A Fitness Program not just about Muscles and Sweat?
But about Heart and Soul? About Daring your Life to the next stage of it’s Evolution?
Already own it? Access your program here.
Warning!: To actually CHOOSE to step into the Hurricane is no small gesture. It comes from deep within, fortified by Courage and Determination. It speaks to a truth at your core, steeped in Honesty, Integrity and Acceptance. Fueled by the reserves of Perseverance and Compassion that you may not have, as yet, fully embraced. Beyond this point you will unleash an energizing force, a power in your life that will see you no longer succumb to the “storm”, but rather become it. Become the very Heart of the Hurricane itself. To take one step further… is to acknowledge you have what it takes to do so. |
There’s too much, often leaving us overwhelmed by our very own lives.
Especially in this day and age. We are moving at a pace never before seen in the worlds history. We are bombarded from every possible direction.Which leaves us wrestling with sorting through it all, as it all competes for our attention, energy and focus. And we’re not even talking about the frivolous non-essentials!It’s Important…
- It’s important to pay the bills, it’s important to spend time with the family, it’s important to sleep
- It’s important to recycle, it’s important to feed the pets, it’s important to connect with our neighbours and communities
- It’s important to be punctual, it’s important to eat healthy, it’s important to follow through
- It’s important to get the oil changed, it’s important to get good marks in school, it’s important to leave a smaller carbon foot print, it’s important to save for retirement
- It’s important to exercise, it’s important to take time for reflection, it’s important to be socially responsible
- It’s important to practice, it’s important to drink water, it’s important to make our mark in this life
- It’s important to be there for friends and loved ones, it’s important to take the garbage out…
- It’s important, it’s important, it’s important!
Which we can’t. Not all at once.
We try to attend to everything and it leaves us either feeling paralyzed or as though we’re drowning!
The only way to extricate ourselves from such a state of paralysis is to prioritize what is MOST important.Only, there’s a catch.
When in that state of feeling:- Overwhelmed
- Paralyzed
- Frustrated
- Tired
- Demoralized
- As though we are moving through molasses…
Mmmmmm… yeah… That would be nice… except…
Life is not Stagnant!
It is constantly in flux, at varying levels of intensity. Like a storm. The biggest storm we will ever face is LIFE itself.And it comes at us… like a Hurricane.
It has us running for cover, as we attempt to find ways to ward off the seemingly negative impact we feel in it’s aftermath. That is where we begin to create our “escapes”, our sanctuary. Whatever fortitude we had to fight the Hurricane eventually gives, because it will always win. It’s not meant to be beaten. We crack, giving way to our need to find a sliver of Peace, a moment of Serenity .
We often see pictures or videos meant to represent serenity. A room or space that has no disruption. There’s no sound or if there is, it is serene music. Everything that is hectic, intense and disruptive is shut out. Then serenity can be found.For many people, the practice of creating serenity in their lives is to actually SHUT IT (life) OUT.
Or conversely, sources of entertainment such as tv, movies and video games move beyond just entertainment and instead they become the means to shut everything out so we can catch a breather.
Now I’m not saying having these spaces or times to re-gather oneself does not hold value. But it’s a fine line between being a reset button and becoming merely an escape, an external sanctuary without which we cannot find peace or calm in our lives.
The minute we step back out into life, however, to face the tests, the challenges… the Hurricane, we are stressed, fatigued, frazzled and overwhelmed. And we want nothing more than to get back into the environment or activity that provides the haven of apparent serenity.
Apparent, because to avoid life is not true Serenity.
Harness the Hurricane of Life and you Harness Serenity.
- It is part of a natural rebalancing towards optimal homeostasis.
- The Hurricane is trying to get us to center.
Live WITH it, so we might benefit from all it has to offer.
Because true Serenity is not shutting everything off so that we don’t feel incapacitated or overburdened for a brief period of time. True Serenity is having a sense of tranquility and perspective no matter what assails us.
