Children Learning Reading Program - How to Teach Your Child to Read

Children Learning Reading Stage 1
  Children Learning Reading Stage 2

Give Your Child the BEST Start in Life, and...
Pave Their Way for the BRIGHTEST Possible Future...
With a Learn to Read System so Powerful, It's Guaranteed to...

"Teach Your Child to Read
in 12 Weeks Flat!"

Dear Parents,
If you believe that teaching your child to read and helping your child develop proficient reading skills is the key to success in life, and if you wish to help your children develop to their fullest potential... then your must read this message carefully.
Here's why: We are Jim and Elena, proud parents of two wonderful children with a third baby on the way. The education and development of our children are extremely important for us. When our first child was still just a small toddler, we "hopped" onto the bandwagon of a program that claims to teach even babies to read. Unfortunately, it was quite clear that our child did not, in fact, learn how to read, but rather, memorized word shapes! Putting our child in front of the TV and computer was NOT working... My Gosh, when I think about it now, why should it work? How on earth could we have expected some silly TV/DVD programming to teach our child to read!? There has to be a better way!

Our Family:
Jim, Elena, Raine, & Ethan
And there is...
Through extensive research, testing, and trial and error with our own children, we stumbled onto a simple secret that not only allowed us to teach our children to read at just 2 years and 11 months old, but also helped our children develop such robust reading abilities that by the time our daughter was just 4 years 2 months old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level. We had developed a very unique and simple system that is extremely effective at teaching children to read. We never even dreamed that our program could produce such astounding results! Since then, we've spent hours upon hours tweaking and perfecting this amazing learn to read program and putting it into a simple format that YOU can use right now to get incredible results with your children.
Our program is a proven, 100% guaranteed system based on techniques and methods backed up by scientific research and evidence that will teach children to read. It is an unique and sure-fire learning to read system that many parents like you have used to successfully teach their children to read in a relatively short period of time - spending just 10 to 15 minutes each day. We have the results to prove it! Please watch the short video below for proof. A second video proof is further down the page...

To watch the video again, simply refresh the page (F5)   
The little girl you saw in the video above is our daughter, Raine. We began teaching her how to read when she was 2 years and 8 months old. The video clips you watched above were recorded when she was just 2 years and 11 months old - about 3 months after we began teaching her to read using our extremely simple, step-by-step program. The best part of it all is that being busy parents ourselves, we spend just 10 to 15 minutes teaching her to read each day.

Success Story #1:
"They just can't believe that a small boy like Jacob can read so well."
Dear Jim and Elena, we started using your program to teach our little boy to read following your lessons, and it was simply amazing. Just FYI, our boy Jacob was almost 3 and half when we started teaching him to read. By the time we got through the first 15 or so lessons, he was picking up written words all around him. Everywhere we went, he was so excited to be able to read words and sentences posted all around us. We're a few lessons into the second stage of your program now, and I'm still amazed at the reading skills our boy has developed.
Whenever we get together with family and friends, the reaction we get the most when they see Jacob reading is "WOW!" or "Oh My God!". They just can't believe that a small boy like Jacob can read so well. All the other moms are asking me how I managed to teach our boy to read! =) Everything in your book was so well laid out, and easy to understand and follow. Thanks so much for this.
- Laura A. Wells, TX. USA

Success Story #2:
"His reading ability has improved dramatically...
He has also gone up to the highest level in his reading... A few months ago he was almost at the bottom of his class in his reading but now has gone up so much."
Hi, Jim

I have two children - Oscar who turned 5 in August and Sarah who turned 3 in September. Anyway, I got this programme for my son. The reason why I started to look for some programme for my son's reading in the first place was that the teachers at his reception class told me that Oscar was not able to say some sounds correctly (a bit delayed compared with other children in his class). Although he was only four and youngest in his class, it made me worry, and started to notice his pronunciation issues (bad habits). Even though the teachers pointed out the issue, they did not seem to have any clue how to work on this matter and did not try to help my son much. The books they gave Oscar as homework was not structured for him to learn step by step, and confusing.
My wife and I took him to a speech therapist via National Health Service, who told us that we should not work on his sounds because we can "put him off" and wait for 6 months until the next appointment after the initial assessment. But, I knew that it is a long time to wait (Oscar will reinforce his own bad habits of saying wrong sounds while we wait). So, I started to help him every day with his sounds/speech. But, all the materials I came across did not have any step by step and systematic approach for my child to learn reading and learning sounds, then I found your programme on the internet, which I have found extremely helpful. I really like it because it breaks down reading and decoding sounds into most basic steps, and children learn them step by step logically. I must admit that I cannot always make it fun for Oscar, but his reading ability has improved dramatically and his pronunciation issues almost gone - in the end, the speech therapist said actually Oscar does not need to have any practice session because he can now say all the sounds correctly. He has also gone up to the highest level in his reading books which his school (class) gives him for his homework. A few months ago he was almost at the bottom of his class in his reading but now has gone up so much.

At the moment, Oscar is still doing lesson 4, Stage 2 on your reading programme. He still needs to learn a lot more but I am extremely pleased with his improvement so far, thanks to your programme. We will continue it, and update you with his further progress.

