with the single goal of perfecting vertical jump improvements, something most "experts" out there would say is already "good enough"?
And tell me, have you improved your OWN vertical jump by a ridiculous 23 inches (yes, you read that right, that's a 23-inch increase in vertical jump gains)!
My close friend and training mentor Kelly Baggett has.
And when you take a world-class coach like Kelly and combine it with his incredible passion for the vertical jump, you're bound to get a vertical jump workout that has the potential to add inches to your vertical jump faster than anything you've ever seen.

That's exactly what's happened here with Flying In Four.

You'll Add Inches Faster Than Ever Before With Flying In Four -- Guaranteed.
Now that you know Kelly and have an idea of what Flying In Four is going to do for Y-O-U, let's hear from some of those other successful athletes who have used Flying In Four to add serious amounts of inches to their vertical jumps..

The Complete Flying In Four
Vertical Jump System
Flying In Four Component 1: Flying In Four Book
  • The "gold standard" of the vertical jump industry, The Flying In Four Program Manual contains all 3 of the breakthrough 28-day vertical jump workout programs that have been proven to add up to 12 inches to your vertical jump in just 12 weeks.
    With Vertical Jump Legend Kelly Baggett utilizing ALL of his most recent vertical jump tricks to combine the powerful synergy of Vertical Jump Foundational Training and Short-Term Effect VJ Training, gravity doesn't stand a chance.
    Contains every single day of workouts, telling you exactly what to do each day, FAQ's, charts, pictures, everything.
    You literally cannot find vertical jump workouts equal to these anywhere else in the world today. Period.
    And that's just the tip of the iceberg..
Flying In Four Component 2: The Flying in Four Exercise Video Database
  • Do you ever wonder what a specific exercise is exactly supposed to look like? Or do you ever feel concerned that you might be doing an exercise incorectly?
    With Flying In Four, that simply will not be a problem.
  • Every single exercise is covered in our Flying In Four Exercise Video Database.
  • On top of that, the Exercise Video Database is available to you 24 hours a day, so you're always just a click away of making sure you're doing one of the many powerful exercises inside Flying In Four correctly.
Flying In Four Component 3: The Truth About Jumping: Athletic Confessions With Alex Maroko, CPT
  • In this nearly hour-long audio (already in mp3 format and ready for upload to your IPod), Flying In Four co-creator and world renowned sports trainer Alex Maroko is going to reveal to you the real, "brass-knuckle" info you really need to know when it comes to maximizing your vertical jump. Included in the audio are the two most crucial things every athlete should have memorized when it comes to training for the vertical jump (these are not included inside of Flying In Four, so make sure to listen to this tantalizing audio separately).
Flying In Four Component 4: Stretch Your Vertical: Strategic Stretching For Jumping
  • In Alex Maroko's infamous "Stretch Your Vertical" Program, you'll discover the easy 9-minute stretching routine Alex uses with his clients to add several inches to their vertical jump, just through a few special "vertical jump stretches". This program will also drastically increase your speed, increase your flexibility and will also help you prevent injury, which is crucial to keeping you in the game and not on the sidelines.
Flying In Four Component 5: JumpUSA 15% OFF Lifetime Coupon
  • As a happy owner of The Truth About Quickness Insider's System, you also get special Insider's Access forvever to any of the powerful products sold at the web-based JumpUSA athletic superstore. Featuring an endless supply of vertical jump and speed training gadgets and training tools, you'll be able to purchase any of these products at a sizzling 15% OFF forever (and YES, this lifetime discount even includes the infamous "dunking machine", the Squat Flex).
Flying In Four Component 6: The 28-Day "Sweet Feet" Speed Program
  • The 28-Day "Sweet Feet" Speed Program is a brand-new speed training program from speed training "guru" Alex Maroko. Originally written for one of his personal clients (a college basketball player), you can now have access to high-level speed training too. Containing straight-up RAW workout data, with quickness training (straight from The TAQ 2.0 System), acceleration training (focus on explosiveness) and strength training workouts (how's more power and more speed sound?), the 28-Day "Sweet Feet" Speed Training Program has never been publicly released...that is, until now, with the brand-new Flying In Four Vertical Jump System.
Flying In Four Component 7: "Eating For A Bigger Vertical Jump" with Kelly Baggett
  • We all eat, right? Of course we do!
  • In this special audio report from the masterful Kelly Baggett, you'll discover the 8 MOST powerful "vertical jump diet tricks" from Kelly, including his killer "No C's Rule" and his ideal post-workout formula just for the vertical jump. This bonus is perfectly downloadable for your IPod or MP3 Player too and it's all yours today with the Flying In Four Vertical Jump System.

