"The Most Powerful Fat-Burning System
Ever Created!"
Ever Created!"
It involves a little-known body science discovered almost eighty years ago, that... when combined with certain foods proven to skyrocket your metabolism …
… produce a fat-torching system so effective it will transform your body in 7 weeks!
Yes, that’s just 49 days from right now.
Sound Impossible? …
Well, this is the secret that Hollywood celebrities and professional models use to keep their bodies in such “photo ready” condition they actually want the paparazzi taking their picture at the beach… …
It's the secret that women's figure champs and natural body-builders use to get "ripped" six-pack abs...
And it’s the same secret behind all those people you think are “naturally skinny” and seem to eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce.
Now, granted, you’re probably not stalked by photographers the way celebrities are… and you may never step on a bodybuilding or fitness competition stage.
but let’s face it, we live in a photo happy world.
People are constantly posting personal photos on Facebook and Twitter and - right or wrong - we do judge each other on appearance.
So if you want to start looking your hottest 24/7...plus rediscover a buzz of energy you haven’t felt in years…
and if you’re finally serious enough to stop pretending there’s a magic pill that can do this for you, then...
Reading This Letter Today
Could Be a Major Turning Point In Your Life
Could Be a Major Turning Point In Your Life
But I have to warn you: What you’ll read on this web page below is the total opposite of what you’ve been hearing from the diet industry.
The simple truth is: They do not want you to achieve permanent weight loss, because when you succeed - they lose a customer.
It’s also important to know that this web page will not stay online much longer.
I've been coaching fitness models and bodybuilders for over 20 years, but I’ve never given away the secret behind my #1 selling fat burning system on a public web page like this, so please read it all right now while you can.
Here’s the deal…
Whether you need to ultimately lose 100 pounds or that stubborn last 10, you can start your transformation immediately.
The Secret I'll Share With You:
Has nothing to do with worthless "fat burner" supplements... | |
Has nothing to do with dangerous weight loss surgery... | |
Does not require killing yourself in the gym... | |
And you definitely will NOT go hungry! |
What we're talking about is quickly and happily going into "a zone" where you see real results…
… where you’re going to feel incredibly powerful… and you’re going to spring out of bed in the morning excited to embrace the day with a new confidence...
And you'll actually look forward to showing off your body and WANT your picture taken and shared, just like the people you'll see on the page below...
How Do I Know This Will Work For YOU?
Because I used this secret myself to go from being called “fat boy” in college to competing in a Natural Body Building Championship just months later (I still use it to get my body “photo shoot ready” in as little as 7 weeks)…
AND, it's the the exact system I’ve used to help over a quarter of a million REGULAR PEOPLE achieve quick and permanent fat loss.
If you’re fed up with fighting your body to lose weight, avoiding the beach or the pool, hiding behind frumpy clothes and feeling tired and depressed all the time…
… if you think you’ve heard it all and tried it all to lose weight…
…then I’m betting you haven’t heard about the secret formula I’m going to share with you today.
And yes...
It’s Proven To Work Whether You've
Struggled With Fat Your Entire Life Like Mike Did:
Struggled With Fat Your Entire Life Like Mike Did:
I believe your success can be traced back to something as simple as desire. Answer one question - 'How Bad Do You Want It?' If you want it bad, you can win like I did, you just need to get on the right program and keep your desire burning."
- Mike Ogorek
Or, You Just Want Your Young,
Sexy Body Back Like Bonnie:
Sexy Body Back Like Bonnie:
I lost 23 Kg's and 12.5% Body Fat!" I lost 15 kg in 8 months and kept it off. Because of my desire to be "hot at 40," I took it to a new level. Tom taught me how and I lost another 8 kgs in 3 months and did my first bikini competition!"
- Bonnie VanNiekerk
I know there's a mountain of confusing and contradicting information out there and it can feel impossible to know who to believe and trust…
So let me quickly explain…
Who I Am And Why Should You Listen To Me?
I’ve been working with regular people of all shapes and sizes for over 20 years as a trainer, gym manager and fat loss coach.
Plus I’ve authored more than 500 articles on fitness and nutrition and I've been featured on over two dozen radio shows including Martha Stewart Healthy Living (on Sirius Satellite radio), 1250-ESPN and WCBS-AM New York…
You can find me all over the internet as well as in print. I've written for many major fitness magazines including Muscle and Fitness, IRONMAN magazine, Men's Fitness, and I was recently featured in Oprah magazine.