Thank you very much and kind regards,
- N. F. Great Britain

Success Story #3:
"Your books are a must read for any parent who wants to teach their children to read."
Hi Jim, I'm a single mother of 3, my two older boys are 11 and 9, and can read quite well. My youngest daughter is a little over 4 years old when I came across your program. We've almost completed your entire program with just a few lessons left in stage 2, and I am so pleased to tell you that your program is simply fantastic! Tam is turning 5 soon, and she has learned to read before turning 5!
Your books are a must read for any parent who wants to teach their children to read. I only wish that I could've found your program sooner for my older boys. The wonderful thing is that my older boys took a real interest in helping their younger sister learn to read, and during the process of helping me teach Tam to read, the older boys seemed to improve their reading skills as well. Reading books together is one of the favorite things my children like to do now. Thank you for everything.
- Tina, BC. Canada

Success Story #4:
"I don't remember I have been happier.. I was soooo happy I could cry! ...he is actually reading :) I am sooo happy I met you Jim... I am certain i made the right choice getting your book."
Below is a cut/paste of a series of email conversations we had with Lulu, mother of 2.6 year old Saqer. It nicely captures the joys and surprises many parents experience when they teach their children to read using our program. Click the button below to expand or collapse this box to read the complete story.

Success Story #5:
"Your program is brilliant. I will recommend it to other parents who are struggling to teach their children how to read."
Hello Jim,
The book was really helpful. It helps my daughter who is 5 years old to read simple words now which was a nightmare before as I didn't know how to teach her properly. Unfortunately, I was not able to follow the consistency of teaching them daily as both me and my husband are not only full-time parents but full-time employees too, therefore, we are not around daily during children's time which is between 8am-8pm, so I can only do it when I am on a day-off. With that, I only manage to teach the 1st book and will still be going on to the 2nd book.
My son who is 3 years old is reading little by little which is a good sign.
I can definitely say, your program is brilliant. I will recommend it to other parents who are struggling to teach their children how to read.
Thank you once again.
Respectfully yours,
- Maria Casil
In a second followup email a few months later:
Hello Jim,

Just to let you know that my 6 years old is reading well now, still not confident with chapter books yet though but I am not complaining as she is doing good for her age. Thanks for your tips. My 4 years old is starting to read 3-4 letters now as well.
Well done. I've recommended your website to my friends, hope they joined already. For me, the money I spent was well worth it, hope they will think the same.
Thanks a lot once again.

Respectfully yours,

What Makes This Breakthrough Learn to Read System So Powerful is That it Allows You To...

Teach Your Child to Read by Learning Phonics and Developing Phonemic Awareness Skills. It is a fact - helping children develop phonemic awareness skills is the most essential step in acquiring reading skills.[1] The spoken english language is made up of words and sentences, and these words are made up of individual sounds or phonemes. Once a child can speak, he or she can learn to say and recognize these individual sounds through a process called developing phonemic awareness. According to the National Reading Panel, phonemic awareness improves children's word reading and reading comprehension, and it also helps children learn to spell. Research has indicated that phonemic awareness has a direct correlation with students' ability to read as they get older, and it helps to build a foundation for children to understand the rules of the English language.
Teach Your Child to Read In 12 Weeks by Spending Just 10 to 15 Minutes a Day. We all know it - children have a short attention span, and get distracted easily, simply because they're so curious about everything. Our program is so effective because it takes advantage of a young child's curiosity and desire to learn new things. To accomplish this, the lessons taught in our program are short, but super effective. Many lessons take just 3 to 5 minutes to complete! You will NOT be putting your child in front of the television for hours on end with our system. No way! In fact, we do not recommend that small children watch television to learn how to read - our children and YOUR children deserve better.
Teach Your Child to Read Without Television and Without Computer Programs. Can you really expect your children to learn to read by watching some random words flash on a TV screen? Sure, they might learn to memorize some word shapes, as we found out ourselves, but does the child really acquire the ability to decode and read effectively? Of course not...
Do not think for one minute, that spending hundreds of dollars on ineffective DVD, TV, and Computer programs will teach your child to read or replace the loving care and attention of an attentive parent. You are the parent and teacher during the most important developmental years of your child's life. For that, you will be rewarded with the greatest experience, and your child will be rewarded with developing the most important skills in life - reading and literacy skills. Through the teaching process outlined in our program, you will stimulate communication skills and intellectual development with your child.

You Will be Delighted, Excited, and Amazed...
Picture this... your family is dinning out at a local restaurant. You are all seated, and as the waitress takes your orders, your 4 year old child picks up the kids menu, clearly reads the items on it, and then orders her own food. The waitress drops her jaws and gasps at what she just saw.
Imagine... while waiting for your appointment with the pre-school teacher, your 4 year old sits down, picks up a children's book, and begins to read out softly to herself. Other parents are amazed at what they are seeing. They ask how you managed to teach your child to read at such a young age, and are begging you, asking for your "secret". Afterwards, even the teacher asks how you managed to teach such a young child to read so well. These are real life situations that we have had the joy of experiencing, and other parents who used our program to teach their child to read had shared similar stories with us.
And now, this fantastic program is available to YOU and YOUR child.
Do you find it hard to believe that a young child can read restaurant menus or read books by themselves? Had I not taught my own children to read at very young ages, I would find it hard to believe myself. But cast your doubts aside... We will show you a 3 year old child reading books. This is all REAL - no tricks, no gimmicks, no memorization. This is not only possible, but also achievable by parents like you and your children. Please watch the video below to see what's possible. The short video below contains reading clips taken when our daughter was 3 years 4 months old.


