Build Magnetic Power Generato: With a magnetic energy generator, it will be easy to build free electricity or energy. This device is protected and eco-friendly. Watch out video to see how a man managed to set up magnet power in his home and what you could make
From the DIY Workshop of Tomas Beronson
Magnet, Solar, Wind, Energy Enthusiast & Creator of
“There’s a BIG SECRET that the power companies don’t want any of us to know: It’s NOT 1950! That’s right, unlike previous generations who couldn’t break free from the power companies and generate their own electricity…”
Watch this video to see how a man managed to set up magnet power in his homeand what you could make, followingMagnet4PowerSolution:
Let’s face it: Times are hard. The economy is in bad shape and we all need to find ways to save money.
Unfortunately, you can only cut back so much before all that’s left are “necessities” like the electric bill each month, which can run $100 or more, each and every month! And the worst part…
The average electric bill has more than doubled for the average household in the past 10 years, far outpacing inflation and eating into your disposable income!
Unlike past generations who had to choose between paying the electric company or not having any lights, WE HAVE A CHOICE!
That’s right, we do have a choice and the power companies hate this fact and they will try and do everything in their power to discredit this proven and inexpensive technology! Why would anyone possibly want to discourage people from being responsible stewards of the planet and actually generating their own safe, dependable energy??
Actually, if you produce more electricity than you use, the electric company is obligated by law to buy it from you at current market price! So imagine it instead of mailing a check to the electric company each month they could be sending YOU a check each month! And no you DO NOT need to invest $1,000’s in costly solar panels or windmills to transform your home into an energy producing “green home”!
Seriously, the power company wants (and has always had) lifetime customers who send in their checks each month. The power companies have known the only way for someone to “break free” from those monthly payments was to invest $1,000’s in solar panels or personalized windmills, UNTIL NOW!
It’s called a PMG, or Permanent Magnetic Generator. A PMG generates alternating current (AC) that can ultimately be used by your home and help lower, even eliminate, your electric bill each month!
Although the technology has been around for quite some time, it has never been adapted for personal home use, until now!
Working at very low rotational speed, the PMG is capable of producing 180W of electricity at just 420 RPM! Modifications can be made so that the PMG produces even more power at higher speeds, putting even more money directly into your bank account each month!!
When you place an order below you will immediately receive E-book. The E-book details how to create the Magnet4Powersystem from easily obtainable parts, and shows users how to save literally tons of energy and money with the system. + You will also get the Bonuses!
These e-books are (electronic books) and are delivered ONLINE - if your computer can handle THIS website, then you can read or print these books using your browser. No download time, you get immediate access. Plus, you get free access for all future updates!
Why online books? Thanks to all the feedbacks from our readers, Magnet4Powerevolves and improves, and it's happening REAL FAST. We want you to have the latest updates immediately. Every improvement, every new piece of information, and every new chapter, shows up automatically and immediately. You can visit the books as many times as you need and want. You will always see fresh information!
Stop Being a Hostage To Your Utility Bill and Declare Your Energy Independence By Becoming Our Next Success Story!!
It’s not magic, it’s magnetism and it can help free you from the electric bill each month and put a substantial amount of cash into your bank account each year!…
Step 2:Follow The Step-By-Step Instructions To Build Your Own PMG For as Little As $100.
Step 3: Install and Wait For Your Next Electric Bill!
That’s it doesn’t get much easier, does it? From the moment you order the Magnet4Powermanual, you will have instant access and be able to go out and buy the supplies you need to be generating electricity in your very own back yard within days possibly hours depending on how excited you are to get it up and running!
Don’t worry you don’t need to be a construction worker or have a garage filled with expensive tools and equipment to create your very own PMG system! Armed with the Magnet4Powereasy-to-read manual, some simple hand tools, and the determination to free yourself from the power company once and for all you have everything you need to build your very own professional quality PMG guaranteed!
Honestly, the power companies don’t want us generating our own electricity any more than the oil companies want to see a solar-powered car, BECAUSE IT PUTS THEM OUT OF BUSINESS!!
This is precisely why you don’t see the utility companies trying to research or advance personal power generating technologies like the PMG, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work!
It isn’t a conspiracy, its just business. I didn’t invent anything new here, the technology has been around for years. What I HAVE done is develop a way to “miniaturize” the technology for personalized use using parts, tools, and techniques available to just about everyone.
You don’t need to be an engineer.
You don’t need years of fabrication/construction experience.
You don’t need to spend weeks of your time building the PMG.
You don’t need to invest $1,000’s…
You DO Need:
And To Help You Maximize Your Savings and Prevent the Power Company From Seeing One Dime of Your Money…
The First 100 To Order Magnet4Power Will Also Receive These Two Bonuses, Absolutely FREE and Guaranteed to Minimize Your Energy Use and Maximize Savings!
Simple click on the big button "Order Now" below and follow the easy instructions. As soon as you've placed your order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS and instructions on how to download all your e-books and bonuses! You can pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal. Your purchase is protected by a 100% satisfaction cashback guarantee.
This is it, the moment that can literally help end your dependence on the power company forever while making a REAL difference in the fight against global warming! The revolutionary information you need to start generating electricity in days and for as little as $100 is contained in the Magnet4Power manual, including:
Thousands have already reduced or completely eliminated their utility bills using the Magnet4Power system. Your success is 100% guaranteed because you either see results or a full refund, no questions, no hassles, no b.s.
So the question is: Will you continue to pay $100 or more to the electric company each month (or whatever they tell you to pay)?? Or, is this the day you finally declare your Energy Independence and build your very own Personal Magnetic Generator using a little of your spare time, some “spare parts” and the easy-to-follow instructions in the Magnet4Power system?
So to declare your Energy Independence from the power company and do your part to help save the planet for our children and their children…
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You won't find a better price anywhere elsefor such a complete and quality conversion-kit manual with over 300 pages of detailed instructions and full illustrations easy enough for even a novice to follow.This technology is used successfully by thousands of satisfied customers.instantly after payment!
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We have never priced our guide this low, and won't for much longer!
Our cheapest renewable energy competitor charges $210 which (we admit) is usually a lower price than ours, but with this limited-time sale, we are offering our guide for just 1/4 of their price, and our guide is easier to understand, costs less to set-up, and works more efficiently!
SMALLER SYSTEMS SELL ON THE INTERNET FOR $4,000-$6,500 AND THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY. However, they take over a year to pay for themselves.
Our conversion system will easily pay for itselfwithin a month or two.
Once installed, it will save you an average of $220 per month for many years into the future!
That's a savings of well over $3,000 per year, every year, for a low one-time payment of just
P.S. - We cannot possibly guarantee this price forever because Success Stories like Donna are already starting their own “cottage industries” using our information to build magnet energy system for their friends and family! So don’t delay click hereto order Magnet4PowerNOW before prices go up!
P.S.S- Don’t forget, you either see results or you get a refund so you have absolutely nothing to risk here. But hurry, only the first 100 to order Magnet4Powerthis month will also receive my two free bonuses, so ORDER NOW!