The reason my fat loss system has been praised and publicized is because the secret behind my 49-Day Body Transformation doesn’t just help you move the needle on your scale…
… it helps you achieve permanent fat loss while protecting your lean muscle tissue. "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" - that's what it's all about.
Please listen closely because the truth is:
Losing Weight Is Not Difficult!
But as you’ve probably discovered, most weight loss is temporary at best. That’s because most diets are designed for you to fail.
The people behind them have never worked alongside real people to see what it really takes to make a change.
They don’t know the struggle regular people endure to overcome a lifetime of bad habits and faulty information.
Diet companies and internet marketers only see you as a blip on a sales chart - not a human being.
My system is the only one backed by 20 years of “in the trenches” fitness training with real people. I’ve personally guided thousands of people as they transformed their bodies and took control over their lives.
I know what it takes. It’s not always a walk in the park. But here’s the good news:
Burning Fat Doesn't Have To Be Torture!
With my system you will work WITH your body's natural type - not against it - to burn fat and re-energize your metabolism so you can keep it off forever. And I’ll be explaining exactly how we’ll do that in this short letter.
Now, here's a photo of me at 4.7% body fat 
But like I said before, you don’t need to get anywhere near a bodybuilder’s body fat percentage to look and feel like a new person.
And you should also know that before I discovered the fat burning secret I’m revealing today… I was frustrated and humiliated about my body.
It’s true.
In high school I would pray not to be put on the “skins” team during basketball… because I couldn’t stand for the other kids to see my “man boobs” and belly flab jiggling up and down the court.
Things only got worse in college where too much beer and late night junk food quickly earned me the nickname: “Bob’s Big Boy.”
And even though I was so into working out in college that I changed my major from business to exercise science…
… no matter what I did or tried, I just could not get rid of my excess body fat.
I was feeling like a hypocrite. Here I was studying like crazy to become a fitness expert and I’d never seen my own abs! In fact, I was getting downright chubby.
Then, one night in the campus library I stumbled upon a scientific study done almost 80 years ago by a guy named William H. Sheldon.
What I read in this study provided one of the major “Ah-HA!” moments I needed and finally allowed me to break free of the extreme diet nightmare and flame that stubborn fat for good.
And it will do the same for you!
Now, without getting too boring and technical about it, what Sheldon discovered was that there are 3 distinct body types and they all burn calories and store fat differently.
Which means...
If You're Not Eating The Right Foods
That Burn Fat For YOUR Specific Body Type…
You Will Never Achieve Permanent Fat Loss!
That Burn Fat For YOUR Specific Body Type…
You Will Never Achieve Permanent Fat Loss!
And what’s worse is…
staying on the wrong kind of diet can cause you to lose more muscle than fat… leading you to suffer what I call “skinny fat” syndrome.
That’s where you weigh less and even fit in smaller clothes, but out of clothes, your body looks and feels weak and mushy. Obviously not what you’re after.
See, the breakthrough in William Sheldon’s body typing is that it proves…there is NO SINGLE FOOD PLAN that works for every body!
The One Size Fits All Diet Does Not Exist!
Now you know why so many weight loss programs have been epic failures.
The critical need to eat for your body type explains…
- Why you’ve followed other diets to a “T” and still not lost weight: That’s because no matter how well you stick to a diet, if it’s not right for your body type, you will not burn fat.
- Why you could starve yourself for 6 days and get nowhere, then “pig out” on the 7th day and suddenly see the scale drop: Eating for the wrong body type can leave your body starved for calories, causing it to go into emergency “starvation mode.” “Pigging out” silences the alarms and re-energizes your metabolism. (I’ll show you how to eat right for your body so your metabolism stays turbo-charged!)
- How you can stick to the same diet way better than your friend… but she gets results and you don’t: That means the diet was right for her body type but not yours, so she could cheat and still lose, while you starved and got nowhere.
Did You Know There are 50,195 diet books listed on Amazon.com?
Yet NONE of them can work for every body type. It’s physically impossible!
How long would it take to read 50,000 books looking for the diet that’s right for you?
You’d have better odds of winning the next World Series of Poker.
Yet most people gamble their health away by blindly buying every diet book that comes out and only fall deeper into depression when nothing works.