Your Child Misses a GOLDEN Opportunity,
If You Do Not Teach Your Child to Read Now

The first several years of your child's life are the most important for healthy brain development and growth. Critical aspects of a child's brain is established well before they enter school, and it is the experiences during these sensitive periods of development that play a critical role in shaping the capacities of the brain. [i] Please see the graph below, which charts the synapse formation in a child's brain at different ages.
As you can see, synapse formation for higher cognitive function peaks around 2 to 3 years of age. There is a direct link between a child's academic performance and future success with positive early experiences and developing early reading skills.
Reading makes your child SMARTER, and the very act of reading can help children compensate for modest levels of cognitive ability! [v - Cunningham, Stanovich]
Your child's vocabulary at age 3 predicts his or her first grade reading success [ii], and...
Vocabulary and reading ability in first grade strongly predicts grade 11 outcomes [iii], and...
Third grade reading skills directly influences high school graduation. Children who cannot read proficiently by grade 3 are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers! [iv]
And if you think... "why do I need to teach my child to read when they'll learn to read at school, and what are the chances that my child will be a poor reader?" Then you need to THINK AGAIN! Because...
67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level! According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, of those 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level, and 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level! The NAEP is the only ongoing survey of what students know and tracks their performance in various academic subjects for the United States. [2]
The U.K. government's Department of Education reported that 42% of children left school without achieving a basic level of functional English - Over 100,000 students leave schools functionally illiterate in the UK each year! [4]
The Australian Government Department of Education reported that 33% of all year 5 students CANNOT meet the benchmark literacy skills, and in Canada, 42% of Canadians are considered semi-illiterate! [6 ,7] Unfortunately, non of these above shocking literacy statistics should be surprising because...
"Many in-service teachers are not knowledgeable in the basic concepts of the English language. They do not know how to address the basic building blocks of language and reading." - This is NOT a statement that we are making, rather, this is a finding from a study done at the Texas A&M University. Their study was aptly titled "Why elementary teachers might be inadequately prepared to teach reading." [5]
The above statistics and findings are not something we pulled out of thin air. They are reported by government agencies on the current state of the literacy levels of school children.
Poor reading ability and literacy skills lead to reduced opportunities in life, and worse yet, "being illiterate is a guaranteed ticket to a dead end life with no skills and no future." [7]

Success Story #6:
"After Kindergarten my son could not read at all! His teacher said he would never be able to keep up or catch up in 1st grade & wanted to hold him back... then we found your program... When he started 1st grade, he is reading and the teacher is ABSOLUTELY AMAZED and RAVES about his progress. You are a lifesaver!"
Hi Jim,
Your program is amazing! I ordered it last summer because after Kindergarten my son could not read at all! His teacher said he would never be able to keep up or catch up in 1st grade & wanted to hold him back because he couldn't read. Well needles to say, we said no & vowed to teach him ourselves..... then we found your program.
We had only completed Stage 2 lesson 3 when he started 1st grade, but he is reading and the teacher is ABSOLUTELY AMAZED and RAVES about his progress.
My only regret is that I did not know about your program when he was smaller. It is easy to understand, easy to use, and in such a small amount of time he was reading words and craving more! He is even writing words on his own by sounding them out.
Ben reads reads reads!!!! You are a lifesaver! My family can't say enough good things about your program.
Thanks Again,
- Gia Carmignani

The Matthew Effect in Reading: Children Who Fall Behind at Reading Will Likely Have Lifelong Reading Problems, but Early Reading
Leads to Greater Success
Won't all these children who read poorly catch up to their peers eventually? Research has shown that this is one of the most dangerous myths perpetuated. If a child's reading difficulties are not address early, chances are that child will never acquire sufficient reading skills. This is known as the Matthew Effect in Reading. Please see chart below:
The Matthew Effect of Reading describes how early success in learning to read leads to greater success later on in reading skills development, with spillover effects into all other academic subjects. On the other hand, a poor reader who fails to develop proficient reading skills by grade 4 will likely have a lifelong problem with reading and learning new skills. The chart above shows the differences in reading abilities between children who enter school with foundational reading skills compared to children without these critical foundation skills. At kindergarten and even grade 1, this gap in reading performance is small; however, this gap becomes exponentially greater by the third grade. By the fourth grade, helping children to overcome reading difficulties becomes time consuming, and frustrating for the child. It is also usually unsuccessful.

Will You Leave Your Child's Future Up to Chance? Or...
Will You Choose the Path of Success
for Your Child?

