Indestructible Desk Jockey

Learn How This “Waiting-List-Only” Doctor’s Unique Approach To Treatment
Resulted In A Method That Delivers…

Near Instant Relief Of Aches & Pains, Reduced Stress, Peak Performance Energy, And The Ability To Eliminate Potential Injury Before It Begins
— All Without Costly Visits To A Chiropractor, Doctor Or Surgeon
— And Without Even Getting Up From Your Desk!

It’s you against your desk. And I bet your desk is winning.
You’re not alone. A 2008 survey revealed that 68% of office workers suffer from job related aches and pains. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ALONE affects more than 8 million Americans. And the go to solution — surgery — has a 57% FAILURE rate.
Carpal Tunnel is just one of the many problems facing the modern desk jockey. But if you’re one of those people in pain today, there’s good news. You can turn it around right now.
I want to share an exciting true story with you today. If you follow my lead, you’ll find your way out of the pain and discomfort created by your daily grind. And if you don’t, well, I’ll make sure you change your mind. Let me explain.
I used to take pain-free movement for granted. I’ve always had active jobs. I was a ski coach and personal trainer from the age of 18. I moved my body a lot, and I never had any major problems with it.
A few years ago, I discovered that I could reach a lot more people by working online than I could face-to-face. I started spending most of my time on a computer. And that’s when something strange began to happen to my body…
I actually developed MORE aches and pains than I had when I spent all day on my feet. I soon learned the downfalls of being a “desk jockey.” But I’m not the worst case by far. Let me tell you about it…

My Neck Problem And Other Frightening Stories Of Office Aches & Pains

I reached my “breaking point” during a professional development course for personal trainers. I don’t even remember what exercise I was doing. It was something really easy. I was coasting along, not even breaking a sweat. And then I felt my neck “tweak.” I knew I was in trouble because I’d had that same problem before.
It didn’t hurt a lot at first, but I knew it’d get worse with every passing minute. I’m stubborn, so just I kept on going. I tried to play it off and hide the pain.
But then this lady came over and asked if my neck was hurting. How the heck could she tell?
I found out later that she was a top chiropractor — the kind other chiro’s go to when they’re in pain. She immediately sensed that I was in trouble, just by observing the way I was moving.
By this point I could barely turn my head. She took me aside and demonstrated a simple exercise with her hand pressed against the wall. “Try this,” she said. “It’s a very effective self-release.”
She didn’t have to ask twice. I was willing to do just about anything.
In all of 40 seconds I managed to increase my pain-free range of motion by about 75%. I was astonished. And very very grateful.
This lady — Dr Kathryn Woodall — quickly became one of my new best friends. And I still call her right away if I have any aches or pains. She’s that good.
She’s told me plenty of stories over the years about helping people get out of pain. I’d like to share some of them with you. And I want to give you the 3 key secrets Kathryn used to help these folks return to pain free living. But first, you need to understand why office work gets us in this sorry state…

Are You NSFW?

You probably are and you don’t even know it.
Millions of people around the world are deemed NSFW: Not Safe For Work.
Research done in Canada back in 2001 showed that 1 in 10 adults suffered from some form of work-related repetitive strain injury. And the problem has only gotten worse.
It isn’t because people have gotten weaker or more out of shape. We’re working out like never before. No, the problem is that office work is training us too… but in a very undesirable way.

You’re Like A Perfectly Trained Olympic Athlete

When you were a child, did your mother ever say, “Keep making that face and it’s gonna stay that way?” If you’re anything like me, you probably just brushed her off and stuck out your tongue.
Well it turns out your mom was right—sort of. And if you spend your day working at a desk, you’ll want to listen to this next bit.
Your body has a remarkable ability to adapt to environmental stressors. We know this from weight training. Repeat a movement often enough with a challenging weight and the body grows new muscle. It adapts in such a way that the movement becomes easier to execute.
Trainers refer to this as SAID: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. But the thing most people miss, the flip-side of the SAID principle, is that same thing happens with any task we repeat over and over. Whether you want it to or not.
If you sit at a desk all day, it becomes easier and easier to stay that way. Your muscles and connective tissues adapt and the fascia becomes thick and leathery, until your body actually becomes chair-shaped. The same thing happens to your wrists when you spend all day working on a computer, texting on a mobile device, or playing video games. They adapt to that position.
If there was an Olympic event for Desk Jockeys, you’re so highly trained that you’d easily qualify!
But don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be a lifelong curse. The good news is that you can prevent these unwanted changes from becoming permanent. And you can do it in only minutes per day. We’ll talk more about that in a moment.

