Celebrity Thinspiration and Pro Ana Secrets Leaked and Revealed For The First Time! Learn them today before they are lost forever!
"Discover How To Melt More Than 38.5 pounds in 30 days And Say Goodbye To Stubborn Fat Forever...
Or Get Stomped By Magical Diet Pills And Weight Loss Programs That Fail To Work, Continue Getting Jealous of Slim Models and Celebrities, and Watch Slim Girls Around You Woo The Hot Guys While You Think What Went Wrong!"
A Bitter Truth We All Face
One of the worst feelings is to yearn for something we always wanted yet feeling ashamed about what we currently have!I used to feel the same about my body and health.
I am sure you can relate to what I am saying in some way. The feeling when you constantly compare yourself with someone else and imagine how happy you would be if you looked like that. People often tell you to be happy with what you have yet somehow you cannot do away with the feeling.
What did I always want? I know you’ve wanted this too since a long time, and probably still do as you read this!
I wanted to have a GREAT LOOKING and SLIM BODY that gives me a WOW feeling and makes me FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF.
I wanted to walk in a party and be the PERSON EVERYONE IS ATTRACTED TO because I look amazingly sexy
I wanted the CONFIDENCE TO ENJOY EVERY MOMENT because I am HAPPY and PROUD of everything I have.
I presume you know the feeling when you know this is just right and only amazing things will happen for me. I wanted to get all this without spending too much time on what is right or wrong.
People told me to give up. My family told me to give up. Even I told myself to give up. Have you ever told yourself to give up because deep down you feel like you are going to a dead end?
To: All women who feel frustrated about their body and health...who sneak into parties because they don’t want people noticing them coming in...and those who would go to any extent to lose weight with a dream to wear that one-piece suit; even try diet pills and treatments that can be fatal to their body..and even life!!
Author, Researcher & Fat Loss Coach
“I know desperation. I know how it feels like when you are looking for help but do not know who to approach."
Hi, I am Christina and I have an unusual weight loss story to share with you today.But Before I begin...
Take a deep breath and take some time to...
I’m going to tell my story because it’s probably very similar to your own. It doesn’t matter how much you want to lose, anyone who struggles with their weight will relate to this story.
It’s about how I lost 38.5 pounds of fat in less than 1 month, and how I finally saw the SEXY ME for the first time in my life.
How did I do it? Well, a lot of what really worked for me is stuff you probably won’t read about in the magazines, and I bet it will work for you too.
I am not a naturally lean and thin girl; in fact, I was downright obese for many, many years. My parents didn’t care and kept on assuring me that I am beautiful the way I look. I used to avoid party just because I didn’t want to get any negative attention. At times, I literally used to feel like closing myself in a room and seclude myself from the world. Forget about going for a date...I simply got NO ATTENTION from the boys.
You see, I had been obese and conscious about my weight since a long time. Not only did it become a problem in my daily activities – my job, my social life, even my personal life. But it felt like a chronic disease, which was stubborn enough not to leave me.
Worst of all, I reached a stage when I was so frustrated that I started reading every book in the library bookshelf. I tried almost every over the counter diet pill I found, went for low card, low fat diets, and even used my complete credit card limit for an expensive personal trainer...only to find that a pound loss is followed by a two pound gain...The sticky, stubborn, annoying weight always came back!
I know you can relate to what I was feeling.
That was the low points of my life – I was low on confidence thinking that things cannot get any worse than this. I was just flipping the pages of a magazine until I read an interview of Angelina Jolie.
OMG! My eyes were shot open and I was inspired with the way she carries herself. I went crazy for days, reflecting on what is wrong with me? Why can’t I be like her? I started writing what do I do to gain weight. For the first time in my life, I had to become shameless to accept where I had been wrong all my life. Here is what I scribbled:
- My motto in life has always been “Live to Eat.”
- In the morning, I think I’ll go on a diet, lose weight, but I end up hogging on my favourite dish at the end and feel I have gained more than what I should’ve had lost.
- I find it difficult to control what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat!
- I blame my diet more than myself even when I know I am the reason for the weight gain albeit my perception that I am doing my best to lose weight.
