“Former Chronic Tinnitus Sufferer
Reveals The Only Holistic System In
Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate The Ringing
In Your Ears Within 2 Months, And
Regain Your Natural Inner Balance,
Using A Unique 5-Step Method
No One Else Will Tell You About...”
Medical Researcher,Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant
and Former Tinnitus Sufferer Teaches You How To:
and Former Tinnitus Sufferer Teaches You How To:
- Eliminate Your Tinnitus Within 2 Months
- Gain Significant Relief In Less Than 7 Days!
- Banish Tinnitus Related Symptoms Such As: Mild Hearing Loss, Pain in The Ear and Dizziness
- Stop The Constant Ringing, Buzzing, Hissing, Beeping and Discomfort and Keep Them Away Forever
- Restore Your Energy Levels and Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically...Guaranteed!
Discover How He's Healed Himself From Severe 14 Year
Chronic Tinnitus and Taught Thousands Of Men and
Women Worldwide To Be Tinnitus Free:
Chronic Tinnitus and Taught Thousands Of Men and
Women Worldwide To Be Tinnitus Free:
- Without Resorting To Drugs
- Without Audio Therapies or Psychiatric Treatments
- Without Risky Surgery
- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!
Dear Tinnitus Sufferer,
You're about to discover what might be the most powerful tinnitus cure system ever developed. It's the same system thousands of men and women, just like you, used to permanently cure their tinnitus and achieve permanent freedom from the ringing in their ears.
My name is Thomas Coleman and over the past 14 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I have developed a sure-fire, clinically researched system that is backed by 45,000+ hours of intense medical research for eliminating tinnitus for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful tinnitus healing system, which very few people even know exists...
If you would like to learn how to cure your tinnitus permanently ... without drugs, without risky surgery, without any typical Tinnitus treatments, and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!
Success Story #1: Diana Piloni
"In less than 3 weeks the constant ringing have
completely gone. I now live a normal life without the
horrible ringing sounds that used to drive me crazy!"
. God bless you!"
-- Diana Piloni,(Indiana, USA)
Success Story #2: Andrew D.
"My tinnitus had vanished. Gone in a matter of weeks.
My hearing is also almost back to normal!"
. God bless you!"
-- Andrew D.(USA)
Success Story #3: Barbara Sheridan
"Your guidance and easy to follow instructions have
effectively helped me heal myself from this affliction."
-- Barbara Sheridan(UK)
Success Story #4: Ralf Bergman
"We are now only half way through your program and
my daughter has already reported that the noises have
diminished dramatically. "
God bless you!"
-- Ralf Bergman (Sweden)
Success Story #5: Richard Owers
"Now, 5 weeks later, it's like a miracle. My tinnitus has
completely vanished from my life!"
-- Richard Owers(Melbourne, Australia)
Success Story #6: Luc Yuschak
"Being a 10 year Tinnitus sufferer, I finally was able
to control and gradually eliminate my tinnitus in what
seems to be nothing short of a miracle."
Thank you!"
-- Luc Yuschak --(Toronto, Canada)
Success Story #7: Julia Parsard
"The results from following your step by step
instructions were phenomenal to say the least. I can
honestly say that my life are back to normal within two
months of adhering to your suggestions."
Thank you!"
-- Julia Parsard (Leon, France)
What Makes This Breakthrough System So
Unique is That it Gives You The Power To...
Unique is That it Gives You The Power To...
- Cure Tinnitus permanently. It's a fact - 95% of the people who use conventional treatments such as drugs, habituation or surgeries may lower the ear ringing volume temporarily but most often would end up worse than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps tinnitus off forever.
- Cure Tinnitus holistically. It's a fact- curing Tinnitus can never be achieved by tackling one of the many factors responsible for Tinnitus . If you've ever tried to cure your Tinnitus using a one-dimensional treatment like drugs, herbal supplements or even detox diets and failed it's probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the disease. Not only will this system teach you the only way to prevent the formation of tinnitus, you will also learn the only way to cure Tinnitus for good - the holistic way.
- Cure Tinnitus without drugs or typical tinnitus treatments. Drugs, and risky surgeries to treat tinnitus sometimes work in a partial way and temporarily (depending on the type and severity of your tinnitus) but the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful tinnitus sufferers who have learned how to treat their Tinnitus from within and without ever using drugs or over the counters are the only people in the world who keep their system free of Tinnitus permanently. Now you can learn these Tinnitus cure secrets from a nutrition specialist and a former sufferer who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.
My Long Frustrating Battle With Tinnitus
I was 29 years old, experiencing life at its fullest. My days were hectic, handling responsibilities at work, only to come home and face homework with the kids; running them from activity to activity; finding quality time for my spouse and all of the other stuff modern families have to deal with. The stress was mounting, but still I was in control. Unfortunately, that was about to change.
One evening after work I headed to a local restaurant with some friends for some much needed R&R. After spending three hours in the noisy restaurant, sitting next to the piano player, my head ached as the dins of the evening continued to ring in my head for hours.
The next morning I was surprised to notice a slight ringing still left in my ears. Not thinking much of it, I headed off for another busy day at the office. Little did I know that my life was about to take an unexpected turn.
Within a few days, that slight ringing became a noticeable buzz, followed periodically by loud bangs. Before long, the noise that had began as a nuisance was beginning to grind on my nerves. My head felt like it was going to explode. No matter what I tried I could not get away from that ear piercing noise -- day or night it was there, and it was beginning to take its toll.
A trip to my general practitioner did no good. He thought maybe it was just a migraine induced by stress. I tried relaxing more and that helped (a little), still I couldn’t get rid of that constant buzz in my ears.
Several weeks and several visits later, the doctor began to suspect that something was indeed wrong and initiated a series of tests to rule out anything serious. After undergoing what seemed like endless round tests we finally had a diagnosis: Tinnitus.