Are You Setting Yourself Up For “Weekend Injury Syndrome”?

What happens when an Olympic-level desk jockey goes out for soccer on the weekend? Or launches joyfully into a wrestling match with a child or grandchild? It isn’t a pretty picture. You’re asking your muscles to contract forcefully, and you’re trying to move through positions that are definitely not chair-shaped.
The previous five days of training to sit didn’t prepare you for any of this. In fact, for the last five days you didn’t even hint to your body that it had to do more than sit. You’re like a lumberjack pulling on a tutu and trying to dance ballet.
Don’t throw yourself in the dustbin just yet, though. There’s hope for even the most rigidly chair-shaped among us. It starts by sending your body a few reminders throughout the week, and doing a bit of warm-up before you play hard. You don’t have to add a new routine to your fitness plan. Just add a few simple movements that you can do throughout your day.
Think of it as “cross training”… Your muscles and joints will no longer be “sitting specialists”. Your performance will improve because you’ve trained for other movements. And your recovery time will shorten thanks to less hidden stressors.

He Couldn’t Even Pick Up A Glass Of Water Anymore…

Can you imagine being in so much pain that you can’t pick up a glass, hold your fork, play with your kids or even wipe your own butt?
Yeah, that last one scared me too. But Kathryn tells me this person’s fears are actually quite common. A lot of her patients ended up in her office because they feared losing basic skills of independence — specifically the ability to wipe their own butts and take care of other personal hygiene issues.

Embarrassing Side Effects Of Even Small Aches & Pains

Of course, that example is on the extreme end of the scale. But even a small amount of pain can cut into your quality of life. A couple years ago I developed a case of tennis elbow. It wasn’t terribly severe, but it had at least one very painful side effect…
It hurt like crazy when I had to shake hands.
Look, I’m a guy. I take pride in having a good firm handshake. And I appreciate the same in return. You can imagine my shame when all of a sudden I’m faced with the choice of offering a “limp fish” shake or gritting my teeth and enduring the pain with tears in my eyes. Neither option was very manly.
Want to know the craziest thing of all?
The problem wasn’t even in my elbow! We traced it back to my shoulder. I changed my desk chair and incorporated a few simple corrective exercises, and in a matter of days I barely noticed the pain. In a few weeks it was gone completely.
Oh, and the guy who couldn’t even hold his glass? He was a patient of Kathryn’s too. And two weeks later he was virtually pain free.
That’s the power of addressing the cause instead of just treating the symptom.

Why Most Symptoms Come Back Just Days After Treatment

I used to get so frustrated with chiropractors, osteopaths, doctors and other health care professionals. I’d walk out of their office feeling great. But it was always temporary.
Sometimes the relief would last a few days. But in some cases I’d start feeling pain again after only a few hours.
I always asked about the cause of the problem. I’m a curious guy with a strong background in exercise and physiology. But my questions were brushed off with mumbles and shrugs. It just didn’t seem like they cared very much about finding the root cause of my pain.
All of that changed when I met Kathryn. She watched me move, asked me questions, analyzed my body and chased down the key imbalances that were causing my neck to “tweak” over and over again.
She didn’t just give me near instant relief. She also figured out WHY I was plagued with neck pain in the first place. And she gave me the tools to stay pain free in the long term.
After I got to know her, I found out that other chiropractors turn to Kathryn for the same kind of relief and insight:
Dr. Kathryn is passionate and well versed in chiropractic, nutrition and overall health and well being. She began treating me as a patient while we were in chiropractic college in 1992. Over the years she has been my go to chiropractor for my own treatment, and the colleague with whom I often consulted with for difficult cases within my own clinic. She has spent countless hours educating herself on different alternative avenues to heal the body and how to attain better health thru nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes. Her depth of knowledge and desire to help others sets her apart from the rest.
~Dr. Nalisa Pouliot, DC
Finding the cause of your pain will do more than just give you temporary relief. It’ll unlock the door to a lifetime of increased energy and overall happiness.

