" Master Boat Builder with 31 Years of Experience Finally ReleasesArchive Of
518 Illustrated, Step-By-Step Boat Plans "
518 Illustrated, Step-By-Step Boat Plans "
Master Boat Builder, Martin Reid, Teaches YOU How To:
Build Amazing Boats Of All Types Easily With Over 518 Step-By-Step Plans | |
Access To Over 40 Boat Construction Easy-To-Follow Video Tutorials | |
Crystal-Clear Photos That Guide You Every Step Of The Way | |
Design Your Custom Boat With CAD Software & Building Guides |
Now You Can Build Your Dream Boat Even If You've ZERO Boatbuilding Experience With My Step-By-Step Plans & Crystal Clear Pictures...
If you're looking for high quality boat plans and tutorials with easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire boat building process without emptying your wallet, then you've come to the right place...
From the Desk of Martin Reid,
Date: Monday, June 18, 2012
Re: Boat Building Made Easy...
Dear Fellow Boat Enthusiasts,
I was just like most of you when I began in the great hobby of building boats.
Re: Boat Building Made Easy...
Dear Fellow Boat Enthusiasts,
I was just like most of you when I began in the great hobby of building boats.
My fascination with boats began as a very young child. My father would take me out to harbor, and I'd watch the boats bringing in the "catch of the day". It all seemed so magically to me as I think back to my childhood.
My Passion For Boats Started As A Young Child
He continued to tell me that this was my birthday present. A piece of paper? I have to say for a moment I was incredibly disappointed. My father then proceeded to explain that these plans would help us to build my first model boat... I know, not what you were thinking. Because of our financial circumstances, my father and I were never able to construct anything larger than a simple model, but my passion for boats only grew.
Things worked out well for me after I left home. I got a good job and made a wage that was more than adequate to cover my family's expenses and even put some back. On a trip back home after the death of my father, I was going through some of his old things and found that first boat we'd built together. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bring back some of the best memories of my life. I loved building those tiny boats and always dreamt about building the "real thing".
I Purchased My First Set Of Boat Plans
And Got To Work... How Exciting!
When I got back home, I found a local shop that had plans for a small dinghy. It was a very basic boat, but I ran home with the boat building plans and got to work. I'd done this several times before, just on a smaller scale.
However, after slaving away for countless hours and using any spare time that I had on my project, I realized that it was not coming together as easily as I had thought. The plans I had purchased were incredibly difficult to understand and left a lot to be desired. I ended up guessing and basically had a half-finished boat that could not be salvaged.
Or Was It? These Boat Plans Could
Have Been Written In Greek
I went out and purchased some more wooden boat plans, not really knowing exactly what I wanted to build. Once again, I forked over more cash on some plans that could have been written in Greek! I spent far too much on materials as the plans just weren't clear and once again I ended up with a half-finished boat.
After spending thousands of dollars on my childhood dream hobby, I was on the verge of just giving it all up. Trust me; at that point, my wife would have been incredibly happy if I had. My "hobby" was stressing me out and I still did not have a completed boat to show for the time and money I had invested.
Another Half-Finished Boat Almost Caused Me
To Give Up On Boat Building Forever
I'm sure most of you have been there at some point... you've put your blood, sweat, and tears into a new project and get stumped somewhere along the way.
Just when I was about to give it all up, through sheer luck, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a local, master boat builder. He held my hand over the next year and would help me "fill in the gaps" on the boat plans I had purchased. This gentleman truly took an interest in me and my passion for boats. I think he was just trying to give something back...
It Took The Mentoring Of A Master Boat Builder
To Complete My First Boat
And what I discovered was this: Building boats is not hard if you have a step-by-step approach to follow.
31 years later, I'm still building boats.Over the years, I've amassed over 500 of my own boat plans!
In order to help out some of my friends that also participate in this great past-time, I decided to go above and beyond and include simple, easy-to-follow, step by step instructions with all of my boat plans. Since I don't have the time to mentor every person I meet that is interested in learning to build boats, I felt like this was the best way to give back...