Well I had have enough!! I decided that my life would not go for a toss; that I will not be undermined; and that I will be the WOW CHICK around the guys who used to refrain approaching me.
I had the inspiration. BUT HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT? – This was my #1 burning question!
And then, LUCK happened to me...
After my graduation, I joined Fashion One Television as a TV Producer Intern. This was not only great professionally but it was a revelation for me in my weight loss journey.
The time I stepped in their Los Angeles office, I was shocked to see the ladies there – they were stunning! They were what I wanted to be! They were perfectly toned, had perfect thin sexy legs, curved buttocks, and amazing figure – they were a complete package. A girl like me could give anything to be like them! Quite honestly, I was fuming seeing them!!
Being around these ladies made me think “WHY NOT ME?” Not only were they outright sexy, they had an attitude, the right confidence, and the brilliance on their face that would make them stand out from the crowd. They always carried a smile on their face making me even more jealous.
Every Fashion week, I used to ask them about their diet. “What do you eat, What do you drink, What do you do for such a sexy body? WHAT, WHERE, WHEN were on my top checklist! While they did not tell much about their “Secret,” working around them for four months made me learn a lot.
I learn about things that you don’t find in magazines or weight loss books. I doubt if this will be even known to a personal trainer.
And the results...I was spellbounded. After struggling throughout my teenage life, I finally found something that seemed to work
I lost 38.5 pounds of fat in less than 1 month!
The great thing is that unlike my past experience, I learnt how to keep the unwanted fat away for good as well.
I forgot about my interest as a TV Producer!
All I wanted to do was...
I decided to take this as a passion. “I will not be convinced merely by 38.5 pounds” became my motto.
So What Did I do Next?
And here’s what came to as surprise to me: These models never did go for diet pills and personal trainers!
They never spent too much time exercising. They never went for extreme starvation. Matter of fact, some of them used to munch food at a regular interval. This is totally opposite of what I have been told to lose weight. Hell, it’s hard to believe that these models are so slim and sexy yet maintain such a lifestyle. I thought it was their metabolism. Maybe, they were born that way. Maybe, their fat burns faster than they breathe.
That was the only answer. That’s what I kept telling myself. Sure no one else in the room had such a body, that’s for sure. But come on! I was fooling myself. Now that I have asked them questions, I am an honest girl, so admitting this was very, very difficult.
It didn’t hit me that I was deceiving myself; after all, I did make an effort to try diet pills, dieting, and what not for years and years. My years of struggle only helped me lose 5 pounds, maybe six but nothing more than that. Whatever pounds I lost always came back; but a sexy body was a long way to go.
I had been reluctant to visit a shopping mall after all seeing those gorgeous dresses was always depressing. I never even went to a beach, conscious of taking the top off. In fact, I felt like a prisoner of my own body. Losing weight was a distant dream and I was losing hope as time passed. Maybe this sounds like someone you know, maybe it sounds just like you!
Today, things are different. Not only do I have a wardrobe full of the most gorgeous clothes, in fact I sport a slim and sexy body. And guess what, I am 32 and my body is way better than the model.
After months of learning their secrets and inculcating the same in my lifestyle, I was absolutely bowled over. I mean, shocked. How did I manage it? Well, first I accepted a bitter truth that hardly anyone knows. Only a celebrity or a model can share something like this about losing weight. It is so surprising that it will blow your mind.
Here it is:
One of the biggest secrets most celebrities and models have in common is they keep a food journal and monitor their weight; they never starve; get almost an hour of exercise; and eat diets with 24% fat, 56% carbs, and 19% lean protein.
That may come as a total shock to you. Matter of fact, this is totally opposite of what you think a model would say.
I have already mentioned how diet pills, personal trainers, and dieting can be one of the the biggest time-wasters and least effective ways of losing weight.
I’m going to cut the long story short here...
Since the time I had my “Thinspirational” body transformation, people of all shapes and sizes have approached me for years as an expert fat loss consultant. Whether it was more than 50 pounds or that sticky slimy last 20-pound fat, I have an unquestionable 85% weight loss success rate with my clients.
Here is what this is NOT!