10-Fold Increase In Energy — Instantly

When you’re in pain, other parts of your body have to kick in and compensate for the problem. That leads to overuse and fatigue. Eventually, that fatigue can become “systemic” instead of just local. In layman's terms, you’re tired all the time…
This can happen even if your pain is “under the radar.” Small imbalances lead to a collection of mini pain signals that register with the brain and nervous system. You might not even be conscious of it.
But it doesn’t stop there. Exercise stimulates your body's immune system to produce hormones to deal with the "stress" of a workout. That short term response is a good thing. It helps you grow.
But pain also tells your immune system to kick in. And if that pain is chronic, resources your body would otherwise send elsewhere are being used to deal with your pain. This leads to both chronic and systemic inflammation. Yeah, that’s bad…
This type of inflammation is not like the helpful short term response from your workout. Constant inflammation throughout your entire body leads to serious health problems. Fatigue is a common side-effect. But it can also cause weight gain, muscle loss and chronic disease.
That’s bad enough, right? Wait, it gets worse…
Pain — even minor pain — can also affect your sleep. You're more restless while sleeping, and if that pain is more than minor, it can affect your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep or both.
So if you’re tired all the time, you should be suspicious. Take a good look at your posture, range of motion and work habits to make sure you don’t have an imbalance or weakness which could be the cause your fatigue.
Doing this simple self-test is a great place to start…

How Do You Know If You’re At Risk — Even If You’re Not Yet In Pain?

Here’s an easy way to tell if you’re holding a one-way ticket to desk jockey aches and pains. The following pre-screen is made up of 5 questions designed to identify potential problems before they turn nasty.
How do you stack up?

The 5-Point Desk Jockey Pre-Screen Test

1. Can you stand with your heels, butt, shoulders, and head touching a bare wall? That’s your starting point. Now can you keep all those points AND your hands in contact with the wall as you make a "snow angel" with your arms? If you can't keep everything in contact with the wall throughout this entire motion, then you've already started developing some of the most common desk jockey issues.
2. Is your core balanced enough to hold each plank position for one minute? Test yourself on the standard plank (facing the floor) and side planks on each side.
3. Since you’re probably sitting in an office chair as you read this, I want you to run the base of your head from side to side as though sliding along the top of your chair. Keep your body still and move only your head and neck. You’ll be tempted to tilt your head, but that isn’t the exercise. Your eyes should stay level with the floor the entire time.
If you're having a hard time imagining this, get up from your chair and stand tall with your right side against a wall. Keep your head perfectly straight as you slide your right ear toward the wall, almost like you're trying to eavesdrop on what's happening on the other side. You won’t be able to reach the wall with your ear, but you should definitely be able to slide a noticeable distance toward it. Repeat the test on the opposite side.
Were you able to perform this movement, either sitting or standing against a wall?
4. When you sit at your desk, can you reach your keyboard and mouse without your elbows leaving your sides? If not, then your shoulders and neck are paying the price.
5. Can you rest comfortably on the floor with your knees in the air and your feet flat on the floor about shoulder width apart? If so, can you then gently lower your knees to the right side and so that both of them touch the floor while keeping your shoulders in contact too? How about to the left? If you answered “No”, then your body is already getting chair-shaped.

If you answered “No” to 3 or more of these pre-screen questions, you need to take action right away! You’ve got serious imbalances that will eventually turn into pain or injury when you least expect it.
If you answered “No” to only 1 or 2 of the pre-screen questions, then you’ve still got some imbalances that are holding you back from your full potential. Addressing those underlying issues could help you lose fat faster, enjoy increased energy, perform better in sports or your daily tasks, and of course prevent injury.
If you answered “Yes” to all of the pre-screen questions, then congratulations! You’re already an Indestructible Desk Jockey! Just make sure you maintain that stellar level of joint and tissue health.