“Whew” I thought. “Now we can fix it.” It wasn’t long before my relief turned into panic as the doctor explained that there is no cure, or even much treatment for this condition and I’d simply have to learn to live with it like the thousands of other sufferers walking the planet.
“Live with this constant pounding in my head!” I thought. “How in the world am I going to do that?”
The Shocking Truth About
Conventional Tinnitus Medications And
Unnecessary Surgeries!
Conventional Tinnitus Medications And
Unnecessary Surgeries!
After a couple of months, I went to see a doctor (who was also a psychiatrist) , and described the unbearable situation I was in, he had recommended several prescription medications, anti-anxiety drugs, muscle relaxers and a set of anti-depressants.
Needless to say. It didn't help at all.
I traveled from doctor’s office to doctor’s office looking for some relief – any relief! The noise was growing worse – some days reaching 70 or even 80 decibels – and I needed help!
My life was no longer my own. I couldn’t work (the loud noise in my ears was making it impossible to deal with my myriad of responsibilities at the office); I was short tempered with my family (after all, didn't they realize that every little noise they made aggravated an already precarious situation?); my health was suffering (I couldn't eat or sleep normally); and I was growing more and more depressed. I was reaching my breaking point and I knew it. Something had to be done and it had to be done quickly or I was going to lose my mind. It was time to take action!
I took a few weeks off of work. I switched several doctors and complained about the stabbing pulsing sounds and other symptoms I was experiencing. But the only answer I got was that surgery was my only option. Unbelievable I thought, only to later find out that in the vast majority of cases, surgeries are completely unnecessary and can often lead to irreversible results.
Deep down, I felt there must have been another option, a healthier alternative.
14 Years of Study, Research, Trial,
Error and Experimentation
Error and Experimentation
I stopped taking the prescription medications and muscle relaxers. I was determined to find a natural solution to my problem despite of what my doctors had recommended.
I became obsessed with the subjects of holistic health and nutrition. I wanted to know everything there was to know about how to cure Tinnitus and prevent it permanently - I've been absolutely consumed by this quest. So I started studying - and hard! I bought every book on ear infections, nerve damage, sinus issues, sound therapies, oriental medicine, detoxing, dieting, and nutrition that I could get my hands on.
I spent hours at the library swallowing stacks of books, journals and magazines about Tinnitus, hearing loss, and nutrition and reading every word. I have literally read hundreds of medicine books from cover to cover. My library quickly grew to over 537 health and nutrition books and I had read every word almost to the point of memorizing them.
But I didn't just read. I interviewed countless of other Tinnitus sufferers and endlessly picked the brains of every doctor, herbalist, homeopath and naturopath...kind enough to lend me minutes of their time and fragments of their expertise and knowledge only to find a solid solution to my tinnitus.
I Tried Everything!
Book knowledge and interviews are one thing, but it's not the same as knowledge from actual experience. Scientific facts, figures and theories weren't enough.
I tried other types of prescription drugs (anti-anxieties and anti-depressants!) and took muscle relaxers, vitamins and oriental medicinal herbs on a daily basis with high hopes for a change. I bought numerous "white noise" cds and have done plenty of noise therapies but to no avail.
I have also tried every tinnitus treatment known to science and natural health with conviction, desire and hope that it will make a difference and that it will finally eliminate my Tinnitus and bring me my life back.
Over the years I have spent a small fortune trying every type of product and treatment you can think of. I have tried: herbal remedies, Cellfood Oxygen, tonics, habituation, detox diets, vitamin therapy, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, macrobiotics, reflexology, Chinese Medicine, vegetarianism, the Wai diet, magnetic therapy, the mucus-less diet, the blood type diet, psychiatric treatments and whatnot.
The Lack of Sleep, Stress and Anxiety Caused
by My Tinnitus Lead To Severe Hallucinations
by My Tinnitus Lead To Severe Hallucinations
While I did find some minor relief, it was always temporary and the ringing in my ears came back with a vengeance and sometimes got to be even worse than before the treatments. I just could not sleep. I was stressed angry and depressed all the time. The extreme sleep deprivation along with the immense anxiety and stress I was experiencing took their toll and I even started to hallucinate. I started to see blinding lights in the middle of the day as I was walking or driving, along with various other weird experiences as a result of the extreme emotional state I was at. My condition had become much more dangerous and frightening than ever when I almost crashed into a street sign on the way to my doctor.
Tinnitus was now a lot more than a tormenting noise in my ears. It had become a real and meaningful threat to my life.
I Took a 4 Hour Tinnitus Surgery
Having presented with no other choice due to the extreme condition I was at and its potential consequences, I was scheduled a surgery to fix my tinnitus with high hopes that this was the final resort. I wasn't specifically thrilled by the idea but after my doctor had mentioned the success rate of all tinnitus surgeries and praised their effectiveness at reversing tinnitus, I had decided it was a risk worth taking.
The surgery took about 4 hours, and after I woke up I felt an amazing relief. Several days after I was released from the hospital, the operation seemed to be working. The volume of the ringing in my ears had decreased and it seemed that there was finally hope for me. I started sleeping better at nights and became the old relaxed fellow my loved ones had known to appreciate and relate to.
But my hopes soon crashed. In less that a month I started feeling an excruciating pain and pressure in my ears and the ringing in my ears were back but this time the noise was louder than ever. I seriously felt like my eardrums were about to explode. What a NIGHTMARE I thought! my worst fears had realized. I immediately called my doctor and shouted that my tinnitus was back and it was even worse. I already knew what he was going to say: that it takes several months to see results and sometimes the condition becomes severe before the patient experiences relief (as I read about the recovery process of tinnitus surgeries years before) but this was not a recovery process! I tried with all my power to convince my doctor that such a loud noise cannot be part of any recovery and that the surgery had probably failed but all my arguments fell on deaf ears.
Yet I Still Suffered From Severe Tinnitus!
