I provided in The Guide 4 New Bloggers eBook what you need to know to become a top blogger in your niche and to do it quicker than I did.
Hi, I’m Justin Mazza and Thanks for visiting this page. I want to first say to you that I have gained so much personal growth and experience from blogging.
My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. One thing about me that you may not know is that I love to teach something of value that I have learned. I don’t get anything out of seeing someone struggle so that is the reason that I wrote the Guide 4 New Bloggers.
Even though the majority of the content on Mazzastick.com is about personal growth, I get contacted daily from my fellow bloggers who want to know how I got successful online so fast. After telling them some of the steps that I took to get here they would still contact me back with more questions.
The next step that I took was to take all of my notes, links, ideas, and experiences that I learned from blogging and documented them in an eBook that I could share for anyone who was lost or stuck on their blogging journey.
This eBook is packed with useful information that will launch you on your blogging journey.
Mazzastick’s Guide 4 New Bloggers is an eBook that was specifically written for the new to novice blogger that is looking for a great resource to help them climb the ladder of blogging success.
I know what you are thinking. I don’t need this eBook because I have been blogging for some time now. Yes, that may be true, but do you have all of the resources that you need in a nice little eBook ?
If not, then this eBook would be perfect for you. Plus, blogging is changing everyday, and what was true about blogging just a year ago is no longer relevant now. You need to stay in the loop just to keep up with all of the changes.
Now, of course we will never know it all about blogging, but according to the emails that I get from my fellow bloggers, most don’t even know some of the basics. Blogging is so much more than writing posts and commenting. It is about networking, building your brand, monetizing, increasing traffic and continually learning and growing along the way.
Yes, that means continually learning more about the business of blogging. And honestly, do you really feel like spending your time searching for answers to your blogging questions anyway? I don’t. I’d rather be spending my time writing great content, connecting with my readers, and of course earning money.
I added some personal stories, links to sites, blog posts, and some tips and tricks for a successful blogging experience. Having the answers to your blogging questions all in one little eBook will make your life easier; plus save you loads of time, energy and your sanity.
Remember that your time is valuable, more valuable than the little bit of money that this eBook is being sold for. So having the resources conveniently available in this book will not only save you time, but more importantly, Money.
I don’t expect you to use everything in this book in one week. It is there for your convenience to use as you need to. Some things in the eBook you may not need to use now, but at least when you are ready to use it, the information will be available to you.
My goal while writing this eBook was for you to have the tools, answers and resources that a new to novice blogger would need to succeed. I want to see you succeed, but I won’t make the claim that every answer or web link to your questions will be in this book, but I can guarantee you that you will have many of your basic blogging needs, and some advanced ones as well answered in this book.
Now until midnight U.S. Eastern time the Guide 4 New Bloggers will be sold for only $9.99 via the Buy it Now button below. The clock is ticking so act now!
Time is money. You don’t have time to waste when it comes to blogging. You need to know what to do, and more importantly, where to go to find answers to your blogging questions, and not waste countless hours searching the web for answers.
I provided in The Guide 4 New Bloggers eBook what you need to know to become a top blogger in your niche and to do it quicker than I did.
Here are the Chapters in this awesome eBook
1. I Am a New Blogger Now What2. Blog Set Up Video Tutorial Using WordPress and Other WordPress Resources
3. How To Create a Domain Email Account
4. Getting Traffic To Your Blog
5. Using and Monetizing Newsletter Services
6. WordPress Plugins That I recommend and use on my blog
7. Adding a Favicon to your blog
8. Create an eBook
9. Adding Paypal to WordPress to sell an eBook. The easiest and safest way to shop online
10. Submit Your Website To Search Directories And Get Backlinks
11. Learn How To Make Smiley Faces and Other Expressions After Your Text
12. Make Money Blogging
13. What Is Copy Writing and How to do it the Right Way
14. Commenting
15. What is a keyword
16. Alexa Ranking And Commenting
17. Sign Up With The Following Social Media Sites To Get More Exposure To Your Blog
18. Pinging Services
19. What is No Follow and Do Follow
20. Get Some More Easy Traffic To Your Site
21. Why you need to Join A Forum
22. Use These popular Sites To Become A Better Blogger
23. Outsource your work
24. Blog Themes- The best ones to use
25. Free Software For Writing And Editing Your Blog
26. Adding Pictures to your blog
27. What Is RSS and how to get people to sign up for yours
28. Get A Gravatar
29. Podcasting
30. How To Transcribe Your Audio Interviews Into Text – Using free software
31. Do You Know Your IP Address
32. Changing Your Domain Name/ It Happens
33. My top three list of bloggers who know how to write like pros
34. Try This To Get Your Blog Viewed By Federal Employees
35. How Often Will You Publish A New Post
36. To Allow Or Not Allow Guest Posts
37. Protect Yourself, protect your business
38. Successful Blogging – My Definition
39. Google Site map Contains An Invalid URL Blog Post
40. Writing Posts for your blog
41. Create An About Page
42. Text Links – The right way to use them
43. Deep Linking Your Posts
44. Blogging timeline exercises for the first year
Read the first 17 pages for free.