How To Become “Indestructible”…

So what should you do if your pre-screen testing indicated you’re not yet indestructible?
Start by getting a better sense of exactly where you need to focus most.
You can do that by evaluating your overall posture, followed by your core strength. From there, you branch out to your neck, arms and shoulders, upper and mid-back, lower back, and legs.
You’re working from the middle of your body out to your limbs, and from the top down. Your nervous system develops in that same pattern, so you have to look at problems from the base outwards.
Why is this important?
It won’t do you any good to “fix” your wrist if the underlying cause of your problem starts in your shoulder or upper back.
If this sounds complicated, it doesn’t have to be.
With Dr. Kathryn’s Indestructible Desk Jockey system, you simply follow her step-by-step self-assessment process for pinpointing your trouble spots. Once you know exactly where to start, fixing the problem becomes quick and easy.
This is Kathryn’s three-pronged approach to correcting postural issues and restoring pain-free movement:
1) Develop mobility.
2) Improve specific strength.
3) Release tension.
Let’s take a look at what’s involved at each phase…

Secret Weapon #1

How To Restore Normal Range Of Motion

When you’re in pain, your body locks up. And this creates greater imbalances and even more pain if you don’t take care of it.
If you want to feel better and stay healthy over the long haul, then you’d better be working on your mobility.
Not sure what that is?
Well, it’s NOT stretching…
Stretching might increase your flexibility. But it doesn’t give you any control over that expanded range of motion. Mobility is all about retraining your nervous system to recognize and re-integrate normal healthy movement at each of your joints.
Mobility exercises also come with a very cool added benefit: faster healing. These exercises increase the flow of blood and synovial fluid to the affected joint. That means more nutrients are getting to those tissues, and the waste products that accumulate during the healing process are being removed more quickly.
Static stretching can’t do any of these things. You need specific movements to recapture your mobility.
Complete your desk jockey self-evaluation process, and follow the specific mobility protocol that Kathryn recommends in her Indestructible Desk Jockey system. It’s practically done for you!

Secret Weapon #2

How To Build Balanced Strength

Most aches and pains are the result of some sort of muscle imbalance. Think of it this way…
Every muscle group in your body works against a specific arch-rival. As long as the power of each group stays in balance, no one has to get hurt. They cancel each other out. Take the shoulder, for example.
The shoulder is a prime source of desk jockey aches and pains. It’s a very complex joint, but for the sake of simplicity we’re just going to look at two specific arch-rival groups.
On the front of your body you have arch-rival number one: your chest muscles. They pull your shoulders forward, among other things. On the back of your body you have arch-rival number two: your upper back muscles. They pull your shoulder towards the back. It’s a simple, well-designed functional relationship. IF their powers are balanced…
As a desk jockey you spend your days sitting in a chair, commuting, and possibly working on a laptop at home. These things create an imbalance between the two arch-rivals of your shoulder.
As you adapt to that constant forward slumping shoulder posture, your chest muscles get stronger and tighter, and the related connective tissue gets tough, leathery and shortened. In other words, it gets better at staying that way. At the same time, your back muscles get weaker and the connective tissue that supports them gets longer and less elastic. Your two arch-rivals are badly out of balance.
Even if you manage to increase the mobility of your shoulders and release the tension from your chest muscles, your upper back muscles still won’t have the strength to hold your shoulders in a natural, healthy position. You need specific strength exercises to rebuild those muscles and restore balance between the two arch-rivals.
Don’t worry. We’ve got that for you too.
After successfully treating thousands of patients, Kathryn was able to systematize exactly which exercises worked best for quickly restoring muscular balance at each joint. All you have to do is refer to your self-evaluation results and follow her exact exercise prescription. It really is that easy.

Secret Weapon #3

How To Release Tension For Near Instant Relief

Releases are sort of like stretches, but they’re a lot more fun!
When you move a muscle into a specific stretched position and hold it there for at least 20 seconds, your nervous system reacts by sending more blood to that area and by relaxing the muscle slightly to release tension.
When you include release exercises in your daily routine, it's a bit like resetting your muscles. You bring them closer to their ideal state.
Several physical responses happen within a release, but I want to keep the description simple. Your nervous system resets the amount of tension required by your muscle , blood supply brings in nutrients and shuttles away debris, and you feel a refreshing sense of relief.
How do releases fit into the big picture?
Mobility exercises help lubricate your joints and remind your muscles that they can safely move through each range of motion. Strength exercises re-balance your muscles to keep your body at its most efficient function and structure. And releases are quick resets done throughout the day to let your body know that even though you're repeating a particular activity — or non-activity in the case of sitting—you still want to be able to safely and comfortably do other stuff too.
It’s simple. It’s elegant. It’s easy to follow. I love it!
Office work doesn’t have to ruin your physique or leave you wracked with pain. No one should put up with being chair-shaped.
There’s one other thing you can do to help. And this one’s almost entirely passive…

Set Yourself Up For Success!