After 31 Years Of Boat Building,
I'm Giving Something Back...
The illustrated plans and boat building guides that I've created are of such high quality, that those that I've shared them with have said it's just not right to keep these stashed away in a private archive only to be seen by a select few...
That is because I decided to compile them into a collection and offer them to all boat builders so you can benefit from my 31 years of experience and feel like you have a master boat builder guiding you through each and every boat project. one step at a time.
MyBoatPlans - "Instant Boat Building!"
The Complete Boat Builders Resource
Everybody has the dream: Build a boat in the backyard and sail off to join the happy campers off Pogo Pogo, right? But how? Assuming you aren't independently wealthy, if you want a boat that's really you, you gotta build it yourself.
MyBoatPlans - "Instant Boat Building!"
The Complete Boat Builders Resource
- Over 518 detailed boat plans, schematics, cutting patterns, material lists for ALL types of boats.
- Simple to navigate and search option that provides for quick cross referencing between plans
- Fully illustrated 3D color photos and diagrams to help aid building and provide visual explainations
- A "must-have" for seasoned builders and anyone interested to build their own boats
- Includes over 40+ videos on "how-tos" and boat building construction tips!
" The Dream of Building or Owning
Your Own Boat Can Now Be A Reality "
The plans for boat building offered here on this website are based upon my many years of boat buliding experience- you'll find no better source of information and proven boat plans anywhere on the internet!
" What If I'm Not The Handyman Type? "
No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult carpentry construction methods and distill it down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
The best part is, you don't need any boat-building experience to build the boats – these plans will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.
You'll receive simple, easy-to-follow plans that will allow anyone from any walk of life to build their very own boat, and for a fraction of the cost of buying one. With minimal supplies, and a very small cost, you'll get your boat on the water in no time!
We have several groups of high school and college students working on MyBoatPlans right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!
Check Out Just Some Of The Boats You'll Be Able To Build:
Cabin Cruisers | Canoes | Dinghys | Dorys | Duck boats |
Houseboats | Hydros | Jon boats | Kayaks | Small Boats |
Runabouts Inboard | Paddle Boats | Paddle wheel | Fishing boats | Runabouts Outboard |
Row boats | Sail boats | Ski boats | Skiffs | Sloops |
Submarines | Surf boards | Utility boats | Yachts | Wooden boats |
Here's the bottom line... MyBoatPlans is a big, comprehensive package that contains all the plans, measurements, and directions needed to build beautiful boats for oar, sail, or motor.
What's more, with an eye to economy and ease, I have modernized the boatbuilding process just enough to allow even the unskilled (and underfunded) to succeed. The process is quicker, easier, uses fewer parts, and produces a boat that is much easier to maintain.
Over 518 Different and Unique Boat Designs
With Step-By-Step Instructions & Diagrams!
All of the boat plans are very detailed and easy-to-understand so even someone with zero experience can start building a boat today! There are over 518 plans for different styles and shapes of boats so you have a huge selection on the type of boat you'd like to build. The trick is to take advantage of proven plans, step by step guides and expert advice to make boat building a breeze! My boat plans are designed to get the job done quickly, inexpensively and with professional results every time. The trick is to take advantage of proven plans, step by step guides and expert advice to make boat building a breeze! Detailed diagrams, specifications, and tons of photos to make the plans completely "idiot proof" so you don't waste time or money on materials you don't need. Boat building guides and instructions that go in-depth to prevent guesswork when working with the plans and teach the basics of boat building. I release new boat plans every month. These are free to you for life! You can download new boat plans every single month in the members area You'll also get access to over 40 videos of boat building training. These high-quality videos will guide you in an easy-to-follow way to master the art of building your boat. It covers construction techniques and narrated instructions to guide you in your building process. It is like having a master boat builder guiding you every step of the way. You get instant access to all the boat plans, construction details and building guides in a members page. You'll be able to view everything and start printing it all from your computer today. You get your boat plans now, not weeks from now as with typical boat designers. I am also offering you this package(all 518 boat plans, books and bonuses) on DVDs and books. If you have a slow internet connection and you're having problems downloading the files, having the DVD version will save you the time and hassle. Avoid costly mistakes and extra charges and build with these carefully detailed plans and specifications. Most of the boat plans sell for hundreds of dollars on other websites. But you can get them all here for just a fraction of the cost. Learn what you need to know to build all, or even a small part of your project. Do any of the work yourself and you'll save a bundle. |
Search For Your Boat Plans Below:
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The good news is, it doesn't matter what boat you want to build, whether you're an experienced builder or if you're just getting into it, MyBoatPlans will cover it. With my plans, anyone can build the boat of their dreams. It's easy, and YOU can do it too.