Success Story #7:
"She became so much more confident sounding words out and generally reading... the school hasn't recognised her reading ability and she is still on very basic readers at school but she reads short novels at home... your program was great in that it was a whole package and easy to work through."
We completed your program and it was fantastic. It was very easy to follow, and straight forward. Taya became so much more confident sounding words out and generally reading. Reading is no longer a chore! Unfortunately the school hasn’t recognised her reading ability and she is still on very basic readers at school but she reads short novels at home.
I have passed your website onto a few friends, hopefully they have been in contact…… Lots of people complain that it is hard to teach their child to read, however they are not willing to put in the effort and set aside the time each night to work with them. I found it easy once I established a routine. I have always read to the children each night so we had the foundation already there, your program was great in that it was a whole package and easy to work through. Thank you,
- Jane Mackenzie, Australia

Success Story #8:
"I'll be proud to have a three year old who's
started reading."
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the support. I began teaching our son Rio using your program in at 2 1/2 years. He was excited about learning the letters but blending didn't really happen until a month ago. This was an exciting step, and gave me lots of encouragement. We'd been moving pretty slowly (also had a new baby in September). We're on lesson 17 now. We keep the short sessions matched to his interest and focus level at the moment. Usually we only do part of a lesson at a session.
I'm quite happy with the program and his progress. He will turn three in March, And I'll be proud to have a three year old who's started reading.


Teach Your Child to Read Today... With Our Reading Program, Your Child Will Develop Critical, Foundational Reading Skills That Puts them Years Ahead of Other Children

As you saw in the videos posted above, our daughter had developed exceptional reading abilities by the time she was just 2 years and 11 months old, and by the time she was just 4 years 2 months old, she had achieved a grade 3 reading level.
It took us thousands of hours of extensive research to develop what we have today. We know exactly what works and what does not work. The pride and joy of seeing your young child reading at levels far beyond their age is the ultimate reward. The true benefits of learning to read and developing literacy skills are clear: enhanced intellectual development, superior literacy skills, vastly enriched vocabulary, and a true love of books and reading.
We're so confident in our Learn to Read program, that we can say with full confidence, that for a normal child with no learning disabilities, our program can help that child achieve exceptional reading and literacy skills. This is all made possible through...
Years of Study, Research, and Trial and Error
What do all the facts and figures above tell you? You NEED to teach your child to read now! The shocking stats and information above only highlight a small fraction of what we have learned through our research and study. Not surprisingly, after learning about the poor reading performance and literacy skills of children everywhere and discovering the true benefits of learning to read early, we took matters into our own hands.
Away with the ineffective TV and Computer Programs! We were determined to teach our children to read at an early age by investing our time and effort, combined with love, care, and attention!
During this time, I read hundreds of books, magazines, journals, and scientific studies... I was obsessed with teaching my children to read and helping them develop to their fullest potential possible. I was determined to find a real solution to teach even very young children to read.
It certainly was not easy. I had so much information; so many methods of teaching how to read; whole language versus phonics; teaching sight words and teaching letter names and sounds; teaching onsets and rimes; morphemes, graphemes, and phonemes; long vowels, short vowels, consonant digraphs; and rules that will boggle the mind of an adult, let alone small children! It was a mess! A big, confusing mess...
Then I discovered a simple method, a "trick" if you will, that worked like a charm for teaching children to read. We took what we learned and we simplified it and refined it to create a super simple, sure-fire, step-by-step program that allowed us to successfully teach our own children to read and develop superior literacy skills.

Parents Who Followed Our Program Step-by-Step Got the Same Results... So Can You!
Other parents who used our system to teach their children to read reported similar, fantastic results. In just 12 weeks, and often less time, their young children learned to read, and read very well. Some of the benefits experienced by these parents and children include:
It was rewarding and endearing to see the fantastic reading progress made by their children.
Their children had developed a mastery over print, and were developing a very respectable vocabulary base.
The children acquired a real love of reading and learning.
Through the teaching process, the parents themselves had developed a deeper and better understanding of the English language!
Older siblings who could already read showed a real interest in helping their younger brother or sister learn to read, and in the process, developed stronger reading skills themselves.
The children became much better at articulating their thoughts and communicating their ideas.
The parents developed a real respect and appreciation for their child's amazing ability to learn and assimilate new information.

Success Story #9:
"She is now 29 months, and really loves books and reading. She constantly wants to do her 'words'... your instructions really helped me as this is my first child and I've never taught anyone to read before."
Hi there,
I want to let you know of Sarah's progress. Sarah is brilliant, and we found that teaching blending was really helpful, and started Sarah off really well.
She had however learned to 'blend' at about 20months, and so I did start really early. Sarah is now 29months, and really loves books and reading, she constantly wants to do her 'words', and can read all 3 letter and most other longer words with a bit of help and encouragement.
In summary, we started very early and therefore fun was the most important element of the teaching. When teaching to blend, your cards and also the instructions really helped me as this is my first child and i've never taught anyone to read before.
Sarah had the tools in order to learn to read for ages before becoming truly enthusiastic about it and the enthusiasm has just happened in the last month. So we are all really excited to see her improvement which seems to be coming in leaps and bounds now she really wants to read.
Anyway, I really appreciated the advice and instruction from your learn to read program and I believe this has helped to get the progress we have.
Kind regards

- Clare Smythe (mother of Sarah 29months)