We must Face the Storm head on, but not get battered by it.
If we are to find true serenity, and grow ever closer to that place where we are in optimal balance and fulfilling the maximum capacity we have the potential to unleash in our lives, the serenity must come from within. It can’t be commanded and ordered around by everything that comes at us.The insanity and challenge of the storm, serves a purpose.It is a gift of the abrasive resistance we need to face and overcome in order to discover…
- The strength of our character
- The nobility of our existence
- The power of our purpose
- The inestimable value of the gifts within us
We must find a place of Serenity within it all, that we might stand and SEE what it is we must see in order adapt, adjust and flow. To expand our awareness that we might discern the best direction to move in. To smile in the face of it all and accept the full force of that which is being offered.
Only then can we begin to make the great strides in our lives.
“Shane. I am IN!! This is exactly what I want. To make those strides to the greater heights and quality I’ve been looking for. To be less stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated. To instead get more out of a life that I know has so much more to offer.
Hey. Hold on. Wait just one second. What? How did we end up here? Didn’t I come here to find out more about a fitness program?!! Now, instead, I’m amped to find the Serenity in the Hurricane of Life?!”Sure we can Exercise to keep Fit. But Why Sell Ourselves Short?
Remember what we said above about there being a catch?Well that’s where the Clubbell Flow Evolution™, this “fitness program”, comes in. To break the never ending negative feedback loop we find ourselves in so we can move forward.
Exercise programs tend to focus on PART of the whole that makes us who we are. Yet each aspect of ourselves:
Mental – Physical – Emotional – Spiritual
…is interconnected, the state of one affects the others. So while we can attend to each individually, integrating all of them at the same time would be of far greater benefit. The strength of one supporting the other and vice versa. Propelling us to make greater leaps in our progress as a whole and gaining all the immense benefit from our lives as a result.
Use the signature method here at Dare To Evolve of applying your training program as a “vehicle” to support the development of the innate qualities within and watch a powerful source of energy be unleashed.
Anchor what you need to improve in your life to the action of your training and it will stick.
- It’s no longer just about getting “in shape”. It’s about applying a tool in a meaningful way to enhance the quality of the journey.
- Using the Dare To Evolve training method, remaining consistent with your training will not be as difficult, because it will truly holds value to what is most important in your life.
- That consistency that you will have will then brings all the benefits of seeing you get in the best physical shape of your LIFE, for the rest of your LIFE!
And what do we need our exercise programs to support? What did we identify we want in our life right now?
That’s right. To find the Serenity in the Hurricane of Life.
We need an exercise program that will help train us to find the Serenity under ANY circumstance- not just in a peaceful setting.
That is why I have created the Clubbell Flow Evolution™. Because in exercise, it doesn’t get more “hectic” and “crazy” than an off center weighted bat (Clubbell) swinging at, above, below, behind and all around you… as your body shifts, changes directions and moves, through your full range of motion.While the workouts are shorter than the previous Clubbell Evolution™ programs, they are no less challenging.
- You will progressively build to less and less breaks. IE: Less opportunities to step back into the sanctuary of your “serenity room”.
- Instead you are striving to find the serenity under duress, as you face the storm.
- And with incremental steps towards increasing levels of sophistication, you will expand your awareness and remain present to get through it all.
Oh yeah. Just like we need, to do the same in the Hurricane of Life.
“Great! Shane, I’m ready. What do I need to start?”
Well, that all depends on what speaks to you right now. On what aspect of the Clubbell Flow Evolution™ walks up and gives you the proverbial “SLAP” across the face as it say “Hey. You. We’ve got business to attend to.” You see, because I didn’t just set out to give you the ideal program to support your journey towards Serenity in the Hurricane.With it I also set out to give you… THE most accessible Clubbell training program available!
The benefits of the Clubbell Evolution™ programs are meant for everyone. As everyone can gain so much from working with them. But lets face it:
- Swinging a heavy “weighted bat” around can be intimidating for many.
