After she was done with his back she asked him to turn over and she began to work on his neck and pecs. When she finished with his arms and legs she worked her way under the towel and although he wanted to tell her to stop the feeling was just too intense and enjoyable. Matt said he was was "paralyzed with pleasure" and couldn't get any words out of his mouth. She
massaged all around his genitals for a while but eventually took hold of his raging erection and with some masterful strokes, she brought him over the edge.
Matt said the orgasm was so intense that in came in wave after wave and the intense pleasure seemed to last for minutes. He said the lady cleaned him up with a warm wash cloth and left the room. (I've had plenty of massages myself and true professionals in the industry do not give "happy endings" like this).
Matt told me that prior to his wife he had a number of sexual partners. He had received a number of "pretty good" blow jobs and some rather intense lovemaking sessions over the years but nothing compared to the erotic pleasures he felt with his genitals in the hands of the masseuse. He just couldn't get it out of his mind.
He admitted that he'd kept going back to this lady because he was "addicted to her hand jobs". He felt so incredibly guilty for cheating on his wife and that is why he invited me out for coffee.
I asked him why he didn't ask his wife to give him genital massages that he found so incredibly intense. He said that he knows what feels good, he just has a hard time communicating it in the bedroom. He said she did stroke him but it wasn't anything special and actually at times it was not pleasurable at all.
Then he asked me a personal favor.
He asked if I would put a guide together that he could give to his wife. One that was clear yet explicit on how to give guys heavenly genital massages. He said his wife would trust me since
I've been on Oprah and all those other talk shows and have written about sex and lovemaking for years.
I thought I could whip out a guide in one night. But the more I thought about it and researched I realized that giving an amazing hand job is not a simple thing. I mean, if you want to give a guy such intense pleasure that he'll be ADDICTED TO YOU AND YOUR HANDS, then I couldn't just slap something together.
Sure, I know where and how I like to be touched but all men are a little different. And just like I can't tickle myself, I get a completely different wonderful sensation when my wife strokes me than when I stroke myself.
Fortunately I have a mailing list of nearly 100,000 men who are very willing to share on this topic. I asked their advice on their favorite positions, techniques and locations to receive hand jobs. I wanted to know what drove them insane with pleasure and what was uncomfortable. I asked where on their body (not just their genitals) they liked to be touched and where specifically between their legs was the hottest spots for them.
With their help along with my 20 plus years of professional experience as a highly respected lovemaking expert I was able to put together the most comprehensive guide to giving guys heavenly hand jobs. Matt did share it with his wife. He keeps me posted on how things are going and he said by the third time his wife gave him a genital massage she was nearly as good as the massage lady. He says she is so good that when she asks if he would like anything *special* he always picks her hands over her mouth.
Would you like your man to fall passionately in love with you over and over and over again? Would you want him to be so addicted and connected to you that he'll never have any desire to touch or even look at another woman?
A heavenly hand job can do all that.
You need this guide because…
90% of Men Who Have Affairs & Cheat Say They Were Not Truly Satisfied in Bed
Yes, it is a sorry reason to have an affair, but it is a reality.
Is your man "dying" for your hands to be on him? You may have given a lot of hand jobs but I can almost guarantee you have a lot more to learn. Do you know…
the 3 things you should do before you even touch him to make sure the experience will be beyond his wildest dreams? | |
the best strokes and positions to make him come faster so you don't get cramps in your hands? | |
what to whisper in his ear that will make him enjoy the experience 5X's more? |
Unless your man is begging you to give him regular hand jobs, then chances are you are not doing that great of a job at it. Sure, you could spend the next 20 lovemaking sessions guessing and wondering where and how to put your hands and hoping that he'll be honest to tell you what is working and what is just plain awful. But you risk turning him off forever and he'll just keep masturbating himself (surveys indicate that 70% of married men masturbate) and not sharing as deeply and intimately with you.
In short, most women have NO IDEA how to truly please their men with their hands. Why? Because no one out there is teaching this stuff properly! So sadly…
You Won't Find This
Information Anywhere!
Information Anywhere!
Unfortunately, the very few who cover the topic don't do so properly or do it distastefully. Nor will you find out how to do it from him because he won't know how to describe it to you… all he know is that he LOVES it. And even if he could describe it, detailed instructions aren't very sexy or romantic, are they?
So I am sharing my Stroke by Stroke manual with women everywhere who want to please their man in the deepest, most sensual way possible.
Stroke by Stroke revolutionized my friend Matt's sex life and the intimacy and passion he has with his wife. When you download this guide and put the tips and advice into practice you will not only have a very, very, very happy man, you will open yourself up to greater love and romance in your relationship.
Click on the book cover to place your order right now or if you are still uncertain of its amazing power, keep reading to find out more about what is inside.