Hang on with me for a minute because what I am going to share will help you get the oomph factor and a quick skinny transformation.
- Avoid going for conventional means of weight loss. To get the body you always wanted, you have to stick to unconventional yet highly effective ways to lose weight. If you have grown tired of diet plans that never seem to work, it’s time to smarten up. Fact is fat does not play by the rules. Nor should you. As the rest of the world turn green with envy seeing their favourite celebrities flaunt their fabulous figures months after giving birth, you too can show off that highly coveted skinny body. Whether you need to lose a few pounds or several dozens, you don’t have to confine yourself on the sidelines when you too can achieve a runway-worthy body.
- Regular diet plans do not work. As per National Institute of Health, you can expect regaining 2/3rd of your lost weight within a year of completing a regular diet plan. You can also expect to regain all the weight, and possibly more, within 5 years. That’s precisely what had been happening with me earlier.
- Over half of the claims made on weight loss are false. Yes, that’s right! You have to understand that the diet industry is lucrative with people like me and you as the potential customers. As per a study by Federal Trade Commission in 2002, 55% of all weight loss claims had a shady credibility. It has been 2012 since the study and things have only gone worse.
- And Finally, You are not alone! That’s right! According to the World Health Organization, 1 billion of the world’s inhabitants are overweight. And It’s NOT YOUR FAULT. Weight loss is like an epidemic caused mainly due to increasing consumption of processed foods high in calories and lack of physical activity.
You have my commitment that this is going to be fun and you will feel your body transform every moment you commit to follow me!
Recently, I decided to spread what I have been touching many others with the book I wrote that uncovers significant new ‘discoveries’ about celebrity weight loss while walking you step-by-step towards a new transformation. I decided to put it into PDF e-book format so that I could save the expense of printing and shipping and pass the saving on to you.BUT BEFORE YOU EXCITE YOUR HORMONES, SWITCH TO FAT BURNING MODE, AND WEAR THAT SKINNY DRESS YOU SAW YESTERDAY, YOU NEED TO BE AWARE…
Many self-proclaimed fitness experts have claimed to have mastered the secret recipe of losing weight. Like I most of these claims have strained credibility, especially there is a proliferation of the Internet with such tempting claims...
Many ‘gurus’ will also ask you to go for Pro Ana or Mia diets. Unless you want to harm your body, avoid them like plague.
According to the 2011 statistics published by National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, most anorexics are young women out of which 60% of all anorexics fully recover from Anorexia, 20% partially recover, and 2.3% die while seeking treatment. Moreover, almost 50% of people with eating disorders suffer from severe depression.
Are you getting it?
I Know It is Hard To Resist Such Claims But Stay Away From Anything That Harms Your Body!
This is the exact reason why I am here! I never took anything – no magic pills, starvation diets, powders, potions, DVD systems, ana and mia and the list goes on and on. And neither should you! I have been very diligent while writing the book; in fact, I have ensured that every piece of advice is up-to-date, tried, and tasted. Most importantly, it is 100% SAFE! Which means you can lose weight without worrying whether this is right or wrong.
If you have had enough of that stubborn fat, boring weight loss exercise, are overwhelmed with too much of information, and are scared of trying something new, which may harm your body I have the answer.The Secrets That Will Transform Your Body Forever!
That’s right! You just need to say goodbye to that stubborn fat.
Everything is simple, concise, and clear. And it has been logically written for each body type while ensuring everything you try is safe for your body.
I have even gone an extra mile to elucidate on what is recommended and what is not recommended if you are suffering from any aliment.
Here is a Quick Sneak Peek Into What Will You Have At Your Disposal To Thinspire And Get That Body You Always Wanted
Throughout this comprehensive book, I have included methods that are tried and tested including women who have Thinspire into a sexy body. And now, so can you!
Caron Stace, Texas
When I started reading Christina’s book (April), I weighed 186 lbs and my weight was 45 inches. Now at the end of May (6 Weeks), I have lost a whopping 37 lbs and my waist is 33 inches thanks to Christina’s juice fasting diet.
For the first time have I able to follow something, which really works! "-12 inches in 6 weeks!"