- For some they may only have a certain size.
- You may be looking for strength.
- For others they may be recovering from injury and trauma, not allowing them to dive into what they feel is the deep end.
- You may be looking for a really intense workout.
- You may be looking for a light routine to just get yourself moving.
- He may be looking for endurance.
- You may just want a bit of Clubbell training to supplement other activities you already do.
- She may be super experienced and want to be challenged more.
- You may be a total beginner.
- You may be looking for healing and mobility.
Sam C. – Los Angeles, US |
There are 3 Programs in 1?
You’ve got it. You have here not 1, not 2, but 3 DISTINCT PROGRAMS. Each of which are equivalent to any of the other Clubbell Evolution programs. Yet all designed to fulfill the needs of the Clubbell Flow Evolution™, serving different needs within that spectrum, while complimenting each other for continued growth and results.The 3 Programs of The Clubbell Flow Evolution are:
1. Hurricane Healing Mobility™This utilizes a Single 5 lbs Clubbell with all the movements specifically designed to release tension and open up the body, while laying down a foundation (or shoring up weak spots) in Clubbell basics that will provide a platform for launching into more sophisticated and challenging applications with greater effectiveness and benefit. Ideal for healing in recovery from injury, warm-ups, lighter intensity sessions and training while you travel.
2. Flow Force Endurance™
Here we work with Double Clubbells (one in each hand). Designed to make use of your 5 lbs and 10 lbs Clubbells (don’t laugh, even the burliest of men have been humbled down to 10′s) as you develop an iron grip, lasting muscular endurance that never tires, simultaneous cross-brain stimulation and humility. Ideal for laying down extreme connective tissue strength, athletics or activities that require consistent muscle activation over a prolonged duration, wanting to challenge depth of motor coordination.
3. Cyclone Strength™
At this point we go single, we go heavy (with sizes ranging from 15 lbs – 35 lbs). Heavy single Clubbell work is an experience all it’s own. This is where big strength gains are made. But strength gains made through extreme range of motion, while moving heavy weight through heightened leverage disadvantage at close proximity. Talk about developing a heightened awareness of the space we occupy. Ideal for putting on muscle, activities that require repeated strength output or complex manoeuvring of equipment around your body in a confined space and to tap into the “RRrrrr!” inside.
On top of all that…
On top of the primary benefits for which each program was designed, because of the ever increasing levels of sophistication, you can do all the programs with less weight and still feel sufficiently challenged and satisfied. Why? Because:
Each program consists of 3 phases:
- The First Phase works on Basic Clubbell Movements.
- The Second Phase begins stringing together those basics into Clubbell Combinations.
- The Third Phase puts all the combinations in place to unleash continuous Clubbell Flows.
…No Problem! I did say this was the MOST accessible Clubbell training program out there, right?”You know Shane, I’m really excited about this. I really want to take advantage of everything this program has to offer. But I’ll be honest, I’m a bit of a motor moron. I’ve never really been that coordinated. I just think this may be outside the scope of my abilities…”
I didn’t want there to be any obstacles in the way of your being able to make this a part of propelling you forward in your growth. And I meant it. That’s why I’ve included multiple programming options.
- A 2 month programming option
- A 3 month programming option
- And a “split” programming option that allows you to move through the full extent of the program as it is meant to be, but at a more gradual progression.
Zero Obstacles.
You’ve got this. I believe in you and in this program, to be able to take hold of the Serenity in the Hurricane and open the doors wide open to all life has to give you!
Mark S.- South Dakota, US |
The Clubbell Flow Evolution is a program that utilizes the revolutionary system of Circular Strength Training, and the innovative tool, the Clubbell, both created by Scott Sonnon, to augment the development of strength, speed, coordination, flexibility, power and a metabolic (fat burning) blowtorch to give you the attributes and body worthy of your utmost capacity, living the vibrant life you deserve to live.