Success Story #10:
"Your program is easy to use and makes a whole lot of sense. I am very happy with the results we are getting. I have found it very rewarding being able to help him with this lifelong skill."
We are at the final 3 lessons of stage 1 of the manual. I have found having the bonus material a great help. Your program is easy to use and makes a whole lot of sense. Its a great reminder as a parent and lets me prepare for each lesson. I have used the print outs mostly though as they were easy to print off and then use each night with my little boy . I then go back to the computer to check the manual and make sure I'm keeping up with the lessons.
My child is a 4 year old boy and has the concentration span of a gnat, but patience is everything. The changes are there though and he is starting to blend words on his own and can decipher each word fairly easily. The lessons are great as you can make them really short on some days and longer if he's in the mood.
I am very happy with the results we are getting. Slow but steady and leaps and bounds above what he would have got in Daycare. I have found it very rewarding being able to help him with this lifelong skill. Our reading time together, on most nights, is a lovely bonding time between us and lauchie is very proud of himself. If he has tried hard and concentrated each night the fairies bring him a golden star while he sleeps. His stars are on the wall in his room and he knows that he is learning something he will need forever.
Thank you for your programme.
- Zoe Blair


Warning: Using Whole Language Only Learning Methods May Cause Your Child to Struggle With Reading

The "whole language" method of learning to read is a controversial approach to teaching reading. With the whole language method, students are expected to simply look at a word and say it out. This approach to learning reading is very much a "word shape memorization" plan, and it is also known as sight reading. In fact, one very popular (and expensive) program that claims to teach even babies to read is a whole language learning method.
With the whole language learning to read method, the child is supposed to "learn to read" words by their total configuration. In this "look and say" approach, a young child memorizes the shape of the word, and recognizes the word by its configuration without developing any real understanding of the relationship between the individual components of a word as related to its whole. With this whole word learning approach, the child is being taught to read English as if it were an ideographic language such as Chinese! This is just absurd!
The major drawbacks of the whole language method is that children who learn to read this way may guess, skip over, or replace words that they don't know, and this quite often leads to children being unable to learn how to read. This method puts severe limitations on how many words a child can learn to "read", or memorize.
The disadvantages of learning to read by the whole language method has been widely proven in scientific research. Large amounts of research in the past few decades have shown that teaching phonemic awareness produces the best reading results in Children. In fact, after an extensive review of over 1,960 clinical studies, the National Reading Panel has gone as far as to say that teaching phonics and phonemic awareness produces better reading results than whole language programs. Teaching phonemic awareness improves a child's reading, reading comprehension, and spelling abilities. The NRP  findings also indicated that teaching to read programs involving phonemic awareness is far superior at improving a child's reading ability than a learning to read program that does not involve phonemic awareness instructions at all.[3]
The only way to truly teach your child to read and develop superb literacy skills is through the process of developing phonemic awareness.
Having read this far, I just want to ask you this: "Do you really want to sit your child in front of the TV, watching random words flash on the screen, and pretend that your child is somehow learning to 'read'? Do you want to see your child struggle with reading?"
If you answered NO, and,
  • if you want to give your child the BEST START in life
  • if you do not want your child to be one of the 67% who cannot read proficiently, or one of the 34% who cannot achieve even basic reading abilities
  • if you're willing to make a minor time investment in your child using an extremely effective, step-by-step learn to read program that will allow you to achieve amazing results with your child, then
  • we have just the solution for you. Introducing...

"Children Learning Reading TM"
The Simplest and Best Way to Teach Your Child to Read

Children Learning Reading Stage 1  Children Learning Reading Stage 2
The Children Learning Reading TM program comes in two jam-packed e-books presenting a step-by-step, sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, and extremely effective system for teaching your child to read quickly, effectively, and fluently without watching television or sitting in front of the computer.
The program is instantly downloadable, and contain a total of 50 step-by-step, super simple, yet amazingly effective lessons that will show you how to easily teach your child to read spending just 10 to 15 minutes each day. Whether your child is 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, in pre-school, kindergarten, or in early grade school, our system of learning to read will help your child become a fast and fluent reader.
The Stage 1 and Stage 2 e-books contain all the step-by-step lessons you need to help your child develop superb phonemic awareness and literacy skills, and at the same time, build a rock solid foundation in decoding and reading. You will be amazed at your child's reading ability after completing just stage 1 of our program!
Our proven program will work for children who are able to speak, but do not know how to read yet;
Children Learning Reading TM will work to help improve the reading skills of children who are starting to read;
And our program can also help children who are having some difficulties at learning to read.
It is a proven system for helping young children learn to read that has been used by thousands of parents like you.
Presented in 50 step-by-step, easy to follow, and easy to understand lessons along with stories, rhymes, and colorful illustrations to make you and your child's learning to read process a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience.
Comes with private email counseling from us for 12 weeks. Plus, you get 6 additional Super Bonuses worth at least $329.65 (see Super Bonuses below)!
Our program will work to help teach very young children to read (even 2 and 3 year old children), as long as they are able to speak. Of course, the speed at which a child develops reading skills will vary depending on the child. Some will advance faster, some will advance a bit slower, and older children will likely advance faster than younger children. One thing that is certain, is that using our simple step-by-step program, you too, can teach your child to read.

Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy of
Children Learning Reading TM Today:
Because children have very short attention spans, our program is designed to be short, simple, interesting, and extremely effective. By short, we mean just 10 to 15 minutes a day. With a lot of patience and consistency, you can help your child achieve exceptional reading abilities. Below are just some highlights of what you can expect to learn from our program on teaching your child to read. 
2 stages of lessons to help your child develop outstanding reading skills contained in two volumes of books complete with a total of 50 step-by-step lessons:
Stage 1 lessons help your child develop exceptional phonemic awareness and reading skills. By the completion of Stage 1, your child will have developed a rock solid foundation for fluent reading.
Stage 2 lessons are more advanced and are designed for further reading skill development. You will be amazed at your child's reading ability after completing our entire program.
Revealed: The most effective method to teach your child to read, develop phonemic awareness skills, and improve reading comprehension.
Discover the sequential and logical process of learning to read that will take your child from learning letter names and sounds to reading words, sentences, and even story books and short novels.
Learn about one of the most important techniques that's critical to teaching young children to read, and discover the best practices from our years of research and experience to achieve phenomenal results.
We will show you how to properly sound out letters, read words, and read sentences when teaching your children to read, and share with you key techniques and methods that are critical to teaching young children to read.
Discover the one most crucial skill to help your child develop, which will help them become exceptionally fluent readers, and learn about fatal mistakes to avoid when teaching young children to read.
Step-by-step lesson plans make it super easy for you as a parent to teach, and simple for your child to learn. Simple, straight forward lessons that take only 10 to 15 minutes each day. The lessons are designed to be short and engaging - making it suitable and super effective for even very young children.
Discover practical tips on how to best adapt our program to meet your needs and fit your schedule.
Interesting stories and rhymes contained within the lessons that are matched to the reading skill level of your child to make reading fun and engaging.
Unique strategies for encouraging your child to really get into reading, and book recommendations for young readers (that are approved by our own children!).
Believe me.. this is just the tip of the iceberg. The incredibly simple and effective step-by-step lessons will take your child from not knowing how to read, to reading words, sentences, and even books! This is possibly the most comprehensive learning how to read system ever developed.

Hello Jim,
Your program is very easy to follow and understand, and I have not had any problems so far.

I wanted to have my child get a solid foundation in learning how to read. I really like how the program is put together. It not only gets children reading, but it also gets them thinking about how language works and how to apply the information outside of the program.
This program has exceeded my expectations.
Alanna G.

I like how each of your lessons build on the prior one. It is logical and makes a lot of sense to me. It seems to be working well with the children, and I am really enjoying working through your program.
Three of the children I care for are doing really well with the program. And a fourth one begun to make more progress. They are picking up lots of words and sounds from all around the environment.
Kelly Richards

I have just started the program & my little boy is really enjoying it. It is quite clear that this is supporting him with his pre-school work.
Thanks very much for this.
Kind Regards,
Helen Chalkley

The progress is going quite well, we don't work on it as frequently as we should, but it is so well thought out that the retention is quite high.
I would recommend this program to others without hesitation.
Alanna Goldsworthy

It's so impressive to see the progress my daughter has made over the last month. I will try send a video once she has made even more progress. :) Reading is now her favorite activity!
Thank you for the program :)
Janee de Kok

hi Jim,

I am very pleased with the progress my daughter is making. She is on letter G now. She seem to remember the sound each letter very quickly and she can actually sound out most the words herself with my help.

My daughter has learned how to read and sound out the words herself. She can now read sentences and short story. This program has denfinately worked for me and works for my daughter.

Best Regards,

Peggy Leung

I would definitely recommend your program to parents of 3-4 year olds, it is a great tool.
Mili Gawde

The Children Learning Reading program was very easy to understand and follow. The lessons were quick and effective. I added these lessons in with other materials I was already using.
I think this program is great with teaching kids phonics once phonemic awareness is mastered. Many of the students I work with have great learning difficulties. This program gave my students access to decoding strategies that will increase their fluency. Overall, I think this program was a great foundation for beginning readers.
Kim Tran (Reading Specialist for Pleasanton Unified School District)

Hi Jim ,
We are working our way through the lessons and have just finished lesson 19. My daughter is 3 yrs and 9mths. She loves doing her lessons, so much so that they often go on well beyond the 10 minutes you suggested again hope this was ok.
I want to thank you for your reading programme which seems so well organised and logically set out.
Kind regards,
Johanne and Lydia

Hi Jim,

We started off really well. But then with the holidays and everything we haven't made it back on track yet. My son that is 4 now does really well with what we have done so far. My 18 month is even interested in it. He can't make all of the sounds but he does try and traces the letters. I think it is a great program. I just really need to take the time to put it back in our schedule again. Thank you again. I hope you have a great day.
Carla Grass

What the Children Learning Reading TM Program Can Do For You and Your Child
The Children Learning Reading TM program addresses all the foundational skills that will make your child into a super fluent reader. our simple, step-by-step program is designed to show you how to help your young child develop exceptional phonemic awareness skills and reading capabilities. With the Children Learning Reading TM program...
Your child will develop critical foundational skills in reading which will put your child's reading and literacy skills leagues above their peers
Through the process of reading and learning to read, your child can become smarter with enhanced intellectual development
Our super simple, yet extremely effective techniques will help your child become exceptionally fast and efficient at decoding and reading printed text, and even develop superb spelling abilities
Your baby's future learning abilities will be enhanced by nurturing brain development during the early stages of life
Your baby will gain a powerful advantage that becomes apparent almost right away, and lasts a lifetime
You will help your child unlock imagination, develop social skills, and stimulate communication skills through close parent & child interaction and bonding
You will instill within your child, a genuine lifelong love for learning and reading, setting the stage for future success in life
Your child will develop a higher level of self-confidence and self-esteem; develop a keen ability to explore independently, and enhance future academic success
Significantly increase your child's vocabulary, and quickly improve your child's reading and reading comprehension abilities
You will develop a real respect for your child's learning abilities, and experience a truly unique and rewarding journey in teaching your child to read

