Arm Yourself With My Top-Secret Linking TechnologyThat Has Already Achieved 2,360+ Page One Rankings In GoogleFor People Just Like You!
From: Jonathan Leger
Creator Of: The Best Spinner Search Engine Myths Exposed Instant Article Wizard $7 Secrets |
The Holy Grail of ranking well in Google is links. Lots of links. That's an undisputed fact. The problem is that you can't get just any kind of links. Google will only rank sites whose links follow a very specific linking pattern.
I spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on discovering exactly what linking pattern Google demands. The code is now cracked. I know what Google wants, and I've automated the process of growing links to your site following that pattern.
The result is my top-secret linking technology that has already achieved more than 2,360 page one rankings in Google. The ranking sites are in every conceivable niche: from affordable health insurance to caring for bonsai trees to internet marketing advice to camping ideas. Choose your keywords right and you can break into any niche with this technology.
Jon - You Are A Genius!
My site went from nowhere, to the first page in google in just a few weeks! My traffic more than tripled in just a few weeks all of your products, this is another super-duper invention!
Thank you for making this possible Jon.
K. Troyer |
Let me give you just one example. When I first setup the 3WayLinks network, I created a brand new, ten page niche site from scratch and applied this new linking technology to it. The site is related to a certain kind of fitness equipment. It took me about 5 hours total to create the little site (including all of its content) and get the linking started.
That was back in August of 2007. Take a look at how this little 10 page site has progressed in traffic and AdSense income since then:
Notice that the site was profitable very quickly -- earning $478.85 in the first six months. The second six months jumped the profits to $568.29 for that period, for a one year total of $1047.14 for this brand new 10 page site in its first year. The site only took me 5 hours to build, which means in its first year it earned me more than $200 an hour. Not bad 'eh?
Not bad at all! But the SECOND year, with absolutely NO CHANGES on my part, this site earned $2,930.53 -- almost three times as much as the first year -- giving me a total earnings of $3,977.67 for my 5 hours of work. That's just under $800 an hour earnings ON AUTOPILOT.
The first six months of the third year earned me another $1383.23, for a grand total (so far) of $5,360.90, or MORE THAN $1,000 PER HOUR OF WORK!
Now, in mid 2011, almost FOUR YEARS after putting the site into the network, this little site has earned a total of $7,501.89 -- MORE THAN $1,500 PER HOUR OF WORK!
Yup, on average this site has earned me about $166 per month with absolutely no additional work on my part. That's the power of the 3WayLinks network.
3waylinks will help you rank 50 of your web sites in Google with one account. Do the math: $166 times 50 is $8,300 a month on auto-pilot.
(Incidentally, even if you don't monetize your sites with AdSense, this site has received 231,624 page impressions so far. What could YOU have done with that kind of traffic from so little work?)
Hi Jon, Thank you for such an excellent link and traffic building service. In addition to ranking for my keywords, I wanted to share my increase in Adsense income as a result.
I built a website in a very competitive niche in January. It's been slowly increasing in income, but averaging about $1 a day.
In the 2 or 3 weeks I've been involved in 3 way links, that Adsense income has increase to an average of about $8 a day and my highest was over $12.
An increase in one way inbound links, plus time equals ranking which increased my traffic which then increased my income. Nice!
And a big Thanks!
R. Cooper |
How It Work
The system uses a method of linking known as 3-way linking. Unlike the traditional one-way link, where only one site benefits, with a 3-way link all 3 sites get what Google sees as a one-way link to their web site.
In the old reciprocal link method, site A linked to site B and site B linked back to site A. Google does not value that kind of link very much at all anymore. Google wants to see one-way links (or at least what it believes are one-way links).
In a 3-way link setup, site A links to site B, site B links to site C, and site C links to site A (as shown in the graphic above). This is where the power of this system lies.
Google sees each link in the 3-way link exchange as a one-way link and gives it the FULL ranking value of a one-way link.
You have done it again mate. Another quality revenue raising platform for the masses.
My site has been bumped up the Google list enormously for my chosen keywords. The clincher is the traffic. Up by over 38% Consequently my sales are up over 22%.
It is true. The simple things in life, or the internet in this case, are often the best. 3waylinks is so basic, it is brilliant.
Congrats mate.
C. McPherson |
It Only Takes 10 Minutes
My new linking technology is designed to be "set it and forget it." There are only 3 steps to getting your site started on the path to ranking in Google:
- Add your domain name into your account with your chosen keywords.
- Upload a PHP file to your site.
- Link to the PHP file from your home page.
(There's also a WordPress plugin in case your site is a WordPress blog.)
That's all you have to do. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes. After that everything is automated. The system will start spreading links across the network automatically, performing 3-way link exchanges between your site and other sites in the network. You don't have to touch it again!
Google Gets What Google Wants
As I said earlier, not all links are created equal. Google wants to see certain kinds of links into your web site before it will rank the site for your selected keywords. Those 3 things are:
 | A Variety of Link Texts
If all of the links aimed at your site contain the same link text, Google will either discount or ignore all of your links. Google wants to see a diversity in the text of the links that are pointed at your site.
My tireless research has shown that using a 60% / 30% / 10% linking pattern works best. That means that about 60% of your links will contain your primary keywords, 30% will contain your secondary keywords, and 10% will contain your third-choice keywords.
However, spin-formatted link text is also supported. If you don't know what that is, don't worry--you don't need to! But if you DO know what that is, then you realize how easy it is to have as many varieties of anchor text as you want. |
 | Geographic Diversity
If all of your links come from web sites that are hosted in the same place, on the same IP address, or even on different Class C IP addresses that are too geographically close to each other, Google will discount or ignore the links.
This network perfectly mimics a natural network of links, because that's exactly what it is! There are thousands of sites owned by many hundreds of web masters. The sites that your site will perform 3-way link exchanges with are located all over the globe, on a very diverse variety of IP and Class C addresses. |
 | A Steady Growth in Links
If hundreds of links suddenly appear in Google that are all aimed at your site, Google will not count the value of those links for many months. This process of withholding link value is known as the "Google Sandbox". When this happens, you have to wait anywhere from 3 months to a year to see the value of your incoming links applied in Google's ranking of your site.
My system spreads links slowly, at the rate of 0 to 8 links per day. That means that there will be some days where no new links are added, and some days where as many as 8 are added -- which is how natural linking occurs. Once your site reaches 250 inbound links, the process stops. This usually takes about 60 days. |
This system really works!
My site went from nowhere to page two in just two weeks for my selected keywords and the Alexa rank is now below 200,000, mainly due to the increased traffic.
The net value in this is HUGE.
Thank you for keeping the membership fee at this level, affordable to most newbies webmasters. We all know how difficult it can be to get traffic to our sites - now by creating this awesome system, you have made it possible.
Thank you.
All the best,
A. Eriksson |
You Get What You Want
 | 250 Links Each to 50 Of Your Web Sites
Your account gives you the ability to put 50 of your web sites into the network. Each of those sites will receive about 250 incoming links from other sites in the network.
Think about this for a moment: if you select your keywords wisely and earn even only $5 in AdSense per day per web site, you're looking at a monthly income from AdSense alone of $7,500 per month.
 | Complete Automation
As I said before, this is a "set it and forget it" system. It only takes about 10 minutes to setup each of your web sites to the network, and once that's done the rest is taken care of for you.
This frees you to create new content or work on building up even more links to your sites through article distribution or other methods (which is important if you're trying to rank for very competitive keywords). The old time-consuming manual process of getting links into your site is gone! |
 | Top-Level Security
I take the security of the network very seriously. Every site is manually reviewed for approval into the network by a human reviewer. This ensures that only good quality, family-friendly sites that are already indexed in Google will be linking to your site (or linked to from your site). No adult, gambling, illegal sites, or sites with religious content are allowed into the network. You never have to worry about linking to sites that you would not approve of.
Automated processes verify that all of the sites in the network maintain their links to your site, and ensures that all sites that are live in the network are still indexed by Google. Any cheaters are found and kicked out of the network, and any sites banned by Google are removed from the network swiftly as well.
Finally, the network is broken up into "cells", so that no one group of sites links out to any other group but its own. There are no links or footprints leading back to, either. Each cell is completely independent. |
The last thing I want to do in my business is look for linking partners. I have used other link exchange programs, spent hours finding the right site, added their link to my site and NEVER received the link back. What a waste of time.
I'm sure I also have many inactive links because the linked to website is no longer there. I don't have time to go through all my sites and verify them on a regular basis.
3WayLinks is the tool I've been waiting for. It's truly....set it and forget it. Inactive member links are automatically removed so I don't have to worry about it.
Suddenly I noticed my site visitors had doubled and I wondered where all the traffic was coming from. In less than 2 weeks, my site moved up to the #2 position (of 9,570,000) in Google. I've been trying to move up for a year and have finally jumped over my main competitors.
I can't wait to add it to all my sites.
G. Metcalf |
Thousands Of Page One Google Results CANNOT Be Wrong!
There are already thousands of top-ranked sites in the network, and more than 1.3 million links resulting in these incredible rankings. Your sites can start being a part of that today.
How much is all of this going to cost you? Only $7 for your first month. That gives you plenty of time to try out the system and see if it's for you. If you decide to stay with it, it's only $47 per month after that. That's right, for less than $1 per month per site you can start seeing an incredible return on your investment.
Even if you only get one site ranked well enough to earn $5 per day from AdSense, you will have already achieved a 300% monthly return on your investment. Multiply that by the 50 sites you can put in the network and... well, you get the idea.
What Are You Waiting For? Sign Up Right Now!
Your Purchase is Guaranteed
 | You have a full 30 days to try out the 3WayLinks network and see if it doesn't do all that I've promised it does. If it doesn't, just let me know in what way I've failed to fulfill any of my promises and I'll refund your last payment -- guaranteed! Signup now! |