You can do everything right — fix your mobility, balance out your strength and release your tension. But if you return to a workstation that sets you up for failure, you’re doomed to constant aches, pains and injury.
Getting your workstation ergonomics right plays a huge role in staying healthy over the long term. Here are some tips on how to set yourself up for success:
  • Make sure your feet rest flat on the floor.
  • Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, or slightly more.
  • The majority of your weight rests on your “sits bones”.
  • An imaginary line drawn up the side of your body runs perpendicular to the floor, through your hip, shoulder, and the hole in your ear. Take a picture to see how close you are to this ideal.
  • Sit tall in your chair with your shoulders back. Your head sits directly between your shoulders rather than sliding forward to sit over your lap. Mutant ninja turtles are cool, but desk jockey turtles are just geeks with bad posture.
  • Elbows rest close to your sides, bent at or slightly greater than 90 degrees.
  • Hands rest comfortably on your keyboard, similar to the angle they’d be in if you were resting them on your legs.
  • Wrists are held neutral or bent back 15 to 20 degrees. The same advice holds true when using a mouse. Avoid reaching far to the front or off to the side for a mouse—it puts needless stress on your shoulder and neck. If your elbow can't remain at your side, your mouse is too far away.
  • The top of your computer monitor is level with your eyebrows, and the screen sits directly in front of you.
  • Set your chair at a height that allows all of the above to line up.
If your current workstation set up doesn’t allow you to stick to these guidelines, I strongly suggest you ask your employer for assistance in improving your work area.

Your Job May Depend On It…

Kathryn shocked me during one conversation we had about common desk jockey aches and pains. She told me many of her patients came to see her as a last resort because they were afraid of losing their jobs!
Can you imagine being in so much pain that your performance slips to the point where you’re worrying about your job security? Maybe you can…
The good news is, all those folks who came to see Kathryn managed to turn things around, keep their jobs, and stay pain-free. A decade later, she still gets stopped in the street by former patients who sing her praises and thank her for literally saving their careers.
That’s why Kathryn’s waiting-list-only practice was run entirely on word of mouth referrals. One patient alone sent her over 100 new clients! Other patients paid to fly friends and family in from out of State — and even from other countries—to consult with Kathryn. When it comes to getting out of pain, finding someone who knows what they’re doing is worth its weight in gold.
I wondered though…
How do these former patients stay pain free for so many years?
Kathryn explained that her approach is all about teaching people what to do to get and stay pain free. Sure, she might perform an adjustment here and there, like most chiropractors. But her method relies on the 3 “Secret Weapon” strategies we discussed earlier. And those are 100% under YOUR control.

Introducing The Only Doctor Designed System That…

  • Banishes office aches and pains
  • Eliminates repetitive stress injuries
  • Neutralizes mental and emotional tension
  • Provides near-instant relief right at your desk

The Indestructible Desk Jockey System

The indestructible Desk Jockey system is designed to make it as simple as possible for you to get near-instant relief from aches and pains while protecting yourself from injury and discomfort over the long haul. Start taking care of your body today using this done-for-you system…

Indestructible Desk Jockey Manual

This manual contains every doctor-designed secret technique to turn you into an Indestructible Desk Jockey. Kathryn guides you through a series of step-by-step assessments that let you determine your exact level of joint health. And then she tells you precisely what to do with those results, including special releases, strengthening exercises and mobility movements — everything you need to get instant relief and stay pain-free for life.

Instructional Video Library

This video library is worth the price of the entire system all by itself. You'll have access to detailed video demonstrations of every exercise that Kathryn uses in her Indestructible Desk Jockey system. Thanks to the expert coaching provided in these videos, you can be sure you're getting the full benefit of every single exercise.

The Exercise Manual

You'll also receive a detailed manual that explains every movement covered in the program. The Exercise Manual forms a complete library of written cues and photos for each Indestructible Desk Jockey mobility, strength and release exercise! It’s the perfect resource when you need to quickly reference small details to make sure you’re doing an exercise correctly.

