How to get rid of genital herpes
Hi, My name's Sarah Wilcox
I'm the originator and author of Get Rid of Herpes & I'd like to offer you a very warm welcome to our website especially if this is your first visit here & more importantly if your sick of being told you can never get rid of herpes.
Before you read on I'd like to make one point very clear to all of my readers, what I'm about to share with you is my own personal account of how I managed to get rid of herpes using a simple & effective method, & yes it really can be done!
| I really did suffer with Herpes (HSV2), for almost 2 years with multiple outbreaks. |
| I really did find a way to get rid of herpes and stop further outbreaks |
| You really can get rid of herpes, anyone can. |
| Your Doctor will not even talk about this method let alone prescribe it!. |
Perhaps my story is very similar to your own, after all it's an all too common story. Happy relationship turns out to be not so happy as it transpires your partner has been cheating on you.
Cheating partner surprises you with an unwelcome present...HSV 2 (Genital Herpes). You find out, relationship ends & your stuck with a lifetime of embarrassment, stigma & abstinence. I'm sure thatSounds familiar to many of you?
Like an awful lot of people who will read this letter I became the victim of this cruel and stigmatized condition through no fault of my own. I contracted herpes type 2 from my now ex-partner. To say I was stunned, angry and emotional was an understatement.. I was devastated, it felt like my whole world had just caved in on me!.
It sickened me, especially as I had always been so very careful & never dreamt in a million years that I would ever end up with herpes. If I'm honest I guess I figured that people who did suffer with genital herpes were promiscuous and only had their selves to blame, how wrong I was!.
I suffered with Herpes 'Needlessly' for nearly 2 years, I say needlessly because now I know there really is no need for anyone to continually suffer with herpes outbreaks (more on that in a moment). Back then I believed that my doctors knew best so I did what they told me.
I followed my doctors advice to the letter and quickly started taking a prescribed Anti-Viral (suppresent), I won't mention the specific brand here as I don't want to run into any problems with the manufacturer, so I will just say it was a very common drug used to treat Genital herpes.
During my initial herpes outbreak I took 200mg pills five times a day. My doctor assured me that if I completed the course of Antivirals my herpes would clear up. The course of medication lasted for five days & after the seventh day it looked like the drugs had worked. The herpes rash had all but gone leaving only the slightest red patch. I hoped that would be the end of it & that I would no longer need to worry about herpes!! |
My Doctor decided that the best course of action would be to put me on a preventative course of Antivirals. The preventative medication consisted of the same dosage of the same medication I had previously taken, only this time it had to be taken for a longer period (6 months) at which time I was told I'd have to come back for a review.
I still firmly believed that my Doctor knew best and had prescribed the best medication for herpes, so I continued to follow his advice and took the pills as instructed.
Over the following months my herpes outbreaks seamed less frequent, I had only two mild outbreaks in nearly five months, so I guessed the pills were doing there job. To be honest I would have continued to take the antivirals if I hadn't of noticed a series of reactions or side effects which I'm sure were as a direct result of taking the herpes suppessents over a long period.
To begin with I didn't take much notice of what was happening, I started getting headaches & I just felt generally under the weather but we all feel like that from time to time... Then things started to get worse, I started getting lumps or swollen patches of skin on my face and over my head which I have to say were ugly. |
Doctor Said It Was Nothing To Worry About - "Just An Allergy"
The doctor told me it was just an allergy to something I had come into contact with of perhaps eaten, & of course he reassured me it would clear up in a day or so, unfortunately I didn't clear up.In fact my skin condition grew much worse and affected me on an almost daily basis. It seamed I now had a condition called chronic urticaria & angioedema, & the doctor was correct it was an allergic reaction, the problem was that it was probably an allergic reaction to a build up of toxins caused by the continued use of the herpes suppressant medication.
I guess the straw that broke the camels back & made me wake up to what was happening to me was right after my most severe Angioedema episode.
Many of you will probably have no idea of what a severe Angioedema episode looks like, so let me quickly say that my face looked like the elephant man, it swelled up so much that I looked like someone else, my whole body swelled with huge red rashes which resembled maps. The rashes grew all over me until I was covered from head to toe.
The problem with swelling like this is that it's in the lower level of the skin which means it can start swelling inside the mouth, throat & neck (Anaphylaxis).
Fortunately for me the swelling subsided and never affected my throat, but it had scared the hell out of me & my doctor seamed a little concerned to say the least, so much so that he took me straight off of the herpes medication straight away & refused to prescribe anymore Anti-Virals.
How can I get rid of herpes without medication? - Is it even possible?,
The fact that I no longer had the herpes medication to control my outbreaks landed me right back where I started. Once I stopped taking the prescribed daily antivirals my herpes outbreaks soon returned & they were just as bad if not worse than they had been before.
Only at this point & because I had no other option did I begin asking the same question which I'm sure hundreds of you have asked yourself
| How can I get rid of herpes without medication? |
| Is it even possible? |
| How do I stop herpes outbreaks? |
I hoped I could find an answer, I really prayed I could find a natural way to get rid of herpes. But if I'm honest I doubted I would ever stop herpes outbreaks, especially as everyone you talk to & everything you read tells you in no uncertain terms that you can't get rid of herpes - The truth is You Can!.
I'm sure many of you have looked for a way to get rid of herpes & If you tried the same methods as me I'm sure you ended up a little disappointed... Why, because most of what you read about how to stop herpes outbreaks is pure junk. There are so many products out there that claim to get rid of herpes but I couldn't find one that worked.
Undeterred I continued to search for a solution inbetween frequent visits to my doctors surgery. But nothing worked & my doctor became less and less helpful, I guess he just got tiered of me.
After leaving the doctors clinic on one such occasion, feeling disgruntled and angry after being told it would be best if I never had sex again I decided to take a short walk to a nearby natural health store.
This particular store looked like it had been there since the 1970's & maybe it had, but it was tucked away and I guessed I could go in there and ask a few questions without anyone I knew overhearing especially as the only people I had ever seen go in that shop looked like hippies.
Turns out walking into that shop and asking the question was the best thing I could have done although still embarrassing. The lady who served me turned out to be a remarkable font of knowledge when it came to treating herpes & probably far more besides.
Without even needing to open a book or reference guide she told me exactly how it was possible to get rid of herpes using a method which had been in use for decades, a method which was so simple and cheap that I doubted it could be effective.
If the assistant had not shown me proof of how effective this method actually was I never would have tried it, But I'm so glad I did, Because it Works!!
In mid 2011 after months of tweaking and trialing without an outbreak I decided to publish the method online as a full and easy to follow protocol, it's true there were already snippets of the herpes remedy scattered here and there but nothing that offered the whole story & a full, concise & easy to follow treatment method, which is what most of us need.
Since publishing, the response I received was simply staggering & very inspiring. This method was more than just a lucky fluke which just happened to work for me, No.. This herpes remedy actually worked & helped most of the people who applied and followed the instructions.
I've received countless comments like the one's below:
Haven't had an outbreak since using your info
"Herpes has plagued me on and off for over 5 years. Thought I had tried every way to get rid of herpes until I read your book. I can't say if this will cure my herpes for sure but I haven't had an outbreak since using your info, coincidence?, not sure yet I'll keep you informed".
Thank You, Becca (Customer Comments)
Very useful for the condition as mine has improved since
"Hi, I recently purchased your get rid of herpes report. I found the information very useful for the condition as mine has improved since. I was impressed by the whole automated payment, delivery and ease with which I could download your product".
Regards Isla T (Customer Comments)
Regards Isla T (Customer Comments)
Blisters gone in 2 days
"All I can say is a huge thank you, as after just two days the blisters were gone. I am now three weeks in to the protocol and no outbreaks since, everything is going great"
Mark (UK) (Customer Comments)
Most people still believe that there is no way to get rid of herpes. I doubted I could ever stop my herpes outbreaks, yet I did. In fact once I knew how, it was actually very straight forward not to mention cheap, I only wished I had known about it a couple of years ago.
So why hasn't my doctor recommended this miraculous herpes treatment?.
- First off your Doctor will never prescribe this herpes treatment, even though most of them will be well aware of it's effectiveness, that is unless you live in Germany where the method has remained in popular use since the forties.
- It's not a licensed medication, you'll be told that there is no medical evidence that it works.
- It has not been evaluated by the FDA, but nor has Green Tea.
The real reason you won't hear about this simple herpes treatment protocol boils down to profits. You see the main ingredient can't be patented which means the drug companies can't control it. Believe it or not, If everyone suffering with herpes dumped the expensive antivirals and decided to treat their condition using this simple procedure the huge drug companies would suffer catastrophic losses. You may not want to believe statements like that & I won't try to convince you otherwise but the fact remains that this simple procedure has been used for decades to actually kill viruses.
So, do you really want to Get Rid of Herpes & stop outbreaks?
Is genital herpes still a persistent problem for you, does it get you down?. Are you sick and tired of uninterested doctors and ineffective symptomatic treatments?.
If your anything like I was, your probably running out of options and entering a state of despair, & I completely understand how you feel, only someone who has been where you are now can truly understand what your going through and that's why I decided to publish my findings.
Get Rid of Herpes details a unique method of actually killing viral pathogens responsible for the herpes virus as well as a quick and natural method for healing herpes blisters. This method is suitable for both men & woman.
This is a simple and powerful self treatment process which borrows it's formulation directly from tried and tested, scientific facts as well as age old remedies.
*Please note 'Get Rid of Herpes' is a detailed herpes remedy supplied as a set of easy to follow instructions, it is not a supplement, cream or pill of any description. Get Rid of Herpes should not be confused with any other product however similar it may seem.
Heal Herpes Rash In Days & Stop Further Outbreaks:
This is a real solution to herpes, I know you've been told time and time again that you can't get rid of herpes, but that's just not the case. You really can stop outbreaks using a modified version of a simple therapy used by thousands of European doctors, naturopath's, homeopaths & alternative health practitioners.
This same, simple herpes protocol has been used to treat the condition for decades!. The only reason you don't know about it is because the drug companies don't want you too. Healing herpes doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, In fact it's neither.
You can stop herpes outbreaks permanently,and furthermore you can do it all quickly, cheaply and from the privacy of your own home.
| No More Uninterested Doctors | | No More Expensive Supplements | No More Embarrassment | |
| No More Ineffective Drugs | | No More Pointless Creams | | No More Depression |
I know your probably still sceptical, I know I was, but the fact remains that this is the only method I know of that actually kills the cause of herpes. Anyone who suffers with herpes and desperately wants to get rid of it should have access to this method which is why I'm guaranteeing this information will help you get rid of herpes. (See below)
Get Rid of Herpes is unlike anything you have ever seen. It show's you exactly how to copy my simple method and treat your own condition at home regardless of how severe your herpes is right now. I will tell you how to accomplish this permanent relief from outbreaks without any drugs whatsoever (and that includes supplements & herbal herpes formulations).
I sincerely believe this will work long term.
"I bought your book out of desperation & a lot of curiosity. To be honest I thought much of what you said about this herpes remedy would be the usual hype, however I'm pleased to report that I was wrong. After doing a little more research on the method you supplied I sincerely believe this will work long term.
Thank you, for bringing this to my attention".
Nancy Knight (Customer Comments)
Thank you, for bringing this to my attention".
Nancy Knight (Customer Comments)
I'm sure by now your very curious to know what this method is and how I can be so confidant that it will stop your herpes outbreaks. I'm also sure that your a little sceptical, I completely understand your apprehension, perhaps you've never purchased on-line before or maybe your not convinced that my publication can help you get rid of herpes.
That's why I've decided to keep the price of my report at the lowest possible price for the next 100 customers, and to show my integrity, your purchase is covered by a 100% money back guarantee increased from 30 days to 60 days.
Guaranteed Results
I understand the risks & hazards involved with purchasing anything online, which is why I now offer my publication through industry leading online processor 'Clickbank'.
Using Clickbank provides my customers with the highest level of online payment encryption and security. Clickbank also take the matter of customer refunds out of my hands, this means that if for any reason my product does not meet with your approval, you can go directly to Clickbank to request a full refund, you won't even need to contact me.
I don't want you to worry about buying online, plus I'm sure that once you've followed the simple steps detailed in the publication you will experience the same lasting results as the many thousands of herpes sufferers before you... I know you'll be delighted with your purchase because I know it works.
Here are just a few of the amazing things you will discover:
| What herpes really is, understand this & you will understand how it's possible to stop outbreaks |
| Why lacking in one important element leaves you at the mercy of herpes outbreaks |
| An easy to follow detailed herpes relief protocol |
| The real reason this amazing herpes remedy has been deliberately covered up |
| Why this simple & cheap protocol is so effective against the herpes simplex virus |
| How this science based, proven method allows your body to kill the herpes virus |
| How to quickly get rid of herpes rash using another amazing and cheap substance |
| And lots more |
You are just moments away from finding out exactly how I got rid of my herpes & how you can copy my method and achieve the same, once and for all. Consider your future without fearing your next herpes outbreak, it's not an impossible dream, it can happen, I'm living proof and so are the 1000's of people who successfully use this same method to control their condition, but don't take my word for it.
Customer feedback ...
Free of outbreaks for over three months!
Hi Sarah
I found out I had herpes four days after having sex with a guy I had known for a while, not really a boyfriend, more of a friend with benefits, unfortunately the wrong type of benefits in my case. I started noticing a burning sensation when I urinated two days later, made appointment and visited my doctor for an STD screening. I was diagnosed with HSV.
My doctor seamed to know very little about herpes and offered what I knew to be the wrong advice. I had been searching for a solution to my condition when I found your website and downloaded your book. The information you detail was not entirely new to me but it did tie everything up neatly and inspired me to give it a try.
At the time of writing I have been free of outbreaks for over three months. I plan on booking myself in for a full herpes screening after six months to see if the virus is gone
This is a wonderful method which works, two fingers up to the drug companies!
Best wishes
Martha (Customer Comments)
I realise that this method might not be for you, & whether you decide to try my herpes treatment method or not, let me just say, please stop wasting your money on supplements, creams and medications that do nothing but mask or hide the symptoms - I've personally tried many of them, and they really don't work..
While I know this method of stopping herpes outbreaks works & will help many herpes sufferers, it would be unfair for me to claim a 100% success rate, nothing in life is 100% certain & of course some people will not stick to the protocol.., There is however one thing you can depend on 100%, my refund guarantee, you really can be certain of getting your money back if my herpes remedy fails to work for you.
'Get Rid of herpes' is a digital publication which details a step-by-step herpes treatment protocol effective against the herpes simplex virus. If you apply the easy to follow program you may see genuine & lasting results within days (rash/ blisters). Addressing the virus and stopping further outbreaks however will take at least one month. Please be assured, I guarantee results.
I wanted to make my publication as cheap as possible to the people who need it, I also wanted everyone to be able to get their copy straight away and not have to wait for days or even weeks for the post, depending on where in the world you live. Which is why I decided to offer 'Get Rid of Herpes' as an instant download.
Instant Access: You will be granted instant access to the complete publication on completion of payment even if it's 3.30am, this means that as soon as your payment is confirmed you will be taken immediately to a secure download area where you will be able to download or view all the information you need to stop herpes outbreaks once and for all...and what you see is what you pay, so there are no hidden shipping costs.
This is a completely automated, Instant, safe & secure process. This publication is not available anywhere else. (I provide full & easy to follow download instructions to all purchasers. The product may be downloaded to your computer or opened and viewed on your hand held device such as your phone or tablet)
The recommended selling price of my publication is $57.00 & unlike many herpes treatments this is a one off cost, you will never need to purchase anything else from me to make this method work, all the information you need is supplied.
The next 100 copies are now available with a $20 discount, which means if you order now you pay $37 instead of $57
Ordering & Access:
Ordering & receiving Get Rid of Herpes is very straight forward, it's quick & easy, but perhaps most importantly it's safe. To gain instant access to this unique herpes protocol, just click the orange coloured 'Add To Cart' button above, there is a one off cost which at present is discounted to $37.00. Once you have paid simply follow the instructions to complete your order. We now offer complete download instructions for everybody, which is helpful for people who may be a little unsure of what to do next. Full instructions supplied on receipt of payment.
If you are using a hand held device such as your phone or tablet you can view the whole publication in the download area. Your purchase is completely protected for 60 days from the day of purchase (I always honour refunds).
Sarah Wilcox
Please Note: Due to our popularity many imitations of our product seem to be appearing, unfortunately it is difficult to control this problem, nor do I want to tell you where you should make your purchase, I would however like to state that Get Rid of Herpes is the original & only publication available here. I can only supply you with after sale support if you order through this website. Get Rid of Herpes is only available from this website & is the sole work of Sarah Wilcox