- Move through all 6 Degree’s of Freedom that our bodies are meant to, for muscle you can actually use.
- Master body awareness through mastering the most “inefficient training tool”, and master your relationship to a constantly fluctuating environment.
- Develop the super-strength that the gained muscle is meant to support.
- Torch the fat while drastically improving your ability to move.
- Say goodbye to “I do a bit of cardio….because I have to.”
- Say hello to pain-free training that will let you do more, gain more, live more!
- Maximally recover through specific compensation and movement flows to release tension and maintain overall structural and muscular balance. Translation: Avoiding injury!
- Create a solid network of connective tissue that won’t fail you when calling upon the reasons for having a strong physique.
- Feel the fire light up inside as you finally tap into a program that frees you to access more pieces of yourself than ever before.
You are here to discover the gems within.
You are here reach for the stars of your own life.
You are here for the Flow within.
The Clubbell Flow Evolution™ reflects the Hurricane.
It provides the means to discover the Strength, Perseverance, Compassion, Mindfulness and Courage we have, to face it.
So that true Serenity within is revealed.
Download Clubbell Flow Evolution for $149
That’s the Equivalent of Buy 2, Get 1 Free !
Complete Details Below
The Clubbell Flow Evolution includes the following components:
Ready to do this?
Download Clubbell Flow Evolution for $149
Buy 2, Get 1 Free ! All in one!
As soon as you complete your payment through ClickBank, you’ll be redirected to register for my Flow Evolution members-only download area. Once there, you’ll have immediate access to all of the course files, video downloads, and updates.
Clubbell Flow Evolution is a download-only digital product. Nothing will be shipped to you. The Course Manuals are delivered as PDF ebooks that can be opened with the free Adobe Reader, found on most computers. All the CBFE Videos are in iTunes video format and can be played on PC and Mac computers as well as portable devices, such as iPods, iPhones & iPads.
60 Day Guarantee
I’m absolutely confident that the Clubbell Flow Evolution will have you feeling the flow in your life. In fact, I’ll give you a full 60 days to test it out thoroughly. If you don’t feel more confident in your powers by the time that 60 days is up, I’ll give you your money back, 100%, no questions asked.
Clubbells For Everyone
The “Club” is said to be the most ancient training tool to be used by man. It‘s effectiveness and value has withstood the test of time. So why mess with a good thing, right?As with all good things, there comes a time when it must be re-visited, re-scrutinized and re-evaluated if it is to become better, and in the last decade that time has come once again. With it’s most recent emergence and evolution coming in the form of the modern Clubbell!
Now, yes, being forced to develop superior efficiency in movement via slinging around the world’s most “inefficient” tool (not easy to manage or move as a result of it’s extreme leverage disadvantage) will give some positive results. But unless married with a delivery system that takes the fullest advantage of what the Clubbell has to offer, it remains just that, a tool.
That is why I created the Clubbell Evolution series – to utilize one of the most effective training tools, with one of the most effective training systems, in service of bringing your hidden strength to the surface.
Clubbell Flow Evolution is a great introduction if it’s your first time training with Clubbells. It’ll provide a fresh look and added depth if you are an old hand at it.
And it is the perfect follow-up if you’ve previously trained with CBME or CBHE, building on and capitalizing on the results gained with those programs.
Get CBFE and Embrace the Hurricane in Your Life Today
Download Clubbell Flow Evolution for $149
3 Full Training Programs all in One!
P.S. – You have great things inside you. I hope this isn’t news for you. You have great resources of inner strength just begging to be set free. You already have serenity inside you, lying dormant, waiting to be called forth in service of your true mission. I created CBFE because I believe in you and in your life’s mission, and I can show you how to find it.P.P.S.- If you are not sure where to purchase Clubbells or what size you need- come and check out my “Clubbells” page and you’ll find all the answers you need there.
Have Questions? Be sure to head on over and find your answers.