3 Extra Bonuses (For A Limited Time Only)

You’ll ALSO get access to these three powerful bonuses when you act now.
The Desk Jockey “Down & Dirty”
Don’t feel guilty. We all want short cuts. And Kathryn is sharing her best in this manual. The Desk Jockey “Down & Dirty” is a potent list of things you can do for immediate relief while sitting at your desk. This sequence is also great for breaks during long meetings, or as a way to relieve enough tension to feel focused and energized at any time of the day. Use this manual anytime you want to cut to the chase and flip to the short list of stuff that’ll give you results right now.
Airplane Seat Essentials
Desk jockeys spend an enormous amount of time sitting. Add travel to your normal workday schedule, and you’ll find yourself moving even less than you do at your desk. That’s a problem, because long flights carry additional risks beyond just making you stiff and uncomfortable. In this report Kathryn shows you a series of mobility exercises and releases that’ll help get you through even the longest Economy Class ordeal.
Sleep Secrets For Travelers
Travel is a frequent part of the work routine for many desk jockeys. In addition to long hours spent sitting in a plane or car, we’re faced with the problem of trying to get a good night’s sleep in a strange place. Changing time zones, unfamiliar food, noisy neighbors and the stress of work performance is a perfect recipe for short nights and tight muscles. In this report Kathryn shares a powerful set of secrets that’ll make it easier to sleep — and improve the quality of your sleep — both at home and on the road.
Arm yourself with these 3 practical guides to implementing the Indestructible Desk Jockey system. But make sure you get them by acting now, while they’re still available.
Let’s see… A visit to the “average” chiropractor will cost you anywhere from $34 to $106. A good chiro or other health care professional will identify the underlying cause and treat it… But a lot of them will just do a few adjustments to relieve your pain. Which means you’ll be back for another visit.
Before you know it, you’ve spent hundreds — even thousands — of dollars on chiros, osteopaths, acupuncturists and pretty much anything else that might give you some relief. And it doesn’t take long before your hope starts dwindling even faster than your checking account. I know how it feels, because I’ve been there too.
But don’t worry. There’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Kathryn’s Indestructible Desk Jockey system actually guarantees results. So you’d think she’d charge a pretty penny for it right? I mean, her clients were flying in from all over the world before she closed her practice. Thousands of dollars are insignificant compared to the freedom of getting rid of your pain.
But Kathryn didn’t get into health care to get rich. She genuinely wants to help as many people as possible. In fact, that’s one of the reasons she got so damned good at what she does…
While most of her competitors were pumping as many patients through their practice as possible, Kathryn was spending as much time as she could with every single patient, digging for the root cause of their pain so she could fix it. She preferred collecting fewer fees so that she could get better results.
And now she wants to make sure Indestructible Desk Jockey gets into as many hands as possible. She truly wants to improve the lives of desk jockeys all over the world who are suffering needlessly.
After seeing Kathryn’s system and knowing first hand how effective it is, I suggested she sell it for $149 dollars. She flat out refused. In fact, it took me weeks to talk her into offering her system for a VERY reasonable $69.95. But even then she held out…
Kathryn had a change of heart and decided that, at least for now, she wants to give you the entire thing for one incredible low payment of…
$69.95 $29.95

Would Your Chiropractor Give You GUARANTEED Results?

Dr. Woodall knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you follow her Indestructible Desk Jockey system you WILL get near-instant relief and enjoy long lasting pain-free movement. In fact, she’s so confident that she’s willing to give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
If you apply the system and aren’t happy with your results, then contact us and we’ll give you a total refund, no questions asked. You have Kathryn’s iron-clad commitment to your total satisfaction. How many health care professionals do you know who offer that kind of guarantee?

Here’s The Bottom Line…

I’ve consulted a LOT of health care professionals in my time. And I can say categorically that Dr. Kathryn Woodall is one of the most dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled practitioners I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. In fact, she’s now one of just 3 people in the world who I allow to work on me.
I’m so excited that she’s finally brought her insights and experience to this new Indestructible Desk Jockey project. If you’re in pain — or if you want to protect yourself and stay pain free for life — then this knowledge is priceless.
You can’t put a price tag on your health and your freedom from pain. But consider that patients were willing to put themselves on a waiting list and spend thousands of dollars flying in from all over the world just to see Kathryn. And you can take advantage of her wisdom—neatly packaged in an easy-to-follow system—for less than ONE visit to your local chiropractor.
To me, that makes Indestructible Desk Jockey a “no-brainer” investment.
Adam Steer
Biosignature Practitioner, MAT Lower Body Specialist
P.S.: Don’t forget, Kathryn is so confident she can help you that she’s giving you a 100% guarantee. You can pick up the program totally risk free and try it for yourself. We know it’ll work for you. But if it doesn’t, just let us know and you’ll get ALL your money back.
P.P.S.: If you’ve still got questions about Indestructible Desk Jockey, we’ve probably already answered them below. Take a look…