And now you can add inches FAST to your vertical jump with Flying In Four when you start today at the seriously discounted price of just $27 -- our lowest price ever!

Click Here To Try Flying In Four Today For Just $27 Today!

And just to show you how much Kelly and I believe in the incredibly fast vertical jump results Flying In Four is going to deliver to YOU, I'm going to do something today I've NEVER done before -- something 99% of all other coaches would never do -- I'm going to stamp a Lifetime Money Back Guarantee on Flying In Four for you when you start today!

That's right! See, me and Kelly believe that if you're not satisfied with the near-immediate results Flying In Four is going to bring your way, you should get your entire investment back, down to the last penny.
And you can ask for that refund at ANY TIME, forever.
Can we make this any more fair and obvious for you? :-)
Look.. Flying In Four will work for you. It will deliver you the results you want. FAST.
And if you're still not happy for whatever reason, I insist you simply send an email to our 24-hour-a-day help desk at FlyingInFour (at) gmail.com where your refund will be fully processed within 24 hours and your small $27 investment today placed back on your credit card or bank account. It really is that simple.
So take advantage of this massively bold offer I just put in front of you and match it with your own -- do something equally big for yourself, add inches fast to your vertical starting with Flying In Four today:

Click Here To Try Flying In Four For Just $27 Today!

Men Lie, Women Lie... Numbers DON'T.

Look, I'm a pretty honest and "tell it like it is" kind of Coach. That's just my style.
In fact, I'm not from there, but I've jokingly been told on numerous occasions that I should have been from New York City because of my straightforward attitude, so when I say this, know that it's because I KNOW what Flying In Four has done and how well it's worked for so many of my players in the past and I am POSITIVE it will do the same thing for you when you start today, so..
Let's be real here: if you really put your mind to it, went back to school, studied performance training, exercise science and nutrition, found and read those same 1,871 research papers that Kelly did, started an award-winning career in athletic training for more than 21 years, working directly with 992 athletes with the sole intent of decoding the vertical jump (along with consulting with some of the most respected Doctors, Physicians and Sports Scientists worldwide), then maybe, just maybe… in 15-20 years, could you come up with an equally effective vertical jump program, like Kelly's done with Flying In Four.
Sure...it could happen.
But wouldn't you'd rather:
1. Skip all that work
2. Rely on the fact that Kelly already did ALL of that for you
3. Add inches faster than ever before with the proven Flying In Four program and
4. Do so completely risk-free with your results guaranteed for a lifetime

Get started today, your excitement will jump the instant you click the "Add To Cart" button, I guarantee it:

Click Here To Try Flying In Four For Just $27 Today!

I can't wait to hear all about your incredibly rapid vertical jump gains you'll be making in just the next couple weeks man.
"..they can't stop you...they never could."

Alex Maroko
CPT, Pro Guard Trainer, Coach - The Guard Academy
P.S. Don't forget -- when you start with Flying In Four today, you get a Risk-FREE, Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee with it.
Either it works as effectively and fast for you as it has for all these other players, or you get your entire $27 investment back. Period.
And if you feel even a shred of hope that Flying In Four might just work for you (even if you have some unique circumstances or poor genetics), then you owe it to yourself to simply try it today, so get to it champ!

Click Here To Try Flying In Four For Just $27 Today!



NOTE: Flying in Four is a downloadable e-book. No physical
products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.