But to make boat building even easier and idiot-proof, I've thrown in...
" Over 40 Videos On Boat Building "
10+ Hours Of Narrated Training!
10+ Hours Of Narrated Training!
There are 40+ step-by-step videos, totaling over 10 hours in this collection.
Yes, I said 10 hours! This content is immediately available upon purchase.
These videos have been years in the making. These are REAL boat building videos from master boat builders who has constructed hundreds of boats!
Here's a list of some of the videos included in this collection:
This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in boat building and this is included in MyBoatPlans. I plan to release these premium boat building videos seperately at a cost of $29.95 each in the coming weeks. However, these videos are included FREE with your purchase if you order today...
Here's A Partial List Of
Easy-To-Use Plans and Designs Included:
Easy-To-Use Plans and Designs Included:
As I've mentioned, building boats is my life, and I have a deep passion for it. I know you're going to be thrilled when you get your high-quality, illustrated boat plans and get to start building your dream boat! In fact, several other boat builders just like you have already had the privilege of trying out my plans.
Dont' just take my word for it...
See These Recent Testimonials FromDont' just take my word for it...
Our Satisfied Customers :
I don't know about you, but in this day and age, with the Internet at our disposal, I rarely make a purchase without seeing what end-users have to say about the product. I 'd like for you to read what people are saying about MyBoatPlans...
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Click Here To See More Testimonials
If you've read this far, then you're maybe starting to imagine or are getting excited about MyBoatPlans! The best part is you can do this too, it's easy , and you don't need any experience.
Countless professional and amatuer boat builders are now using MyBoatPlans and the benefits are just too many. In fact, if you are looking for best Boat Plans & Designs to make any project easy and hassle free, this will be the best investment you'll ever make...
You Get My Entire Library Of High-Quality Boat Plans
For Less Than You'd Spend On One Set Of Plans!
You see, I'm basically setting you up for life with this offer. The price for my entire package is actually less than you'd spend on one boat plan!
Simply stated, this package contains boats plans that is covered from head to toe. From step-by-step instructions and easy to follow tutorials with material lists, these easy-to-understand plans will make boat building a breeze! With MyBoatPlans "instant boat building" system, you'll learn the fastest and easiest way to build your dream boat in no time at all.
" You'll Also Get These Incredible Bonuses
(Total Value of $300!). . . Absolutely FREE! "
I know I don't have to do this as this offer is already a complete no-brainer, but I'm going to throw in a few bonuses to help out my fellow boat builders even more.
As these bonuses are limited in copies, I'm only giving them if you order today ...
So you're not only getting the MyBoatPlans collection, but you're also getting 4 bonuses worth $174.90 + the private forum access. These bonuses are limited, so if you want to get your hands on this, you need to place your order today.
Once you go into the details of what each bonus contains - you'll see this is a COMPLETE system to start building boats the easier and smarter way! These bonuses are available for free if you order now.
"There's Literally Nothing Else Like These
Boat Plans On The Market Today"
That's a statement I do not take lightly. I've been bulding boats for almost 31 years and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.
Let's compare MyBoatPlans to other alternative options:.