When all it really takes to guarantee your results is to set your personal goals for the ideal body that YOU WANT, identify your body type… then eat the right fat-burning foods in the right amounts.
And that’s exactly what I’ll show you in my best-selling program: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle!
After first discovering the principles of the Burn the Fat system back in college, I was able to go from looking like “Bob’s Big Boy” to qualifying for my first natural bodybuilding competition and placing 2nd overall…
… and I won my very next competition!
The System I Teach Is The System I Use!
No, you do not need to train like an athlete or a body builder to get incredible results - not even close.
When you feed your body what it wants, the way it wants, it rewards you with a fired-up metabolism that melts fat from your body like candle wax under a blowtorch.
And the greatest part is… the Burn The Fat system will…
- Never stop working for you (no more annoying plateaus)…
- Never leave you hungry (you eat more to burn more)…
- Never go out of date (it’s been proven for over 80 years!)
If you’re ready to blast fat from your body like you never imagined possible and keep it off forever, then this is the system you’ve been searching for.
Forget all the…
- Confusing and contradictory information you find in books and magazines (Many fitness magazines are owned by the same companies that produce worthless and expensive "fat-burning" supplements!)
- Diet systems that work for genetic lottery winners, but not for regular people like you… (The first thing you’ll do with my system is determine your unique body type so you know you’re eating the right foods for YOU!)
- Straight up diet SCAMS that sound great but offer no real information or actual method for burning fat… (Have you noticed how many weight loss systems online are presented by cartoons? Ever wonder why these “experts” don’t show actual photos of themselves?)
Thousands of fads come and go, but I’m proud to say Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle has been a top selling system since 2002 because it flat out works!
It works for men, women, old people, young people… stubborn people… people who had completely given up, or were convinced because “fat runs in their family” they were just “doomed to be fat!”
It’s transformed the bodies of people who had never exercised - who hated to exercise - and swore they were allergic to sweat.
Even people who were on the verge of begging their doctor for extreme diet drugs or even dangerous surgery to get rid of their fat.
Using this system, I was able to take all these people, turn them around and show them a way that doesn’t require ANY expensive supplements, you don’t need to live at the gym…
And You Will Never Go Hungry!
In fact, many peple find themselves eating MORE food on my program because the foods you eat, in the combinations I teach you to eat them, go toward feeding the muscle instead of storage in fat!
It’s simple, it’s fast and it creates permanent change in your body when you adopt this as your new lifestyle.
Best of all, you’ll experience that raw energy that a naturally skinny teenager feels.
The people who’ve discovered this secret say they can’t wait to get up in the morning and start their day... they devour life in great chunks… live it with gusto to the fullest and then sleep like a baby at night.
They never feel deprived, they never worry about their weight… and they never feel depressed about their body image.
All those bad feelings and insecurities can be in your rearview mirror and you can get back to life with all the promise and potential that is within you...
All It Takes Is 49 Days!
How Much Fat Will You Lose?
Use the program to lose all the fat you want, until you reach your long term goal. When you’re satisfied with your body weight and body fat, you can shift into a maintenance phase (or start building muscle, if that's what you want next).
You can use the program whether you’re a year away from your goal or just weeks away.
Whether you're already fairly lean or you're seriously overweight, you can get measurable, visible results – dramatic results that others will notice – in just 49 days....
- If you’re already lean, you can get ripped with 6-pack abs in 49 days
- If you’re average, you can get lean and start to see your abs show through in 49 days
- If you’re overweight, you can drop so much fat, you’ll need a whole new wardrobe in just 49 days (so please don’t yell at me about your clothes shopping bill)
- If you’re obese, you can lose enough fat to dramatically improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids - while also dropping several waist sizes and feeling like a million bucks - in only 49 days
We have men and women succeeding on the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program at every stage along the fitness journey...
And You Can Get Started TODAY!
You can start burning the fat and scultping new muscle immediately - literally just minutes from now, because everything you need is delivered in INSTANT access download (e-book) format!…
You’re Getting The Best-Selling Fat Loss Diet E-Book Online:
"Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle"
"Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle"
It's "The Bible of Fat Loss:" Over 300 pages of tried and true fat burning tips, tricks and methods. Jam-packed with all the fat loss methods previously known by only a small handful of the worlds best fitness models and bodybuilders.
This program contains all the information you'll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements.
My promise is that in as little as 49 days you’re going to see your body transform right in front of your eyes.
This is not a quick fix where you’ll lose some weight only to gain it back twice as fast… this is transforming your body for life!
Let Me Explain What's Going To Happen Over The Next 49 Days:
First of all… you’re never gonna hate me because I’m never going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do (the program is structured but also very flexible).
You’re also never gonna hate yourself because this is so simple, by day 3 I guarantee you’re going to wake up and think, “you know, this is kinda fun.”
And by day 10 you’re going to look in the mirror and you’re going to see some changes.
By day 20, these changes are going to be so drastic that people are not only going to notice, but you’re going to get a little tired of people complimenting you on how good you look.
Your energy is going to be through the roof, you’ll sleep more soundly and guess what…
You're Still Not Hungry, You’re Not Popping Pills, You're Not Relying On Special Drinks And You're Not Living At The Gym!
By day 30… I’m not even going to tell you what will happen by then because it’s so wonderful that you and whatever state you’re in right now, cannot even begin to imagine what’s going to happen then.
We’re talking about a life change so dramatic, so profound and so simple that if I told you, you’d probably think I was crazy. But I’m not crazy, I’ve been doing this for more than 20 years - I know how to do it.
And To Make It Even Easier, I'm Giving You
These 5 Exclusive Bonuses - FREE!
As an extra bonus for ordering before this offer expires, you'll also get these 5 bonuses FREE! These bonus reports take all the guesswork and confusion out of picking the right fat burning foods every day and making sure your body fat keeps going down! PLUS, you get the lifetime FREE updates as well!
| ||||||||||||
The Next 49 Days Will Quickly Come And Go...
At the end of them, you can either be feeling just as depressed, confused and frustrated about your body fat as you are right now…
… or you can be celebrating your brand new body!
The choice is simple.
So, if you’re ready…
… if you’re at that point where you want to start the rest of your life today so that in 49 days you can be a new person… skinnier, healthier, full of energy, full of life, more fun, looking good, getting compliments…
… if that sounds good to you, then let’s get started!
It’s not very expensive… in fact, it’s a total bargain during this limited time promotion.
When I first introduced the Burn The Fat system in 2002, the only way to get it was to join my $995 12-week personal coaching program - which had a waiting list of 3 months.
But I was determined to help as many people as possible…
I turned my breakthrough Burn The Fat system into a complete step-by-step guidebook and the response was overwhelming.
A year later, I updated the book in the PDF e-book format so I could save the expense of printing and shipping and pass the savings on to you. Since then, the e-book has been a best seller to this day. In fact...
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Has Continually Been Ranked As
One Of The Top-Selling Fat Loss Programs In Internet History…
One Of The Top-Selling Fat Loss Programs In Internet History…
And during this special promotion, the program is all yours for only $39.95!
More than 250,000 people have discovered the one true Burn The Fat system to a sleeker, slimmer body in record time… and now it’s your turn.
Everything you need to know and do is laid out perfectly in Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle!
I want you to come with me on this amazing journey. And you don’t need to spend hundreds on a private trainer because…
I’ll be watching you every step of the way through my Burn The Fat Inner Circle Personal Support and Motivation Forums...
Because you get free access for 60 days!
This is where you can get answers from fitness pros (including yours truly) and connect with people just like you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Become part of this "society of fitness achievers" and you'll tap into the power of social support, accountability and community.
It's the missing piece of the fat loss puzzle that can turbo-charge your diet or exercise program and finally help you achieve the body you've always wanted.
Remember, you’re getting all four of the bonus reports… including Foods That Burn Fat, Foods That Turn To Fat, The Food Choice Grading Guide and How to Measure Your Body Fat in the Privacy of Your Own Home … which put together are worth even MORE than what the ebook costs!
… and FREE access to the Personal Support and Motivation Forums where the interaction and inspiration are priceless.
All for just one payment today of $39.95.
Commit to finally having the body you deserve by clicking the button below and I’ll take it from there.
The one-time payment of $39.95 is all you will ever pay. There are no hidden costs or continuous charges. We have been online with a rock-solid reputation for over a DECADE. This site is Verisign-trusted and the order form is on a 100% secure server.
I want you to feel 100% confident about your purchase so you can begin your full body transformation with a clear mind.
That’s why you also get to..
Take A Full 60 Days To Try My Burn The Fat System
For Yourself With Absolutely No Risk
For Yourself With Absolutely No Risk
That means, if at any time, you find this program is not exactly what I promised… or is just not for you -- for any reason -- then I insist you write to the email address I’ll provide you at checkout for a complete and immediate refund.
