How To Create Your Own Geodesic Dome Green House

"How To Create Your Own Geodesic Dome
Green House And Have Your Own 'Organic Food Factory' Providing You and Your Family With
Incredible Food, Year Round, Even In The
Dead of Winter

It’s Easy To Create a Massive Geodesic Dome
Which Produces Food For You And Your Family Non-Stop.
You Don't Need Any Special Skills, It's Extremely Cheap,
And I'll Show You Exactly How To Do It, Step-by-Step...

An Open Letter From Kacper Postawski
Dear Friend:
If you're interested in freeing yourself, and your family for good from the industrial and corporate food beast that is poisoning our food with GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms), pesticides, hormones, fluoride, and many other cancer causing chemicals, then this will be the most important letter you read in your entire life, here's why:
You too can have your very own geodesic green house dome, which produces amazingly nourishing organic food for you and your whole family, year round, no matter where you are on this planet, even in the dead of winter.

Here's What Most People Don't Know
About Geodesic Dome Greenhouses:

They're extremely cheap to build. You can build one for pennies compared to the cost of normal green-houses by using regular 2x4s from Home Depot.
They're extremely heat efficient. With proper design and covering you can have your own "Eden Dome" with a tropical temperatures inside, even in the dead of winter.
It's the strongest structure mankind can build. Geodesic domes can withstand an incredible amount of force, they're Earthquake proof and will withstand hurricane force winds.
You can build them to any size, anywhere. No matter what space you have to work with in your back-yard.
You can grow an incredible amount of food inside your bio-dome, year round, and have your very own "eden food factory"
They're extremely light & portable, you can easily move them! You do not need a permit to build a temporary structure, and can have one whether you own land or you're just renting! Read on...

The Magic Of Having Your
Very Own Eden Biodome
Hi there. My name is Kacper Postawski,
I have been searching for a solution to the many problems on our planet, especially with our food supply for over a decade. Recently, with the looming food shortages coming a result of inflation it's become of utter importance to me that I find a solution, because I realized the life and well being of my family was on the line here.
Right around this time, a friend introduced me to Geodesic Domes.... and once I saw what was possible with Geodesic Domes, I was absolutely hooked, and super excited about having geodesic domes on our property to grow our own food year round.

The benefits of geodesic domes are enormous, and almost hard to believe.
With the proper set up you can literally grow your own food year round... and if you do what I tell you, you can even have tropical temperatures and grow tropical fruit, even if you live somewhere as cold and rainy like I do, in Vancouver, Canada.
Just look at this video below to get a feel what having your own dome is like!

Just Look At Some of This Incredibly
Inspiring Video on Geodesic Greenhouse Domes!

You Too Can Have a Beautiful Wooden Bio Dome
Like This, Without Spending Thousands...
After watching countless videos like the one above, I got even more excited and decided to buy one of these domes immediately, even if it was going to cost me a bit more than I expected...
Well... It was A LOT more than I expected!
The first dome company I contacted gave me a quote for $17,000 - the other one for $15,000. It was a lot more than I wanted to pay for a green-house, and quite frankly I just didn't have that much money.
But I still REALLY wanted one... so I decided I would bite the bullet, spend the time and money and learn everything I could possibly get my hands on about the construction of these domes, and try to do it myself...

I Built My First Miniature Test Dome For Under $80!

(Below: PIctures of the first dome I ever built. It cost me only $80! A pre-fabricated kit would have cost well over $800 or more!)

Our Giant 40' Dome Cost Only $500!
When I worked out the math I found out that to build a giant 40' Diameter Greenhouse Dome made of simple 2x4s it would only cost me $500 dollars, I could hardly believe it, that meant if I built it myself, I could save myself TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. There had to be a catch, right?
I decided to first build a 10' Diameter "test dome" (pictures above) and I did it for less than $80! A Commercial kit like this would have cost me well over $800! We turned this dome into a small growing dome for sprouts and herbs.
There was a catch, it was a bit of a learning curve... it took me a while to finally figure out how to manufacture the dome struts properly for easy assembly... and I wasted a lot of wood... but I FINALLY figured the "magic" 3 step process to producing the dome struts, and then everything went extremely quickly from there!
After my success with the small dome I decided to build a giant 40' green-house dome with 1,200 square feet of space and was able to complete it in just a few weeks, working only a few hours a week on it and mostly on the weekends.
With a help of a few friends, we're installing it on our property this week! (the picture on the right shows you how big our 40' dome is!)
A Dome This Size Cost Me
Only $500 to Build!

A massive geodesic greenhouse - the same size as the one I just completed and am assembling on my property this week!