Here's Just a Sample of What
You'll Learn Inside This Resource…
You'll Learn Inside This Resource…
You'll learn…
- What you ABSOLUTELY must do before you even get close to his member. (page 5)
- The very BEST lubricant for almost all hand jobs. Use the wrong one and his
satisfaction will drop precipitously. (page 5)
- Which common lubricant can have DISASTROUS results in certain circumstances. Use this and it might ruin your relationship forever. (page 6)
- Which 3 positions and locations almost all men have fantasized about. Try these and you will be a part of his fantasies from here on out. (page 8 - 12)
- What "change up" will drive him insane with pleasure. (page 10)
- Which positions are most likely going to make him come quickly and like a stud horse! (page 10-11)
- Three easy ways to "warm him up" that will not only get him rock hard, but will drive his testosterone levels through the roof. (page 12)
- Take this item from your closet and do three things with it that will skyrocket his arousal. (page 23)
- This "secret spot" is one of the most highly erogenous spots -- and he is mostly likely completely unaware of it. Touch this when he is about to come and he'll shoot for longer and farther than he has in a long, long time. (page 14)
- Rub this spot with a lubed finger and you will likely see his eyes roll back into his head! Only 3% of men know what this spot is actually called. (page 16)
- Many women do this basic stroke all wrong but he is unlikely to tell you that it is not very comfortable - men don't like hurting the feelings of someone the are making love to (pages 19)
- Stroke his balls with this and he might explode almost immediately. Only do this when you are ready for the big finale! (page 13)
- An item in most ladies' jewelry boxes that can bring him incredible pleasure if used on his genitals. (page 24)
- A few "tricks" that you can do with condoms that will have him begging for more. (page 25)
- What 80% of women do wrong when a man is ejaculating from a hand job. Do this right and he'll adore you forever. (page 26)
- Six things to say to him that will intensify his orgasm 500% (page 28)
- And much more…
I don't want to toot my own horn but I'm not an amateur giving mediocre advice. I am a bestselling author of 19 books on sex, love, romance and relationships. My first book, The Romantic's Guide is a international bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its tenth printing.
I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on relationship matters. I have been interviewed on over 500 of the top TV and radio shows in the world. So you know you're in good hands with my advice.
unsolicited success story
I got the book a while back & had been repeatedly frustrated at failed attempts to please my man this way & after reading it, I had done fairly well compared to no success as all before, but I've always heard sex positions are like recipes, you've got to try it at least 3 times to see if you
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My colleagues have suggested I sell this relationship-transforming material for $67 but I don't want the price to prevent you from having this powerful information so...
As a special introductory offer, we are temporarily slashing the price 60% this week to only $27
Plus… You'll Get 4 Special Bonuses
When You Grab a Copy Today…
When You Grab a Copy Today…
Book 1: How To Make His Hand/Blow Job Unforgettable (valued at $20)
Bonus 2: 53 Sexy Coupons
($10 Value)
And what better way to surprise your loved one than by giving them a unique gift? One that says "I love you" in a way that chocolate or jewelry could never do.
Imagine the look on your lover's face when you hand them a coupon that says, "Redeem this coupon for: One lovemaking session in front of a roaring fire."
In fact, you'll receive 53 sexy coupons, just like this one, that you can print and present to your partner as an unforgettable gift.
Think about all the precious memories you'll now share as a result of these 53 coupons and all the ideas they'll help you spark. (50+ coupons could easily become 20 to 30 of your own ideas too!)
From "a full body massage" to "a lovemaking session in the rain," you'll find many coupons that suit your style and thrill-seeker level.
Bonus 3: 101 Romantic Ideas
($15 Value)
Want another? When you are in a romantic spot, ask your partner if she would like to dance. Place one earpiece in her ear and one in your own and enjoy your private dance floor.
This technique is particularly effective if the romantic spot you have chosen is somewhere where people would not normally dance, for example, the top of the Empire State building at sunset or on top of a mountain during a camping trip.
These are just TWO romantic ideas you can start using right away–inside you'll discover 99 MORE WAYS to express the love for your partner in creative and unique ways.
You'll also learn…
Bonus 4: How To Give a Great Massage ($25 Value)
Inside you'll learn…
Together these 4 free bonuses are worth more than DOUBLE your investment in "Stroke by Stroke" – but they're all yours absolutely free if you order today.
In essence, I've reversed all the risk. Read the book, give women earth-shattering orgasms, or get your money back. It's as simple as that!
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For your privacy and to avoid unwanted embarrassment, you'll be discreetly billed with the name "CLICKBANK."
The report is a PDF file, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC), smart phone or ebook reader. You can read it right on your screen, or even print out your own hard copy and put it in a 3-ring binder.
After downloading, you'll be learning from these strategies within just a few minutes and using them to improve your sex life.
So the only thing left to do is to add this item to your cart…You will receive instant access to this product (Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday!)
– Michael Webb
P. S. This is a no-brainer: you get the complete guide on giving men more fantastic orgasms so you can enjoy more of his tender and soft side and become closer than ever before. And remember, you have my personal pledge - If you're not happy with the book for any reason, I'll buy it back from you. I've reversed the risk.