My husband is amazed to see me and has encouraged me to follow this throughout...”

When I started reading Christina’s book (April), I weighed 186 lbs and my weight was 45 inches. Now at the end of May (6 Weeks), I have lost a whopping 37 lbs and my waist is 33 inches thanks to Christina’s juice fasting diet.
For the first time have I able to follow something, which really works! "-12 inches in 6 weeks!"
My husband is amazed to see me and has encouraged me to follow this throughout...”
Donna Sweeney, Miami
I feel like a new woman. I just bought a sexy bikini yesterday and am looking forward to go to Miami Beach with my boyfriend for the first time after so many years!
The way I carry myself has improved drastically thanks to your 5 factor diet.
Your book has given me a way to prove myself – that I can be as sexy as those models in the television.
I have started now and no one can stop me!
Thank you, Christina for making my life awesome!
I feel like a new woman. I just bought a sexy bikini yesterday and am looking forward to go to Miami Beach with my boyfriend for the first time after so many years!
The way I carry myself has improved drastically thanks to your 5 factor diet.
Your book has given me a way to prove myself – that I can be as sexy as those models in the television.
I have started now and no one can stop me!
Thank you, Christina for making my life awesome!
Lila Carnie, Australia
I have shed all my scepticism because this really works!
I have lost 6 lbs in just 3 days!
Your Paleo diet works wonders! For snacks, I have smoothies. I I am fully confident of not only following this for life but will tell my best friend, Rachel all about it.
To anyone who is reading this and wondering if this is one of those programs think again!
Il send some before and after pics soon!
Christina, Thank you once again for making me love myself again!
I have shed all my scepticism because this really works!
I have lost 6 lbs in just 3 days!
Your Paleo diet works wonders! For snacks, I have smoothies. I I am fully confident of not only following this for life but will tell my best friend, Rachel all about it.
To anyone who is reading this and wondering if this is one of those programs think again!
Il send some before and after pics soon!
Christina, Thank you once again for making me love myself again!
Donna Castaneda, Arizona
My husband usually travels out of the country for business. I wanted to give him a surprise on his 30th Birthday.
Thanks to 30 days to Thin, I have lost 35 lbs in no time. I doubt my hubby will be able to recognize me as I will be wearing the dress he gifted to me 7 years back!
All thanks to you, Christina you have added spice to my life.
Now here’s what’s really great: I didn't had to wait more than a minute to get Christina’s revolutionary “30 days to thin”. In fact it was delivered within seconds.Nothing was shipped and i had instant access to the entire truth and program in about 30 seconds. How cool is that?
My husband usually travels out of the country for business. I wanted to give him a surprise on his 30th Birthday.
Thanks to 30 days to Thin, I have lost 35 lbs in no time. I doubt my hubby will be able to recognize me as I will be wearing the dress he gifted to me 7 years back!
All thanks to you, Christina you have added spice to my life.
Now here’s what’s really great: I didn't had to wait more than a minute to get Christina’s revolutionary “30 days to thin”. In fact it was delivered within seconds.Nothing was shipped and i had instant access to the entire truth and program in about 30 seconds. How cool is that?
But Wait! There is more!
If you order by you will also get these 3 FREE Bonuses along with 30 Days to Thin Book.
You will find out:
And much more!
You’ll also get "How to get Thin Thighs in 14 days!"
You Think nothing can be done about cellulite and stubborn saddlebags? A proven formula that all Pro ana celebrities use to iron out the creases!
You will find out:
Ever wanted to track your progress of weight loss when on a diet?
The Software will calculate everything and will let you know how much calories you can eat each day to achive the desired weight in a time frame selected by you!
With 30 Days to Thin Weight Loss Calculator, you will be able to:
Download the new 30 Days to Thin eBook and all the Special Bonuses now and learn how to be thinspired, the healthy way today and for the rest of your life. I am sure that this guide can help you lose at least 35 pounds in 30 days if you follow it correctly. Even then I am giving you full 60 days to try it out and see if it helps you to lose weight. If it doesn’t, you get your money back!!
So Lets Recap what you will get!
Ok! Sounds Good. So What’s The Catch?