By Doing It Myself, I Saved $16,500
You Too Can Have Your Own Eden Dome, No Matter
Your Budget Let Me Show You Exactly How, Step-by-Step...

Through my experience of constructing these domes, I've perfected an easy 3 step process you can use to construct your very own eden geodesic green-house dome extremely quickly and efficiently.
You too can have your very own geodesic green-house dome, you can easily build one out of simple 2x4s you can get at any hardware store. 2x4s are extremely strong and will last years if you stain them! This is why you can build massive Geodesic Domes for pennies, 2x4s are really cheap.
I've put everything you need into a step-by-step eBook guide: "The Eden Biodome Revolution"

Here's What This Book Will Do For You:

Shows you exactly how to easily construct your bio-dome, step-by-step. I'll take you through each step with detailed explanations, pictures, and even videos that demonstrate the most important steps.
Follow my "magic" 3 step system to build your dome extremely quickly and very accurately. Without this system you could spend weeks building your dome and make many mistakes!
You'll discover the incredible material I have found to cover your dome with which can turn your dome into a tropical paradise. This material is currently being used in parts of Canada where it is -30C (-22F) outside, and the farmers are picking strawberries in their t-shirts. This material is incredible at keeping heat in! They're using it inside a regular green-house, it's even more effective inside your DOME green-house with the thermal benefits of the dome's shape. I'll show you how to get this material and how to cover your dome with it.
This material is also cheaper than glass, acrylic or any other type of transparent plastic!
The 3 critical systems necessary to keep your dome thriving and maintain the temperature inside your dome.
How to disperse the light that comes into your dome, so that your plants are getting light from all possible directions. Your plants will thrive and grow straight up, even in the low winter Sun!
Designing your dome literally takes seconds, I'll show you how to use special dome calculators to design your dome in seconds, all the plans are pre-made for you immediately.
A list of all the materials and tools you'll need. Building the dome is so simple, this is the best part, it's so easy!
How to build your dome extremely cheap and extremely beautiful at the same time by using simple wooden 2x4s. Most dome suppliers make domes out of steel, which is really expensive, heavy and ugly. You can literally build your dome for less than $200, and have a beautiful wooden structure that appeals to the senses, and provides food for your family!
And much more!

What To Do Now:

If you don't have this guide with you while you're building your dome, you'll spend hours, days, perhaps even months of your time frustrated, most likely making the same mistakes I did when I made my first dome before I figured out the easy 3 step process I'll teach you inside the guide.
The book is currently offered online for $49.97 at a special launch price. This is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of time and energy you could waste on doing it hardcore "trial and error" like I did when I started building this dome. If someone had offered this book to me when I started building my dome, I would have gladly paid $200 for it!
Grab the "Eden Biodome Revolution" today, and join the revolution, build your geodesic green-house dome, and free yourself and your family! Click here to order.
Get Instant Access to the
"Eden Biodome Revolution"
When you get "Eden Biodome Revolution", you have immediate and instant access to the whole eBook. You don't have to pay for shipping, nothing is shipped to you and you don't have to wait for anything to arrive at your door. Click here to order now and get instant access.

It's Easy To Order:
You can order safely online through a secure server transaction. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and all major credit cards. You may order through PayPal as well. Once your order is processed, you will be immediately re-directed to a download page where you'll get instant download access. You'll have everything you need to start your bio-dome project just moments from now. Click here to order.

Iron Clad 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
When you place your order for "Eden Biodome Revolution" today, your copy is backed by my iron-clad 60 day no questions asked, hassle free money-back guarantee.
If for any reason you find that you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact my support team at, and we'll be happy to issue you a complete refund for your investment.
If you find that after reading the eBook, you cannot quickly build your own Geodesic Biodome Greenhouse, easily, without any hickups.
If you find that you cannot save tens of thousands of dollars by building your own geodesic greenhouse with my advice, simply contact us, and we'll issue you a refund.
I offer this guarantee because I want you to feel like you've gotten way more in value than what you paid for this eBook, and because I believe this is hands-down the best guide available on how to build your own geodesic biodome greenhouse, from scratch, while saving tens of thousands of dollars. Click here to order today.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, I hope what you've read here has inspired and uplifted you!
PS. Remember, by building your own bio-dome you're not just building a green-house, your investing in freedom, and a life-style of incredible food and peace of mind. Where else are you going to find a guide that shows you how to build a geodesic green-house biodome?

PPS. The $49.97 special launch price may not last long, don't be surprised to come back later and find out the price has increased, click here to get your copy today.

Kacper M. Postawski
Kacper Postawski Companies