“The Easiest and Most Effective way
to Learn Piano and Keyboards Online.
At a price you can’t afford to miss!”
“Of the many courses I’ve seen online on how to play keyboard, I’m sure that this is one of the best ones.”
It’s never been easier to learn Piano or Keyboard
Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY – Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Ballads, even incredible Classical pieces?
Now you can.. and you can do it in
months not years! Imagine you could
learn piano or keyboard without having to spend money, time and effort on traditional Piano Lessons.
The Pianoforall Process is simple..
You start with Popular Chord based Rhythm Style Piano (think of artists like Elton John, Billy Joel, Lennon & McCartney, Barry Mannilow, Lionel Ritchie, Coldplay, Norah Jones and so on) which is EASY but sounds amazingly like the ‘real thing’. This enables you to achieve a professional sound almost immediately.
Once you are sounding great and having a whole lot of fun (which
motivates you to learn more) you then expand step-by-step on your chord and rhythm knowledge into Blues, Ballad style, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and yes.. even Sight Reading Classical music.
Book 1 – Party Time / Rhythm Piano
Learn great rhythm style piano straight away with piano chords, 10 classic party rhythms, a terrific piano chord ballad, lots of keyboard diagrams, tricks, bluffs, formulas and loads of progressions in the style of classic songs. Within days you’ll be the life and soul of the party!
(15 VIDEOS / 101 AUDIO)
Book 2 – Shake.. Rattle ‘n’ Roll..
Now you can play some great Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll Piano. Instantly recognisable rhythms that can be used for hundreds of classic songs. Amaze your friends with the sounds of Fat’s Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and a host of others. It’s easy when you know how!
Book 3 – Chord Magic
Learn more piano chords using amazing memory tricks and play some great practice progressions in the style of popular songs. Learn to change piano chords at speed using Inversions. A special piano chord chart and some speed learning exercises will help you master your chords in next to no time!
Book 4 – Advanced Chords Made Easy
You are now ready to learn some advanced piano chords but Pianoforall helps you do it the easy way – not the technical way. Tons of extra practice progressions in the style of popular piano songs and a rhythm chart for 80 Beatles songs plus some great Beatles Piano stylings.
Book 5 – Ballad Style
Use your knowledge of chords to create a great piano ballad style and apply it to melodies in just 3 easy steps. Learn to improvise and create your own melodies – the fun way! By the end of the book you will be playing some terrific songs. This is not bland “easy” piano – you will sound like you’ve been playing for years! (33 VIDEOS / 65 AUDIO)
Book 6 – Jazz Piano Made Easy
Picture the cool jazz piano player in the smokey bar – now it’s your turn. Amazingly easy techniques which you can apply to any tune – Standards, Traditional Jazz piano, Modern Jazz improvisation, flashy “runs”, cool riffs, chords, patterns, blues scales, you name it – it’s all here – Jazz Piano made easy!
(45 VIDEOS / 117 AUDIO)
Book 7 – Advanced Blues & Fake Stride
Book 7 expands on some of the blues piano techniques you learned earlier. You’ll learn lots of ways to spice up your playing, and how to improvise blues piano over the rhythms you’ve been practising since book 2. To top it off you will be taught ‘fake stride’ and a terrific version of The Entertainer!
(26 VIDEOS / 89 AUDIO)
Book 8 – Taming the Classics
With Pianoforall you learn to read piano sheet music as you learn to play by ear. By using a mixture of chord knowledge and pianoforall Sight Reading Aids you will now be able to tackle some great classical pieces. Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Strauss, Brahms, Eric Satie, Verdi, Jean Philippe Rameau, Scott Joplin and more.. (21 VIDEOS / 43 AUDIO)
Book 9 – Speed Learning
Most people dread the idea of playing scales and exercises but they really do speed up the learning process and there’s no reason why they can’t be fun to play. This book has tons of fun exercises and memory tricks which you can use at any stage of the pianoforall course. Exercises in EVERY key.