Take all that time you have spent in endless diet plans, magic pills, exercises and put that in enjoying your new life. Wear that sexy dress, see the world, go to beaches, be the new party attraction, make new friends, fall in love – you deserve all that.Without taking too much of your time, I can assure you that the cost for this package is tiny. How tiny? Well, let us do some math.
If you are to lose weight from the scratch, you will have to spend thousands of dollars hunting down the right weight loss plan, hiring the right nutritionist, the right personal trainer, and most importantly, you will be taking pain of spending extra hours discovering tricks professionals don’t even know about. I have personally spent more than $36,000 over the years on weight loss products, which turned out to be a commercial junk. And not to mention, hundreds of hours in the library researching on what will work for me.
Do you have that kind of time and money? A few years back, I discovered a personal trainer who is known to train celebrities. I really thought it would work for me if it has worked for several others. Do you know what the cost of this decision was? A whopping $80.00 per hour session with three sessions a week that comes to $11,520 a year. If you are staying in a big city, you might even shell out more. Does that make sense?
And don’t even let me get started with nutritionists as saying they charge even more than a personal trainer is an understatement. And they will encourage you to buy diet pills, powders, potions...NO THANK YOU!
We’ve already discussed diet pills, powders, potions, and all those magical diet plans are just not right for you!
Now what if you could’ve all of that?
- More fat loss knowledge than a personal trainer charging $80 per session
- More nutrition information than a dietician
- No more rigorous exercises
- No more diet pills or those harmful crap
- No more searching for the next big weight loss diet
How about just visiting a store and buying the right food at the right time?
With all the information I am giving to you not to forget the bonuses, it will charge you $210. Today, you just pay $37
Can you believe it? You get it all for $37. If you think about that in terms of getting the body you want in 4 weeks, this comes out to only $1.42 per day. Come on now, even your morning coffee or tea with donuts costs more than that.When you get your personal copy of 30 days to thin today, you will want to dive into my “Juice Weight Loss Diet” that section starts on page 49. You will start to feel more energy and see the fat start burning off super-fast. After that, you’ll begin to notice that a lot of your normal food cravings seem to vanish.
That’s an amazing feeling, let me tell you. It will keep you right on target as you finally start seeing the stubborn flab you’ve been wanting in the bathroom mirror, in no time fab.
Think about it: no more flab over the belt, no more hiding underneath those “fashion” clothes, you know, the ones that hide body fat. Let’s face it guys, whoever came up with the old saying “the clothes make the woman” was probably a fat tailor. Sure, clothes are great, but you’ll be wearing (or not wearing) whatever you want to wear 4 weeks from now. That’s great.
And i would like to take all risks from you! so here is my zero-risk offer.
Here is how it works! If you are not satisfied with the results, you can DEMAND a full refund, no questions asked!
Lose over 35 pounds in 30 days or your money back 100%
I want to make this work for you! In the unlikely event that you are not 1000% convinced that 30 days to thin has helped you to lose weight...Or...If for any reason you feel that the book does not meet up to your expectations, I am ready to put everything on risk – my years of research, work, and worship, on the line! You’ll get refund in full, no hassles, no hiccups, no questions.I know this works because I have personally tried and tested this not only on myself but on many others who have come to me for the secrets. I am slim now...for good!
Just click the button below and it’s all yours- every bonus, every trick, every secret to getting a sexy, slim body.
For only $37, and all without any risk! Click the button now and let’s get started.
I’m sure that just like me, you’d love to be thin and feel more confident about your newly transformed body that you can flaunt to the hunks out there. For me, this was certainly worth it!
And I really wish and hope you have even much more success that I and many of my clients had over the past years in becoming thin, lean, healthy, and sexy!
To your success,
So if you are serious about weight loss...Get 30 days to thin NOW and you will have all the celebrity secrets at your finger tips.
P.S. Remember, this is an introductory price....the next time you come here, the price might be increased to double AND remember...you get $xxx worth BONUS free as well
P.P.S. And remember you have nothing to lose with my 60 day 100% Guarantee! No Risk, Only Return and weight loss!
So what are you waiting for? Take action Today!