Let's compare MyBoatPlans to other alternative options:.
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The complete MyBoatPlans package has proven itself again and again. With thousands of happy users it's time for you to get in on the action...
"Act now and start saving today!"
How much would you pay to take any and all headaches out of building quality boat projects - forever? You should know, the reason I offer my personal set of plans is help aspiring boat builders in their craft. That's why I've kept MyBoatPlans at the low price of only $197 $147.00 $67!
The only reason why I'm charging you anything is to help cover my 31 years investment of research, study, and testing of these boat plans.
Best of all, you get instant access to more than 518 boat plans & guides. There is no need to wait for shipping. You can immediately get my expert guidance delivered straight to your computer, at the click of a button.
The only reason why I'm charging you anything is to help cover my 31 years investment of research, study, and testing of these boat plans.
Best of all, you get instant access to more than 518 boat plans & guides. There is no need to wait for shipping. You can immediately get my expert guidance delivered straight to your computer, at the click of a button.
But what's even better is I'll take all the risk off your shoulders. Because I believe MyBoatPlans is such a complete, proven system to build boats, and it's taught in such painstaking step by step detail (with NOTHING AT ALL left out) it WILL work for you.
And better yet... I'm prepared to GUARANTEE it.
And better yet... I'm prepared to GUARANTEE it.
You see, I don't have to worry that you're at all unhappy because if you decide MyBoatPlans isn't the right system for you you can get a full refund at any time during the 60 days.
So you're free to download the whole thing, and try it out. Study the plans, see the blueprints, read the guides and start building your boat...
And if you don't like what you see, no problems at all! You'll get every last cent refunded to you. No questions asked.
I just wanted to make it clear to you that this is a completely no-risk purchase.
Now It's Decision Time. . .
Make a choice.. you can continue to purchase overpriced boats or keep trying to the way you've been doing it, brace yourself and hope for the best.
OR you can join 7500+ (and counting) other hobbyists , beginners, craftsmen and professionals by letting MyBoatPlans give you the blueprints, plans and step-by-step directions to create stunning, professional boats, effortlessly and on time...
Reserve Your Spot By Clicking The Order Button Below
And Get Instant Access To Over 518 Boat Plans:
Retail Price
(I reserve the right to end this discount at any time.)
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Master Boat Builder, Member of American Boatbuilders Association |
P.S. Don't wait! I'm not going to be practically giving away my high-quality boat plans at this price forever. Once this introductory offer is gone, it's gone! I've seen boat plans priced as high as $350+ for a single set of plans. Even at the low price of $50 per plan, I'm offering you over $10,000 worth of boat plans for a measly $67.
P.P.S. Not to mention, you have NO RISK. Order today and give my plans a try. If you don't love them for any reason at all, I'll refund you immediately. That's more than a guarantee. It's a personal promise.Click Here To Start Now!
Recap Of What You'll Be Getting:
Order Now To Receive:
518 Boat Plans - Step-by-step guides & illustrations to make boat building a breeze | |
40+ Videos - 10 hours of video training from master boat builders | |
Bonus Building Guides & CAD Software - Get a boat design software + 600 pages of guides | |
Members Q&A Forum - Get your questions answered by the experts and professionals! | |
Money Back Guarantee - Try it "Risk-Free" for 60 days. Fully refundable purchase. | |
Instant Download + DVDs - Get instant download access with DVDs shipped to your door. | |
Free Updates For Life - Download new plans every month for free. | |
Mac & PC Users - Compatible with all versions of Windows & Mac |
Since it has been published, MyBoatPlans has become the definitive guide for both beginning and veteran woodworkers. MyBoatPlans SHOWS you all you need to know to start building the boat of your dreams.
Stop wasting money on plans that don't work and cost a fortune! Get my exclusive bundle of over 518 boat plans that are easy-to-use, include illustrations, and walk you step-by-step from start to finish!
Retail Price $147 SALE Only $67.00
(I reserve the right to end this discount at any time.)