Three months went by slowly and painfully and by the forth month my tinnitus condition became worse than ever. I visited my doctor and he apologized in a very formal and polite manner and said he was sorry that the operation did not work and that he could not help me.
Out of sheer desperation I bought additional alternative medicine books on Tinnitus and was amazed to find out that most if not all offered partial dietary advice along with vitamins and special herbal supplements. These approaches don't work either! I know because I tried them all and I still suffered from severe Tinnitus.
Now, 14 Painful Years and Thousands of
Diligent Work Hours Later, The Tinnitus Puzzle
Was Finally Solved...
Diligent Work Hours Later, The Tinnitus Puzzle
Was Finally Solved...
Not the kind of person who readily gives up, I decided enough was enough. If the dozen or so doctors that I had seen couldn't offer any help, I would find it on my own. Maybe it was frustration, or maybe it was a sense of self preservation that drove me forward on my quest to treat my own Tinnitus, but I was determined to find a cure for myself and others like me – and guess what -- I did!
Sure, it took months of reading, studying and experimenting, but I finally found the right combination of treatments that have since eliminated the noise I hear in my ears. I’ve reclaimed my life and you can too!
After more than 14 years of diligent work and in-depth research on a daily basis, after experiencing several eureka moments and after a long process of trial and error and dozens of interviews and self experiments, I applied my years of training to finally uncover the solution to Tinnitus . From all the truths and evidence, misconceptions and lies... the Tinnitus puzzle was finally solved. It took me more than a year to polish and refine my discovery and in the end I applied it myself with great hopes and passion and to my sheer amazement- after a few weeks of following it...
My Tinnitus Completely DISAPPEARED!
It took me a few years with a lot of research to get to where I am today, to know exactly what works and what doesn't. Yes, after desperate trial and error, countless of useless treatments, disappointments and agony, a simple holistic system opened the door to my new and much brighter Tinnitus free life. I was also excited to see that my Tinnitus and other related symptoms (such as the minor hearing loss I had) had completely diminished. After years of suffering I was finally free from Tinnitus!
Amazingly, Every Other Man and Woman Who
Used This Method Got the SAME Results
Used This Method Got the SAME Results
I also started testing my system on other Tinnitus sufferers beside me and it yield the same shocking and groundbreaking results. In less than 7 weeks on average 27 out of 27 men and women participating in my experiment had completely got rid of their Tinnitus.
What's even more exciting is that it worked on all types of Tinnitus and on all levels of severity and with men and women of any age.
All men and women who used this method had experienced the following benefits:
The ringing in their ears, buzzing or hissing sounds became manageable very quickly (the volume and frequency of sounds have been dramatically decreased) and then completely vanished and never have developed again.
The feeling of tension, anxiety, agitation, and exhaustion from tinnitus have vanished, in a matter of days.
Any other tinnitus related symptoms they had such as mild to moderate hearing loss, pain in the ear, dizziness or the feeling of fullness in the ear were completely eliminated.
Their personal relationship with their loved ones had dramatically improved and so did their productivity at work
They felt happier, calmer and more energetic
They experienced dramatic improvement in other unrelated health conditions.
They felt rejuvenated and reported looking younger and more vibrant.
So now I took the time, tweaked and refined the system to completion to ensure it will yield the most remarkable long lasting results. And the best news is... It's now available for you to try it!
Success Story #8: Susan Clements
"It was definitely a real shocker that after 12 years of
tormenting noise in my ears I was completely free from
Tinnitus. My doctor was so embarrassed...Moreover, I
am now feeling energized and full of life. Other health
conditions that I suffered from had also vanished."
Thank you for your help..."
-- Susan Clements (Montana, USA)
Success Story #9: Clare Duhamel
"I have read virtually every guide ever written on
tinnitus but it was only the unique alternative treatment
outlined in your book that helped me get rid of the
agonizing ringing and other weird sounds in my ears."
Thanks again!"
-- Clare Duhamel (South Africa)
I Also Made Some Amazing Discoveries
The first thing I discovered was that almost everyone is getting ripped off by the drug and pharmaceutical companies. The Tinnitus and drug industries are filled with snake oil marketing vampires that are getting rich by preying on your desperation. The second thing I discovered is that almost everyone is dead wrong in the way they try to control and treat their Tinnitus . It's a fact, the methods you're probably using right now to treat your Tinnitus might be severely damaging your health in the long run.
Are You Curing Your Tinnitus or
Making It WORSE?
Making It WORSE?
If you're making the same deadly mistakes as most other Tinnitus sufferers, you might control your Tinnitus temporarily, but your Tinnitus and your health will get worse in the long run.
I realized the hard way, that there were no magic pills or fix-it-all products to Tinnitus. Anti-anxiety drugs, risky surgeries, special diets, muscle relaxers, vitamins and herbal supplements may work temporarily on the symptoms of Tinnitus, but when the real cause of Tinnitus is neglected, the ringing will not stop and eventually and most often the severity of your tinnitus would increase.
Moreover, many men and women face a myriad of additional health complications after taking drugs and after surgery, because conventional treatments fail to address the root cause of Tinnitus.
You can't overcome such a profound internal problem using drugs and surgeries aimed at treating the symptoms of Tinnitus - You can't fool your body - you have to work with your internal system, not against it by fixing the root cause!
WARNING: Tinnitus Can Be Very Dangerous If
Left Untreated
Left Untreated
If you have Tinnitus, beside the more conventional causes such as damage to the ear nerves (the cochlea) or sinus problems, it is also possible that your tinnitus is related to severe ear infection. Moreover, there are few cases of tinnitus that are directly involved with aneurysm or a brain tumor (acoustic tumor). Failing to correctly diagnose (I provide every diagnosis tool possible in my guide) and treat infections or problems in your brain on time can cause serious long-term health consequences.
As you can see, Tinnitus is not a condition you want to ignore or try to "live with".