I have added an excerpt of the Guide 4 New Bloggers eBook if you would like to see what is inside for yourself. Click me > New Blogger Excerpt.If you are happy with having a mediocre blog then you don’t need this eBook. But if you want to take your blogging experience to the next level then buy this book now. The ball is in your court, what are you going to do?
I promise you that if you follow all of the steps in the eBook you will be at the same blogging level as me but only quicker.
Remember, you can write this book off as a business expense at the end of the year.
Here is what bloggers have to say about the Guide 4 New Bloggers eBook
“Read your book a week or so ago and you really did a great job. It’s very thorough and a great resource for someone new to blogging or even someone who has been blogging for awhile. Definitely a book that I will refer to often.“
“Your book is a very good resource for new bloggers, and is definitely something I would recommend to new bloggers.”
“Justin Mazza’s e-book Guide 4 New Bloggers does what few other e-books of the same type have done: it delivers a comprehensive, concise guide to pretty much everything you need to know about blogging without any mumbo-jumbo and very few affiliate links. To put it simply, you could spend dozens of hours learning it all yourself, or spend a few bucks and have everything you need to know right at your fingertips instantly. I wish I had it when I started blogging.”
“Justin’s new ebook “Guide 4 New Beginners” has everything and more when it comes to getting a blog up and running. With Justin’s ebook, the must have information is all there, plus, there is additional do’s and don’ts that every beginning blogger will want to know. I took the tenacious approach and did all the research on my own and had to learn many lessons the hard way when I started my blog. I wish I would have had this ebook when I was first starting my blog; nevertheless, I am glad I have it now!”
If you are new to blogging then Blogging 4 Beginners is a must have. There is a ton of information on the internet about blogging. While I have learned a great deal about blogging and the social media from all of these sites it was like reading books without understanding the alphabet. I had to guess at the meaning of things.
I had skipped the basics and got into all kinds of needless and time-consuming trouble. I needed to back up and learn the basics. Because of the author’s personal stories and candid mistakes it has been even simpler and more informative than Blogging for Dummies. If you are a beginning or relatively new blogger then Blogging 4 Beginners will teach you everything you need to know in a slow, logical, step by step manor. Buy it. You will not be sorry and you will save yourself a lot of problems while building a solid foundation.
“I’ve been supposedly blogging for around 3 years. However, it was only after reading Justin’s eBook recently, that I’ve realised it is now, that I’m really about to ‘start’ blogging. Justin has laid out all that you need to do, to create and maintain a hugely successful and popular blog.
Justin walks you step-by-step covering numerous topics including among others, setting a blog up, the use of plugins, how to many money from your blog, how to sell eBooks, writing top notch posts for your blog, and how to gain tons of traffic to increase your reach out to more people. And he has a lovely and easy to read writing style. I wholeheartedly recommend you get Justin’s book. You will be glad you did.”
Read the review of Mazzastick’s Guide 4 New Bloggers at Ebook Tutorials.co.za.
Get your copy of Mazzastick’s Guide 4 New Bloggers today for only $9.99. Reduced by more than 50% of the original price of $32.99. This offer is only good until midnight U.S. Eastern time so act now. The eBook is an instant download once you pay so you won’t have to wait. Any problems with the download just shoot me an email and I will see to it personally that you get your copy ASAP!
If you’re not satisfied with the ebook after 30 days, just let me know and I’ll refund your money—that’s how confident I am that this resource will make a valuable impact on your blogging journey.