Take Action Today, and You'll Also Receive the Following 7 Super Bonuses Worth At Least $329.65!

children learning reading stories

To help make learning to read fun and engaging, our reading program includes lesson stories that are matched to the progress of your child's reading abilities. These lessons stories are part of the learning program, and comes with colorful illustrations to make learning reading fun and engaging for you and your child.
These are the exact same stories and step-by-step lessons that we used to teach our own children to read!
Value: $14.95 yours Free
children learning reading stories

Similar to Stage 1, we also include stories with colorful illustrations for the Stage 2 of our reading program as well. These are slightly more advanced; however, they are engaging and fun to read for your child, offering plenty of practice for them to further develop their reading skills.
By the time your child begins with our Stage 2 lessons and Lesson stories, your child will have already developed a very solid foundation for reading, and the lessons and stories in stage 2 further advances your child's reading capabilities.
Value: $24.95 yours Free
children learning reading stories

As you know by now, developing phonemic awareness is one of the most important aspects that's essential to achieve reading success. Phonemic awareness deals with phonemes which are the smallest units of sound. For example, the letter A makes the /a/ ("ah") sound.
However, as parents who went through this entire process we know how critical it is for you to know and be able to produce the proper sounds for all the letters of the alphabet. This is why we created a full set of mp3 audio clips demonstrating in detail on how to properly sound out each of the alphabet letters, so that you are better equipped to teach your child to sound out words, and read words, sentences, and stories.
Value: $29.95 yours Free
children learning reading stories

Our program is superb at helping children develop phonemic awareness and reading skills; however, the English language is not a simple and straightforward language where everything can be neatly categorized to fit certain rules of reading or decoding. There are many words that simply cannot be decoded or sounded out, and are known to the reader automatically. These are known as sight words.
Sight words are pronounced without decoding the spelling of the word, and we want to help you become aware of some of the most common sight words that you and your child will encounter. The more you know, the better you're able to teach your child to read.
Value: $14.95 yours Free
children learning reading stories

With our program, you also receive a complete book of Children's Favorite Nursery Rhymes. With the reading skills that your child develop from our program, we want to give your child interesting and fun to read books. Our Children's Favorite Nursery Rhyme contains 35 all time favorite nursery rhymes for children. Some of these are the most original rhymes such as My Son John, Betty Blue, Jack and Jill, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Little Boy Blue, Ring the Bells, The Lion and the Unicorn, and so much more. These are rhymes that your children will love to read.
Value: $14.95 yours Free

We all love our children, and our goal is to help you teach your young child to develop exceptional reading skills that will help them develop self confidence, improve academic performance, and become motivated to read and learn more. After several years of research on teaching children to read, and teaching our own children to read through a lot of trial and error, we spent over a year to put this program together. We made it simple, super easy to follow, and extremely effective at teaching even very young children to read.
As our children are growing, my wife and I are always researching and improving upon our current program. As good as it is, I'm a perfectionist and I am always looking at ways to improve our Children Learning Reading program. I can promise you that once you are on board with our program, you will never have to turn to surf the web again searching for information on teaching children how to read. We will be with you for the long haul continuing to make our program better and better.
For the six books and mp3 audio files included in our program, you will receive lifetime updates for free!
This is the awesome benefit of e-books. Whenever we release a new, updated edition of Children Learning Reading, you get it for FREE! We will simply contact you through our private, customer-only email list, and send you instant download instructions.
Value: $29.95 yours Free

YES! 12 weeks, free private counseling advice and guidance from knowledgeable and experienced parents who has been through it all. We are just an email away, and if you feel you need some help and guidance, you can have your questions privately answered. We will personally respond to your emails.
This final super bonus is practically priceless. You'll have the comfort knowing that there's someone always there for you, to help you through with any difficulties and answer any questions you might have. With this free 12 week unlimited email support, you can be sure that you and your child are always on track, and you and your child will be able to complete the program effectively and achieve best results. Value: $199.95 yours Free
You probably realize that we can't offer this Free bonus for too long, since we're already counseling many other parents. You must act quickly if you want to get the free private counseling. We will have to remove this free bonus from the package shortly. No matter how passionate we are and how committed we are to helping other parents, our time and resources are limited, and there is a limit to the amount of emails we can answer in a day. So please hurry, there are only a few spot left.

100% No Question Asked, 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
After trying our program, if you're not satisfied in any way, simply ask for a full refund within 60 days. You will receive a full refund with NO QUESTIONS ASKED! We can offer such an ironclad guarantee because of our absolute confidence in our program. You have absolutely nothing to lose here, and your child has everything to gain!
On the other hand, if you find our Children Learning Reading program to be an exceptional resource for teaching children to read, then I want you to send me your comments and testimonials. Tell me all about the tremendous progress your child has made towards reading, and how proud you are of your child's wonderful achievements.