No questions, no hassles, no runaround.
That’s how confident I am that together… you and I can transform your body starting today!
You will be thrilled with your results, or I want you to simply write and tell me, and I'll send you a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
The brand new body will be yours forever. However, the real challenge is on me to deliver everything I’ve promised you today and more - the program AND the personal support - and I happily accept.
Put me to work for you… everything is on my shoulders.
I’ve made this so easy, so simple, so fun… that you’re going to forget in just a couple of days that you’re even on a program to change your body because the transformation will have already started.
You’re going to approach every day with a newfound confidence and swagger that’s been missing for too long now.
I’ve done this over and over and over again.
It's Proven And It Works!
I don’t care how skeptical you are, I don’t care how much weight you think you need to lose, I don’t care how long you’ve struggled to lose fat (remember I struggled with fat in college) I don’t care how many times you’ve tried and failed at other kinds of things…
This is not some exotic diet… | |
This is not some magical pill or a miracle berry… | |
You don’t have to eat like a caveman, a pilgrim or a “Survivor” contestant… | |
You don’t need some self-righteous trainer screaming in your face… | |
And you don’t need to put your life on hold to achieve your fat loss goals... |
This Is Not Any Kind of Program
That You've Ever Tried Before
That You've Ever Tried Before
You have my promise that this is going to be fun and you will feel the change begin the minute you commit to transforming your body!
Don’t you deserve to…
Put a spark in your social life | |
Fit into the clothes you really want to be wearing | |
Look Hot in photos! | |
Feel confident and sexy at the pool or beach | |
Finally rock those six-pack abs you thought were only for those "other people" |
When you start eating for your body type and feeding your muscle, you will become one of those “other people!”
This system blends right in with your life… it can even be your little secret until you decide to tell anybody about it.
And again, I don’t care if you’re down to the last 10 pounds you need to lose… or if your goal is to lose 100 pounds or more… we’re talking about a total transformation.
Take a look at the testimonials flooding the page below… you’ll see people of every shape, size and BODY TYPE looking and feeling the best they ever have.
If they all did it, then so can you.
It’s simple - and can actually be fun = when you have the right plan.
Does it sound good to you?
It sure sounded good to the thousands of people I’ve been helping over the last 20 years… and now it’s your turn!
Let's Get Started Right Now!
Remember, you have a full 60 day trial period to inspect the Burn the Fat materials, put this plan to the test and see how it works for you.
With the "no questions asked" 100% refund guarantee, there's no risk on your part. You have nothing to lose by at least trying my fat burning system, so click on the link below to order today!
Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,

Tom Venuto
Fat Loss Coach
Fat Loss Coach
Scroll Down To See More Success Stories And Hear
What People Are Saying About Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle!
What People Are Saying About Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle!
"I Dropped 27 Pounds And 14% Body Fat... And Never Dreamed I'd Put On So Much Muscle At My Age"
- Scott Holmes, Age 50
Who'd have thought that someone who was 356 pounds would ever become an endurance athlete? It is mind blowing. For me, the beauty of the Burn The Fat program is that I can change up my food and not lose muscle and yet still lose weight while eating enough carbs and protein to please my body's training needs! WOW! For me, the flexibility of the program has been key. I'm able to track my results and make corrections each week. You don't have that luxury with using other rigid weight loss programs.
- Ce Ce Evola
The mindset and goal creation exercises were exactly what I needed to get headed back in the right direction. BFFM is a comprehensive text book of nutrition, training, and motivation all acting in synergy to produce results beyond what I ever dreamed possible.
- Brian Nordberg
NOTE: Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on any desktop Mac or PC. You can read this on ipads and mobile devices, but you may need an app to read Adobe Acrobat PDF ebooks. This program is NOT available in stores.
RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Results shown in our testimonials may not be typical. Typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. In overweight individuals, weight loss of up to 1% of total bodyweight per week is more common. Faster weight loss in the first 1-2 weeks is common but usually represents water weight loss, not body fat. Faster fat loss is possible, but not likely. This is NOT a rapid weight loss program. Burn the Fat is a healthy lifestyle program and a long term approach to body fat reduction and maintenance. Permanence of weight loss cannot be guaranteed. [More info about typical results and 49-day challenge results]