(15 VIDEOS / 28 AUDIO)
Book 10 – Bumper Resource Book
Last but not least, book 10 covers everything else that you will need to succeed at the piano. A comprehensive list of terrific popular songs that work particularly well on piano (This will save you years of searching for songs!) and lots of information on Pianos and Keyboards in general – what to buy – useful websites – book reviews – free resources etc
200 Video Piano Lessons
To top it all there are 200 Video piano lessons that take you through every step of the way. Each video piano lesson has in-depth verbal piano instruction as well! If you don’t understand the written instruction – listen to the sound file or play the video – with Pianoforall you can’t fail!
500 Audio Piano Lessons
Embedded directly in the ebooks are over 500 sound files that cut the learning time in half. You simply click on the sound icon beside each tune or exercise and you instantly hear an audio piano lesson! No need to open new files.
It Couldn’t be EASIER to learn Piano!
Everything in Pianoforall is Right where you need it to be. As you go through each book you can click on either Audio or Video files and INSTANTLY hear or see what you are reading about and then print out whatever pages you want to set on your Piano. You don’t have to search your computer for lots of files and have lots of windows open.
Pianoforall is completely self contained and this is what makes it the Easiest, Fastest and MOST EFFECTIVE Piano lessons method in the world.
DVDs and CDs are a nuisance compared to the easy ALL-IN-ONE system of Pianoforall!
If you use books with DVDs and CDs you have to first of all set up the DVD player – then the CD player and THEN you have to find WHICH part of the DVD or CD matches with the right part of the book! It all becomes extremely time-consuming and complicated – and eventually you just don’t bother going to all the trouble.
With Pianoforall you just open the book and the AUDIO and VIDEO is RIGHT THERE – ON the SAME page ready to watch or hear. It couldn’t be easier than that! As you will read below – this is why so many people LOVE Pianoforall!
The Pianoforall ‘Secret Weapon’
Increase your Creative Ability by 400%
How would you like to increase your abilty to learn and be creative by a whopping 400% without having to practice long hours. In fact this book will teach you how to become more creative by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. All will be revealed when you download Pianoforall..
The Best (verifiable) Testimonials of ANY Online Piano Course!
Below are some of the many wonderful emails I have received from Pianoforall students around the world. I would like to thank all the students who took the time to write and let me know how much they are enjoying the course.
As you can see, many kindly offered to make their email addresses available to anyone interested in Pianoforall. I don’t put their emails directly on the page in case this leaves them open to spam. If you would like to contact any or ALL of these students drop me a line and I will pass on their addresses. Check out LOTS more on the Testimonials page.
Robin, I’ve been working with the course for about a week now, and it’s incredible. Just the practice aids and the different scales and memory techniques in Book 9 are worth the price of the course, alone! There are two things that make this course stand out. First, all the video and audio files are embedded in the lesson. I have yet to find another piano course that makes it this easy. It’s so nice not to have three files going at the same time!
The second thing is that you actually get to play in each lesson! And the songs are not “Mary had a Little Lamb” types! From the Beatles to Bethoven, it’s all there. I have several piano courses that I have ordered over the internet. This is the one I use because it makes learning fun! I’m amazed! Once you get the rhythms down, you really can sound like a pro! Great fun! Thanks for making this available at such a reasonable price. Anyone who doesn’t grab this up is going to go the long way home! Joy!
T. Dwight Kidd, Alabama, USA
Hi Robin, Thank you so much for the course and I will look forward to receiving the other books next month. You have a lovely teaching style and I will benefit as I am the lead vocalist in a function band
http://www.fairplaylive.co.uk but also a very frustrated pianist!! This course is exactly what I have been looking for with all the shortcuts that have been such a mystery to me for years. Well done Robin an excellent product. Kind regards. Paul”
Paul Saxon , UK 
Robin, I purchased your course a couple of years ago and I must agree with all the other comments that your course is absolutely fantastic. It is simple, straight forward yet very effective. It makes the complex understandable and for those of us who don’t want to master music theory, it gets us playing quite well in a short time. I can’t say enough good about your program. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Ed Doran, Muskogee, OK
Hey Robin, Just wanted to say thanks for this course. I live in Nashville TN and so naturally I write songs. I play the guitar but I wanted to start writing on piano. This is a great course for that. Someday I’ll get around to sight reading and maybe playing some classical music but this is a great way to get up and running fast for song writing on the piano.