Tinnitus Surgeries Don't Always Work and
Can Worsen Your Tinnitus, or Cause
Irreversible Damage to Your Hearing
Can Worsen Your Tinnitus, or Cause
Irreversible Damage to Your Hearing
Surgery should be considered when there is a clear structural reason for tinnitus that can be improved with surgery. One should only consider surgery for tinnitus if you were diagnosed with a tumor, osclerosis, or fistula . Even so the success of the surgery is 50%, with the inevitable consequence of irreversible deafness.
The Only Way You Can Ever Cure Your
Tinnitus is From Within by Correctly
Diagnosing Your Condition and by Listening
to What Your Body is Trying to Tell You, Work
With It and Free Yourself
Tinnitus is From Within by Correctly
Diagnosing Your Condition and by Listening
to What Your Body is Trying to Tell You, Work
With It and Free Yourself
Tinnitus is triggered by multiple internal factors and therefore can only be treated by tackling all of those internal elements responsible for tinnitus and not by masking the noise or by calming the muscles or nerves of the outer ear (as with laser treatments for tinnitus, for example). The only way you can ever cure your tinnitus is by correctly diagnosing your condition from within by listening to what your body is trying to tell you, work with it and free yourself.
When I finally figured that out along with what was going on in the Tinnitus and drug industries, I decided I had to take action so I put things on paper and began guiding other Tinnitus sufferers using this new system I developed. Now, for the first time ever, the same tinnitus cure system that helped thousands of Tinnitus sufferers all over the world to permanently stop the ringing in their ears and eliminate all Tinnitus related symptoms is available to you in a single, jam-packed, 250 page e-book:
"Tinnitus Miracle™"
The Only Holistic System In
Existence That Will Teach YOU How
To Quickly and Permanently Cure
Your Tinnitus, INSTANTLY
Relieve The Ringing In Your Ears,
Rebalance Your Body and Achieve
Tinnitus Freedom!
Existence That Will Teach YOU How
To Quickly and Permanently Cure
Your Tinnitus, INSTANTLY
Relieve The Ringing In Your Ears,
Rebalance Your Body and Achieve
Tinnitus Freedom!
"Tinnitus Miracle™ " is a 250 page downloadable e-book, jam-packed cover to cover with all the secret natural Tinnitus cure methods, unique powerful techniques and the step-by step holistic Tinnitus system I've discovered in over 14 years of research. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to eliminate your Tinnitus permanently in weeks, without using drugs, without surgery and without any side effects.
Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn
When You Download Your Copy Of The
Tinnitus Miracle™ System Today:
When You Download Your Copy Of The
Tinnitus Miracle™ System Today:
- The proven 5- step multi-dimensional Tinnitus Miracle™ Anti- Tinnitus Success System that has helped thousands of men and women to end the noise in their ears sometimes within days and eliminate all types of Tinnitus completely within 8 weeks
- Discover EVERYTHING you need to know about tinnitus, EXACTLY what causes the noise in your head (Take a closer look at two most recent tinnitus surveys, the results might shock you)
- The top eight best anti-tinnitus foods you should eat all the time
- The top ten worst foods you should never eat when you have tinnitus
- The shocking truth about conventional tinnitus treatments and ear nerve surgeries and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever
- SECRET#1: Discover the 1st most important element that when eliminated can virtually banish over 85% of all Tinnitus cases (and almost all tinnitus sufferers do it)
- The most powerful homeopathic herb (that can quickly reverse most tinnitus conditions) that the Tinnitus and drug industries hope you will never find out!
- The one secret 100% natural vitamin supplement that you should always take on a daily basis, and is guaranteed to make a dramatic impact on your Tinnitus condition sometimes in a matter of days!
- The cardinal sin of every tinnitus treatment almost every tinnitus sufferer is guilty of, which instead of curing your tinnitus, weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your Tinnitus worse in the long run (and more than 92% of tinnitus sufferers are doing it!)
- SECRET#4: Discover the link between ONE specific medication and Tinnitus and why must you avoid it right now to prevent the worsening of your tinnitus condition and potential health complications
- SECRET#7: Tinnitus and the Emotional Brain: Discover shocking facts about "the phantom perception- Is Tinnitus All Your Head? The Answer Might Surprise You.
- A simple test (questionnaire) you can take at home to know the exact severity of your Tinnitus. (You'll know the answer in less than 15 minutes)
- What Personality characteristics do tinnitus sufferers share? Learn surprising facts about the similarities between all tinnitus sufferers and a powerful conclusion you can embrace right now to start the path to a tinnitus free living.
- The importance of making simple lifestyle changes in daily habits that can drastically decrease the sound in your ears, sometimes in a matter of days.
- SECRET#11: Discover how to diagnose your tinnitus with pin-point accuracy using a multi-dimensional approach that will also help you exclude other risky possibilities .
- Answering the following scientifically proven questionnaire will quickly help you discover what your SPADE levels are (stress, panic, anxiety, depression) , their impact on your tinnitus and EXACTLY what to do to eliminate these symptoms from your life one and for all.
- Several of the best-kept anti-Tinnitus supplements that almost NOBODY knows about...compiled by an 14 year study
- Finally the complete and honest answer as to WHY you have Tinnitus, the CRITICAL main causes of the noise in your head and why some people always seem to make their Tinnitus worse and how you can GUARANTEE to stop it permanently
- The amazing connection between physical activity and Tinnitus and why, when, where and how you can start 'exercising' your way to tinnitus free life today!
- The 2 breathing strategies that significantly help your body to start heal itself and fight Tinnitus.
- Why no special diet, chiropractor or detox program will ever cure your tinnitus
- SECRET#18: WARNING! a very common household ingredient has the ability to aggravate your tinnitus. If you do not get rid of it, you will never get rid of your tinnitus
- An ingenious method to use the powers of your mind and mental abilities to tackle one of the main causes of your tinnitus. This technique alone can dramatically reduce the sounds in your ear.
- SECRET#27:This technique has been voted "the best" since it fixes the root cause of Tinnitus pain and PREVENTS its recurrence
- Why you'll never get the whole truth about drugs, and risky surgeries from almost any doctor (Even if they wanted to tell you, this is why they CAN'T!)
- The importance of optimizing your immune system. Discover how you can start feeling much healthier and ward off Tinnitus forever by boosting your natural immune capabilities.
- Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate Tinnitus) dramatically!
- How to prevent the recurrence of Tinnitus, ear, sinus infections, and allergies and how they are all connected. How to tackle the root cause of Tinnitus , keeping your internal organs in optimum condition and eliminate all of these afflictions forever.
- Why Tinnitus is a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your system and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn from it and do about it.
- The simple, cheap yet deadly effective method for allowing your body to strengthen, heal and fortify itself and thus heal Tinnitus quickly and efficiently.
- The most potent and controversial method of using Hypnotherapy and its effect on your Tinnitus condition. (this important step alone has done wonders to thousands of Tinnitus sufferers faster than they ever thought possible and is also crucial for preventing recurring Tinnitus )
- The TRUTH about homeopathic remedies and yoga as treatments for tinnitus. Can yoga along with a UNIUQE combination of homeopathic remedies be the answer to the tormenting ringing in your ears?
- The CRUCIAL link between lack of sleep, stress, anxiety and Tinnitus and exactly what you should do to significantly control or completely eliminate these afflictions from your life.
- The disturbing connection between an unbalanced body and Tinnitus and what you can do to bring your body back into balance quickly.
- And much much more...
And believe me.... this is just the tip of the iceberg! Tinnitus Miracle™ is so much more than just an "e-book" - it's a complete holistic system for sure-fire freedom from Tinnitus - possibly the most comprehensive Tinnitus cure system that has ever developed.
What The Tinnitus Miracle™ System
Can Do For You
Can Do For You
The Tinnitus Miracle™ system addresses the internal problem that is causing your Tinnitus and fixes it permanently. By tackling all Tinnitus contributing factors using a holistic, multi dimensional approach it ensures the permanent eradication of the Tinnitus internal environment. Thus you could enjoy lasting freedom from Tinnitus and finally be able to...
- Eliminate the ringing in your ears, the buzzing and hissing sounds - safely and permanently without the side effects of drugs or the risks of surgery
- Instantly eliminate all tinnitus related symptoms such as: dizziness, pain in the ear, a sense of fullness in the ears, or headaches that may accompany your tinnitus condition
- Eliminate the tension, anxiety, agitation, and exhaustion from tinnitus, in a matter of days.
- Feel happier, calmer and more relaxed
- Feel lighter, healthier, look younger and more energetic.
- Enjoy increased mental clarity, enthusiasm and vitality.
No Matter What The Cause, Type or Severity of
Your Tinnitus Is, You Can Start Using This
Powerful System RIGHT NOW To Get INSTANT
Relief And Permanent Freedom From Your
Your Tinnitus Is, You Can Start Using This
Powerful System RIGHT NOW To Get INSTANT
Relief And Permanent Freedom From Your
The Tinnitus Miracle™ system works regardless of the what the causes of the sounds in your ears are and regardless of your age. The principles outlined in the Tinnitus Miracle™ system required to cure your tinnitus are basically the same; These principals have been proven to work and yield outstanding results regardless of your age of lifestyle.
The Tinnitus Miracle™ system is proven to work for you as it includes guidelines for customizing the principles outlined for your unique situation. These principles have been proven and verified to work by thousands of men and women world wide.
Whatever your tinnitus condition is, when you finally decide to stop making the same tinnitus treatment mistakes that have been holding you back and begin applying the techniques in Tinnitus Miracle™ you can literally choose to become tinnitus free. You will have the power to make it happen.
The Tinnitus Miracle System Has Been
Clinically Proven To Work On All Types of
Tinnitus Related Disorders
Clinically Proven To Work On All Types of
Tinnitus Related Disorders
The Tinnitus Miracle system has been clinically proven to work in all of the following cases:
- Tonal Tinnitus
- Pulsatile Tinnitus
- Muscular Tinnitus
- Vascular Tinnitus
- External/Middle/Inner Ear Tinnitus
- Nerve Pathway Tinnitus
- Ringing, buzzing, hissing or beeping sounds
Success Story #10: Peter Kessler
"The workable framework that you have outlined in the
guide has dramatically improved my condition..."
-- Peter Kessler (Munich, Germany)
Success Story #11: Joanie Hench
"Within two an half months, the awful ringing and
pulsing that had tormented my days and nights had
THANK YOU, I feel so much better."
-- Joanie Hench(Finland)
Why You Can't Trust The Drug and
Pharmaceutical Companies and Your Current
Sources of Information
Pharmaceutical Companies and Your Current
Sources of Information
In the year 2010, Americans spent almost $1.2 billion on over-the-counter drugs and conventional treatments for Tinnitus aimed at relieving the ringing in the ears and other related symptoms caused by Tinnitus, according to Feedback Research Services, a health-care research firm.
The anti-Tinnitus industry reaches billions in sales each and every year. There are hundreds of different manufacturers that produce thousands different products, which are consumed by nearly 36 million Americans in the United States who have Tinnitus!
With billions at stake, these pharmaceutical companies will tell you anything to get you to buy their products. They'll even lie right to your face!
The potential complications from tinnitus surgery along with all the side effect caused by the drugs you've been prescribed are translated into a huge profit.
For more than 14 years I've researched and experimented with all these 'very promising' products only to find the true secret to lasting Tinnitus freedom just like you're doing now, so I understand how it feels to be exploited like that and throw your hard earned money on the next useless over the counter and drugs, only to end up with nothing. I wasted thousands of dollars and was frustrated and discouraged just like you before I finally discovered what really worked.
The Tinnitus Treatments Most People Are
Using DON'T WORK! 92% of All Men and
Women Who Treat Tinnitus Using
Conventional Methods End Up Worse Than
When They Started!
Using DON'T WORK! 92% of All Men and
Women Who Treat Tinnitus Using
Conventional Methods End Up Worse Than
When They Started!
A recent major medical study had shown that unless sinus, stress and anxiety related issues are tackled, treating the ear nerves will not stop tinnitus. Many tinnitus patients who went under the knife has continued to suffer from tinnitus regardless of how successful the operation was.
The truth is: most of the conventional methods, including all sorts of drugs, muscle relaxers, vitamins and surgeries don't work and they are less effective than ever before and will make your Tinnitus and your health worse in the long run! Why?
Because unless all internal factors which are responsible for tinnitus are treated and eliminated, the inner ear nerves will continue to cause the ringing, beeping and pulsing sounds.
Life is Too Short to Try And Cure Tinnitus On
Your Own Through Trial And Error. Take
Charge Over Your Tinnitus Right Now And
Follow a Proven Step-By-Step System!
Your Own Through Trial And Error. Take
Charge Over Your Tinnitus Right Now And
Follow a Proven Step-By-Step System!
Why go through years of trial and error when you can read the Tinnitus Miracle™ book and follow the practical step-by-step Tinnitus freedom techniques that took me 14 years to accomplish? By applying the "insider's secrets" in this book you literally short cut your success by years! not to mention save yourself from the side effects and risks of conventional treatments along with saving thousands upon thousands of dollars in the process. The methods outlined in the Tinnitus Miracle™ system are methods most people NEVER discover by trying to do it on their own.
The proven and probably the fastest way to achieve any goal according to psychologists is to "model" someone who has already achieved what you want. With this system, you practically have an opportunity to model not one but thousands of people just like you who suffered from Tinnitus , followed the methods in the Tinnitus Miracle™ System and are now completely free.
You should be living an Tinnitus -free life, it's your birth right. Why do things the hard way? Take charge over your Tinnitus right now and follow this system!
Tinnitus Miracle Is Completely Unique and
Different From Any Other Information Source
Or Tinnitus Solution Because...
Different From Any Other Information Source
Or Tinnitus Solution Because...
- Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is Customizable for Your Unique Condition
Every person is completely different. No two reasons for tinnitus are exactly the same. That's why the Tinnitus Miracle TM system includes guidelines as to how you can customize the strategies and methods for your unique situation. You will be taught, step-by-step, how to be your own 'scientist' and detect subtle factors within your own body, lifestyle and environment that need attention. - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is a Permanent Solution
Other treatments such as Lorazepam or klonazepam, Amitriptyline or nortriptyline mainly change emotional responses to tinnitus. Local anesthetics and drugs like Atorvastatin (Lipitor), maskers and laser treatments are not Tinnitus cures per se. Most of these treatments contain unnatural harmful substances addressing the symptoms of tinnitus and only work short-term at best. Most tinnitus patients who had undergone surgeries have not been able to get rid of their tinnitus. Don't believe those web sites that offer a fast remedy to Tinnitus. No magic pill or fix-it-all product exists. The solution I now offer is an intelligent, scientific approach that gets Tinnitus under control and eliminates the sounds in your ears within few short weeks (depending on the severity). My program also teaches you how to prevent Tinnitus recurrence. - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is a Natural and Safe Solution
The Tinnitus Miracle™ offers a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that permanently eliminates the ROOT cause of your Tinnitus. Tinnitus Miracle™ doesn't rely on harsh drug therapy with its side effects and harmful synthetic substances. Unlike the risky and unnecessary surgery that is often recommended by doctors, the Tinnitus Miracle™ eliminates your Tinnitus and prevents its recurrence naturally and safely within 8 weeks. - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is Practical, Not Demanding and Difficult
Many tinnitus programs are very demanding, difficult, and sometimes downright unrealistic. The Tinnitus Miracle TM system is very practical. It's easy to naturally incorporate into your current lifestyles. You will not have to go too far out of your way to follow the instructions, nor will you have to make unreasonable commitments to outrageous and absurd regimes or schedules. - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is Easy to Understand and Logically Laid Out
Don't worry about not knowing much about human anatomy or medical terminology. I wrote the Tinnitus Miracle TM plan with the layperson in mind. It is presented in an easy-to-understand language and an easy-to-follow, logical and organized format. - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) is Continually Updated
I learn new things every single day from continued research, testing and experimentation. I also get a lot of ideas as to how I can improve Tinnitus Miracle TM from the men and women that I counsel. I am therefore constantly in the process of refining and perfecting Tinnitus Miracle. These updates, no matter how extensive, are made available to my previous customers for absolutely free! - Tinnitus Miracle (TM) Offers Exclusive Personal One-On-One Counseling
The Tinnitus Miracle™ system is the ONLY tinnitus system in existence that offers FREE professional private email counseling and support from a nutrition specialist and a 14 year medical researcher with proven clinical experience. Let me ask you, how many more tinnitus treatments will offer you this kind of professional, personal and direct help, reassurance and support?
I Will Take You By The Hand and Teach You
The Proven Strategies and Secrets That
Allowed Me to Achieve Permanent Tinnitus
Freedom For The Last 7 Years!
The Proven Strategies and Secrets That
Allowed Me to Achieve Permanent Tinnitus
Freedom For The Last 7 Years!
These are not theories written by some science geek that never had Tinnitus in his life. I used this system myself and still follow it as we speak. I practice what I preach.
I have been through all the pain and annoyance, the stress and the feeling of disappointment and frustration. You take drugs, maskers and over the counter remedies but to no avail. Some of these treatments eventually make your tinnitus worse. You try another muscle relaxer or anti depressants , but that doesn't cure your condition, at best it temporarily delays surgery.
Don't feel bad - you're not alone. I've been there too. I've learned slowly and painfully. I made all the mistakes, bought all the wrong products and trusted all the wrong people.
I don't want it to happen to you. I want you to know the truth about your Tinnitus and how you can permanently cure it. You deserve it. That's why I wrote this program.
In my e-book I reveal all of the secrets I discovered, and have laid out a unique easy to follow step-by-step treatment that can instantly relieve the sounds in your ear and start eliminating your tinnitus by correctly diagnosing your condition and addressing the root cause.
My informative book takes you by the hand and shows you in plain simple English, everything you could be doing right now to eliminate your Tinnitus for good. I have tested and perfected the key elements in my book for years to make the system as easy as possible for every woman to follow, yet extremely effective at curing all types of Tinnitus in the shortest amount of time.
Success Story #12: Matthew Hall
"I have started your program and the results were
nothing short than astounding. The ringing has
diminished to a such a low degree that they are
completely manageable."
"Hello Thomas, I am a veteran tinnitus sufferer (having had this condition for more than 30 years - since my early 20's) , I have almost got use to it and accepted it per the advice of my doctor and after several failed habituation sessions and visits to the psychologist. I really thought there was nothing I could do to improve the quality of my life and end the mild but consistent ringing in my ears until about a years a go when the sound started to become unbearable (probably due to a painful experience I had gone through). I have felt so enlightened and lucky to have found your guide. It was a breath of fresh air. After we spoke through email, I have started your program and the results were nothing short than astounding. The ringing has diminished to such a low degree that they are completely manageable. There is light at the end of the Tinnitus tunnel. Thank you for showing me the way. This is a remarkable book that I would gladly recommend to all sufferers out there.
Thank you, "
-- Matthew Hall (Cambridge, UK)
Success Story #13: Lesa Bradford
" In approx 5 days, the volume was down significantly
and so did the frequency of noises and pulses, so I
know something is working!"
"Dear Thomas, after reading your guide and following your plan I have finally understood what's going on in my head and what was needed to be done to eliminate or at least control this condition. Contrary to my doctor's advice that I have to live with my tinnitus, after following your advice, low and behold it was working!!!! In approx 5 days, the volume was down significantly and so did the frequency of noises and pulses, so I know something is working. As I wrote these lines, I am no longer suffering form tinnitus or anything similar. It's like I never had any noise in my ears. I would recommend anyone to show this guide to their doctor, and start taking their fate in their own hands. I can honestly say that this program will help anyone if it helped me. Godspeed.
Thank you for being such a kind spirit"
-- Lesa Bradford(New York, USA)
ORDER TODAY and you'll also receive the
following 5 FREE bonuses worth
AT LEAST $324.95!
following 5 FREE bonuses worth
AT LEAST $324.95!
BONUS #1 - The Ultimate Guide To Relaxation
Are you sick of the constant stress and mind numbing pace? “The Ultimate Guide to Stress Reduction and Relaxation” is just what you need to finally take control and rid yourself of stress and welcome relaxation once and for all! Managing stress and knowing how to relax are both absolutely necessary to having freedom from tinnitus and a healthy and happy life. Stress is a normal part of the hectic lifestyle we all live today.
Learning how to handle that stress and finding methods to relax is no laughing matter.
Value: $37 yours FREE
Value: $37 yours FREE
BONUS #2 - The Beginners Guide To Yoga and Meditation
Discover the basics of yoga and meditation at a fraction of the cost you would spend to join a class. Best of all, practice yoga anywhere you want!
This valuable e-book will teach you about the different styles of yoga and meditation and guide you step-by-step in beginning your own yoga program without the hassle of driving to a gym or wellness center to take classes.
What can you learn from this book?
- The different styles of yoga
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Value: $29 yours FREE
BONUS #3 - Secrets To Sleeping Soundly
'The Secrets to Sleeping Soundly' arms you with everything you need to know about the beneficial and harmful aspects of your sleep cycle, including when to recognize that your lack of sleep is reaching critical mass. Sleeping pills aren't always necessarily the best line of defense. Normal, natural sleep is much healthier and 'The Secrets to Sleeping Soundly' explains how to determine what your body needs in order to get the sleep it requires.
Value: $34.95 yours FREE
BONUS #4 - Free Lifetime Updates
This program is by far the most effective and proven method to eliminating tinnitus permanently. However, I believe in constant improvement. I will always continue to research, test and refine what I have learned to make this program even better.
In fact, in the near future I plan on offering this program only as part of a membership package including several exclusive bonus reports and special updates at a substantially higher price. Order now and you are guaranteed to get all future bonus reports for FREE for life! That is one of the awesome benefits of e-books. If a new edition of a hard copy book is released, you have to go to the bookstore or amazon.com and buy it all over again! Not so with ebooks. When a new, updated edition of Tinnitus Miracle, is released, you get it for FREE! It's easy - I will simply contact you through my private clients-only email list and send you instant download instructions so you can stay totally up to date on the latest anti tinnitus breakthroughs. Value: $27 yours FREE
SUPER BONUS - Free One-On-One Counseling With Thomas Coleman For 3 Months (Only a Few Spots Left!)
Yes, free private counseling, advice and guidance from a nutrition specialist and a life-long medical researcher are always just an email away. If in any time you feel confused, you can have your troublesome questions privately answered. I'd love to hear from you. Just email me. I promise you'll get an answer in 24 hours. Value: $197 yours FREE
This help is practically priceless. You'll always feel that someone is there for you...so you're never left to deal with your Tinnitus alone. With this free and unlimited email support you can practically be sure that... you are always on track, you are always encouraged, and... you'll be able to complete the program more effectively and get quicker and greater results.