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I’m not a desk jockey. Is this program relevant for my aches and pains?
A. Many of the aches and pains desk jockeys face are simply the result of muscle im-balance. It doesn’t matter what type of job caused those imbalances. If you have them, you’re eventually going to hurt. While the releases in this program will be more specific for those who work at a desk, the self-evaluations, mobility, and strength portions can also benefit many people who’ve never sat at a desk in their lives.
Q. I’m getting physiotherapy right now. Can I do Indestructible Desk Jockey at the same time?
A. Many desk jockeys experience pain in one area of the body but have problems in other areas. For example, your wrists might be the place where you feel pain, but there could be stuff going on in your shoulder and neck that adds to the wrist problem. The shoulder and neck are “sub-clinical problems” that aren’t bad enough to require a doctor or therapist. However, if they aren’t addressed they’ll still contribute to your problem, slow your healing, and ultimately keep you stuck in a cycle of recurring or chronic pain.
You’ll need to check with your doctor or therapist to be certain these exercises are safe for your current condition. As long as he or she doesn’t say “no”, the Indestructible Desk Jockey program might even help you recover more quickly.
Q. How fast can I expect results?
A. Many aspects of the program can be done while sitting at your desk for quick relief. The exercise routines that are designed to produce long-term changes can be done in 5 to 20 minutes a day.
The period of time that it takes for you to experience long-term results depends on your individual starting point. If you’ve got 30 years of desk jockey compensations under your belt, it’s going to take longer for you to work your way through them than it would for someone who just started sitting at a desk. But the good news is that if you keep working through the program, you’ll be able to improve. I guarantee it.
Q. Could this program help me avoid surgery?
A. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I don’t mean to be wishy-washy with the answer, but it really depends on what your problem is and what’s causing it. Indestructible Desk Jockey works to help you remove the most common causes of pain and imbalance for people who work at a desk. So, even though it can help reverse and prevent problems, it’s not a treatment program. At minimum, learning how to set up your work station, maintain good posture and balance your muscle strength can help you recover more quickly and avoid future problems. At best, removing the cause of your current issues can reverse the process of pain and inflammation so that you never have to see a surgeon.
Q. How much time do I have to devote each day to Indestructible Desk Jockey to get good results?
A. Many aspects of the program can be done in a few seconds to a couple of minutes while sitting at your desk for quick relief. The exercise routines that are designed to produce long-term changes can be done in 5 to 20 minutes a day.
Q. I’m not very coordinated. Will I be able to do everything in the program?
A. Indestructible Desk Jockey was created by fellow jockeys, and we tried to keep all skill levels in mind by including substitutions and modifications for the exercises that might challenge some people. Unless your doctor tells you not to do a specific part of the program, Indestructible Desk Jockey includes something for everyone who works at a desk.
Q. I’m over 60 years old but I don’t work at a desk. Will this program help with my aches and pains?
A. Most likely, yes. Aging all by itself isn’t really painful. It’s the muscle imbalances, loss of good posture, and extra stress on joints that leads to aches and pains. When I was new to practice there was a nursing home across the street from my clinic. They decided to implement an exercise program that focused on improving posture and balance. The staff members were stunned by the number of residents who threw away their walkers and were able to function significantly better and take less medication after just a few weeks. Indestructible Desk Jockey addresses many of the reasons people of all ages have aches and pains. Plus, we included several modifications to make these exercises more accessible to the wide range of people of varying fitness levels who need the tools that our program offers.
Q. What if I invest in this program and it doesn’t work for me?
A. Dr. Woodall knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you follow her Indestructible Desk Jockey system you WILL get near - instant relief and enjoy long lasting pain-free movement. In fact, she’s so confident that she’s willing to give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
If you apply the system and aren’t happy with your results, then contact us and we’ll give you a total refund, no questions asked. You have Kathryn’s iron-clad commitment to your total satisfaction. How many health care professionals do you know who offer that kind of guarantee?
NOTE: Indestructible Desk Jockey is a downloadable program. You will receive electronic files. No physical products will be shipped to your home. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the components onto your computer.