From 2000 to 2010, the S&P 500—loaded with America’s biggest companies—lost investors $9.6 trillion dollars of wealth!
Soared by more than 117%!”
Now… with the Penny Stock Egghead as your secret weapon — you can get in early on the next Wal-Mart… Microsoft or Cisco… without living like a jumpy “day trader” glued to a screen all day.
It starts by making not hundreds… not ten… not even five… but only one smart trade per week.
Why just one?
Because, as Nathan’s not afraid to yell from the rooftops, “97.32% of penny stocks are garbage! I wouldn’t even recommend them to my worst enemy!”
The math whiz continues…
…and sometimes not even that.
See… it really takes a special penny stock to catch my eye. And even then, only the most remarkable and ‘primed-to-blow’ penny stocks earn coveted pick-of-the-week status.
When someone sends you anywhere from three to dozens of picks a week… you have to place and monitor all those trades. That can quickly gobble up your free time… not to mention all those trading fees.
Worse yet…
How can anyone be pointing you to only “the best of the best”, when they insist on recommending the next big thing every single day? You don’t need spidey-senses to realize, in that scenario, something doesn’t smell right.
Armed with Nathan Gold’s tireless drive to only bring the cream of the crop of penny stocks to your attention, it’s time to slice through the clutter.
Dear Wealth-Seeker,
The numbers prove it.
Even if you’ve never traded a stock in your entire life, I’m going to show you that you’re potentially just one trade a week away from life-changing wealth.
I’m even going to show you a real-life example of how with zero trading experience… and almost no risk…
…chump change like $1,000 can turn into a golden parachute worth $5.7 million, thanks to Wall Street’s best-kept secret…
Bought and sold for less than $5 a share on well-known stock exchanges like the NASDAQ and the NYSE…
…these publicly traded small-companies are famously lucrative yet notoriously risky investments.
Penny stocks that pass my “gauntlet” of analytical obstacles can quickly accelerate in value… leaving the stalled returns from “safe” blue-chip companies to choke on fumes.
Hi. I’m Nathan Gold, “The Penny Stock Egghead.”
And unless you’re someone who follows the markets almost 24/7 like I do… this next stat may come as an ugly suprise.
The decade-long implosion of The S&P 500 — the index that tracks the performance of expensive “blue-chip” stocks like Coca-Cola Co. and Dell — has pulverized a mind-boggling $9.6 trillion dollars of investor wealth into worthless rubble!
Let me put this “lost decade” into a truly disturbing perspective…
On average, every dollar invested in “large-cap” stocks… the household name companies you always assume will be solid investments… didn’t grow a dime.
That’s right… these stocks didn’t increase in value at all.
In fact… if you were invested in this S&P debacle you watched each of your hard-earned dollars shrink… all the way down to 79 cents.
That’s more than just a dream-crushing negative-return on your money…
But as many Americans have their hopes of an early retirement murdered in cold blood…
Others find it easy to protect and grow their money… locking in gains of 136%... 400%... even 425%!
Sure… it blows the minds of their friends and family… but these ordinary investors even shock themselves.
Because they take action even though most stock market jargon flies straight over their heads.
In fact, many began their journey intimidated by the mere thought of trading penny stocks… only to discover that it’s much simpler than Wall Street “Insiders” want you to know.
But by refusing to follow the investing herd…
…these everyday Americans are the unexpected winners in the race to wealth.
Their prize?
Instant investment income, and a growing nest-egg that can support every wish they have for their family’s future.
Every… single… wish.
Example from Apple trading at $364.90 per share.
(Figures from Feb 16th 2011)
Fact is, none of the blue-chip brigade are going to see their stock rocket by 362% in a matter of 14 pulse-pounding days!
Yet that’s what happened when AXTG, one of my One-Trade-A-Week picks, spiked from 75 cents a share… to $3.47!
Don’t fall asleep as I tell you this, but AXTG develops patented fluorescent lighting technologies that save hospitals and schools tremendous energy costs.
Funny thing is… this “little engine that could” was overlooked, undervalued, and almost totally undiscovered, even by me.
It only found its way into my subscriber’s open hands because it gutted out every analytical test-of-strength I threw in its path.
In fact, it was among the rare breed of penny stocks
that “ace” what my subscribers fondly call “Gold’s Gauntlet”…
…the proprietary “numbers grinder” that that “ace” what my subscribers fondly call “Gold’s Gauntlet”…
I insist every penny stock survive before it even
becomes a candidate for intense review.
…and it’s an ever-changing puzzle I wake up each morning determined to solve!
Yes… you’re starting to see why my subscribers have given me my “Egghead” moniker.
I’m a card-carrying “numbers nerd.”
In fact, you might even say we’ve already met.
I’m that dorky guy in school you used to sneak answers off during brain-frying calculus exams.
Only now you get to ethically steal all my investing answers without visiting the Principle’s office.
You should know that I’m far from the most “social” guy in the world. My friends will tell you I’m a loner at heart; an introvert who’s kinda awkward around the edges.
Obviously, that doesn’t work too well on TV.
So even though my picks have people urging me to be more of a public figure in the penny stock world…
…I’ve decided to shun the spotlight and save my mental energy for what I excel at: locating penny stocks about to shoot skywards!
With my subscriber’s profits at the very top of my mind, I fiercely protect my research time…
…it’s why I've gone to the somewhat extreme length of adopting the pen name “Nathan Gold.”
This makes it harder for the business press to disturb the quiet I need to meticulously analyze the next pick heading your way.
Speaking of which, it’s time you discover…
Is this a likely scenario?
In just 5 simple steps, should you or any other investor hope to turn $1,000 into $5.7 million?
And the answer is clear… absolutely not.
The chance of stringing these trades together (and snowballing every dollar of profit forward) would be like filling out a 100% accurate March Madness office pool.
The odds are slim to say the least.
So why share this hypothetical demonstration?
Well… so you get a taste of the full potential of receiving my One-Trade-A-Week penny picks.
That said…
And remember, just because this is improbable, doesn’t mean it’s impossible and that it couldn’t happen one day… couldn’t happen to you!
I hope you realize what you really read today.
Because it’s not a webpage… it’s a wake up call.
Your wake up call.
An invitation to claim your slice of the stock market pie… by hitching your wagon to the fastest moving investments in the financial world.
To get started… you need no investing experience. You don’t need to know any complicated jargon.
As you move forward, although I can’t offer you “investment advice”… I guarantee that I’ll make you a better investor.
I’ll do it by gifting you—in the form of my prized penny picks—an unfair advantage as you decide where to invest your money for maximum returns.
And you can act today with full confidence and peace of mind.
Even if you’re 2 full months out from right now… even if you’re on the very last evening of your 60-Day trading test drive…
If you decide on a whim that you want to get 100% of your money back, it truly couldn’t be any easier.
Even if you’re banking returns of 362%, 566% and 1,150% on your money… a simple email will put every cent you invest to sign up today back in your pocket, not one question asked.
I know you’ll agree, you simply can’t get more fair than that.
It’s time to start the ball rolling… all I’m asking is $97 a month.