Mind you that because of the exclusive nature of the support I provide to my customers, and because I am a man that stands by his words, there is obviously a limit on the amount of emails I can answer a day (I already answer more than 100 daily). No matter how committed I feel to help other Tinnitus sufferers, this invaluable personal guidance is available for a limited number of people (only few spots are left!) so order soon.
So What's the Bottom Line? How Much Does
This Complete Life Changing System Cost?
This Complete Life Changing System Cost?
The Tinnitus Miracle™ System is by far the most comprehensive and effective system you will find ANYWHERE. It is the ONLY holistic step-by-step roadmap to permanent Tinnitus freedom in existence.
And I have some great news for you! Since there are no printing costs for e-books, you can get this e-book for much less than it would cost if it were a hard copy manual - AND you get it instantly (no waiting for the snail mail!) Your investment in this life-changing e-book is now only $39!
You get the Tinnitus Miracle™ e-book, 3 valuable bonus books, free lifetime updates and the priceless private counseling with Thomas Coleman - all for just $39. (There are only a few spots left for the counseling and they are going quick!)
Yes, this is a bargain any way you look at it!
Don't wait a minute to order at this low price! The regular price of the Tinnitus Miracle™ System will be going up to $49.99 after this introductory promotion is over. In the not too distant future, this program may only be available as part of a membership/mentoring package which will probably cost at least $197.00.
Is it safe to order online? Absolutely! Our merchant processor, ClickBank, is the premier choice of legitimate businesses selling their products and services online. They have an excellent track record of safety and security for online purchases, without even one incidence in their operational history. ClickBank's secured and approved merchant process is noted by a yellow lock at the bottom or top of the page during your order. Using the latest encrypting technology ensures a safe and secure transaction you can feel good about.
Once you place your order on Clickbank's secure server, you will be directed to the download page, where you can download your Tinnitus Miracle™ manual and get started IMMEDIATELY. The e-book is in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on your computer screen, or you can even print out your own hard-copy.
That's all there is to it. Once you've downloaded your book, read the entire manual from cover to cover. Then take action and start immediately! The step-by-step instructions are written in a conversational tone and in plain English so you can start today!
The results will come. Every day the ringing in your ears will start to fade away and you'll start feeling much better as your body quickly starts re-balancing itself. At the end of several weeks, your Tinnitus and ALL their related symptoms will vanish and you'll look and feel so great that your friends will not recognize you. Best of all, you'll know that the Tinnitus freedom you've achieved is permanent and you'll own the knowledge that got you there.
Success Story #14: Diego Gonzales
"I am almost afraid to say this, my ringing is gone away
by about 90% percent. "
"Dear Thomas Coleman: I am almost afraid to say this, my ringing is gone away by about 90% percent. Before I started your holistic plan, the sounds were so loud I could not do anything not to mention concentrate in class or read. My tinnitus started after a severe ear infection about 2 years ago that turned out to be a mastoid related disease. I am still puzzled how it worked so fast although your program makes a lot of sense. I am simply wondering if I was dreaming. Going from the sounds of a plane taking off to minor humming sounds of the sea is a remarkable change. I have visited several ENT's and all of them insisted that there was nothing I could do to stop the ringing in my ears. You have truly helped me. Thank you so much.
-- Diego Gonzales(Spain)
Look at it this way: Your investment in this program is a drop in the bucket compared to what you'll waste on worthless drugs and expensive surgery, not to mention the cost of your continued suffering through conventional treatments.
If You're Finished for Good With all the Hype,
Claims and "Quick Fix Cures" That Have
Failed You in the Past and You're Ready to Do
it the Right Way, Then This is the Honest and
Effective Tinnitus Solution You've Been
Searching For
Claims and "Quick Fix Cures" That Have
Failed You in the Past and You're Ready to Do
it the Right Way, Then This is the Honest and
Effective Tinnitus Solution You've Been
Searching For
Imagine yourself in few weeks or a year from now... Are you still suffering from this tormenting condition, from constant ringing and buzzing and the stress and edginess that accompanies it or...are you living full active Tinnitus free life, enjoying renewed energy and vitality without the annoying symptoms of Tinnitus ? The choice is yours...
If you're even remotely interested in learning the truth about permanent Tinnitus freedom, then you owe it to yourself to at least try the Tinnitus Miracle™ system. Bear in mind that 95% of the people in this world are going to keep looking for that fairy tale pill or quick fix treatment. But I don't think you would have read this far if you were the type of person to follow the crowd.
If you're one of these special people who are motivated enough to try a real honest and effective Tinnitus solution- one of the top 5% who are ready to do what it takes to finally be Tinnitus free then join us and order today, because "just thinking about it" never led anyone to a better health.
Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,
Thomas Coleman,
Medical researcher, health consultant, nutrition specialist and author of the
Tinnitus Miracle™ system
Medical researcher, health consultant, nutrition specialist and author of the
Tinnitus Miracle™ system
P.S. If you have any questions or concerns you'd like answered before you order, feel free to contact me at any time. Tinnitus Miracle™ has already worked for thousands of men and women in 52 countries worldwide, and many of them had questions about the program before they started. Please do not make the mistake of dismissing this opportunity out of concern that it may be hype or some scam. If you have reservations let me put your mind at rest. I will be more than happy to talk to you if you need reassurance. I know my system can work for you too.
P.P.S. Remember, that if you order today you'll get the "Limited Time Special" plus 3 FREE ebooks, but I can't guarantee this price for long. So please act now to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Again, if you come back in a couple of days, and the "limited time special" price is gone, there's nothing I can do - Buy today and save!
P.P.P.S. Let me give you one more reason why you should order this course today:
It gives you the secrets to eliminate virtually all types of Tinnitus within 8 weeks. This is information you can't get anywhere else. Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable, when you can learn everything you need to know about Tinnitus – and I do mean everything – in one convenient, inexpensive book? Don't forget you get FREE personal consulting with me to guide you through recovery.
NOTE: Tinnitus Miracle™ is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.