Hopefully in the next six months I’ll have some piano style demos up on my website http://www.thejottedline.com to go with the ones that are already there. I feel like I owe you more money.
Mike, Nashville Tennessee
Hya Robin, Enjoying the piano like Ive never – bless you for your insight into teaching – it works!! Please accept my highest respect for possibly the best tutorial of all time – I am 74 and have seen a few. You have made me a happy slave to my keyboard and sound!
Derek, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire, England, UK
Hi Robyn, I bought the lessons a few weeks ago I’m virtually ecstatic with how I’ve finally managed to play after a year of slogging away trying to learn to read music. I’ve given up on that and I’m really learning so quickly now by applying what you teach.
Please feel free to put my testimonial on your website. I have literally tried everything I found online to learn and I was considering giving the piano away to a friend when fortunately I found your lessons. Thanks a lot! Cheers
Toni Le Busque, USA www.tonilebusque.com
Robin, I just wanted to give you my kudos for a fabulous course. I’m a late starter, and don’t have as much time as I’d like to give theory and background their due diligence. However, your course is making what was previously just an arduous task in memorization (with other methods), a much more structured, understandable, and fun process.
I’ve picked up more in the short time I’ve had your course (I’m up to Ballad Style) than with the all the other methods I’ve tried. Thanks!
Again, thanks so much for the most logically arranged, easiest to follow, and best ‘bang for the buck’ piano course I’ve seen, and used. Sincerely,
Barry Polis, Georgia, USA 
“Hi Robin: Just wanted to say THANKS! for a terrific course. I worked through book one last night and was thrilled with the style, the ease of use and the chock full of information. Thank you. Beats the hell out of little brown jug. Cheers, G.”
Gail Gorman , Massachusetts, USA
“I’ve perused thru all 10 books and from what I’ve seen so far, I must say, this is a great course and you have an unique approach. One I haven’t seen before and I’ve tried a lot of them. Unsuccessfully, I might add.
Your course seems to be what I’ve been looking for for quite a while. I seen a gazillion of them out there but nothing compares to the way you present piano lessons. Good luck with it.”
Don Shonk, Michegan, USA. donspiano@ hotmail.com
Hi Robin, I just wanted to say Thank You for the wonderful piano teaching program that you offer. My husband purchased it for me and I have now got to book 9 and I love it! Since I was little I have always wanted to play. I’m now 38 years old, have never played, and with your program I was able to go through the books and videos step by step and now I’m purchasing piano books to play songs to enjoy.
I have to say that my husband was very skeptical but you have made him a true believer in your teaching program! I have attached a pic that my daughter took back in November when I started playing. Thanks again! Soony
Soony Williams, California, USA 
“Thanks Robin for your speedy reply, very helpful. I have previously been teaching myself more traditional methods of learning, hadn’t got very far, but am more used to reading in music notation. I am finding this a much more fun way to learn, challenging in a different way.”
Julie Lock, Australia
“Hi Robin, I have to admit when I first parted with my money I was a wee bit sceptical. I expected to maybe learn a couple of tunes and that would be that. Howerver, I gave it a go and I am highly impressed (which is not something I’m prone to). I got my first keyboard for xmas and today just one month later I played Fur Elise from start to finish with out a mistake.
If I can do that in a month I can’t wait for six months, a year. I also learned quite a few blues numbers and impressed my mates with a nice version of The bright side of Life. Any way, CHEERS I’m off to soak my fingers in iced water.All the best, Martyn O’Reilly.”
Martyn O’Reilly , Dublin, Ireland
“Hi Robin, A belated note to say a very big thank you for putting together such an interesting, motivating, straightforward approach to piano playing! I absolutely love the techniques, I’m playing everything now and it’s so exciting!!! I’m still only on Book 1 and I’ve learned so much already, I can’t imagine what you have in store for us in the other books. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated with my progress. Thanks again! Best wishes, Jane X”
(later update)
“Hi Robin, Yes, I am! I’m taking it one stage at a time as I don’t want to miss anything. However, I have taken an advance peak at the blues section (for “Hideaway”, you may remember?) and I now fully understand how to “adapt the formulas” as you put it. We have a band rehearsal on Tuesday so I’m hoping to surprise my fellow musos! Happy to oblige with the email idea for fellow students: I’ve even got my Mum playing again thanks to you! Keep up the good work. Best wishes. Jane”
Jane Grey, London, UK 
Thanks again Robin. I purchased your software and to my amazement my 10 year old daughter has taken an extreme interest in learning the piano via your lessons. She has spent hours and hours playing over the last two days and has progressed independently through 47 pages of the lesson 1 book. She is having the time of her life and it is fun to watch. Thanks. Dave
(later update)
Thank you for the tips Robin. My daughter has literally practiced all day long today and has progressed through books 1 and 2. I found your tips to be most helpful and timely. In regards to the testimony. I would not mind at all if you included my testimony and offered my email. I will also get you a picture of my daughter playing the piano to include as well.
Thanks for everything. With two days of use I already feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of your course. I think my other daughter, my wife and I are all anxious to learn too. If only we had another piano and possibly an additional computer to learn on
Dave Millette, Nevada, USA
Robin, Your instructions for the downloads were helpful and easy to follow. I did need those instructions, but I just went through them step by step. I had no problem downloading for my PC and also adding the info to my iPad. I love that, by the way. It’s fantastic to have the iPad on the music stand and be able to play, then read, then listen to an audio clip and watch a video clip. The only problem I had was that I wanted to keep going through the book and playing. It was very late by the time I went to bed. I’m sure I looked ridiculous because I had earbuds to listen to the iPad and larger headphones over it for the keyboard. I didn’t want to wake up everyone in the house.
Loving it so far. I haven’t read music in over 22 years. It’s coming back to me though. I played the saxophone for 7 years in school, but I have never played the piano. Thanks for your quick responses, Stacey
Stacey (beginner), Oklahoma, USA
Dear Robin,
I just wanted to Thank You for the incredible program that you have put together. I must say that you over delivered on this one. Although I’ve played guitar “by ear” since I was 12 ( I’m 61..you do the math) I’ve never played piano before in my life. (I take that back, I tried to play chop sticks when I was in my teens but couldn’t get it right). I’ve always thought it was too difficult and for some reason I was never able to get the hang of reading music so playing piano was just a dream I have had all my life but thought was out of my reach.
My grandson (6year old) started piano lessons so we bought him a nice keyboard for when he comes to visit and I don’t exactly know how I found your offer on the internet but I did. At $39 I thought it was too good to be true but I thought what’s the most I could lose ($39) so I gave it a try.
I couldn’t believe it, and neither could my wife! Within an hour, I was making music. I’m not ready for the public yet but I am actually playing chords to rhythm and The amazing BROKEN CHORD BALLAD lesson blew me away to see how really simple it is. That one lesson intro and about 1 hour of practice has me sounding like I’ve been playing for a while and my whole family can’t believe I really learned all I have in less than 3 days!
I’ve always thought most of the testimonials that I read online are more hype than fact but Piano for All is everything you said it is and more (and I am only on Book 1 about page 35) I will tell everyone I know, who’s ever thought about playing piano or keys that this is the real deal and I hope if you use this testimonial that all who read it will believe me. Most people who know me personally will testify that I’m an honest man who tries to always tell the truth. God bless you,
Pastor JD Loveland, Santee, CA, USA
Hello Robin
I want to say thanks for your piano teaching program. I have come through a strictly classical music channel and I have played the flute since I was 13. I have tried to teach myself the piano just by reading the music which was not uninteresting but not that inspiring.
Since I bought your program, my ears have been opened to a world of music I haven’t really known before- all the popular music that I never listened to.
You are right, one is playing music from the beginning and every now and then when I come back to my classical music books the music seems easier to play. I bought a keyboard which has music minus one pieces of music with your program which makes me go on to Internet to listen to songs on You tube, look for music scores, buy music minus one books and CDs for my flute playing.
I have been inspired by your program. It feels like a musical renaissance for me. Thanks, Isobel
Isobel Siroy, Chanéac, France

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