Everything You Need to Teach Your Child to Read is Right At Your Finger Tips

You can start using this powerful system right now to pave the way for your child's future success. The methods and principles outlined in the Children Learning Reading program have been proven to work and consistently yield outstanding results for children of varying ages. The Children Learning Reading program is 100% guaranteed to work for you and your child as it includes simple step-by-step, fail-proof lessons. Whatever the age of your child, be it 2, 3, 4, 5 or even in early grade school, the Children Learning Reading program will help your child excel at reading. You now have the power to make it happen.
We will take you by the hand and show you the proven strategies and techniques that allowed us to teach our children to read at just two (2) years old.
While we've spent countless hours digging through scientific research and testing and re-testing with our own children, these are by no-means theories that some science geek conjured up - we are REAL parents, who created and used this exact system to successfully teach our own children to read with simply amazing results - putting them years and years ahead of other children. (At 4 years 2 months old, our daughter was already reading at a grade 3 level). Now, you too, can help your child achieve similarly amazing results.
We practice what we preach. We have been through it all - stress, pain, annoyance, frustration, and disappointment with many other learning to read programs that just don't work and are a waste of time and money. We don't want it to happen to you. We sincerely want to help you teach your child to read and develop to their fullest potential as we want for our own children. Our children deserve it; your children deserve it. That is why we created the Children Learning Reading TM program.
Our complete program reveals ALL the strategies, techniques, methods, and secrets we have discovered and learned, and have laid them out in an easy to follow, easy to teach, step-by-step program. Our program takes you hand by hand and shows you everything that you could be doing right now to teach your child to read in 12 weeks or less.

All of This Sounds Fantastic,
But How Much is it Going to Cost?
The Children Learning Reading Program is by far the most comprehensive and effective program you will find anywhere. It is the ONLY step-by-step program that takes you by the hand and shows you how to take your child from not knowing how to read, to reading words, sentences, books and short novels, and enables YOUR child to develop an absolutely amazing reading ability that all other parents would be envious of!
Consider this, several other learning to read programs are priced at a whopping $199, $167, and one even costs $450! One of these is even a "whole language learning" method that will produce questionable results. Our program is so simple, straightforward, and is backed up with proven results. You will NOT be paying even close to $199 for it! You investment in this life changing program that will help your child develop the most important skill in life is only $57!
We also have some great news for you! Because there are no printing, production, shipping, and handling costs for e-books, and because we are still in the introductory phase of our program, we are making it available for far less than what it would cost if we were to make a hard copy manual. PLUS, you get INSTANT access! And don't forget, you also have our 60 day, no question asked, money back guarantee!
For everything you see above - the 6 e-books and mp3 audio clips - the Children Learning Reading program will only cost you $37! That's it! Less than a quarter of the cost of the other programs, and your small investment in your child today spread out over a 12 week period is only $0.44 (44 cents!) per day!
Yes, this is absolutely a bargain any way you look at it!
This price will NOT last... This introductory promotion is ending soon, and once we officially launch our program, the regular price of the Children Learning Reading system will increase, and it will be sold only at the regular price of $57.
That's all there is to it. Once you've downloaded our program, read it cover to cover, and start teaching your child to read right away! Follow our super simple, step-by-step instructions, and you will start seeing fantastic results.

If You've Had Enough of All the Other Hyped "Quick Fix Programs" that Promise Easy Results - Programs that Sit Your Child In Front of the TV and Computer for Hours Upon Hours That Have Failed You and Your Child in the Past, and You Are Ready to Teach Your Child to Read the RIGHT Way, Then This is the Honest and Truly Effective Learning to Read Solution You've Been Searching For

Imagine you and your child a few weeks, months, or even years from now... Will your child still struggle to read, and will you still be frustrated and disappointed that your child have not learned to read or cannot read properly? Will your child end up being one of the 67% of all grade 4 children who cannot read proficiently? Or...
Are you a proud parent of a happy, confident, smart child that learned to read early on and have developed superior reading and literacy skills that will benefit them for a life time? The choice is yours, but the future belongs to your child...
If you are truly interested in helping your child develop the most important skill in life and you want to help your children develop to their fullest potential, then you owe it to yourself and your child to try the Children Learning Reading program. The majority of the people in this world look for the "miracle quick fix" that require little to no effort on their part, and they'll just keep looking until it's too late for their children.
But if YOU are a special person that is truly motivated to try an honest and effective learn to read program, and if you are willing to make a small time investment in your child for a brighter future, then join us and order today, because "just thinking about it" isn't going to teach your child to read.

Jim & Elena
P.S. I'm sure that within a short time after you start our learning to read program with your child, you will absolutely be delighted at the progress your child is making. At times you will simply be flabbergasted by a young child's capacity to learn. With our reading program, you'll instantly discover how easy it is to teach a child to read, and all you need is to spend 10 to 15 minutes each day on a consistent basis. That's it!
P.P.S. If you have any question or concerns you'd like answered before you order, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please do not make the mistake of dismissing this opportunity for enhancing your child's development out of concern that it may be just hype or some scam. If you have any reservations about our program, let us put your mind at rest, and we will be more than happy to talk to you if you need reassurance. We're extremely confident that our program will help you to successfully teach your child to read.
P.P.P.S. Don't forget, you have a full 60 days to test out our reading program risk free. As already said, we have a "NO QUESTIONS ASKED", 60 day, 100% full refund policy, so you have absolutely nothing to lose. Simply click the link below to get started right away: