Welcome New Friend!
This might well be the most important information you read in your entire working career!
After screening thousands of cover letters and resumes I know most job hunters have no idea why they get little or no response from employers.
Most people hate job hunting. Maybe you've been there.
Stressing over your resume, proofreading it like crazy, scanning the ads, sending out resumes, and..... WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING!
When you don't get a call you start questioning what you are doing:
- Is my resume in the right format?
- Did my resume go in the spam box?
- Did someone beat me to the punch?
Finally you start wondering about yourself:
- Are my qualifications just not enough?
- Is everyone else better than me?
- What is wrong with me?
Job hunting can be maddening!
You have more competition for a job today than ever before. Like a hungry pack of wolves, people are flooding employers with resumes - tens of thousands of resumes.
If you have been looking for work you no doubt already know the job hunting statistics are staggering:
What is different about the "chosen resume" the 1 in 579? Most job hunters do not know how resumes are being chosen.
The Shocking Truth About How Resumes
Are Selected For Interviews
MY CONFESSION: I was once naive enough to think that employers made decisions about which resumes to choose for interviews by some type of scoring system; Like job experience for each qualification was tallied by years and matched against other candidates. When a call never came for an interview, I presumed that was simply because other people had more qualifications than me.
Then when I began working behind the scenes with employers, I discovered how much of a fairy tale my presumption had been.
Have you ever worked anywhere and wondered how on earth another employee there got hired?
At some point that person had to get through an interview but how did they even get the interview?
This might surprise you...
Employers do not always interview or hire the most qualified person for the job. While qualifications for jobs are important, employers pick resumes for interviews based on dozens of other criteria than qualifications.
The first criteria employers use to review your resume is your cover letter! Your cover letter is most always read before your resume. Employers form an opinion about you before they ever see your resume.
»» Time and time again I have seen a cover letter win the resume wars. Better cover letters get interviews - not always better qualifications!
When I surveyed 107 HR resume reviewers and decision makers, one of the top reasons they stated for choosing a resume is because the resume or cover letter "felt right."
At first I thought this was absurd! How can a resume or cover letter feel right? Since then I have heard this again and again from many employers.
You Can Have the 'Chosen Resume' Today...
How can a cover letter 'feel right?'
My name is Phil Baker and I have been an employer, marketer, and hiring advisor for years. I designed employer screening criteria for cover letters and resumes and crafted the interview processes employers use.
Upon seeing so many people struggling to get a job, I wrote the best selling book: EMPLOYER SECRETS and How to Use Them to Get the Job and Pay You Want. This book has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
After writing Employer Secrets, the US Government came knocking at my door requesting my permission to use my revolutionary job hunting methods for training. (I said sure.)
Since then I have written several more books and hundreds of articles on job hunting, resumes, and cover letters and also created ResumeDictionary.com
All this is important to you because I can and am going to show you how you can beat the odds. How to get your calendar booked full of interviews and have a heap of job offers to choose from. Exactly what to do whether you are a seasoned career professional or new graduate.
The OneClick Cover Letter Experiment
After years of working behinds the scenes with employers screening resumes and cover letters, and years of creating some of the best copy writing for sales and marketing in the world, I put all this knowledge and skill to work creating cover letters.
I didn't just write some cover letters and sit back and admire them. I wanted to road test every one. After recruiting some help we began sending these cover letters and recording the results.
Extensive split tests were run by sending the same resumes in a myriad of fields and professions with different cover letters to employers.
The results were astounding!
What we discovered:
When using one of my 'cause to action' phrases in the last sentence of a cover letter, response from employers increased by as much as a whopping tenfold !!!
Certain words and sentences doubled the response from employers!
The same resume with a standard cover letter that got no response from any employer when sent again with a OneClick Cover Letter was getting calls for interviews within 24 hours!
The Once Click Cover Letters got the same astounding results for new grads as seasoned career professionals.
I created specific sentences that attracted employers like ants to a picnic! Conducting controlled studies by changing only one sentence invoked a dramatic increase in responses from employers.
There are cover letter formats that change how employers react!
By applying the science of marketing language, the inside knowledge of the resume selection process, the psychology of human behavior, a study of chosen cover letters from the personnel files of employers, and NLP type principles, I have created cover letters for you that get calls and open doors like magic.
These cover letters have been tested and proven to get interviews. You are going to be using the MOST POWERFUL COVER LETTERS ON EARTH.
This is so easy - you can have the chosen resume - with the cover letter that 'feels right' when you have OneClick Cover Letters that have been specifically created with INSIDE information about the employer hiring process and resume screening and the science of marketing language.
OneClick Cover Letters have been carefully crafted to direct behavior with language so powerful the letters invoke action from employers.
You Get The Joined Forces of These Five Powers Harnessed to create the MOST POWERFUL COVER LETTERS ON EARTH
The POWER of Inside Information of the Resume Selection Process
The POWER of Extensive Study Results of Successful Cover Letters
The POWER of Marketing Through Master Copy Writing Language
The POWER of Laws of Advertising
The POWER of Neuro Phasic Principles
Every word of each OneClick Cover Letter has a strategic purpose with AIDA, NPP, and behavior reaction. The letters are also based on the characteristics of successful chosen cover letters, and other criteria.
3 Inside Secrets About How Employers Select Resumes You Can Use to Get Interviews
1. COVER LETTERS - The most overlooked and yet often the most important part of sending your resume is the cover letter. Employers see thousands of resumes. A great cover letter that follows AIDA gets their ATTENTION. Important Fact: Many decisions to interview are based solely or mostly on the cover letter. A well crafted cover letter with purpose can be more powerful than the best resume. 2. MECHANICS - The professionalism and format of your cover letter and resume is judged. This includes your email address, the subject line, your adherence to any instructions, and the placement of your contact information. EVERY LITTLE DETAIL MATTERS! 3. PERSISTENCE - Job candidates with a progressive follow up plan get noticed, get interviews, and get hired. VERY FEW job hunters implement a persistence plan with timed and effective follow up letters.
Many Resumes are Never Seen Because the Employer Did NOT Get Past the Cover Letter
Top Five Cover Letter Mistakes:
98.7% of All Resumes and Cover Letters I Receive Fall In One or More of These Danger Categories
The Run of the Mill Template Cover Letter - MOST ALL TEMPLATE cover letters available on the net get an F grade. They FAIL. They are not sales letters following AIDA. These letters are weak at best. They often overuse the self centered words I, my, and me; words that should be very limited in your cover letter.
The Please Make It Stop Never Ending Story Cover Letter - Many cover letters are too long. Employers are almost never going to read more than three or four short paragraphs of fairly short sentences.
The IQ Exposed Cover Letter - bad grammar, misspellings,poor format, or incomplete sentences, can all make a job candidate look unintelligent.
The Yawn Cover Letter - Self focused.
The Tell Me Why I'm Reading This Cover Letter - The cover letter has no purpose other than to say there is a resume attached.
A lousy cover letter eliminates you and so can no cover letter at all. The employer is left to conclude that the candidate is either lazy or possibly illiterate.
(Believe me: They don't want to hire anyone who is either one of these.)
You Can Avoid the Mistakes
98.7% of Job Candidates are Making
You are in luck. You can avoid the mistakes most of your competition are making. After years of experience and research I know what the very few winning cover letters have in common. You can use the same techniques to put your resume ahead of the pack!
There are reasons why most cover letters fail. And there are easy methods of language to get you an interview. You will discover the one sentence that will make most HR employees call you.
OneClick Cover Letters includes the standard cover letters and this Power Edition has the most compelling cover letters ever written. Cover Letters that have proven to be successful. Cover letters that make employers sit up and take notice.
The Most Overlooked and Yet
the Most Important Part of Sending Your Resume
is the Cover Letter
Some job hunters neglect to send a cover letter at all. Those that do typically spend far more time on their resumes than their cover letters. No matter how much time, energy, and money you put into your resume, your cover letter is the catalyst that can get you noticed or ruin your chances of getting an interview. There are single words that can get you eliminated. Yet there are easy methods to use the science of language for a masterly crafted cover letter that can literally change your life.
Here is a tip: No matter how terrific your resume is, a resume alone does not get employers to call you. Your cover letter must send the message.
In fact, cover letters can be so powerful, the right one can be sent without a resume and get you an interview.
A few years ago my assistant's brother, Jason,came to me for job hunting advice so I wrote a cover letter for him. One morning, three weeks later, I arrived at my office to find him waiting for me.
"Do you need more help?" I asked.
"I have a job!" Jason announced, "The cover letter you wrote for me was so great I didn't even need my resume."
"What do you mean," I asked.
Jason explained that he saw his dream job posted and responded immediately with my cover letter. The company scheduled an interview with him. At the interview the employer stated he had not seen Jason's resume because there was no attachment with the email.
"I had forgot to attach my resume and still got the interview. Now I have the job!" Jason exclaimed.
How can a cover letter be that powerful?
A professional marketer and expert sales copy writer knows how to use words to invoke actions. You cannot simply ask employers to review your resume or contact you if they are interested - You cannot just 'request' action: Your cover letter must have a purpose and cause action.
Your Cover Letter Must CAUSE an Employer to Contact You
Your cover letter is a sales letter and must follow the greatest principle of marketing: AIDA: Attention - Interest - Desire - Action.
As a sales copywriter I have written sales letters that have blown the socks off what Internet Marketing Pros call "conversion rates." I have combined my skills as a master sales copy writer and extensive behind the scenes hiring experience to create the MOST POWERFUL cover letters on earth for you.
These are not ordinary cover letters. These are POWER PURPOSE cover letters that get you attention and interviews.
Employers see ordinary cover letters pour in by the thousands. Most of them are woefully inadequate and ineffective and hardly any follow the AIDA principle.
When an employer opens a Powerful Purpose cover letter it's like a breath of fresh air.
If You Were My Brother or Sister
Asking Me for Job Hunting Advice
I Would Say: you to get a great job."
The OneClick Cover letter Creator is exactly how you are going to get ahead of the pack, get noticed, get interviews, and get job offers.
As we know the job hunting odds are not good and looking for a job is... well... it sucks!
Most job hunters leave everything to the terrible odds. You don't have too.
With the Powerful OneClick™ Letters
You Will Beat the Odds...
How? Here is the first principle: Most job hunters make the mistake of assuming. They leave everything up to the odds that are stacked against them. They send resumes like crazy and wait for a call or email.
When they finally get an interview they go home and wait for a call and wonder what happened when they don't hear anything or get rejected.
You can beat the odds! You can change the numbers of this game to work in your favor.
Let me tell you how:
The Job Hunters' Five Deadly Assumptions:
They send a resume and assume that the employer will read it.
They assume that if no one contacts them for an interview, they were rejected.
They assume that if the employer has not contacted them after a few weeks the position was filled.
They assume that if they inquire about the status of their resume, they will be seen as needy, desperate, or annoy the employer.
They assume sending more resumes is the answer.
Guess what - While some employers actually scan or read every resume they get, many do not! This happens for several reasons. For instance, the cover letter can be so run of the mill that the resume is never opened or they get so many resumes there is not enough time to read them all.
When You Send Your Resume and Nothing Happens That's Opportunity Knocking ...for You!
Just because an employer has not responded after you submit your resume does not mean they are not interested in you.
They might not have read your resume because they have so many.
They might not have received your resume.
They might be so busy they have not responded to anyone.
Yet most every job hunter simply keeps on sending resumes to more employers hoping something magical is going to happen.
Do you remember what Einstein said? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
From my surveys, less than one person out of a thousand sends a follow up letter after sending a resume.
Most Job Hunters Send Resumes
And Wait For A Response...
If You Are Not Consistently Sending Follow Up Letters Your Chances Are Nil
You can dramatically increase your odds of getting an interview with one simple action.
Here is your opportunity: Have you ever received junk mail or email advertisements from the same company more than once? If you use email or have an address your answer is no doubt "of course!"
Why do these same businesses relentlessly keep sending ads, newsletters, notices, announcements, and offers again and again to the same addresses? Because persistence works!
This is why the right follow up letters work. And you can move ahead of the crowd by sending the right follow up letters at the right time!
A Persistent Job Candidate Sending
OneClick™ Follow Up Letters
is Hard to Ignore
Many times I myself have been the employer who's attention was garnered by a persistent candidate. I admit I have scheduled an interview with candidates because they continually emailed me (at the right intervals.)
In order for this to work, your cover letter and follow up letters must have exactly the right words and you must know when to send your follow up emails or letters.
You are Going to Get Letters that Command Attention and Get You Interviews:
Standard Cover Letters - Preformatted cover letters ready to go! Just insert the addressee and your name and information. Then create in most any email or word processing program including MSWord.
Power Purpose Cover Letters - These are not ordinary cover letters! In addition to the standard cover letters, OneClick Cover Letters includes the "power purpose" cover letters all labeled and designed with the purpose by Phil Baker. Action based writing that guarantees results!
Resume Follow Up Letters - Few people send interview follow up, letters. They expect that sending their resume was sufficient. As a pro salesperson knows the fact is persistence pays off. You get resume follow up letters and every one has a specific purpose. Powerful letters that get results.
Interview Follow Up Letters - The current date is stamped at the top of every email. Don't make employers search for a single piece of information - including the date you sent your email. The One Click System makes things as easy as possible on employers too.
Powerful Postscripts - The little PS that could! Get PS's to add to your letters that get attention and proven to get calls from employers.
Thank You's - Fields in thank you notes too for employer names, positions, and skill sets. Includes thank you notes specifically designed for the purpose such as After the Interview, The Career Fair, The Job Lead, The Reference, The Recommendation, and more.
Networking Letters - Specific networking letters for the friend, the associate, the old boss, the acquaintance,
Reference Requests - While every word of each cover letter has a strategic purpose with AIDA, NLP, and behavior reaction considerations. The letters are also based on the characteristics of successful chosen cover letters, and more factors - and you can still edit any one of them.
That's Not All...
OneClick™ Cover Letter Creator Gives You All These Features:
The Letters - Preformatted and ready to send!
Power Purpose Cover Letters
Resume Follow Up Letters
Interview Follow Up Letters
Thank You's
Networking Letters
Referral Letters
Reference Letters
Confirmation Letters
Other Imperative Communication
Quick Start Instructions - How to start your automated job hunt immediately.
OneClick™ Instant Email - No copy and paste! Just click and send!
Auto Date Insert - The current date is stamped at the top of every email.
Custom Quick Fields - Fields in letters for employer names, positions, and skill sets, and other customized fields.
Auto Signature - Just enter your name, email, phone or whatever you like one time, and your information is automatically inserted at the end of every letter.
Master Crafted AIDA Letters - Every word of each letter has been stragically chosen based on the purpose, AIDA, behavior reaction, the characteristics of successful chosen letters, and more factors to get you results as as fast as possible.
"Live" Updates - Program letters are automatically updated!
When You Try OneClick Cover Letter Creator™
Today - You Are Also Going to Get This FREE Gift!
FREE GIFT Resumes for Losers The difference between the winners and losers resumes can be big or small; however, there is a big difference in the results.
The winner is working and collecting a paycheck while the loser is without and might be going bankrupt or even hungry. The winner is gaining experience to add to their resume, while the loser is stuck sending out more resumes.
The winner probably has health insurance and the loser might not. The loss of health insurance has been proven to lead to more serious issues as people without health coverage tend to skip preventive visits to their doctor and even ignore health conditions until too late. The difference between a winner and loser in the resume game can be the difference between life and death.
Find out why you should have two different resumes - one for HR and one for the decision maker. Discover the truth about resume objectives. Learn the secrets of making your resume 'feel right' to employers and become a winner now.
77 Pages A $17.95 Value Yours FREE Today!
And This FREE Gift... |
FREE GIFT #2 The 197 Words You Should Not Use on Your Resume If you do not already have a copy of this hugely popular book, you will now.
Resume writing is different than most any other type of writing. Why? You don't always write in complete sentences. There are nouns, pronouns, and adjectives that should not be used.
Your resume is judged by the words you use. You can be eliminated for one wrong word.
After surveying employers and HR personnel, this is the list of words they least like to see on a resume. Includes explanations and suggestions. Discover the words you MUST AVOID.
A $21.95 Value Yours FREE Today!
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Job Negotiation is unlike any other negotiation you will ever do.
Think about this: Often, medium to large companies conduct as many as 1,000 and more job negotiations per year. Most employers are expert negotiators. Average job candidates are involved in less than 10 salary negotiations in their lifetime!
You will learn the secrets of negotiating that pro sports agents have used for years. You need to know how to play hard ball without getting thrown out of the game. You will be on the winning side of the table with these potent new tactics. Get the pay you want and deserve!
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Wish I had all this a long time ago...
"I was (emphasis on was) an out of work construction project manager - me and all the rest of the project managers! I can't write and that's why I bought this. I go from job to job and need a resume and cover letter almost every year. These are outstanding. Wish I had all this a long time ago. Thanks, - Henry Siason Santa Fe, NM
My only dilemma was choosing which job offer to take!
"This is hands down the best way of job hunting there is. Phil here is something I never thought I would say about anything: This actually made job hunting fun! Now here is the really good part: The follow up letters got me several interviews and two great job offers. My only dilemma was choosing which job offer to take. Thank you, thanks and thank you!" - Emily Hunt Florida
I am pleased...
"Before this I bought two things off the web. Two resume creators and were both disappointing. OneClick Cover Letter Creator even with all the hype (sorry seemed like hype to me) is super. These letters are beyond anything I could have imagined and they work! You know what you're doing. The follow up letters worked for me. I am pleased."
- Marty Greenbaum Chicago, IL
I was shocked...
"Hey alright I was shocked to see how easy this is. The way this creates my letters in any email is unbelievable! Everyone should get this. Just filled in my name and address stuff and click. Love the follow up letters. This saved me tons of time." - Laura Tinsley Albany, NY
Are YOU Ready To Be Booked
With Great Job Interviews
and a Heap of Offers
to Choose From?
Take Advantage of My Years of Experience
and Inside Information
with the Most Powerful Job Hunting Letters on Earth
Once you get these powerful letters in your hands and browse through them I know your eyes are going to pop wide open. You will see how the masterful language in some of the letters subconsciously commands the employer to contact you. Other OneClick Letters™ come right out and ask or tell the employer to contact you - with a reason why. The language is intelligent and convincing, the purposes are convincing, and the messages are powerful.
The OneClick Cover Letter Creator™ is valued at 79.95.
(with all the free gifts that's $137.80 total value!)
Today you can take advantage of our economy sale with a HUGE DISCOUNT - Over 60% OFF! You can get the OneClick™ Cover Letter Creator and all FOUR of the FREE gifts for the low price of just $34.95.
Try to find even one great professional resume writer that will create a series of cover letters, resume follow up letters,interview follow up letters,thank you letters, confirmation letters and more for that price. Just having a one page resume professionally written can cost 3 or 4 times as much.
Please don't wait another minute to get these letters working for you. There is ABSOLUTELY NO RISK to you. I will take 100% of the risk for you. How? With a 100% GUARANTEE IN WRITING!
Try the OneClick Cover Letter Creator for eight weeks - if you are not satisfied for any reason - email me for a full refund.
How can I take all the risk? Because these are cover letters with PROVEN RESULTS: I unequivocally believe the OneClick Cover Letter Creator will get you interviews... and I believe in you. I also believe that most people are honest and that you are one of them.
100% Risk Free Golden Guarantee
100% Risk Free Golden Guarantee
If at any time in the 56 days after downloading the OneClick™ Cover Letter Creator and FREE gifts you are not over the top delighted with these letters and what they do for you just contact me and I will refund every penny.
With the GOLDEN GUARANTEE and such a LOW PRICE, there is no excuse to keep you from doing the best thing possible to get the job you want by ordering OneClick Cover Letter Creator AT NO RISK right now. (I am still talking to you like you are my brother or sister!)
I want you to get the job you want.
Thank you,
P.S. It's your turn - Your turn to get the job you've been dreaming about. Think about this: The very next cover letter and resume you send could be the beginning of your new job! Why not use my years of experience to your advantage? Get OneClick Cover Letters right now and in minutes you could be cranking out astonishing cover letters and be getting calls for interviews within days. This is easy: I've done all the work writing the cover letters for you - now it's your turn: Just click here or the order button on this page and go!
P.P.S. For anyone who does not use OneClick Cover Letters there is a 100% RISK Guarantee! You are risking not getting a job very soon and the chance of someone else getting the job you wanted. So You Have NO RISK to order - Yet You are Taking a 100% RISK not to order!
P.P.P.S. Remember your investment of $34.95 gets you the OneClick Cover Letter Creator, Live Letter Updates, and all four valuable FREE gifts for one low low price. You cannot get these cover letters anywhere else at any price.
P.P.P.P.S. Please save your receipt. Depending on your location your purchase might well be 100% tax deductible. Check with a local tax advisor or accountant.
CLICK HERE to instantly move ahead of the pack and get booked with interviews and then a heap of job offers!
How You Get Started Right Now...
When you CLICK HERE or the order button below you will go to our 100% risk-free trial order page. As soon as you decide "YES" you can order. You can use your credit card, PayPal account, or personal check.
Your order for OneClick Cover Letter Creator™ is fully secured by ClickBank™, a trusted Internet processing company that handles all our transactions. Your order is processed immediately. You will get a transaction number and receipt for your purchase. (Save your receipt for a possible 100% tax deduction.)
Then you will be automatically directed to the secure member page where you have instant access to all your products.
Every page contains our contact information and you will receive a confirmation Email with our contact information.
These cover letters are unfair...
"We all got laid off in March. Sent out resumes in vain for two months. Tried your cover letters. The first week I got two interviews lined up. I got two offers and a new job before any of my former coworkers. When they asked how I did it I told them about you. They said that's not fair! They are all ordering your cover letter creator. Haha!" - Beth Newberry US
You Are Going to be Collecting Your Paycheck... While Your Competition is Still Job Hunting!